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本文将Barro模型关于内生公共支出的基本特征引入chamley模型,考察了经济增长中的最优税收与公共支出结构问题。利用两阶段逆向归纳法,分别探讨了社会第一优和次优的税收与公共支出结构的一般条件,并通过一个具体例子给出了最优公共支出与税收的显示路径。最后通过数值计算,对中国的最优宏观税负水平进行了估计。  相似文献   

谢舜  魏万青  周少君 《社会》2012,32(6):86-107
本文利用CGSS2006数据库,对政府转型下的宏观税负、民生财政支出和地区收入差距等与个人主观幸福感的关系进行实证检验后发现:(1)宏观税负对居民主观幸福感有显著负影响;(2)总体而言,政府公共支出增进了居民的主观幸福感;(3)从公共支出结构看,地方政府基建投资对于城镇居民的主观幸福感有显著负效应,政府用于科教文卫和社会保障的支出对居民的主观幸福感有显著正效应;(4)科教文卫支出与社会保障支出对市民与外来人员幸福感的影响存在显著差异。  相似文献   

丛明 《创新》2012,6(1):5-8,126
2011年中央经济工作会议提出,2012年我国要继续实施积极的财政政策。结构性减税政策在积极的财政政策中具有重要的地位和作用。近年来,我国实施的结构性减税政策具有多税种并用、多手段并举、多环节并促的特点,这一政策在减轻企业和居民税收负担、鼓励和扩大内需、引导经济结构战略性调整、保障和改善民生等方面产生了积极效应。从动态上看,减税政策对经济的刺激作用在一定程度上增强了经济活力,培育了新的税源,为国家继续实施积极的财政政策提供了可靠的财力保障。  相似文献   

张培英  周磊 《学术交流》2003,(2):101-103
增值税作为先进的税种对促进我国社会经济发展发挥了较大的作用 ,但是与目前国际和国内经济的形势发展变化相比 ,现行增值税存在着征收范围过窄、小规模纳税人税率过高、税收负担失衡等问题 ;在征收管理方面 ,内在制约机制作用减弱。为充分发挥增值税的优越性和先进性 ,应扩大征收范围 ,将交通运输业、建筑安装和其他第三产业纳入征收范围 ;重新设定小规模纳税人税率 ;将生产型增值税改为消费型增值税 ;全面实施纳税评估。  相似文献   

This article questions the recent scholarship that attempts to draw parallels between Qing China before 1800 and the so-called fiscal-military states in early modern Europe. Beginning with a survey of “fiscal cycles” in China from the 1640s to the 1850s, the author argues that border wars and territorial expansion had little impact on the Qing state’s tax system and bureaucracy. Contrary to the high level of taxation necessitated by escalation in military spending among the contemporary European states, the Qing pursued the policy of light taxation by freezing land tax rates and practicing universal tax exemption. What prevailed in the Qing fiscal system thus was a “low-level equilibrium,” in which the fixed amount of revenues was sufficient to cover the state’s fixed amount of regular expenditures and generate a sizeable amount of surpluses.  相似文献   

李曦  袁泉 《创新》2013,(3):87-90,125,128
1998年以来,我国房地产行业发展迅速,并逐步成为国民经济的支柱产业,极大地推动了我国的经济增长。但房价的过快增长也增加了人们的生活压力,并对经济运行造成不利影响。为了抑制房价的过快增长,国家推出了一系列的调控政策,包括金融政策、土地政策和税收政策。2010年政府推出了限购政策,通过抑制需求来控制房价。研究表明:1998至2002年的调控政策取得了较好的效果;2003至2008年调控效果不佳;2008年底至2009年政府并没有对房价进行有力调控;2009年末至2012年初,限购令的效果非常明显。  相似文献   

陈颂东 《创新》2012,6(6):41-45,126,127
2001年以来,随着工业反哺农业政策的实施,农民的工资性收入、经营性收入、转移性收入和财产性收入均有所增加,城乡基尼系数逐渐下降。但是,以流转税为主的税制结构和现行财税制度仍制约着城乡居民收入差距的进一步缩小。因而,为增强财税制度调节城乡居民收入的作用,应构建以所得税为主的税制模式,完善增值税和个人所得税,健全房产出租的税制体系,开征资本利得税并增加财政"三农"支出。  相似文献   

Previous research and theory on state general sales tax policy provide the major factors and components of the sales tax base that affect revenue reliance and tax burden. However, previous research on general sales tax policy has concentrated on individual factors and components of the sales tax base without considering the interdependent and interrelated causes of revenue reliance and tax burden. In addition, regression-based analyses are limited in analyzing the causal conjunctures that affect revenue reliance and tax burden. Thus, this research focused on a complementary approach to the effects of causes and the causes of effects, thereby empirically examining the combined causes of revenue reliance and tax burden through a (fs) QCA analysis of U.S. state data spanning from 2007 to 2010. This study reveals that the combined causes of revenue reliance and tax burden vary as ideal types compared with the effects of real types observed in the panel data analysis. This study contributes to the current literature by examining interrelated and interdependent causal relationships with regard to revenue reliance and tax burden in a complementary manner. State governments must consider the combined effects of causal conjunctures that affect revenue reliance and tax burden.  相似文献   

本文将Barro模型关于内生公共支出的基本特征引入Chamley模型,考察了经济增 长中的最优税收与公共支出结构问题。利用两阶段逆向归纳法, 分别探讨了社会第一 优和次优的税收与公共支出结构的一般条件, 并通过一个具体例子给出了最优公共支 出与税收的显示路径。最后通过数值计算, 对中国的最优宏观税负水平进行了估计。 关键词: 最优税收 最优公共支出结构 经济增长 宏观税负

Incorporating endogenous public spending, the basic characteristic of the Barro model, into the Chamley model, this paper discusses the optimal taxation and public spending composition in economic growth. The two-stage backward induction method is adopted to explore the general optimality (including the first and second best) conditions for taxation and public spending, and the explicit solutions to optimal taxation and public spending composition are showed in a specific example. Finally, we estimate China’s optimal level of macro tax burden with the help of numerical calculation.  相似文献   

This article develops a methodology based on input-output relations for the evaluation of excise tax incidence. Since many excise taxes are levied on products that are used not only in final consumption but also as intermediate inputs in the production of other commodities, estimation of the tax burden by the conventional methodology of using direct final consumption may yield inadequate and perhaps misleading results. The input-output methodology developed in this article is applied to the case of the U.S. taxation of petroleum products and the empirical results are compared with similar ones obtained by the U.S. Congressional Budget Office.  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2002,24(7-8):679-692
This study examines the role of government size in explaining the differences in economic growth rates of the 19 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries over the 1971–1999 period using a random coefficients model. Our results indicate that, on average, total factor productivity growth, as well as the productivity of capital, are weaker in countries where government size is larger. The advantage of a small government sector, in general, likely reflects the greater efficiencies resulting from fewer policy-induced distortions (such as the burden of taxation), the greater discipline of market forces which fosters efficiency of resource use, and the absence of crowding-out effects that weaken the incentives to create new capital which embodies new technologies. From a policy perspective, this does not mean that the optimal policy is one that minimizes the size of government. Rather, a small as opposed to a large government could potentially be as effective in providing the legal, administrative, and governance infrastructure critical for growth, as well as for offsetting market failures. At the same time, the country-specific results indicate that the nature of country-specific institutions as well as the mix of government activities are as important for growth performance as the aggregate size of government.  相似文献   

王静 《唐都学刊》2007,23(5):17-20
汉代封国制度内容广泛,本文仅对封国财政管理的措施做一考证。认为封国的财产、王位等继承由中央裁决,但封国有征收赋税、兴办工商业的权力。体现了中国传统文化的道德情操、伦理道义领域中都具有信义力量,从经济学角度分析税收信用的内涵及构建西部税收信用体系的设想。  相似文献   

张弛有别:上级控制力、下级自主性和农村基层政令执行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶郁  侯麟科  刘明兴 《社会》2016,36(5):107-130
本文通过分析多年的全国抽样数据发现,当今中国乡、村两级治理主体执行政令的情况取决于上级控制力和下级自主性之间的张力。在不同治理层级和工作领域之间,由于上述张力存在差异,政令执行情况也不尽相同。具体来说,农村税费改革在进一步强化县级党政机关对乡镇控制力的同时,却削弱了乡镇对村级治理机构的控制力。同时,虽然某些高层特别重视的政令能在相当程度上下达基层,但乡、村两级治理机构往往更倾向于主动重视那些与本位利益直接相关的工作,并常会有选择地忽视那些上级重视程度不高、不易考核和难以直接带来本位利益的工作。  相似文献   

Concern about the effect of taxes on economic growth and development in the United States is longstanding. While most studies are concerned with the growth impacts of tax burden, marginal rates, or the impact of a particular tax, there are few works that examine the impact of tax structure in the way it is defined in this work. Here, tax structure is defined as the shares of revenue collected by various taxes. Using a pool of data on the 50 states between 2004 and 2010, this paper explores the relationship between state and local tax structure and growth of real per-capita GDP through the Great Recession centered in 2008. The results are used to generate estimates of the growth impacts of revenue neutral changes in tax shares.  相似文献   

在税收能力和税收努力的理论框架下,分析中国税收高速增长的源泉,可以发现,在分税制改革后,中国税收长时间高速增长的原因主要表现在三个方面:分税制的税收分权契约性质具有强烈的税收激励作用;间接税的制度设计放大了纳税人的纳税能力;我国正处于“税收增长红利”集中释放期。未来第一种因素的作用将减弱,第二种因素的作用部分消失,第三种因素的作用依旧存在。从长期看,由于税收增长红利仍将持续很长一段时期,税收仍可能保持较高速度的增长。  相似文献   

Australia's welfare model – targeted payments alongside low but progressive taxation – exemplifies the targeted approach, prioritizing the needs of poorer citizens within the constraints of low taxation. But does this approach match the welfare orientations of Australia's voters? Does the public hold other views about welfare, emerging out of competing interests in welfare debates? We consider results of two questions included in the Australian Survey of Social Attitudes 2005. The first question asks respondents about four welfare goals that outline competing welfare orientations: targeting poverty, expanding health and education, enforcing the welfare rules and reducing welfare. The second question asks about four taxation goals drawing on similar orientations as established for welfare: targeting tax cuts, taxing for welfare, enforcing tax rules and reducing overall tax. Asking about both enables us to tell whether voters approach tax and welfare ‘consistently’ and to see whether, in Australia's case, there is a preference for Australia's targeting model. We reach three conclusions: (1) voters hold diverse preferences about welfare and taxes, but the targeted model has a relatively strong voter base; (2) voters hold ‘pro‐welfare’ orientations, choosing poverty reduction and expanding public services over both paternalism and cutting welfare, and (3) multivariate analysis indicates a level of consistency in welfare and tax orientations among voters.  相似文献   

李爱鸽 《唐都学刊》2002,18(4):68-70
以增发国债为主要手段的积极财政政策在我国近年来的经济增长中功不可没。然而 ,随着时间的推移 ,现行积极财政政策面临国债投资效益递减、并可能导致未来经济陷入“滞胀”的局面。所以 ,减税成为继续实行积极财政政策的新方向。目前适度减税的具体措施 :一是改生产型增值税为消费型增值税 ;二是完善现行企业所得税 ;三是逐步免除农业税费。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of the “end of double taxation” (on dividends) policy in stabilizing an economy. Both announced and unannounced policies are considered. A reduction in double taxation stimulates investment and improves welfare, but its impact on output is moderate and it has a negative effect on work hours. A temporary cut creates an investment boom but also generates an investment slump when the tax cut expires. Announcements of future tax cuts are found to have important effect on output dynamics. Agents respond to the tax policy even before it is implemented. If the tax cut is announced to be temporary, its impact on output is greatly reduced. Our study suggests that a temporary dividend tax cut is most effective in stabilizing a recession stricken economy when the policy change comes as “news” to the economy.  相似文献   

近年来,南京市高新技术产业发展呈现出总量扩张、税负下降、竞争力不强的状况。选取南京市高新技术产业七大行业的产值占地区工业总产值比重指标、流转税税负、所得税税负,建立面板数据模型分析,发现税式支出激励效应存在结构性差异,流转税的激励效应大于所得税的激励效应。激励政策对航天航空制造业、医药制造业、专用科学仪器设备制造业的效果不显著;对于另外四个行业,激励效应也存在结构差异。因此,应采取差异化的税式支出激励政策,改变当前以所得税为主要激励税种的现状,转变成以流转税和所得税为双主体的激励方式。  相似文献   

One of the core issues taken into account in tax transfer systems is the family circumstances of a particular recipient. Family tax transfer payments may be delivered through either the tax or the welfare system. However, the fundamental requirement is that there is a family, maintaining children. The concept of what is a family is a social rather than a legal construct. While marriage and spouse have legal definitions, family structures evolve and change over time. In this paper I explore the concept of family as it is used in the Australian income tax and welfare legislation. I consider the impact of the legislative construct of family on the entitlements to tax credits, and whether the definition of family is appropriate to ensure that the benefits improve the equity of the taxation system, and properly reflect the structure of the contemporary family unit.  相似文献   

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