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藏族民歌是藏族文化的重要组成部分,是藏族人民长期以来的生活、劳作等形成的。对藏族的民歌进行研究,有助于对藏族历史发展、文化背景等进行了解。在对藏族民歌的特点了解基础上,对藏族民歌的文化价值进行总结,并结合现代社会的发展情况,提出如何进行藏族民歌传承的建议,以此来达到促使藏族民歌更广泛流传,让人们所接受的目的。  相似文献   

新中国藏族文学发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从以下三个方面论述了藏族当代文学的发展、分期及主要成就:一、藏族当代文学的诞生、发展和分期;二、藏族当代文学发展的历史渊源,包括纵向继承发展和横向交流、借鉴及影响等;三、藏族当代文学创作的主要成就、所存在的问题及其对策等.新中国藏族文学发展研究是对半个多世纪以来的藏族当代文学所取得的辉煌成就的一次回顾和总结,也是对藏族当代文学走向现代化进程的一次学理探究,对促进藏族当代文学的创作、研究和国内外学界进一步了解藏族当代文学提供一个视窗.  相似文献   

藏族民歌是藏族文化的重要组成部分,是藏族人民长期以来的生活、劳作等形成的。对藏族的民歌进行研究,有助于对藏族历史发展、文化背景等进行了解。在对藏族民歌的特点了解基础上,对藏族民歌的文化价值进行总结,并结合现代社会的发展情况,提出如何进行藏族民歌传承的建议,以此来达到促使藏族民歌更广泛流传,让人们所接受的目的。  相似文献   

平原  张妍 《中国民族博览》2017,(12):143-144
在藏族的传统文化中,藏族舞蹈是其中重要的组成部分.藏族舞蹈从总体上可以分为两大类,一类是民族民间自娱性舞蹈,另一类是宗教舞蹈.宗教舞蹈是在祭祀礼仪中才会跳的一种舞蹈,大多是为了祈福,这也符合了藏族"多神崇拜"民族信仰的特点.藏族舞蹈是藏族人民生活发展的缩影,沉淀了藏族的历史文化、风俗习惯以及民族的信仰,成为了藏族人民生活中不可缺少的一部分.藏族舞蹈随着整个藏族民族的发展而发展,在这发展的过程中,宗教文化对藏族舞蹈的发展起到了十分重大的影响,正是因为藏族宗教文化的独特性,才创造出了现在的藏族舞蹈,本文我们将对宗教文化和藏族舞蹈进行分析探讨,看看宗教文化对藏族舞蹈产生了怎样的影响.  相似文献   

本文依据1990年全国人口普查资料,对90年代青海省藏族人口婚姻状况作一概述,文章涉及以下几个内容:藏族传统婚姻文化、藏族人口性别比、藏族与其它民族人口婚姻状况比较分析、藏族未婚人口状况、藏传佛教与藏族未婚人口的关系、现代化对藏族人口婚姻状况的影响等。  相似文献   

藏族《格萨尔》是一部反映古代藏族社会的百科全书。其产生、发展、形成的历程堪称是一部记载藏族古代社会发展的形象史书。纵向发展的历史可追溯至藏族原始社会解体、私有制制度萌芽时代的古代社会;横向传播极其广泛,在藏族地区家喻户晓、老少皆知,乃至在与藏族地区毗邻的国家及民族中广泛流传。文章通过对藏族与土族《格萨尔》中主人公——英雄格萨尔的诞生、求婚及称王母题的比较分析,试图探讨藏族《格萨尔》与土族《格萨尔》的关系。  相似文献   

泽拥 《中国藏学》2007,(3):91-100
同英国一样,19世纪的法国也同中国藏族地区有相当的历史交往,藏族文化通过传教士、冒险家、旅行者、外交官、藏族文化研究者等不同职业的人得以在法国传递。到世界局势动荡的20世纪初,法国出现了一些与藏族文化相关的文学创作,自此藏族文化以象征性的形式进入到法国人的意识中,这是长期以来法国接受藏族文化的一个结果,同时也反映出法国人对藏族文化的认识和理解进入了一个新的发展阶段。  相似文献   

我国传统文化底蕴较为深厚,并且所涉及的范畴较为广泛,音乐文化是我国传统文化的主要构成部分,并且占据着重要地位.藏族音乐文化是我国音乐文化的主要构成部分,就现阶段来说,藏族音乐经久不息,并且在我国,藏族音乐文化也越来越受到人们的青睐,藏族歌曲传唱范围越来越广泛,影响力也越来越大.在藏族音乐蓬勃发展的过程中,藏族音乐文化的深度是其发展的根本动力,藏族音乐文化历经原始社会的萌芽、吐蕃时代的发展、元朝统一鼎盛时期、五世达赖的繁荣等,具有浓厚的音乐文化底蕴,积极对藏族音乐文化资源进行研究分析,是将藏族音乐发扬光大的主要途径,文章主要以藏族音乐文化的发展为切入点,积极对藏族音乐文化资源开发进行研究分析,希望能够推动藏族音乐文化的持续发展,实现我国传统音乐文化的继承发展.  相似文献   

青海藏族主要分布在地域辽阔的海北、海南、黄南、玉树、果洛五个藏族自治州和海西蒙古族藏族自治州的天峻县、都兰县、格尔木市的唐古拉山.在海东地区的农业八县和西宁市也有部分藏族居住。藏族是全省少数民族中人口最多、分布最广的民族。第四次人口普查资料表明,全省有藏族人口911860人,占全省总人口的20.46%。同1982年相比,八年间藏族人口增加了157606人,增长20.95%.比全国藏族人口平均增长速度高2.33个百分点,且分别比四川、西藏高3.12和2.15个百分点。青海藏族人口占全国藏族总人口的19.85%,是全国第三大藏族聚居地。  相似文献   

根呷翁姆  廖红宇 《民族学刊》2014,5(5):46-51,115-116
藏族是一个勤劳、勇敢、智慧的民族,他们在长期的社会生活实践中形成了独具特色的伦理思想和道德观念。本文以川西藏区道孚藏族为例,分别从道孚藏族伦理思想和道德观念的基本内容、表现形式,以及道孚藏族伦理思想和道德观念的基本特点入手,对川西藏族的传统伦理思想和道德观念价值体系予以探析。  相似文献   

Martin Scorsese is one of the most celebrated American filmmakers of the last 50 years. This essay looks at his public story in films, books, television, radio, journals, and newspapers. This story reflects the personal and artistic journey of Scorsese and the collective rendition of this journey by Scorsese, critics, journalists, and others. It shows the intersection of the personal life, public biography, creative work, and critical reception of a public intellectual negotiating his ethnic and racial-identity for six decades. Informed by work in Race and Ethnic Studies, Critical Whiteness Studies, and Critical Rhetoric Studies, this essay uses this story as a case study of the ideological power of white ethnic-identity and white racial-identity in the racial formation of post-civil rights America. I show how the public story of one of the most popular and critically acclaimed American artists over the last half-century transcribed the conversion of an ‘unmeltable’ Italian-American of the late 1960s Ethnic Revival to a White-Ethnic American of an end-of-the-century Hyphen-Nationalism. I demonstrate the power embedded in the institutional and cultural regime of Hyphen-Nationalism in the United States that acts to erase in personal memory, creative imagination, and art the power and legacy of white privilege.  相似文献   

郑长德 《民族学刊》2017,8(1):1-21,94-97
Development is the master key for resolving various problems in ethnic areas. During the process of development, we must have correct principles of development. During the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, it was acknowledged that the realization of the goal of building a moderately prosperous society, resolving its challenges, and grasping the advantages of development in ethnic areas must firmly establish and thoroughly conduct the development concepts of innovation, coordina ̄tion, green, openness and sharing. This article presents an evaluation framework of the “five de ̄velopment” concept, and then evaluates the devel ̄opment status of ethnic areas. Based on the results of this evaluation, it proposes approaches for inno ̄vation, coordination, green development, open ̄ness, and sharing in ethnic areas.
Innovation is the first driving force in guiding development;coordination is the requirement for a sustainable and healthy development; green or“green development” is a necessary condition for sustainable development and important for people’s pursuit of a good life;openness is the only road for a country’s prosperity and development; and sha ̄ring is the basic requirement of socialism with Chi ̄nese characteristics. This paper analyzes the status of innovation in ethnic areas from the innovations of products, technology, markets and systems, etc. And, it discovers that the general level of innova ̄tion in the eight ethnic provinces and districts of China ( Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Guizhou, Yunnan and Qinghai) is low, and that the development of innovation is unbal ̄anced. Compared with the national average, devel ̄opment in these areas lags far behind. For the pur ̄pose of maintaining constant economic growth in the ethnic areas, and chasing after the level of de ̄veloped areas, the input in innovation must be in ̄creased, and the structure of innovation must be further optimized so that innovation becomes an im ̄portant driving force in economic development. Realizing innovative development in ethnic areas must depend on the effort of constructing its own learning ability. Laborers should get good educa ̄tion, good infrastructure should be built, and good innovation environmental programs should be crea ̄ted with the investment of the government.
Realization of harmonious regional develop ̄ment is the basic purpose of China’s regional devel ̄opment strategy. Understanding this from the angle of economics, the concept of coordination at least should include coordination among three elements, i. e. time, departments and space. The concept of coordination for development should be realized through market mechanisms in the competitive en ̄vironment, or through the rational intervention of the government. The concept of coordination for development discussed here mainly refers to the development of coordination of different regions and of urban and rural areas. Seeing from the perspec ̄tive of harmonious regional development, the de ̄velopment in the eight ethnic provinces and dis ̄tricts is actually imbalanced. In addition, urban-rural relationship is another important aspect of re ̄gional coordination development. The imbalanced development between urban and rural areas in Chi ̄na is not only reflected in income, but is even more reflected in basic public services. The ap ̄proaches for realizing the development of regional coordination in ethnic areas should 1 ) be com ̄bined with an economic support belt, and impor ̄tant lines of communication;2 ) guide the popula ̄tion and economic activities to move to important regions for development;and 3 ) take a path of in ̄clusive and green urbanization.
Green development is a basic element for sus ̄tainable development. The purpose of green devel ̄opment is to get solid growth, and avoid unsustain ̄able models. Green development will make the re ̄sources efficient, clean and resilient in the process of development. Green development requires con ̄sidering the environmental capacity or resource carrying capacity while pushing economic develop ̄ment. There are three factors in green growth, that it be: efficient, clean and resilient. Green devel ̄opment in ethnic areas is decided by its ecological location. Generally speaking, compared with the national level, both the efficiency of resource usage and carbon emission in ethnic areas is low; and environmental resilience is very different in various areas. Increasing the resource usage rate and re ̄ducing carbon emission are the main approaches for realizing green development in ethnic areas. The rich natural resources in ethnic areas are only a potential advantage, and not an economic advan ̄tage in reality. For the purpose of turning rich nat ̄ural resources into an economic advantage, and u ̄sing them to promote the regional economic devel ̄opment, one should depend on the property rights structure of natural resources, regional conditions of the area, the exploitation cost, the local tech ̄niques for transforming natural resources, and the market conditions. We should strive to develop green ecological economics, and realize the“Three-Wins” in growth, poverty alleviation, and ecolo ̄gy. According to the ecological advantages of the ethnic areas, as well as their ecological position in the whole country, we should rapidly develop green ecological industries ( eco-agriculture, eco-tourism, eco -industry ) , and make ecological economics become the important source for increas ̄ing the income of the poor population. This should be done by taking the rare ecological resources as the base, the market needs as guidance, the mod ̄ern business model as the carrier, and social cap ̄ital as the driving force. Moreover, we should make plans for green development , make clear its goals and steps, and implement the Green Industry Approach. We should enhance ecological construc ̄tion and protection; and initiate new progress in ecological civilization and poverty alleviation.
Openness or opening up is an inevitable course for the prosperity and development of a country or a district. Openness in ethnic areas in ̄cludes both external and internal openness. Exter ̄nal openness is opening up to other countries or districts, and internal openness is opening up to other areas within China. It could be noticed that external openness in the eight provinces and dis ̄tricts of ethnic areas in China is imbalanced. So, we should integrate it with the construction strategy of the “One Belt and One Road” program, and construct a new external opening up framework in an all-round way. Ethnic areas are core areas of and an important foundation for constructing of the Silk Road economic belt, and the 21st -century Maritime Silk Road. The ethnic areas should im ̄plement more actively the strategy of openness, and improve the strategic framework of opening up externally, construct new, open economic systems, expand new, open economic spaces so as to build the ethnic areas into important bridgeheads and create vital border economic belts opened to the west, north, and south of China.
Sharing the results of development by various ethnic groups, and realizing a common prosperity are the requirements of socialism. The nature of sharing development is inclusive, fair and benefi ̄cial. It further clarifies the keynotes of the rela ̄tionship between development and the people, and re-emphasizes that improving the benefits of the people, promoting the people’s development in all-round ways are starting points and goals of de ̄velopment. Poverty alleviation is the key in sharing development in the ethnic areas. The Central Pov ̄erty Alleviation and Development Work Conference proposed that “ the goal of poverty alleviation dur ̄ing ‘the 13 th Five-Year Plan’ is to win the battle against poverty, which includes ensuring food, clothing, compulsory education, basic medical service and housing security for the poor by 2020.” Furthermore,“precise poverty alleviation”is the basic strategy for fulfilling this goal. The foundation of “precise poverty alleviation” is to i ̄dentify poverty precisely, and to judge whether it belongs to income poverty or poverty by chance. Speaking from policy choice, we need to strength ̄en the self-development capability of poor popu ̄lations; speaking from project choice, we should evaluate whether it is pro -poor or pro -growth;speaking from industrial development, we should consider both the market choice and governmental support;and, speaking from spacial layout, a con ̄cept of sharing in development should be realized within centralized equalization.  相似文献   

徐强  刘洋 《民族学刊》2017,8(1):70-74,117-118
Among Taiwan’s aboriginal tribes, the Paiwan has the most exquisite decorative adorn ̄ments on their costumes. In addition to the decora ̄tions of their clothing, they also give importance to the decorations on their headdress. Every group designs different headdresses according to social status— this also reflects the cultural identity of the group. The headdress is an external marker of ethnic culture, the carrier of ethnic customs and aesthetic consciousness, and it helps to transmit and promote traditional culture.
The Paiwan people have various forms and shapes of headdresses which are designed freely according to the designer’s artistic inspiration. However , the snake form can only be used by trib ̄al leaders. The headdresses are mainly made from natural materials, such as eagle feathers, animal hides, animal teeth, horns, flowers, grasses, seeds, colored glazed beads, shells, ceramics, metal, etc. However, eagle feathers, animal hides, animal teeth, horns, and colored, glazed beads can only be used by leaders and nobles;common people are strictly forbidden to use these materials.
The social organization of the Paiwan and their festivals and sacrificial ceremonies determine their various headdresses. The headdresses and head bands of the Paiwan are made mainly from black or red flannel; the shape and the use of the materials reflect hierarchical differences. Head ̄dresses can be divided into those of leaders, no ̄bles, warriors and commoners.
The form of the Paiwan people’s headdress consists of strong layering;each is decorated with a variety of materials, creating a three-dimensional effect. The decoration of a moulded cottonmouth snake on the head band reflects the people’s snake worship, and also the group’s aesthetic conscious ̄ness and worship of ancestors.
The decorative expertise and complex working process reflect the Paiwan people’s superb skills in weaving. The materials used for the headdresses of Paiwan people are mostly derived from nature, and strongly reflect regional characteristics.
Totem worship is characteristic of Paiwan reli ̄gion, and it is a form which combines the worship of nature and ancestors. The forms of animals re ̄flect the psychology of Paiwan people’ s original worship in which they depended on getting along with nature, and in which they placed their hopes in Totem worship.
The Paiwan have many myths, which is one of the characteristics of their culture. The forms of the sun and cottonmouth snake, which decorate the headdresses of the leaders, reflect that the sun is the creation of life. Chamilia beads are regarded as a class symbol by the Paiwan people, and have a protective function.
The first child of a Paiwan family, no matter whether it is a boy or girl, has the right to inherit property of his/her paternal or maternal home. One should also notice that the colors, materials, and forms of the headdress of Paiwan man and woman in the same class are the same.
In summary, the shapes and forms of the Paiwan people’s headdresses vary. They reflect the Paiwan people’s unique aesthetic consciousness, and embody the Paiwan people’s excellent tech ̄niques in traditional decorative handwork. The use of colors represents the Paiwan’s optimistic attitude towards life. Materials are derived from nature, which reflects the group’s harmonious relationship with the nature. Headdresses are not only an exter ̄nal form of decoration, but they also have profound cultural connotation and national consciousness. The class system, taking nature as beauty, worshi ̄ping ancestors, their myths, and the equality be ̄tween men and women reflected in the headdresses of the Paiwan people indicate the Paiwan people’s inheritance of tradition, natural worship and pur ̄suits in life. The study of the artistic features and cultural connotation of the headdress of the Paiwan people can help to protect Paiwan traditional adornment technique, and enrich the requirement of diversity in headdress design.  相似文献   

廖杨  杨志群  张木明 《民族学刊》2021,12(1):73-82, 92
2019年至2020年初出现的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情是人类历史上的一次重大公共卫生突发事件,对我国经济社会发展也造成了重要影响。在这场"大灾大难"面前和持久的防疫、抗疫、战疫实践中,全国各族人民、港澳台同胞和海外侨胞的中华民族共同体意识和中华文化认同意识得到增强,中华民族凝聚力在中华传统文化和新媒体、自媒体和融媒体的作用下辐射汇聚,形成合力,使得中华民族向心力、聚合力、凝聚力达到了新的历史高度。党和国家在这场防疫、抗疫、战疫和构建人类命运共同体、营造健康和美世界的实践中向全世界提供了"中国声音""中国智慧"和"中国方案",彰显了中华民族传统美德和时代强音,为民族精神的时代性和时代精神的民族特征赋予了全球化时代的新内涵。  相似文献   

Mobility studies emerged from a postmodern moment in which global ‘flows’ of capital, people and objects were increasingly noted and celebrated. Within this new scholarship, categories of migrancy are all seen through the same analytical lens. This article and Regimes of Mobility: Imaginaries and Relationalities of Power, the special issue of JEMS it introduces, build on, as well as critique, past and present studies of mobility. In so doing, this issue challenges conceptual orientations built on binaries of difference that have impeded analyses of the interrelationship between mobility and stasis. These include methodological nationalism, which counterpoises concepts of internal and international movement and native and foreigner, and consequently normalises stasis. Instead, the issue offers a regimes of mobility framework that addresses the relationships between mobility and immobility, localisation and transnational connection, experiences and imaginaries of migration, and rootedness and cosmopolitan openness. The introduction highlights how, within this framework and its emphasis on social fields of differential power, the contributors to this collection ethnographically explore the disparities, inequalities, racialised representations and national mythscapes that facilitate and legitimate differential mobility and fixity. Although the authors examine nation-state building processes, their analysis is not confined by national boundaries.  相似文献   

刘嘉颖 《民族学刊》2021,12(2):85-91, 102
受人类学理论的“感官转向”“物质转向”等交叉影响,饮食人类学研究更加关注到食物怎样在跨地区、跨文化和跨民族交流中积极塑造个体或群体的身份、信仰、健康,乃至整个社群的结构转型等问题。通过对离开故乡、迁居外地的彝人的饮食个案研究,重点探讨民族传统饮食与社会记忆如何在流动语境中创造出一种由饮食通感锁定的“味觉观”。对流动的味觉观的民族志研究可帮助我们深入理解全球化背景下由饮食文化引出的文化建构、族群边界、文化审美、道德区分等问题。  相似文献   

In Ethiopia, the study and issue of center–periphery relations is not an easy task. It has remained complex and dynamics as it has been dictated and shaped by ever changing socio-economic relations, state ideology and structure. A case in point is Metekel region, which had been characterized by under development, lowland, hot climate and traditional way of life. Until post-1991developments, Metekel was peripheral in relation to the central state. It was an area of confrontation and conflict. Owing to the structural weakness of the centre, successive rulers of the area did not command effective control over it. Focusing on Gumuz, a Nilo-Saharan family, on one hand, and highlanders and new settlers, on the other, this essay examined the main features and dynamics of center–periphery relations, governance and conflicts in Metekel area. The sources, both primary and secondary, have been carefully examined based on the objectives of the study.  相似文献   

全球化时代,文化的生产和再生产,文化的传播成了当代国际社会文化发展的主要趋势,不同文明之间的交流越来越频繁,而文化的自我表述和对他者的表述,成为不同文化之间彼此交流的关键性手段和形式.在当代全球化语境下,美国影视媒体中对伊斯兰和阿拉伯穆斯林形象的塑造和再现,蕴含着西方特别是美国的传统文化价值观.从美国的好莱坞大片、电视电影、儿童卡通片和动画片的制作和传播中,都不难发现美国影视媒体中包含的复杂而深层的多种权力关系,并且反映出全球化时代美国对中东的战略以及与伊斯兰世界和穆斯林的关系.通过对美国影视媒体对伊斯兰和穆斯林形象的塑造和表现过程的考察、分析,我们更能认识到不同文明间平等对话、相互理解的重要性和紧迫性.  相似文献   

杨清华  田中阳 《民族学刊》2021,12(3):74-79, 102
“铸牢中华民族共同体意识”是党和国家基于民族工作新形势部署的新战略。作为民族话语重要文化载体的中国少数民族题材纪录片见证并勾勒了其话语表达逻辑及实践机理。从主流意识的“政治宣传”到民族文化“共生交融”,从话语主体的“他者言说”到“开放自述”,从镜头对准“集体形象”转向聚焦“个体形象”,折射出我国民族共同体话语建构传播的递嬗性超越。作为民族话语重要文化载体的中国少数民族纪录片一方面应以植耕历史,加强对各民族优秀文化的挖掘和阐发,表达文化诉求,促成各民族间的认识、认知、认可、认同,进而在精神层面生发持久、恒定的态度与力量。另一方面从人本角度出发,思考“人的自我发展”、“人与他者”、“人与世界”的多元伦理关系,互相接纳,互相启迪、互惠利他,在休戚与共的命运共同体中解决现实生活中的生存生活困境,在共同体谱系中实现个人、民族的价值追求。  相似文献   

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