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The purpose of this paper is to introduce an updated system of annual indexes of divorce risks and to use the system to display trends in divorce risks for Swedish women over the years since 1971. Divorce-risk trends turn out to have been quite different for women at different parities. Trends for women in their first marriage (the majority) are also somewhat different from trends in later marriages. After a spurt in divorces at parity 0 connected with a divorce reform in 1974, divorce risks have been quite stable for women at this parity, but they have increased steadily among married mothers, mostly as an effect of an increasing prevalence of premarital childbearing. Our indexes are produced by an indirect standardization of register data with respect to women's age at marriage, duration of marriage, and order of marriage. We also recommend standardization with respect to an indicator of premarital childbearing, which is particularly important in a population with extensive nonmarital cohabitation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a system of annual indices of the risks of marriage and remarriage and to use the system to display such marriage risks for Swedish women over the years since 1971. Our indices are produced by applying indirect standardization to register data. The propensity to marry decreased considerably during the 1970s and it has continued to decrease also during the first half of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s. The decrease in marriage risks is mostly due to a decreased propensity to marry among never-married women with no children. The decrease is not so strong for never-married women with children and for divorced women. A sharp, but only temporary, deviation from the general pattern of Swedish marriage-risk trends occurred in 1989, when the number of marriages formed increased dramatically in response to the near-abolition of the public widow's pensions for women who were not married at the beginning of 1990.  相似文献   

The association between divorce risks in first marriage and the timing of the first birth is inspected in a life-table analysis of registered birth and marriage histories from Norway. One of the main conclusions is that the high propensity to divorce among women who have had a premarital birth is not confined to those who marry someone other than the father of their child. Also, women who have had a premarital child with their husband, run a much higher risk of marital breakup than do those who had their first baby in wedlock. The relative difference between these two groups, which appears to be particularly large at the beginning of marriage, has decreased during the last two decades. It is argued that couples who postpone childbearing beyond two years of marriage may have particularly low divorce rates.  相似文献   

基于中国家庭追踪调查数据(CFPS2010),分析中国初婚解体风险变化趋势及其影响因素。结果表明:随时间推移,初婚解体风险总体呈现上升趋势,其对城市的影响超过了农村,对女性的影响超过了男性;初婚年龄与初婚解体风险呈现轻微的U型关系,主要是由早婚或晚婚的婚姻异质性所引起;婚姻异质性对初婚解体风险的作用受择偶梯度的影响,"男高女低"婚姻模式的初婚离婚风险远远小于"女高男低"模式;在家庭因素的影响中,生育孩子有利于降低初婚离婚风险,而与父母同住及婚前同居则显著增加了初婚离婚风险。  相似文献   

The second half of the twentieth century saw tremendous changes in the economics of the household, as women entered the labor force in growing numbers and the share of dual-earners couples increased. These changes challenge the available theories which explain divorce by economic factors, as they are mostly molded in the homemaker-breadwinner model. In this study, we investigate the validity of two main groups of theories: one which asserts that women??s work has a destabilizing effect on marriage, and assumes asymmetry between the spouses; and another which states that women??s employment has a stabilizing effect, and assumes that relations between spouses are symmetric. By employing a large-scale longitudinal register-based data for the Jewish population in Israel, we find asymmetry in the effect of the spouses?? economic characteristics on marital instability, which suggest that theories that assert asymmetry and power relations between the spouses better explain transition to divorce among this group. In line with theories of income pooling, higher shared salaries are found to increase marital stability. Nonetheless, our results demonstrate that the basic assumption of symmetry between the spouses in these theories does not hold. Although employment stability for both spouses appears to reduce divorce risk, only the husband??s salary is shown to negatively affect the odds of divorce and only the wife??s working hours and sector of employment affect marriage instability. Moreover, couples in which the wife earns as much as or more than the husband are found to have the highest divorce risk.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the subsequent fertility of British women who have experienced the dissolution of their first marriage in recent decades. Data for 7739 women from the 1990–1995 General Household Surveys are used to examine the socio-demographic factors associated with experiencing a post-dissolution birth. Just under one half of women who had experienced marital dissolution went on to experience a conception within twelve years. A women's age and her repartnering status are shown to be the factors most strongly associated with the probability of a post-dissolution conception. The age of a woman's youngest child is found to be more strongly associated with her likelihood of experiencing a conception than her parity at marital dissolution.  相似文献   

Covenant marriage may be difficult to understand as a gender issue. However, marriage and divorce are closely linked to workforce participation and child rearing. This piece looks at new proposals for choices in divorce regime from legal, economic, and social perspectives, concluding that the option of contracting a more permanent form of marriage increases the possibilities for women and signals societal interest in promoting more stable families. The article favorably compares Louisiana covenant marriage legislation to other states' suggestions for returns to fault-only regimes, and pays some attention to the role one state's marriage and divorce laws play in the federal system.  相似文献   

The transition from two to three children is investigated, using data on Swedish women's fertility behaviour and labour force participation over a period of some 20 years ending in 1992/93. Two questions are examined: what is the relationship between working life and childbearing of two-child mothers? Are there differences in fertility between cohabiting and married couples? Several paths to the third child are identified, one of women with a university education and another of women with preference for more children, reflected by marriage after having the first or the second child or by persistent working experience followed by household work.  相似文献   

定期婚姻契约是婚姻自由的体现,符合私法自治理念,因其能缓解大龄男女滞婚及非婚同居、试婚、婚外情等社会问题,减少离婚诉讼,节约司法成本而具有存在价值。但同时,推进定期婚姻须解决好婚姻登记的变革、社会低生育率的压力、婚姻弱势群体的保护以及子女利益保护和婚外债权人利益的保护等问题。定期婚姻契约能够促进契约伦理和家庭伦理的一致,是制定或补充婚姻法律的新思考。  相似文献   

在当代,英国传统的两性婚姻和家庭遭遇离婚潮的严峻挑战。二战之后,英国福利国家创建和新离婚法改革对英国的婚姻和家庭影响深远,然而离婚后引发的诸多"社会病"却成为英国严重的社会问题。离婚造成了庞大的单亲家庭群体,而且对离婚后单亲家庭子女的健康成长有着重大影响。由于婚姻和家庭的大量解体,社会失去稳定阀作用,当代英国政府在保守党和工党政府的不同时期采取了诸多努力,建立相应机制来最大限度地减少这种负面影响,以重建英国婚姻和家庭。  相似文献   

根据有关学者对古希腊妇女生活状况的研究及我国先秦文献对妇女婚姻生活的记载,可以发现她们在结婚、离婚、婚后生活及对家庭财产的支配权上,所处地位基本相同而略有不同。  相似文献   

One of the central questions about LAT (living apart together) is whether these partnerships are short-term arrangements due to temporary constraints, and should be viewed as part of courtship towards cohabitation and marriage, or whether they replace cohabitation and marriage as a long-term arrangement. The current study addresses this question and examines intentions to live together among people living apart by age and gender. This study uses Generations and Gender Study (GGS) data for eleven European countries. The findings reveal an interesting interaction of age and gender. More specifically, younger women have higher intentions to live together than younger men, but older women have lower intentions than older men. These gender differences remain significant also in the multivariate analyses. These findings suggest that older women in LAT may be undoing gender to a greater extent than younger women, who still intend to live in a more traditional (and probably gendered) arrangement of cohabitation and possibly marriage. Having resident children reduces intentions to live together among people younger than age 50, but the effect does not differ by gender. The effect of non-resident children on intentions to live together is statistically non-significant.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,我国婚姻状况不容乐观,离婚率持续上升,损害了婚姻利益、未成年子女利益和社会利益。婚内救济制度,以婚姻关系公司论为理论基础,借鉴公司法中的穷尽内部救济规则,一方面设置离婚障碍制度,限制草率离婚;另一方面,为婚姻关系出现问题的婚姻当事人赋予可选择的救济措施,避免断然且无奈地采取离婚手段来解决婚姻问题。婚内救济制度,符合民法的私法自治理念,符合禁止权利滥用原则,可以有效降低离婚率,维护婚姻关系的和谐和社会的稳定。  相似文献   

20世纪英国离婚法变迁及其发展趋势探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪后半期以来人类社会的婚姻制度和家庭模式遭遇了前所未有的危机,全球掀起离婚浪潮,在欧洲以英国最为典型。20世纪英国离婚法实现了从有限离婚主义到离婚自由主义的转变。然而日益增长的离婚率,离婚后时代单亲家庭队伍的不断壮大,已经成为严重困扰英国社会健康发展的社会问题。面对离婚自由主义带来的汹涌的离婚风潮,英国立法机关也在不断调整和完善离婚法为重建婚姻和家庭做出新的努力。站在婚姻家庭法的视角,对一个世纪以来的英国离婚法变革进行梳理,从中深层剖析离婚法改革对婚姻制度带来的冲击及其发展趋势,以期为我国婚姻和离婚现状的研究提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

本研究回顾了近年来韩国境内跨国结婚及离婚的发展趋势,并探究了这些结婚及离婚夫妻的社会人口统计学模式。具体运用了近期的微观调查研究结果以及结婚离婚注册在户的资料,检视了跨国婚姻中配偶之间的差异对于一段婚姻关系稳定程度的影响。此外,外籍配偶的生育率亦为本文关注的焦点。研究结果显示跨国夫妇在年龄和受教育程度上都存在着显著的差异。正如国际开放性假说所指,从社会人口统计学角度来看,韩国社会对韩国男性寻找外籍配偶持更开放和灵活的态度。现行假说认为跨国配偶的差异性将增加婚姻解体的风险以及缩短婚姻的寿命,但这样的假设似乎并不适用于韩国的跨国婚姻。研究同样发现外籍妻子的生育率相对韩国妻子较低。  相似文献   

出于增进家庭福祉和婚姻收益的考虑,很多夫妻选择了"男主外、女主内"的家庭分工模式,多数丈夫在婚姻期间积累了较多的人力资本。而现行婚姻法所规定的共同财产制、家务劳动补偿制度、离婚经济帮助制度以及离婚损害赔偿制度无法解决离婚时丈夫独占婚姻期间新增人力资本的问题,无法保护妇女的合法权益,降低了广大妇女对婚姻的投资水平,不利于婚姻家庭的稳定。人力资本产权具有明显的可分性,在离婚时可以利用重置成本法对婚姻期间新增人力资本进行价值评估并将其作为共同财产进行分割。  相似文献   

德国法定离婚理由研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国民法的离婚理由修正于上个世纪七十年代。修正后的离婚法以婚姻破裂为唯一的离婚理由,以分居时间为基准构建离婚理由体系。其法定离婚理由制度包括婚姻破裂的基本要件、最短分居期限、破裂推定、分居概念、苛刻条款等制度。改革至今几十年来法定离婚理由的实施效果有助于我们从中窥探现代离婚法的发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着离婚率的逐年上升,再婚人员这一特殊群体照顾生育的人数比例也逐年增加,计划外怀孕、生育现象逐年增多。为扼制再婚人群计划外怀孕、生育现象,建议加强婚和育的同步管理,健全照顾再生一个孩子的审批制度等  相似文献   

修改后的婚姻法将损害赔偿的相对人锁定为婚姻关系中有过错的一方 ,不涉及婚姻关系之外的第三人。然而 ,对破坏婚姻关系导致离婚的第三者应否作为离婚损害赔偿责任的主体 ,有必要作理论上的探讨。本文通过对婚姻关系之外的第三者破坏他人婚姻行为的性质及危害性的论述 ,提出应将婚姻关系之外的第三者列为离婚损害赔偿责任的主体  相似文献   

近年来我国半流动家庭的离婚率呈现上升趋势,农村留守妇女群体的婚姻家庭权益保护方面出现了一些新情况,有待于通过完善立法和强化司法保护来加以解决。我们应当根据半流动家庭离婚案件和留守妇女权益保护的特殊性,认真贯彻保护妇女权益的立法精神,进一步完善我国《婚姻法》中有关妇女财产权益保障的相关内容,修订离婚诉讼程序的相关规定,加强对留守妇女离婚案件的调解工作,以加大对离婚留守妇女权益的法律保障。  相似文献   

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