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市场经济条件下存在着两种就业模式:外部劳动力市场模式和内部劳动力市场模式。前者是自由流动机制和竞争—淘汰机制的融合,后者主要是通过企业内部行政的或准市场的调节机制来实现的,制度环境的差别导致了不同就业模式的选择。我国国有大中型企业存在着大量的“富余人员”,可以在企业内部优化重组或组建关联企业进行安排,建立以稳定就业关系为特征的内部劳动力市场制度。  相似文献   

卢通道 《南方论刊》2012,(10):54-55
通过借用“推拉理论”对新生代农民城乡流动原因进行分析,发现新生代农民工迁移城市面临着制度障碍和能力弱势的双重叠加。因此,应加快制度改革,加强职业教育,以实现基于新生代农民工个人意愿和能力的自由流动,从而完成新生代农民工从职业到身份、从流动到稳定的平稳过渡。  相似文献   

现代社会是契约社会,从身份社会到契约社会是人类社会的一大进步。传统中国是典型的身份社会,当前我国仍处于“从身份到契约”的运动之中,加速这一运动的进程在于推进政治体制改革,加快对身份制制度体系的改革,高扬权由法授理念以及培育成熟的公民社会。  相似文献   

马克斯·韦伯阐述了西方劳动契约制度历史变迁的独特价值,应引起学界关注。以英国为例,劳动契约制度概约经历中古早期、中晚期及至近代三个阶段:中古早期劳动制度体现了原始契约为特征的以身份为内容的制度安排,主要涉及劳动者人身自由度和劳动期限;中晚期到近代前夕,劳动契约制度主要涉及工资、福利及国家干预的程度;近代之后的劳动契约制度反映了契约自由的精神,其主要内容是劳资协商自由,劳动者流动自由、结社自由。从身份到契约的转变,反映了英国劳动契约制度的文明进程,也是英国社会转型的重要标志。  相似文献   

社会流动、地位市场与经济增长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会流动渠道,或说支撑社会流动的制度安排,是经济增长的整个制度基础中的一个关键维度,因为它调控地位市场的激励结构。本文将“社会不流动”的概念扩展到包括从种族清洗到性别和年龄歧视在内的所有歧视现象,并且阐释了它是怎样阻碍经济增长的。文章还认为,理解物质市场和地位市场中两种激励结构之间的相互作用及其对经济和社会发展的影响有助于理解人类社会的演进过程。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,国际资本流动空前发展,要求各国实现资本项目自由化,以降低国际贸易和国际投资的交易成本,最大限度地刺激各国经济增长。工业化国家几乎完全实现了资本项目自由化,许多发展中国家也相继取消了对资本流动的各项管制措施。国际资本流动是人民币资本项目自由化的内在动因。在国际资本自由流动的背景下,人民币资本项目自由化是一种必然趋势。在资本项目自由化进程中,人民币汇率制度的选择模式和路径安排应该与资本项目自由化程度相适应,进行近期、中期和长期安排。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会的制度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制度安排是社会状态函数的一个关键性变量。因此,相应的制度安排是构建社会主义和谐社会的关键之所在。而和谐的制度安排应立足于其根本的“基础设施”——政府、市场、社会自身及其关系的和谐,然后构建其对策性的制度安排:合理的利益协调机制,利益沟通与谈判的机制、有序的社会流动机制、表达与参与机制、以社会公平、正义为核心的价值评价机制。  相似文献   

农民自由发展与乡镇体制改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现行的乡镇体制,是在计划经济体制下强化权力的制度安排,这种体制的最大弊端在于限制和束缚了农民的自由而全面发展。改革开放以来进行的多轮乡镇机构改革之所以收效甚微,根本原因是没有抓住“促进农民自由而全面发展”这个关键。2003年温家宝总理在美国哈佛大学的演讲中认为,中国改革开放20多年来取得的巨大成绩根本在于中国人民“基于自由的创造”。完全的个人自由和充分的个性发展,不仅是个人幸福所系,而且是国家繁荣和社会进步的主要因素。农民的自由而全面发展,离不开乡镇体制的重构。在托克维尔看来,“在各种自由中最难实现的乡镇自由…  相似文献   

从价值理念的角度分析了两种城市乞讨问题治理制度在变迁中的价值失衡问题:从片面注重“政府管制”的权威主义工具性目标到片面强调“自愿救助”的自由主义价值性目标。这一价值失衡反映到制度安排上就有超越现实的过分化倾向,忽略了乞讨问题治理制度的基本价值目标与治理的基本手段和途径的工具合理性关系,使得制度变迁缺乏连续性,新制度缺乏足够的资源基础与力量支持,难以发挥效用。真正的价值平衡应当立足于现实,强调社会控制与个人自由的辩证统一。  相似文献   

王光玲 《东岳论丛》2004,25(5):156-161
自由不仅是发展的最高目标 ,自由也是促进发展的不可缺少的重要手段。市场经济作为有史以来的一种最佳经济运行形态、经济调节模式和经济制度安排 ,其发展以适度自由为基础。市场自由程度愈高 ,劳动力流动愈速 ;反过来 ,劳动力愈是流动 ,市场经济自由化程度就愈是能够得到提升。在现代市场经济的常态下 ,两者之间能够实现良性互动 ,并促进劳动资源配置的优化 ,进而推动社会经济的健康、稳定、快速发展  相似文献   

经济发展方式转变的制度化进程与企业战略反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋铁波  曾萍 《学术研究》2012,(3):52-59,159,160
经济发展方式转变已经成为当前中国社会经济生活的一种制度安排,企业针对这种制度安排构成的压力选择新战略反应.作者构建了一个制度压力下企业战略反应的模型,并运用模型分析当前的制度压力下,经济发展方式转变制度化进程对企业战略反应的影响.研究认为,制度压力下组织可以采用适合于自身的战略反应;当前中国的经济发展方式转变的制度压力尚不够强大,龙头企业将根据自身战略目标与外部制度压力一致性程度的高低,选择顺应程度不同的战略反应,不同的战略反应将对外部制度压力产生强化或者消退作用,进而影响到其他企业的决策,最终促进或者阻碍了经济发展方式转变.  相似文献   

市场治理结构与制度安排创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代经济中的企业和市场相混合的特征性事实,使经济学家越来越趋向于将市场治理结构作为一种长期契约关系来研究。考察宏观经济之微观制度基础的市场治理结构,可以在制度不既定和制度既定两种不同的分析前提下展开,体制转轨下的制度安排创新是在制度不既定的背景下实现的。本文在对涉及制度研究的一些经典文献作出理解的基础上,探讨了制度不既定条件下市场治理结构的重塑有可能会遇到的若干问题,将我国的制度安排概要地划分为三个层次,研究了制度网络的多层次性和复杂性所要求的关联问题,并着重分析了这些制度安排对契约制订、执行和仲裁过程的一般影响。  相似文献   

We extend research on the effects of religious ecologies by examining the role of religious ecologies in intergenerational socioeconomic mobility. We do so first by providing a theoretical framework addressing the diverse cultural influences of religious traditions and their impact on intergenerational mobility. We argue that certain otherworldly orientations among conservative Protestants suppress mechanisms of upward mobility, and that there are meaningful distinctions between sub-groups of conservative Protestants (evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Pentecostals). An analysis of county-level data from the recently released Equality of Opportunity Project and the Churches and Church Membership Survey is used to empirically examine the relationship between religious ecologies and intergenerational mobility. Findings suggest distinct effects of different religious groups on intergenerational mobility. These results demonstrate the importance of accounting for the ecological impact of religion on social mobility in the United States and challenge the conceptualization of conservative Protestants as a monolithic group.  相似文献   

Building on the previously investigated macro-sociological models which analyze the consequences of economic development, income inequality, and international migration on social mobility, this article studies the specific contextual covariates of intergenerational reproduction of occupational status in post-communist societies. It is theorized that social mobility is higher in societies with democratic political regimes and less liberalized economies. The outlined hypotheses are tested by using micro- and macro-level datasets for 21 post-communist societies which are fitted into multilevel mixed-effects linear regressions. The derived findings suggest that factors specific to transition societies, conventional macro-level variables, and the legacy of the Soviet Union explain variation in intergenerational social mobility, but the results vary depending which birth cohorts survey participants belong to and whether or not they stem from advantaged or disadvantaged social origins. These findings are robust to various alternative data, sample, and method specifications.  相似文献   

Contrary to traditional biological arguments, the differential susceptibility model suggests genotype may moderate rather than mediate parent-child economic similarity. Using family fixed effects models of Add Health sibling data, I investigate the relationship between an index of sensitive genotypes and intergenerational mobility. Full, same sex sibling comparisons hold constant parental characteristics and address the non-random distribution of genotype that reduces internal validity in nationally representative samples. Across multiple measures of young adult financial standing, those with more copies of sensitive genotypes achieve lower economic outcomes than their sibling if they are from a low income context but fare better from a high income context. This genetic sensitivity to parental income entails lower intergenerational mobility. Results support the differential susceptibility model and contradict simplistic genetic explanations for intergenerational inequality, suggesting sensitive genotypes are not inherently positive or negative but rather increase dependence on parental income and reduce mobility.  相似文献   

公司治理是为了保证企业科学决策而进行的制度安排与设计,这种制度安排与设计本身就是一个结构和机制的有机结合。内部控制作为这种制度安排与设计的重要措施,是完善公司治理结构的具体政策和程序。根据公司治理结构的需要建立完善的内部控制系统必将促进企业的发展。  相似文献   

This study examines the intergenerational effects of changes in women’s education in South Korea. We define intergenerational effects as changes in the distribution of educational attainment in an offspring generation associated with the changes in a parental generation. Departing from the previous approach in research on social mobility that has focused on intergenerational association, we examine the changes in the distribution of educational attainment across generations. Using a simulation method based on Mare and Maralani’s recursive population renewal model, we examine how intergenerational transmission, assortative mating, and differential fertility influence intergenerational effects. The results point to the following conclusions. First, we find a positive intergenerational effect: improvement in women’s education leads to improvement in daughter’s education. Second, we find that the magnitude of intergenerational effects substantially depends on assortative marriage and differential fertility: assortative mating amplifies and differential fertility dampens the intergenerational effects. Third, intergenerational effects become bigger for the less educated and smaller for the better educated over time, which is a consequence of educational expansion. We compare our results with Mare and Maralani’s original Indonesian study to illustrate how the model of intergenerational effects works in different socioeconomic circumstances.  相似文献   

It has often been proposed that new cleavages have emerged within the middle class. In this paper, we examine the distinction between social and cultural specialists and technocrats, and investigate whether these new and old middle class fractions are differentiated by their patterns of intergenerational mobility. To what extent do these newly distinguished middle class fractions have specific external and internal intergenerational mobility patterns? And to what extent have mobility boundaries between them been rising over time? To answer these questions, we use 47 Dutch national population sample surveys with detailed occupation codes collected between 1970 and 2006 (N = 60,978). Our analyses of internal and external homogeneity show that the middle class fractions each have characteristic mobility and immobility patterns and therefore a necessary condition is satisfied to declare them as separate classes. Furthermore, in the early periods, the social and cultural specialists were differentiated by a high level of immobility but in the later periods, the distance between the old and new middle classes has decreased significantly.  相似文献   

This study revisits and extends a classic question in sociology and tests three competing hypotheses about the effects of intragenerational social class mobility on distress and psychological well-being at midlife. Prior research on this topic investigated the effects of intergenerational mobility, but did not look at how mobility during adulthood (intragenerational mobility) affects psychological distress and well-being. Previous literature is also limited by methodological problems that make it difficult to estimate the separate effects of prior social class, current social class, and social mobility. This study overcomes this methodological problem using a novel approach that breaks the linear dependence between prior class, current class, and intragenerational mobility. After accounting for prior and current class, I find that social mobility is not associated with psychological distress and self-acceptance. Instead, mobile individuals come to resemble their nonmobile counterparts in their current class on the outcomes of study.  相似文献   

地方NGO作为一种具体制度安排,其生成机制主要是在外在制度环境的作用下,以潜在利益为基本诱因,外在制度需求与内在制度供给相互契合推进,从而激励地方公民合作创设NGO制度安排的复杂过程。这是中国地方NGO生成的简要逻辑。从制度需求与制度供给的视角分析,在中国地方NGO的生成机制中,国家与市场对NGO制度安排的供给、市民集体行动的理性选择、地方制度转型的适应性安排、地方政府之间的制度竞争、地方知识精英的主导性介入与网络等科学技术进步的推动是六个关键性因素。特别是国家与市场的博弈过程与中国地方NGO的发展壮大过程相伴相生。分析中国地方NGO的生成机制,可以窥见中国公民社会的生长与发展轨迹。  相似文献   

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