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How is a person's racial self-representation related to the race history of the place in which he or she lives? We use Census Bureau data about race and ancestry to address this research question for two groups of people with mixed racial heritage: those reporting white and American Indian heritages, or reporting black and American Indian heritages. Links between history, place, and self-representation can be seen in geographic clustering for each race/ancestry response combination. We use multinomial logistic regression models to predict individuals' race/ancestry responses (e.g., white with American Indian ancestry versus white and American Indian races) using measures of local race history and the area's contemporary racial composition. Multivariate results highlight the relationship between a person's identity claims and the history of the area, net of contemporary area composition. Future research should attend to the history of the place as a potential contributor to contemporary patterns.  相似文献   

Drawing on institutionalist theory, we conceptualize the racial composition of the boards of directors of large American companies as shaped in response to social and political norms. We use new longitudinal and cross-sectional data to test hypotheses about factors that shape the degree of racial inclusion on boards of directors among large public corporations, and we draw upon in-depth interviews with key participants to gain insights into the mechanisms that are likely to have generated the patterns we detect in our statistical models. We find evidence suggesting that large American corporations manage the racial composition of their elite leadership groups in response to these norms.  相似文献   

Social scientists often arrive at opposite portrayals of American race relations, despite relying on identical data sources. Depending on their ideological predispositions, they either minimize or maximize remaining racial inequalities. The election of President Obama suggests that the reality of American race relations likely falls somewhere in between - but where?This paper applies a simple method of comparing racial gaps across domains on a shared metric. Results suggest that non-violence represents a shared norm rendered invisible by traditional data presentation formats that exaggerate existing ‘crime gaps.’ Other racial gaps are more substantial, e.g., in education, income, and race-related public opinion. However, even in these domains Black-White agreement (group concordance) tends to outweigh disagreement (group discordance). Exceptions are monetary reparations for slavery and presidential approval ratings of Obama. Thus, characterizations of America as ‘post-racial’ seem premature. However, given that racial equality (once achieved) will marked by group concordance and shared norms, equality measures should capture emerging commonalities in addition to remaining gaps.  相似文献   

American Indian intermarriage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analysis of intermarriage patterns with data from the Public Use Microdata Sample of the 1980 Census shows that there is considerably more intermarriage between Indians and whites than between blacks and whites. Indians who live in traditional Indian areas are more likely to be endogamous than those who live in areas where Indians have not traditionally lived, though Indians in traditional Indian areas are also more likely to be married to whites than are Indians in nontraditional Indian areas (after adjustments are made to take into account the number of men and women in the different racial groups). The results also indicate that endogamous American Indians are poorer and less educated than any other type of couple, including endogamous black Americans.  相似文献   

中国故事在谭恩美的《喜福会》中扮演着特殊的角色,而以家族叙事为核心的故国书写不仅令家丑外扬,更是揭露了旧式中国的诸多弊端,这让作家备受指责.然而,依据霍尔的族裔散居认同理论,这些故国往事实为谭恩美对家族史的重构,即在对过去的重述中发现、定位个体当下的位置;但她的书写方式说明中国历史、传统文化在华裔族群中的断裂,其叙述亦为主流的权力话语所操控.华裔只能站在美国文化的立场之上“回看”中国,其文化认同受制于族裔历史、社会文化和权力等多重因素,呈现出开放、流变和不确定性等特点.因此,小说里的中国故事生动展现了华裔女性如何在断裂与延续、同一性(即所谓的“中国性”)与差异性之间协商与选择,以寻求文化身份的认同,从而解决其所面临的种族身份和社会身份间的冲突与割裂.  相似文献   

Owing to secular increases in divorce rates, remarriage has become a prevalent feature of American family life; yet, research about mate selection behavior in higher order marriages remains limited. Using log-linear methods to recent data from the 2008–2014 American Community Survey, we compare racial and ethnic sorting behavior in first and subsequent marriages. The two most frequently crossed boundaries – those involving White-Asian and White-Hispanic couples – are more permeable in remarriages than in first marriages. Boundaries that are crossed with less frequency – those between minority groups and the White-Black boundary-are less permeable in remarriages than in first marriages. Collectively, these findings suggest that racial and ethnic sorting processes in remarriage may reify existing social distances between pan-ethnic groups. Racial and ethnic variations in how the relative permeability of boundary changes between first and higher-order marriages underscore the importance of considering a broad array of interracial pairings when assessing the ways in which changes in family structure and marital sorting behavior promote integration.  相似文献   

Competing explanations of the relationship between family structure and alcohol use problems are examined using a sample of American Indian adolescents from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Living in a single-parent family is found to be a marker for the unequal distribution of stress exposure and parental alcohol use, but the effects of other family structures like non-parent families and the presence of under 21-year-old extended family or non-family members emerge or remain as risk or protective factors for alcohol use problems after a consideration of SES, family processes, peer socialization, and social stress. In particular, a non-parent family structure that has not been considered in prior research emerged as a protective family structure for American Indian adolescent alcohol use problems.  相似文献   

根据美国 2 0 0 0年人口普查资料及美国政府和民间机构一些有关少数族裔的报告 ,通过对当代美国少数族裔人口在增长速度、出生率和死亡率、地区分布、城乡分布、年龄结构、家庭与婚姻和人口流动性等方面特征 ,以及教育、职业、收入和住房、医疗保险等方面社会经济状况进行的比较分析 ,得出如下结论 :总体上看 ,美国少数族裔的社会经济状况差过人口主体非西裔白人 ;而各少数族裔之间及内部在社会经济状况方面本身也存在巨大差异 ;少数族裔低下的社会经济地位及主流社会种族歧视的普遍存在 ,是导致一系列涉及少数族裔社会问题的重要原因  相似文献   

This investigation assesses the relationships between racial threat and partisan dominance in state legislatures with tests of interactive hypotheses. The findings show that historically contingent expectations derived from racial threat theory, Republican law and order campaign appeals, and fundamentalist strength account for Republican strength in the legislatures. Two-way fixed-effects estimates based on pooled time-series analyses of 799 state-years in the post-civil rights era show that the percentage of Republicans in the state legislatures grew after increases in African American presence and the violent crime rates. The combined effects of a growth in African American and fundamentalist populations also account for increased Republican seats in these bodies. Statements by Republican campaign officials on how they deliberately used mass resentments against minorities to gain votes provide evidence about the intervening links between minority threat, the menace posed by high violent crime rates, and increased Republican strength in the state legislatures.  相似文献   

This paper investigates American Jews’ personal experiencing of anti-Semitism and perception of its extent. Analysis of NJPS-2000/2001 indicates that lower age, less education, and American nativity increase experiencing of anti-Semitism. Religious identification and attachment to Israel are positively associated with anti-Semitic experience; friendship with other Jews has the opposite effect. Contextual factors are not significant for the experiencing of anti-Semitism but living in a state that leans toward the Democratic Party has a downward effect. Contrary to experience, younger age and higher education are negatively associated with the perception of a high incidence of anti-Semitism. Being a woman, American born, and living in states with high concentrations of Jews positively affect Jews’ perception of anti-Semitism. A paramount determinant of the perception of anti-Semitism is the individual’s belief that he or she has experienced it. The results are discussed in reference to three working hypotheses of integration, group identification, and environment.  相似文献   

While the idea that contacts matter in finding a job is intuitively appealing, we still do not know—after decades of research—how and why strong ties benefit job seekers. To resolve this confusion, we need to theorize how specific characteristics of ties are related to the mechanisms that make job search through contacts effective. We have reasons to expect that, while a contact’s motivation influences the likelihood that a job seeker receives an offer, her homophily with the job seeker on occupation and other job-relevant attributes influences the quality of the offer. The use of strong ties among university students to find jobs in China provides a unique opportunity to empirically isolate the relationship between contact characteristics and the mechanisms through which contacts benefit the job seeker. I tested my hypotheses with data on both the successful and unsuccessful job searches of 478 graduates of China’s flagship universities, who, as first-time job seekers, primarily used strong ties. Survey results are consistent with my hypotheses: job seekers who used strong ties to look for jobs had more offers—but not better offers—than those who used only formal methods.  相似文献   

Social scientists have become increasingly interested in the racial identification choices of multiracial individuals, partly as a result of the federal government’s new “check all that apply” method of racial identification. However, the majority of work to date has narrowly defined the population of multiracial individuals as the “biracial” children of single-race parents. In this article, we use the open-ended ancestry questions on the 1990 and 2000 5% samples of the US Census to identify a multiracial population that is potentially broader in its understanding of multiraciality. Relative to other studies, we find stronger historical continuity in the patterns of hypodescent and hyperdescent for part-black and part-American Indian ancestry individuals respectively, while we find that multiple-race identification is the modal category for those of part-Asian ancestry. We interpret this as evidence of a new, more flexible classification regime for groups rooted in more recent immigration. Our results suggest that future work on multiracial identification must pay closer attention to the varied histories of specific multiracial ancestry groups.  相似文献   

In the 2006 American Community Survey (ACS), 6% of respondents with Latin American ancestry answered ‘no’ when asked whether they were Hispanic themselves. Conventional definitions of the Hispanic population exclude such respondents as ‘not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino’ even though they are self-identified Latin American descendants. Since their exclusion may bias our assessments of Hispanic social mobility, it is important to know more about them. Non-Hispanic identification is most common among Latin American descendants who (1) list both Latin American and non-Latin American ancestries, (2) speak only English, and (3) identify as White, Black, or Asian when asked about their ‘race.’ Ancestry and racial identity are considerably more influential than respondents’ education, income, place of birth, or place of residence. These findings support both traditional straight-line assimilation and a more recent “racialized assimilation” theory in explaining discrepant responses to the ethnicity and ancestry questions among Latin American descendants.  相似文献   

毛新耕  赵明 《云梦学刊》2012,33(4):112-118
美国华裔作家从到达美国的第一天起就在种族和经济的双重压迫下开始思索自身归属的身份认同问题.一方面他们在美国主流文化面前受到排挤,感受屈辱与自卑,但他们在弱势群体里竭尽所能保留自己的声音与尊严,与主流文化发生文化冲突,抗衡美国种族歧视与文化误解;另一方面他们试图接受美国社会观念,开始审视中国传统文化,融合美国文化,追求生活的多元与变化,企盼稳定,向往灵魂的居所和精神的家园.美国华裔作家成长经历的文化冲突与身份认同实质是走向文化强国的中国和美国文化碰撞与融合的缩影.研究美国华裔作家的成长经历,对思考中国文化强国具有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

In a departure from most studies of the causes of racial residential segregation that focus on the three main factors of economics, preferences, and discrimination, this paper examines one of the mechanisms through which segregation may be perpetuated: the housing search process itself. Data come from a 2004 face-to-face survey of an area probability sample of African American and white householders living in the three counties of the Detroit metropolitan area (n = 734). These data are used to address three research questions: (1) What are the strategies people use to find housing, and are there racial differences in those strategies? (2) Do whites and African Americans report similar or different experiences in the search for housing? (3) Do the locations in which people search for housing vary by race? Results show that once controlling for the type of search and background characteristics, the search strategies are generally similar for whites and blacks, though more so for buyers than renters: for example, black renters use more informal strategies and networks than do white renters. Analyses that look at the features of these strategies, however, reveal some significant racial differences. Search experiences are similar in terms of length and number of homes inspected, but other objective and subjective questions about the search show blacks at a disadvantage compared to whites: African Americans submit more offers/applications for homes, report more difficulties, and are much more likely to feel they were taken advantage of during the search. The racial characteristics of the communities in which blacks and whites search are quite different: whites mainly search in white communities, while African Americans search in communities with a variety of racial compositions. The paper concludes with a call for further research on housing search strategies, with particular attention to the role of social networks.  相似文献   

朱宾忠 《河北学刊》2007,27(6):236-239
从内战结束获得自由开始,至20世纪70年代,美国黑人的权益在南方社会遭到多方面的限制和剥夺。美国作家福克纳的小说形象地反映了这个问题。他从法定权益、政治生活、经济活动等方面表现黑人的"二等公民"地位以及由此产生的"二等公民"意识。福克纳的创作表达了他对黑人群体的同情,批判了种族主义文化,但也反映出他在种族问题上的某些局限性。  相似文献   

Although previous research demonstrates the importance of the availability of marriageable men, earnings, and employment stability for racial differences in marriage, it also suggests that other factors likely contribute to this variation. This study investigates a new factor that might help to explain racial variation in marriage, the kinship group. To explore this possible connection, we examine the influence of parental kin involvement experienced during childhood and adolescence on marriage in adulthood using all three waves of the National Survey of Families and Households. While few of the measures of kin ties have significant effects on marriage, some measures were significantly related and the patterns of associations sometimes varied by race.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of neighborhood racial in-group size, economic deprivation and the prevalence of crime on neighborhood cohesion among U.S. whites. We explore to what extent residents' perceptions of their neighborhood mediate these macro-micro relationships. We use a recent individual-level data set, the American Social Fabric Study (2012/2013), enriched with contextual-level data from the U.S. Census Bureau (2010) and employ multi-level structural equation models. We show that the racial in-group size is positively related to neighborhood cohesion and that neighborhood cohesion is lower in communities with a high crime rate. Individuals' perceptions of the racial in-group size partly mediate the relationship between the objective racial in-group size and neighborhood cohesion. Residents’ perceptions of unsafety from crime also appear to be a mediating factor, not only for the objective crime rate but also for the objective racial in-group size. This is in line with our idea that racial stereotypes link racial minorities to crime whereby neighborhoods with a large non-white population are perceived to be more unsafe. Residents of the same neighborhood differ in how they perceive the degree of economic decay of the neighborhood and this causes them to evaluate neighborhood cohesion differently, however perceptions of neighborhood economic decay do not explain the link between the objective neighborhood context and neighborhood cohesion.  相似文献   

论我国朝鲜族加入中华民族大家庭的历史过程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国朝鲜族加入中华民族大家庭的历史过程,始于清代,经民国、伪满、解放战争时期,直至中华人民共和国成立,最后成为我国公民。在这一过程中,朝鲜族人民与其他民族一道,在开发东北边疆和反帝反封建斗争中,患难与共,结成了深厚的友谊和不可分割的关系。朝鲜族人民不断吸收中华民族的优秀文化,逐步发展成为当之无愧的我国56个民族之一。  相似文献   

The liberation model hypothesizes that school choice liberates students from underperforming schools by giving them the opportunity to seek academically superior schooling options outside of their neighborhoods. Subsequently, school choice is hypothesized to diminish stratification in schools. Data from one urban school district is analyzed to test these hypotheses. We specifically examine which factors influence the propensity for parents to participate in choice, and how school choice changes the racial/ethnic and economic composition of schools. We further examine how school choice influences similar changes within distinct sociogeographic areas within the district. We find that families who are zoned to more racially/ethnically and economically diverse schools in sociogeographically diverse areas are more likely to participate in school choice. We also find that intra-district choice is associated with a slight increase in social stratification throughout the district, with more substantial stratification occurring in the most demographically diverse areas and schools.  相似文献   

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