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王若君 《浙江学刊》2003,(6):208-213
心身问题是西方哲学史的核心问题 ,过去的思考集中于认识论领域。给身体怎样的位置以理顺心—身—世界间关系成了哲学的一大难题。困境的造成主要来自于男性在生存观察、在哲学中对自身的物性、身体性的轻视 ,对自然、女性的预先偏见。西蒙娜·德·波伏瓦在《第二性》中勾勒出了在女性世界中折射出的身体概念以及包含女性认知的心—身—世界观 ,为后来者提供了从妇女研究反观哲学的资源。  相似文献   

以《列女传》为代表的女性史料往往只记录典范妇女的言行,并不能反映历史上普通女性的形象和声音.近年来越来越多的明清档案的挖掘,为我们研究普通中下层妇女提供了不可多得的宝贵资料.但是,司法档案中妇女的诉状和供词是否真实?是否代表了妇女自己的声音?本文通过《南部县衙门档案》中官员、丈夫和妇女本人对司法档案记录的影响,探析州县档案中女性形象的建构.  相似文献   

闫顺玲 《社科纵横》2006,(11):111-114
鲁迅是最关注妇女问题和社会下层妇女命运的作家之一,他在自己的小说中塑造了一系列具有高度的社会意义和社会价值的典型形象。本文试图通过《呐喊》《彷徨》中不同类型、各具特色但命运无不凄苦悲惨的女性人物,分析妇女在半封建半殖民地的中国社会中所处的地位和她们的愿望、要求,以探索妇女解放的道路。  相似文献   

前民主德国妇女的贫困〔德〕《明镜》周刊编辑部很久以前,前民主德国的许多妇女随他们的古巴丈夫(大多是技工和大学生)移居古巴,从那时起,她们绝大部分居住的异常简陋的条件下,生活极其窘困。例如卡洛拉·毛斯一年前从前民主德国的一个小城市错误地来到古巴。那时,...  相似文献   

马淑静  贾博雅 《社科纵横》2006,(10):180-181
艾丽斯.沃克在小说《紫色》中通过主人公西丽的经历,展现了美国黑人女性意识从沉睡到觉醒的过程。她在文中极力倡导民族平等、两性平等思想。因此,《紫色》充分展示了妇女主义的思想内涵和黑人妇女求解放、民族求平等的积极意义。  相似文献   

“九·一八”事变至今已半个多世纪了,这段历史,人们是永远也不会忘记的。辽宁人民出版社出版,易显石、张德良、陈崇桥、李鸿钧合著的《“九·一八”事变史》一书,较完整地记述了这段历史,受到了国内外读者的欢迎,引起了美国、苏联,特别是日本学者的关注。1985年5月,日本新时代出版社给辽宁人民出版社来信,请求出版日文版《“九·一八”事变史》。1986年8月10日该书日文版在日本发行后,引起热烈的反响,受到广泛好评。《朝日新闻》、《读卖新闻》、《每日新闻》、《周刊读书人》  相似文献   

宋桂珍 《学术交流》2006,(2):168-170
《呐喊》、《彷徨》塑造了一系列女性形象,深刻反映了鲁迅先生对女性问题的关注和他的妇女观。他站在广大被压迫妇女的立场上,感同身受地体察到了她们的悲惨处境,批判了造成妇女悲剧命运的封建制度和伦理道德,反对男尊女卑,主张男女平等。同时,也以“怒其不争”的态度,针砭了女性的麻木和愚昧,希望她们能自醒自爱,走向彻底的解放。  相似文献   

沃尔特·李普曼是20世纪美国最富才华和最具影响的政治新闻工作者,在漫长的一生(1889——1974)中,他的论著源源不断,不仅记录了当时美国和世界各地发生的事件,而且反映出其政治倾向和信仰在不同时期的嬗变。他著述颇丰,文风各异:曾为《新共和》周刊和《世界报》撰写社论,发表过数百篇  相似文献   

反本质论的两个批评——80年代后女性主义哲学的热点论题苑莉均自本世纪60、70年代以后,西方女性主义理论界一直寻究一种以反对性歧视为基本准则、以结束妇女的社会低下地位为目标的理论支点。西蒙德·波伏娃的《第二性》、南希·乔多罗的《母性生育》、凯特·米利...  相似文献   

据《明镜》周刊1980年第19期报道,今年6月30日,马克斯·普朗克学会评议会决定关闭它的科技世界生活条件研究所。该所是1969年由卡尔·冯·魏茨泽克博士创建的。关于这次关闭的原因,报道说,今年3月,所长冯·魏茨泽克退职后,该学会未能聘请到能够胜任  相似文献   

Shelters for battered women play a major role in combating abuse against women. Extensive research has dealt with various aspects of shelters, including professional and ideological perceptions and the women’s experiences. However, scarce research exists on women’s coping following shelter-stay, especially research on the meaning of shelter-stay for women from collectivist societies. In the present study, we focused on how Arab women who had lived in a shelter coped after returning to the community to begin independent lives. In the Arab society in Israel, Arab women who live in shelters are perceived as violating a cultural norm. In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with 12 Arab women aged between 25 and 42, who had stayed in a shelter for Arab women for at least six months.

The major themes that emerged from the interviews revealed changes in perception of self and of social environment, including a self-transformation from weakness to strength, from perceiving themselves as devoid of rights to the development of an identity of entitlement. Through their release from weakening cultural systems, they were transformed from familial and societal victims to empowered beings, and moved from negative gender self-awareness to an empowered gender self-perception. These changes helped the interviewees to cope with stresses and to live independently. The findings are conceptualized in the discussion using relational-cultural theory.  相似文献   

李志霞  丁丽 《学术交流》2012,(8):127-130
农村女性文化贫困体现在文化素质低、思想观念陈旧、生活方式落后、心理健康堪忧等方面。农村女性应以进城务工女性和都市现代女性作为参照群体,以她们的价值和规范作为评价自身和她人的基准,从自身主观意识的觉醒、自立意识的增强、文化水平的提高、文化生活品位提升等方面来解决其文化贫困问题,以积极状态面对生活,在社会主义新农村建设和农村文化建设中发挥积极作用。  相似文献   


Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate levels of moral reasoning among a sample of battered women and compare them with a national normative sample.

Method: The study involved collecting Defining Issues Test (DIT) data from 50 women (age, M = 33, SD = 10) beginning their stay at a shelter for battered women. Unlike the original method of assessing moral reasoning involving a lengthy interview, the DIT is a multiple-choice test. Consequently, it is easy to administer and score and, over the last 20 years, it has become the most widely used instrument for assessing moral reasoning.

Results: Analysis indicated that the battered women comprising the sample were employing levels of moral reasoning comparable with the national normative sample.

Conclusion: Implications of the findings for countering arguments that battered women are morally immature in the way in which they approach the stay/leave decision were explored and discussed.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on a qualitative research process that gathered responses from 64 older women aged fifty and older on their experience of violence and abuse. What older women said about abuse in their lives supports the use of a feminist framework as well as the age based analysis of the elder abuse field. Some respondents spoke of abuse from childhood into their later years. Some spoke of partners witnessing or experiencing abuse as children. Some women express concern about possible abuse by their adult children of their own children.

Abused older women like younger women need a safe environment, emotional support, advocacy, information, and peer support. While it is important to consider the perspectives and knowledge of service providers when developing policy and practice on abuse of older women, it is critical to ask the women survivors of abuse or neglect what they believe would benefit them, and others in similar situations.  相似文献   

National differences in subjective well-being (SWB) and relationships between SWB and socio-demographic factors were investigated in samples of middle-aged employed Swedish (N = 316) and Lithuanian (N = 308) women. The results showed that the Swedish women scored significantly higher on each SWB component than their counterparts in Lithuania, except in extrinsic job satisfaction. For the Swedish sample, the largest mean differences between different socio-demographic groups were found for global life satisfaction between married/co-habiting and single women and between women who had at least one child and those without children. For the Lithuanian sample, the largest differences in all SWB components were found between women characterised by high or low education/income.  相似文献   

The paper explores the nature of Muslim women's activism before and after the terrorist attacks on the United States in September 2001. Drawing on the information gathered since the early 1990s, it argues that the focus on Muslim militancy has prompted Muslim women living in Western Australia to become more active citizens. The emerging activism is following two diverse directions: some Muslim women favour orthodox interpretations of Islam as guides to citizenship, whereas others favour a more liberal/moderate approach to being a Muslim and a citizen in Australia. Governmental agencies, it suggests, need to appreciate and take into account this diversity of views and approaches among Muslim women when designing their strategies for engaging Muslims living under their jurisdiction.  相似文献   

During a three-year period a total population of pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Linköping, Sweden was screened for being at psychosocial risk. The prevalence of different psychosocial risk factors was compared with the corresponding prevalence in women referred to and accepting or declining to take part in a specialised training programme at a parent–baby clinic. In general, the present study showed that there was a constant proportion of about 4–5% of pregnant women with psychosocial risk factors. Psychiatric problems and social problems of relevance for pregnancies/parenthood were about equally frequent (i.e. 44 and 45%), while drug-addiction problems were at 11%. Only one in three women with risk factors were eventually referred to the parent–baby clinic, and every second woman referred finally took part in the programme. With the knowledge that an early intervention in families with psychosocial risk factors may alleviate some adverse or disadvantageous developments in children, it is a challenge to identify and to motivate these women to enrol in various support and training programmes. There are still too few pregnant women at risk who are ready to accept the further support that they may need, and the rationale for their reluctance must be better known.  相似文献   

This paper compares the experiences of a group of marginalized young women with two groups that remained socially engaged. Drawing from a qualitative study of young women aged between 13 and 15 years, we identify four areas (understandings and experiences of well‐being, use of space, making wishes, and emotional and household labour) that illuminated the ways in which marginalized young women articulated their experiences differently from those young women who were still engaged in mainstream social life. Drawing on Ungar's work we consider the ways in which marginalized behaviours, which are typically interpreted as socially disruptive and troubled, can also be read as efforts by young women to create a consistent set of social meanings in their lives and to cement reliable relationships around them. Rather than wholly negative, we suggest that these socially disruptive and troubled behaviours should be understood as having health‐enhancing qualities, given the wider contextual challenges the young women faced, and as being the best choices they could make given their circumstances. Social work and support that assists young women on the margins needs to actively engage with these health‐enhancing qualities and to come to a sensitized understanding of the way in which these young women understand their interpersonal worlds.  相似文献   

Canada and China are two very different countries in terms of their socio-economic and political contexts; however, neither country is immune to the social problem of violence against women. This paper compares the criminal justice responses to violence against women in Canada and China in order to explore the pathway of responses to violence against women in different cultural contexts, and discusses the implications for addressing violence against women on an international horizon.  相似文献   

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