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通过综合分析近十年来居家养老相关文献,本文总结出目前有关研究成果主要体现在产生根源、内涵界定、实施现状、问题及对策上,而其中对于居家养老内涵界定存在分歧,需要从重新明确养老模式的划分标准上来统一认识,对于居家养老方式的研究应跳出社区服务这个范围,认识到居家养老是作为家庭、社区、国家养老制度三者形成的合力,注重从整体上进行较为系统和全面的研究。  相似文献   

高菊兰 《社会福利》2010,(11):13-13
【研发背景】 2000年,上海开始探索社区居家养老服务,最初由福利彩票公益金资助,界定若干资助条件,为困难老人"购买"居家生活护理服务。2004年,服务补贴纳入政府财政预算,社区居家养老服务开始在全市全面推行。随着服务人群的逐步扩大,  相似文献   

居家养老的国内外研究回顾   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
随着中国内地的人口老龄化,居家养老成为老年人照顾领域中备受关注的养老方式。笔者对中国的居家养老的研究进行文献综述,分析了居家养老的背景、概念、养老方式以及中国香港和台湾地区居家养老的具体措施,为中国内地的居家养老模式提出建设性的意见。  相似文献   

上海市针对社区居家养老服务结构性矛盾依然突出、服务队伍远不能满足需求、社会力量参与程度有待提升等发展瓶颈,明确提出今后一个时期内将从推动城乡社区养老服务设施网络化布局,促进社区、居家、机构养老服务融合化发展,引导社区居家养老服务社会化、市场化运营,推动社区居家养老服务组织及队伍专业化发展,提升社区居家养老服务智能化、  相似文献   

我国已步入老龄化社会,目前全国的养老方式主要有家庭养老、机构养老、社区居家养老三种方式。社区居家养老是介于家庭照顾和社会机构照顾之间的一种运用社区资源开展的老人照顾方式,能有效弥补家庭养老和机构养老的不足。文章主要从社区居家养老的内容、各种养老模式的特点与社区居家养老的优势与不足等几个方面对国内的社区居家养老模式进行分析、总结,并提出基于社区的养老网络构建的政策建议。  相似文献   

居家养老与社区服务研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
居家养老作为一种具有中国特色的养老新模式,基本符合我国的国情,顺应了社会化养老的国际潮流。本文从居家养老发展的客观依据、所存在的问题及完善措施等多个方面对目前这一领域内的研究进行了回顾和评论,并提出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

湖北省委、省政府高度重视社会养老服务工作。2012年初,省政府将"建立居家养老为基础、社区服务为依托、机构养老为支撑的社会养老服务体系"写入政府工作报告;同年6月,省政府办公厅印发了《湖北省社会养老服务体系建设"十二五"规划》。为深入贯彻党的十八大提出的"积极应对人口老龄化,在老有所养上持续取得新进展"的要求,2012年12月6日,湖北省委书记李鸿忠率领省委省政府领导及省直有关部门负责人专题调研了武汉市社区居家养老服务工作,对群众反映的养老热点问题作出安排部署。湖北省委常委、副省长张岱梨专题听取了省民政厅关于全省社区居家养老服务工作情况汇报,对加快发展城乡社区居家养老服务工作进行研究部署,省政府办公厅及时研究出台了《关于加快发展城乡社区居家养老服务的意见》。2013年1月17日,湖北省政府在武汉召开了全省社区居家养老服务推进会,会议对加快发展全省社区居家养老服务工作进行了全面部署。  相似文献   

文章主要采用理论研究与实证研究相结合的方法。在理论研究方面,主要通过国内外几种典型的居家养老服务模式对比,找出中外社区居家养老服务多渠道投入的范围和层次的差距;在实证研究方面,选取广州现行社区服务居家养老的有代表性的区域、街道,了解现行的多渠道投入机制的现状及不足,以期为完善居家养老服务提供现实依据和政策性建议。  相似文献   

石晓燕  宗玲 《社会工作》2011,(21):21-23
居家养老是适应我国人口老龄化实情、符合我国传统文化习俗的一种养老方式,是当前我国养老的主要模式。全面推进居家养老工作,不仅需要给予老年人生活上的帮助,还要对老年人给予精神安慰。意识到老年人心理关爱服务将是未来居家养老服务的重要趋势,江苏经贸职业技术学院开始创建南京市鼓楼区大方巷居家养老服务中心,并将关爱老年心理作为自己的服务特色。  相似文献   

狄邦成 《社会福利》2010,(12):62-62
一是开展居家养老服务工作,建立城乡一体的居家养老服务模式。目前,全区各社区均已建立居家养老服务站,启动70岁以上独居困难家庭老年人居家养老服务。采取政府购买服务的方式,从低保户和低保边缘家庭中招聘了247名服务人员,为410名老年人提供生活照料、精神慰藉等服务。  相似文献   

The aim was to study the relationship between elderly home care users', and their caregivers', perceptions of the quality of care. The sample consisted of 151 matched elderly home care user-caregiver pairs in a Swedish municipality. The elderly home care users were interviewed and their caregivers filled in questionnaires using an established, theory-based instrument. Results showed that the elderly home care users evaluated most care components more favourably than their caregivers. On ratings of the various care components' subjective importance to the caretaker, the caregivers consistently scored higher than the elderly home care users. Within the subset of elderly home care users who received help at least twice a day, there were greater similarities between caregivers and caretakers. The results are related to comparable research and discussed in terms of caregivers' needs to legitimize their professional identity and actions.  相似文献   

王健  石晓燕 《社会工作》2011,(20):49-51
随着我国人口老龄化加剧,老年人长期照护和服务的需求越来越大,养老服务专业人才匮乏与养老需求巨大的矛盾日趋突出,加强养老服务人才队伍建设已是我国目前应对人口老龄化亟待解决的问题。本文从培养具备现代养老服务理念、知识与技能的专业化队伍和打造制度化、规范化、常态化的志愿者队伍两个方面,阐述了建设"专志结合"的高素质居家养老服务队伍问题。  相似文献   

Adverse selection, moral hazard, and crowding out by public insurance have all been proposed as theoretical reasons for why the market for private long-term care insurance has been slow to evolve in the U.S. Using national samples of the elderly and near elderly, this study investigates which is most important. The data contain direct measures of risk aversion, expectations of future nursing home use and living to old age, and the bequest motive. For both groups, we find evidence of adverse selection, and, for the elderly, crowding out of private long-term care insurance by Medicaid. However, we do not find that demand for such insurance is motivated either by bequest or exchange motives.  相似文献   

For some time the continuum of care has intrigued social planners and policy analysts as a concept with potential for influencing the delivery of social services. More recently, the Older Americans Act, as amended, 1978, includes the mandate to State Units and Area Agencies on Aging to provide a continuum of care for the vulnerable elderly. This state of the art review examines the continuum of care concept by isolating areas of consensus, highlighting points of disagreement, and identifying issues relevant to continuum of care as a conceptual framework for policy decisions and service delivery to the elderly population.  相似文献   

This article proposes a practical guide to both assessment and treatment of abused andlor neglected elderly receiving home health care services. Indicators of mistreatment, intervention strategies, and limitations to in-home social work are discussed. This experiential article limits its focus to those elderly recipients of home health care who are living with family.  相似文献   

The high rate of institutionalization among elderly people in Finland is widely discussed among policy-makers. We studied how realistic the wishes for deinstitutionalization are among the least sick elderly people in residential care, and what patient characteristics predict whether residential care is appropriate. This issue was assessed by the residential home personnel. Personnel assessment of institutional care as appropriate was mainly explained by patients' needing help with medication, limitations in activities of daily living, absence of own home to return to, no living children, incontinence, and poor vision. Discharging elderly people from long-term residential care back to society is limited by factors such as inadequate housing and shortage of domiciliary and rehabilitative services, as well as by attitudes among the institutionalized elderly people themselves. It seems more realistic to prevent the inappropriate institutionalization of elderly people than to discharge the small numbers of fairly independent individuals already in residential homes.  相似文献   

The multiple components in the provision of home care services, as distinct from home health care, are examined in this paper. Specifically addressed are the unique aspects of the setting, the particular characteristics of the elderly in need of care, the challenges to the care provider, and the dynamics of the relationship between the recipient and provider of care. Data were obtained from a sample (n = 200) of inner-city hospital clinic patients, aged 65+, of which 34% (n = 68) were home care clients. Practitioners can best design successful home care programs if consideration is given not only to a person's physical needs but also to their individual characteristics and those of the home care provider.  相似文献   

邓万春 《社会工作》2011,(24):15-18
农村老年人进城养老是随着中国城市化和农村老年人口分化而出现的社会养老新问题。农村老年人进城养老对现行的家庭养老、机构养老、社区照顾等养老模式形成挑战。应对农村老年人进城养老问题,在制度层面需取消城乡二元户籍限制;在养老服务理念和方式上则需社会工作的介入和干预。  相似文献   

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