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伴随着社会转型期家庭结构和模式的改变,现代家庭的功能和需求发生了根本性变化,传统以家庭为主的育儿模式在现代社会表现出极大的局限性和缺陷性,社会有必要积极和主动地参与并为家庭提供育儿的支持和援助。日本2010年《育儿理念》中从“家庭育儿”、“家长育儿”向“社会育儿”的理念转变及其具体实施经验为转型期中国社会的育儿提供了有益的借鉴:要改变传统观念,在政府的引导和统筹协调下,建立专业的家庭社会工作体系、开拓广泛的社会资源、构建积极有效的家社一体化育儿支援体制。  相似文献   

日本是少子化非常严重的国家,而在近二十年低迷的经济环境里,日本家庭的育儿费用在家庭总收入的比率却一直没有减少过。经济压力降低了他们的生育热情,所以高额的育儿费用导致低出生率的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

二孩政策的实施对家庭来说不仅能优化家庭结构,增强家庭的发展能力,同时能够增强家庭亲属文化的传承,但是我们也可预见到对于普通家庭新增加一位孩子无疑会加大家庭各方面的支出,增加家庭的经济压力。  相似文献   

我永远记得,2008年10月16日下午,15点或者14点的样子,在北京一家医院的普通产房里,秋天正午后的太阳,透过阳台的落地玻璃和薄薄的窗帘,明晃晃地射到床边,房间里的浮尘都是灼热的,让我体内的疼痛更加难以忍受。  相似文献   

高等学校家庭经济困难生资助政策的制定,是为了解其上学难的问题,尽可能促进高等教育的公平性。我国出台的资助政策根本上满足推动高等教育公平的目的,许多家庭经济困难的学生也因此得到资助。不过从公平公正的前提下分析,仍然存在一些不合理的地方,造成不合理最主要的原因是没有理清资助目的,混淆资助对象(尤其在认定家庭困难学生的方面,评估者能力有限、评估方式单一等)甚至有些学校有些班级出现利用资助金作为班费,没有发挥资助金的作用等。因此,本文就高校家庭经济困难学生的资助政策进行研究分析。  相似文献   

儿子去法国留学,毕业后定居法国。还娶了个洋媳妇克里斯蒂娜。如今,小孙子雅克已经两岁半了。去年夏天,我去法国看儿子,在法国待了一段时间,耳闻目睹了克里斯蒂娜教育孩子的方法。  相似文献   

家庭中的儿童、父亲和母亲,构成一个家庭三角形。这个三角形的每一边都表明一种家庭关系。家庭教育的意义就在于三角形具有稳固性。有了这三条边。家庭才具有稳固性。经济的快速增长、多元文化的冲击、信息时代的到来、独生子女的增多致使家庭教育面临许多新挑战、新问题。为此,在政策实施方面,应分级分类实施家庭教育指导、亟待加快家庭教育指导队伍建设、探索建立各级各类“三结合”和多元化家庭教育工作指导模式。  相似文献   

第一次怀孕的时候,感觉正常。不久,3个月到了,我们从书店买回一本书,作为孕期指导。回家一看,是一本关于西医方面的论著。  相似文献   

关于上海松江区发展家庭农场的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
顾海英 《科学发展》2013,(12):56-62
上海松江区改革农村土地管理制度,规范农村承包地流转,创新农业经营主体,培育、发展家庭农场,取得了明显成效。松江家庭农场经营模式为上海乃至全国发展家庭农场提供的启示是:顺应形势发展,为家庭农场成长创造良好的外部环境;培养职业农民,为家庭农场发展提供坚实的人力保障;加强扶持服务,为家庭农场发展提供有力的政策支持。推广松江家庭农场模式,要注意把握好3方面的问题,即:家庭农场经营规模"度"的问题;土地如何"流转"的问题;政策措施"扶持"的问题。  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(1-2):19-39
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Internationally, public policies encourage “aging in place,” and the majority of older Australians requiring care in the community receive informal care, supplemented by publicly subsidized formal services. The effect of contemporary social changes on informal care in aging migrant communities is poorly understood. This articles explores the perceptions of older Greek-Australians toward changes in the nature of family support. Bicultural and bilingual researchers carried out in-depth interviews (n?=?27) and five focus groups (n?=?63 total participants) with older Greek-Australians in modern Greek. While “cultures of care” remain among Greek-Australian families, the means for a family to assist have shifted, and these compromises are met with considerable powerlessness among older Greek-Australians. Implications for policy include the need to better involve older migrants and their families in decisions about their care needs, potentially involving consumer-directed care models. Service providers may also need to adopt the use of new technologies to communicate with increasingly time-pressured family members.  相似文献   

At the beginning of 2008, a number of the world’s major economies began to experience the effects of the biggest economic financial crisis in history. By the end of that year, the financial crisis was a global recession, and governments responded with changes to a suite of social and economic policies. Two broad stages of government response are identifiable: a period of stimulus followed by a move towards austerity. This study views the crisis period from the perspective of children and family policies and assesses the justification for the changes in the economic context and in the context of the recommendations for spending on children outlined in Doing Better for Children (OECD, 2009) of early investment with a focus on at‐risk children. Across Europe, with few exceptions, child and family policies have more often than not avoided direct cuts; cash benefits are most often amended (and subject to temporary reduction in coverage or amounts); and (so far) during the crisis child and family policies continue to be advanced in many European countries.  相似文献   

This article attempts to integrate concepts from psychoanalytic literature on parent loss with concepts from family literature in order to demonstrate their compatibility. A case is described that suggests that family treatment for this patient population provides the optimal opportunity for comprehensive diagnosis and treatment planning. The patient and family were treated by one of the authors. The other author served as supervisor and consultant.  相似文献   

何艳  许珍璐 《城市观察》2013,27(5):163-169
国际上中心商务区的发展模式包括市场主导型和政府主导型,分别以纽约曼哈顿和巴黎拉德芳斯为代表。两种模式的特点、依赖条件和遗留问题均不相同。近年来武汉中心商务区发展迅速且各具特色,但却存在多中心并存、交通条件弹性不足、政府管理滞后和市场作用不充分等问题。因此,在完善政府服务的同时,武汉市还应强化市场的集聚与扩散作用,注重核心区的错位分工。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the association between family structure and adolecent mental health, after the considerable increase in divorced parents choosing joint physical custody (JPC) in Norway. Data stem from the youth@hordaland study, a population-based survey conducted in Norway in 2012. A total of 7,707 adolescents (47% male) 16 to 19 years old were included in this study. The adolescents were classified into 6 family structures. Mental health was measured using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). No significant differences between nondivorced families (reference) and JPC were observed. Adolescents from single-parent and stepfather families scored significantly higher on all 3 SDQ scales, and adolescents from stepmother families scored significantly higher on the SDQ total and SDQ externalizing scales. In conclusion, the results of this study indicated that adolescents living in JPC did not have more adjustment problems compared to their peers living in nondivorced families.  相似文献   

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