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李平 《管理学报》2010,7(3):321-330
新中国成立以后,中国管理研究与实践经历了3个阶段,其话语权经历了从萌芽到催生到完全西化的演进过程.西方管理学在中国的话语权可以解构为:引领学术共同体的学者;先入为主成为管理理论的主流;自诩为普世的管理学理论;控制大量国际学术期刊;借力强势组织管理实践活动;扩散和推广其研究方法与范式;依托国际化的英语语言等.当前,需要统筹"中国管理的理论"与"中国的管理理论"2条研究路线,在争取话语权利的同时,提升自己的话语能力,并以国内话语权的建构为切入点,继而争取国际话语权.在此过程中,要借助一切可以借助的力量,在学者个体话语权和中国管理研究集体话语权2个方面齐头并进,坚持问题导向的本土化研究思路,通过理论研究与组织管理实践的共同努力,最终重构中国管理研究的话语权.  相似文献   

孙继伟  巫景飞 《管理学报》2009,6(12):1588-1596
管理学研究者应认清自己的客户是谁,为客户创造价值。管理学研究者的客户有同行客户和实践客户2类,对管理学研究成果评价的优先次序依次是:实践客户、同行客户、专业机构。典型的客户迷失有抛弃客户型、客户倒置型、两头踏空型3种。管理学界3种迷失都相当严重,这加剧了管理学脱离实践和学术不端两大问题。解决客户迷失问题的出路是,认清研究成果的价值排序,改革学术评价体系,不再片面强调刊物等级指标,而是以“使用者、读者、引用者”为核心,按照研究者的自我定位分类进行评价。  相似文献   

Is the measurement of 'safety culture' a valid management tool in the effort to reduce accident rate and improve safety performance, or is it a fuzzy academic concept, lacking empirical validation? The answer to this question seems to depend on whom one asks. The UK Health and Safety Commission has encouraged companies to improve their safety performance through the development of a 'positive safety culture'. However, academic discussions in this area suggest that the concept remains vague, lacks empirical validation and is used as an 'umbrella term' for all the social and organizational factors that affect accident rate. This paper reviews the existing literature on safety culture and provides some clarification in terms of definition, empirical evidence and theoretical development. A theoretical framework of the mechanisms by which safety culture affects safety behaviours in organizations is proposed. The implications for practical management issues are discussed and future challenges and areas for further research are identified.  相似文献   

Is the measurement of ‘safety culture’ a valid management tool in the effort to reduce accident rate and improve safety performance, or is it a fuzzy academic concept, lacking empirical validation? The answer to this question seems to depend on whom one asks. The UK Health and Safety Commission has encouraged companies to improve their safety performance through the development of a ‘positive safety culture’. However, academic discussions in this area suggest that the concept remains vague, lacks empirical validation and is used as an ‘umbrella term’ for all the social and organizational factors that affect accident rate. This paper reviews the existing literature on safety culture and provides some clarification in terms of definition, empirical evidence and theoretical development. A theoretical framework of the mechanisms by which safety culture affects safety behaviours in organizations is proposed. The implications for practical management issues are discussed and future challenges and areas for further research are identified.  相似文献   

We conducted a worldwide ranking of academic institutions that produce research in a list of thirty top research journals in economics. We also computed journal rankings for the same period and hence we do not rely on weights that were computed for research carried out in earlier periods. The United States is clearly the dominant force in the top‐fifty group, but European academic institutions are well represented in the group of the top 200 universities worldwide as are universities from Asia and the Far East in particular. (JEL: A14, A10)  相似文献   

Despite ambitious efforts in various fields of research over multiple decades, the goal of making academic research relevant to the practitioner remains elusive: theoretical and academic research interests do not seem to coincide with the interests of managerial practice. This challenge is more fundamental than knowledge transfer, it is one of diverging knowledge interests and means of knowledge production. In this article, we look at this fundamental challenge through the lens of design science, which is an approach aimed primarily at discovery and problem solving as opposed to accumulation of theoretical knowledge. We explore in particular the ways in which problem‐solving research and theory‐oriented academic research can complement one another. In operations management (OM) research, recognizing and building on this complementarity is especially crucial, because problem‐solving–oriented research produces the very artifacts (e.g., technologies) that empirical OM research subsequently evaluates in an attempt to build explanatory theory. It is indeed the practitioner—not the academic scientist—who engages in basic research in OM. This idiosyncrasy prompts the question: how can we enhance the cross‐fertilization between academic research and research practice to make novel theoretical insights and practical relevance complementary? This article proposes a design science approach to bridge practice to theory rather than theory to practice.  相似文献   

本文从学术团队核心能力建设的动态角度,利用广东省高校学术团队的数据,从产学研合作的广度和深度两个维度,研究探讨了产学研合作对学术团队核心能力影响的作用机理,深入剖析了学术团队的研究偏好、成员的互补性等团队特征的差异性特征对该影响作用的调节效应。研究结果表明,产学研合作对学术团队的建设具有积极的影响,产学研合作会对学术团队建设的正式化和学习能力产生正向的影响,而产学研合作的深度较广度相比,会对学术团队的学习能力影响更为突出。当进一步考虑到学术团队特征的异质性时,产学研合作对学术团队建设的影响效应也将随学术团队特征的异质性而体现出内在的差异性。其中,学术团队的研究偏好与产学研合作项目越匹配,产学研合作将有助于提升团队的学习能力。而学术团队人员的互补性越强,产学研合作广度的增加将有利于形成团队的互动与逐渐正式化,随着团队产学研合作深度的增加,其对学术团队文化氛围的影响也就越有利。  相似文献   


Knowledge of the cycle of work and recovery is crucial for protecting employee health and well-being and preserving working capabilities. However, the daily process of effort and recovery is not well understood. This study investigated how the time spent on activities in the work and off-job domains, and the pleasure and effort experienced while engaging in these activities, affect the daily recovery process. We expected higher levels of effort at work and during off-job time to be negatively related to recovery, and higher levels of pleasure at work and during off-job time to be positively related to recovery. We also hypothesized that pleasure would act as a buffer against the negative effects of effort. Data were collected by means of a five-day diary study (three measurements daily, before and immediately after work, and at bedtime) among 120 university academic staff. Fatigue and (low) vigour were used as indicators of (lack of) recovery. Multilevel analyses showed that pleasure in the work and off-job domains had beneficial effects on recovery. An adverse association between effort expenditure and recovery was lacking. However, in the work domain, a combination of unpleasant and effortful work activities was negatively related to recovery. These findings stress the importance of engaging in pleasant activities during work and off-job time.  相似文献   

盛昭瀚 《管理科学》2019,22(5):1-11
问题是理论研究的起点.在人类管理理论时代性贡献与实践性关系上, 主要的困难不是答案, 而是问题.真正有价值的实际问题既能使管理理论具有旺盛的生命力, 又能使管理理论保持与时俱进的鲜活度, 并且理论的学术价值与真理性最终只能用解决实际问题的实践来证明.反之, 长久地脱离生动的管理问题, 忘记实践本身就是伟大的思想者, 或者一味生活在别人的思想栅栏和理论围城中, 终究会使我们自己的学术生命力慢慢衰落.问题导向原则要求我国管理理论研究不仅坚持实践化, 更从本国国情出发, 以解决我国现实问题和指导我国管理实践为主旨, 最终推动管理学术中国化的实现.当前需要认真弄清楚这一学理逻辑的基本形态与范式, 弄清楚如何在问题导向原则中保持这种形态的持久张力, 并使这种形态超越民族与地域的局限而融入人类管理学术整体文明之中.  相似文献   

While prominent corporate portfolio analysis tools such as the BCG Growth–Share Matrix took centre stage in the field of strategic management from the 1960s to the mid‐1980s, this review of the literature shows that they have since then largely disappeared from the academic agenda, despite their practical relevance and widespread application. There may be two independent reasons for this apparent scholarly disdain: corporate portfolio analysis tools (a) may have been recognized as unsuitable owing to inherent flaws or superior alternative concepts or (b) may have become obsolete because of proof that corporate diversification is inferior to market diversification. Thus, this assessment is based on an extensive review of the most relevant academic literature on corporate portfolio analysis tools and on the constitutive diversification–performance link published in leading management journals over the past five decades. The review reveals that research to date has not produced advanced tools based on an objective criticism of the original matrices, nor has corporate diversification – as a precondition for corporate portfolio analysis – proved to be inferior to market‐based co‐ordination mechanisms. Thus, this literature review constitutes a call for further academic research in the field of corporate portfolio analysis tools as well as corporate diversification.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to highlight the relevance of academic input to the accounting standard setting process by way of both ex-ante research and direct participation. We propose the Delphi methodology as a rigorous scientific way to analyse the perception of a new IASB accounting regulation from an “ex-ante” constituency perspective. We argue that this tool can be used as a useful complementary analysis to introduce timely and comprehensive additional feedback to standard-setters’ deliberations regarding the potential effects of their proposals when some conditions are met, and that gaining academic input in the process could make a difference. We apply this to the specific case of the IASB Management Commentary project. The main contribution of this study is to show how this research yields different perceptions that can add to the analysis of comment letters in the deliberations of the IASB. The most remarkable findings are (1) that the introduction of academic opinions (practically absent in the formal consultation process) yields important and different inputs and (2) that the characteristics of this tool allow for additional arguments, which are not usually evident in the formal comment letters, to be obtained from constituents. This study attempts to respond to the recent standard-setter call for more academic contributions to the standard-setting process.  相似文献   

In many environments, salary increments consist of two parts: an ‘across the board’ component and a ‘merit’ component. These increments are usually funded from a wages pool which rarely bears any relationship to overall increases in productivity. The resulting competition for limited monies results in two forms of behavior: productive and predatory (or rent seeking). This paper develops a model which considers institutionally controllable variables and their influence on these behaviors in an academic environment. It is found that an increase in a wages fund will not necessarily lead to an increase in either total or productive faculty effort.  相似文献   

This paper recognizes the failure of management research to communicate with practitioners, and speculates over the reasons why this may be the case. It is possible that the researchers’ interests may not always coincide with management practitioners’; however, even when such interests are congruent, it seems that relatively little management research is published in practitioner journals. We suggest that this is because academic research is written in a style that tends to alienate most practitioners. This paper isolates the stylistic conventions associated with research targeted to academics (typically published in academic journals) and research targeted to practitioners (typically published in practitioner‐oriented journals). Such stylistic differences are illustrated through a study of organizational change whose findings have been published in both academic and practitioner format, namely in the Administrative Science Quarterly and the Harvard Business Review. We suggest that the gap between these two types of research could be narrowed through processes of translation (i.e. academic jargon could be translated in practitioner language). In addition we might consider greater use of Mode 2 research over Mode 1 research (academic). Mode 2 research presupposes that teams of academics and practitioners assemble to define the research problem and methodology in terms appropriate to a particular context and in a way that accounts for all existing interests so that translation processes are seamless. However, Mode 2 creates its own gap in that the knowledge is more contextual and may not reach a wide audience.  相似文献   

文章从知识结构的视角构建了基于委托——代理理论的顾客知识共享激励机制模型,创新性地分析了在信息对称和信息不对称情况下,共享知识中显性知识和隐性知识比例的变化对顾客知识共享努力水平及收益分配系数的影响,并运用MATLAB软件对该模型进行了仿真分析。研究结果表明(1)顾客的努力水平与共享知识的组成结构有关,且当显性知识和隐性知识比例均为0.5时努力水平达到最大值;(2)当知识组成结构相同时,信息不对称情况下的努力水平低于信息对称情况下的努力水平;(3)收益分配系数与共享知识的组成结构有关,且当隐性知识比例为1时收益分配系数达到最大值;(4)收益共享比例与风险规避程度成反比。基于此,提出了企业应制定基于共享知识结构的顾客知识共享评价机制和利益分配机制,并根据顾客的风险规避程度对收益分配系数进行调整,为企业知识共享激励机制的制定与实施提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to survey the emerging academic literature on employee performance management (PM) from an international perspective. The primary information source was a search of electronic databases. Two criteria were used to determine which studies to include in the literature survey: (1) those published in an English-language blind refereed academic journal, and (2) those focused on employee PM or performance appraisal (PA) from an international/global perspective. Sixty-four articles, published between 1985 and 2005, met the criteria. A preliminary scheme was developed for classifying the existing academic research into conceptual and empirical articles. The empirical articles were further classified by their foci and themes. In addition to classifying the articles, the paper presents a summary of what can be learned from the major findings of the empirical studies. The major conclusion is that the academic literature on cross-border PM is relatively atheoretical and exploratory in nature and that the design and substance of the research studies are weak. With regard to themes, there are a number of foci in the literature with only scant attention paid to the central concern with the PM of expatriates as expressed by firms. The empirical articles look at the disparate components of PA and are interested mainly in cultural differences as an intervening variable. Several recommendations are presented for researchers to help focus future research on cross-border PM.  相似文献   

管理学的学科特点要求理论研究必须与实践紧密结合。中国经济持续30多年的快速增长与管理实践的改革创新是分不开的,在这样的背景下,《管理学报》杂志致力于推动中国实践管理的研究工作,及时而且必要。从中国管理实践研究现状、学术和科学问题提炼、中国管理模式总结3个方面进行分析,旨在突出管理实践的学术研究,希望引发学术界对管理研究的思考,在提升研究规范性和研究能力的基础上,丰富和创新管理理论,增强国内学术研究在国际上的影响力和话语权。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive view of the current state of the literature in sustainable issues in financial research. Progress in these areas has generally been slow, and the concept of sustainable finance has not yet fully settled in the academic literature. We introduce corporate social responsibility as the underlying framework for sustainable finance and review key strands from the diverse literature on sustainability in finance. We suggest how this research field might advance in the future and propose a number of open questions that require further analysis.  相似文献   

Operational risk management of autonomous vehicles in extreme environments is heavily dependent on expert judgments and, in particular, judgments of the likelihood that a failure mitigation action, via correction and prevention, will annul the consequences of a specific fault. However, extant research has not examined the reliability of experts in estimating the probability of failure mitigation. For systems operations in extreme environments, the probability of failure mitigation is taken as a proxy of the probability of a fault not reoccurring. Using a priori expert judgments for an autonomous underwater vehicle mission in the Arctic and a posteriori mission field data, we subsequently developed a generalized linear model that enabled us to investigate this relationship. We found that the probability of failure mitigation alone cannot be used as a proxy for the probability of fault not reoccurring. We conclude that it is also essential to include the effort to implement the failure mitigation when estimating the probability of fault not reoccurring. The effort is the time taken by a person (measured in person-months) to execute the task required to implement the fault correction action. We show that once a modicum of operational data is obtained, it is possible to define a generalized linear logistic model to estimate the probability a fault not reoccurring. We discuss how our findings are important to all autonomous vehicle operations and how similar operations can benefit from revising expert judgments of risk mitigation to take account of the effort required to reduce key risks.  相似文献   

针对产业共性技术产学研协同研发问题,本文以单个研究机构(大学、科研院所)和单个企业为研究对象,通过构建微分博弈模型,运用HJB方程分别分析了三种产业共性技术研发博弈情形下研究机构和企业各自的最优研发努力程度、最优研发收益、双方最优研发总收益以及企业对研究机构的研发投入补贴。通过对三种博弈结果的比较分析发现:(1)研发投入补贴作为一种激励策略,可促进研究机构研发努力程度、研究机构与企业各自研发收益以及双方研发总收益的提升;(2)协同合作博弈情形下研究机构与企业各自研发努力程度、各自研发收益和双方研发总收益均优于非合作情形。为协调研究机构与企业的产业共性技术协同研发行为,通过讨论收益分配系数α的取值范围进而分析产业共性技术产学研协同研发的收益协调机制。最后,通过算例分析验证了理论推导的结果。  相似文献   

Despite its importance and its widespread employment in policymaking practice, the theoretical and epistemic foundations of institutional mapping have not been elaborated and its legitimacy is yet to be fully granted by the academic community. This paper is a contribution to this overdue effort. The paper has two parts. First it introduces mapping as a cognitive process and explore in this context the structural similarities between maps and theories. While doing that it identifies the basic elements of mapping as a cognitive procedure and based on that it outlines the optimal features of the possible meta-theories framing policy-oriented institutional mapping. The second part goes a step further and discusses two concrete examples that may come close to illustrate the meta-theoretical ideal-type outlined at the end of the first part: the theoretical system implied in the Chicago School of sociology and the Institutional Analysis and Development framework inspired by the new institutional economics.  相似文献   

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