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改革开放后中国女性人口迁移的特点及形成因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放后中国女性人口迁移的规模逐年增大,女性人口迁移已成为中国人口迁移的重要组成部分,中国女性人口迁移的原因、目的地、类型多种多样,对这些情况及形成原因的研究,有助于我们了解目前中国妇女的家庭角色、社会经济地位、文化素质、思想状态等情况,因此,对中...  相似文献   

唯生育功能的女性观及其对人口控制的影响叶晗一、唯生育功能的女性观长期占据统治地位女性观简单地说就是对“女性是什么?”,“女性应该是什么”问题的回答。在人类的长期发展中,扮演生育者角色几乎就是女性生活的全部内容。社会以生育使命的实现程度作为女性价值评判...  相似文献   

张明 《南方人口》2014,(4):60-69
本文利用1938-1940年间的满铁实地调查数据,讨论了中国华东与华北地区经济结构的不同特色对女性在小农经济家庭中的经济角色差异的影响。通过构建计量模型,控制住可能影响家庭经济福利水平的家庭特征变量及县区特征变量,检验结果显示,20世纪30年代,华北地区女性在家庭中作为男性的辅助劳动力,女性劳动力占有比例对家庭经济福利水平毫无影响;而华东地区女性主要从事副业生产,对家庭经济福利水平具有显著的正向影响。也就是说,华东与华北地区的不同的小农经济结构导致女性劳动力在小农家庭中扮演着不同的经济角色。  相似文献   

本研究提出的基本逻辑假设是人口流动促进了农村女性社会性别观念从传统向现代的转变。主要从两个方面进行探究:一是流动对农村女性性别观念是否有影响;二是这种影响是否显著。将农村女性分为"流动"和"未流动"两组,并对社会性别观念问题结果数据做了交叉表分析和均值比较分析,结果显示,该假设成立。在此基础上,从经济因素、政治因素、文化因素和主观因素等方面进一步验证了人口流动对农村女性社会观念转变具有多维的作用。  相似文献   

女性研究与人口学———视角的转变●李新建●(南开大学人口与发展研究所天津300071)伴随着女权运动和妇女发展问题的兴起,女性研究与人口研究找到了联结点。特别是伴随着对家庭和个体人口行为的关注,人口变动趋势中的女性特征问题逐步成为人口研究的主旋律。我...  相似文献   

有关对已婚女性劳动力供给的研究由来已久。因已婚女性的"双重角色",使得已婚女性在进行劳动力供给决策时会受到许多因素的影响。影响已婚女性劳动力供给决策的要素很多,但各要素的相对重要程度大小并不被人们所了解。本文利用中国营养健康调查数据(CHNS),采用标准化系数方法进行实证分析。研究结果发现,年龄对已婚女性劳动力供给选择影响程度更大,而丈夫收入的相对重要性会随着时间有所降低。  相似文献   

未婚生育状况及其婚姻进度效应是了解第二次人口转变的重要观察点,对于理解中国婚育转变和制定相关政策具有重要意义。但是当前国内研究主要将生育置于婚内讨论,鲜有关注婚前生育。文章基于2017年全国生育状况抽样调查数据分析中国1980年以后出生女性的未婚生育现状,利用事件史分析方法和倾向值匹配方法考察未婚生育对女性进入初婚的影响。结果表明约6.5%的女性曾经历未婚生育事件,其中超过九成的未婚初育是计划内怀孕的结果,随着出生队列推移,未婚生育女性的比例呈现先升后降的趋势。婚姻登记制度对婚龄的限制、传统事实婚姻惯习、计划生育对男孩偏好和多孩偏好的强化等因素在一定程度上造成了中国女性的未婚生育。从婚姻进度效应来看,未婚生育对女性初婚主要呈现出促进效应,且这种婚姻促进效应随着出生队列的推移有所增强。婚姻登记制度、相关落户制度等社会制度因素与子女中心主义、合法性诉求等个体观念因素的共同作用带来了未婚生育的婚姻促进效应。中国第二次人口转变在未婚生育领域表现出与西方国家不同的发展轨迹,传统观念和行为与现代化建设之间的冲突、错位与磨合是引发中国未婚生育及其婚姻促进效应的主要动力。在中国,生育和婚姻尚未出现“脱...  相似文献   

高级知识女性人口工作生活质量调查   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文采用简单随机抽样问卷调查,在一所高知女性相对集中的国家重点学校,调查了122位高知女性。从工作生活质量的四个主要方面:工作组织中的价值取向;工作满意度;身心健康和工作条件及工作以外的家庭生活和其它业余活动,进行了定量分析。结果表明,高知女性精神需求高,满意程度也高,而物质生活水平一般偏低、生活质量不高,双重角色──工作和家务劳动负担过重。  相似文献   

在人口转变过程中,女性受教育程度的提升往往被认为是促进生育率下降的因素之一,但是在后人口转变时期,许多针对发达国家的研究发现女性的受教育程度与生育水平呈现正相关的关系。本文使用2010年、2012年和2013年中国综合社会调查数据,分析和比较中国女性的二孩生育意愿在不同受教育程度和不同教育婚配模式下的差异。结果显示在不考虑政策限制的情况下,受教育程度较高或较低的女性的二孩生育意愿更高,即便考虑了女性的收入水平后这一关系依然显著。研究发现在考虑夫妇的相对特征后,相比受教育程度均为初中的夫妇,夫妇受教育程度均较高或较低的女性的二孩生育意愿更高。文章使用生育的性别公平理论对生育意愿在女性受教育程度及婚配模式上的这一U型变化模式进行解释。生育行为不仅与经济水平或夫妻间的相对经济实力相关,还会受到性别观念的影响,更加平等的性别观念与性别关系有利于促进生育意愿的提升。政府应推广具有普惠性质的托育支持体系,促进女性就业和性别平等,使生育率维持在稳定水平。  相似文献   

我国女性人口占总人口约一半,无论过去,现在及未来女性人力资源都十分丰富。改革开放和劳动优化过程中,女性就业人口仍呈现增长势态。但与男性人力资源相比较,开发利用量少、面窄、层次低,女性现在存在的诸多就业问题,均同对女性人力资源、对女性价值认识有关。为了进一步开发女性人力资源,必须对女性人力资源和就业分布特征进行深入分析和研究。  相似文献   

Differential polygyny in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, Uganda, and Zambia is investigated using individual-level Demographic and Health Surveys data. As well as contrasting polygynists' first wives with women in monogamous unions, the analysis distinguishes higher-order wives from first wives. This permits study of the determinants of the prevalence and intensity of polygyny respectively. Polygyny and other aspects of marriage interlock in very similar ways in all five countries. Individuals' experience of polygyny tends to reflect their luck in the marriage market rather than their socio-economic characteristics. While polygyny is less prevalent in urban areas, other socio-economic factors are important only in Kenya and Zambia, the two countries where less than 25 per cent of married women are in polygynous unions. The prevalence and intensity of polygyny are negatively associated. Thus, any drop in the prevalence of polygyny in Africa may be accompanied by a rise in the number of wives per polygynist.  相似文献   

Satya Savitzky 《Mobilities》2018,13(5):662-684
This article examines a 3-day blackout, triggered by a ‘1-in-100-year’ rainfall event. Storms and floods account for almost three-quarters of weather-related disasters, and are typically accompanied by cascading infrastructure failures, which pattern and amplify their effects in highly significant ways. Such disruptions reveal aspects of everyday life that ordinarily remain obscure, including capacities for resilience embodied in people, cities and infrastructure. The article proposes that disruption events be understood in terms of ‘scrambles’, as they involve abrupt demobilisation and remobilisation of a range of people and materials. The article firstly examines the astonishing capacity for failure latent in ‘pervasively powered’ arrangements, as well as the many ways in which people and things were ‘scrambled’ in response. The article then proceeds to explore the ways in which vulnerabilities result in part from mobilisation in response to previous disruption events, before examining the ‘circuits’ that link far-flung places in mobile disaster geographies, global patterns of electricity dependence, the rise of data overload in the ‘cloud’ to carbon overload in the atmosphere. The article concludes by presenting further evidence in support of the thesis that disruptions and disasters are part of a ‘new normal’, and what this means for prevailing sociotechnical arrangements reliant on ‘sunk’ infrastructure.  相似文献   

苏联解体后,俄罗斯境内的中国移民规模逐渐增大,随着俄罗斯经济社会的变化,中国移民的构成也变得更加多样和复杂。对俄罗斯边境地区四个州的中国移民情况调查表明,中国移民群体在移民类型、目的、法律地位、地区来源和去向、技术水平和行业分布等构成方面呈现出一定的特点。虽然中国的劳动移民在整体上还没有对俄罗斯劳动力市场和人口就业领域产生关键性的影响,但在俄罗斯东部,特别是在贸易、建筑业和农业等领域,移民的作用日益重要。  相似文献   

京津冀作为我国重要的人口集聚区,其区域发展面临严重的能源和环境问题。首先,基于STIRPAT模型构建京津冀面板数据模型,研究1990—2017年京津冀人口密度、经济增长、产业结构和环境规制对能源消费的影响。其次,采用SVAR模型通过脉冲响应函数和方差分解,研究京津冀人口密度变动对能源消费的作用机理和动态影响关系。结果显示,京津冀三地的人口密度、人均实际GDP与能源消费之间存在正向影响关系,其中河北省影响系数最大;北京和天津第三产业占比与能源消费之间存在反向影响关系,河北省第三产业占比对能源消费的影响不显著;北京和天津的环境规制对能源消费影响不显著,河北省环境规制对能源消费具有正向影响;京津冀地区和京冀两地人口密度变动对能源消费的影响在短期呈现负向效应,但是在中长期京津冀地区和三地人口密度变动对能源消费的影响均先上升然后缓慢下降,人口集聚具有集约用能效应。相对于能源消费自身影响而言,京津冀人口密度变动对能源消费的贡献相对较小,其影响效应有限。最后,对京津冀人口流动和能源消费一体化协同发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   

Using data from the Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan, we investigate changes in difficulties in walking and climbing stairs, tasks that represent basic lower-body movements less likely to be influenced by changes in environment and social roles than are activities and instrumental activities of daily living. Results are shown for unadjusted prevalence rates and rates adjusted for changes in population composition. The findings indicate that Taiwan does not appear to be experiencing the improvements in functioning witnessed recently in the United States. Prevalence of functional limitation increased between 1993 and 1996 and between 1996 and 1999. One possible reason is the change in old-age survival, which appears to have benefited those who have functional limitations, especially in a severe form. The Universal Health Insurance programme, established in 1995, may have increased access to care and thus the survival of those in poorest health.  相似文献   

人口老龄化使我国老年人口数量迅速增长,呈现出老龄化+少子化的人口结构新常态。江苏省老龄化比例为20.57%,居全国各省区之首,老龄化区域和城乡差异也更加显著。兴化地区地处苏北农村,呈现小城市大农村结构,经济欠发达,城乡人群的生活水平差距较大。本研究目标人群为兴化城乡老年人群,通过调查城乡老年人群人口社会学和生活质量的变化特征和相关性,为政府和社会对老龄化事业的发展与决策提供依据。总计305例60岁以上的老年人群参与调查。结果显示,城市老年人群已婚、与子女住、文化程度、退休和自觉家庭经济情况良好等人口社会学特征维度好于农村人群(P≤0.01);而农村丧偶、独居、没有工作和自觉家庭经济情况差等维度高于城市人群(P≤0.01);男性老年人群文化程度显著高于女性(P<0.01);冠心病患病构成比上,农村老年人群显著高于城市老年人群(P<0.01),男性老年人群高于女性(P<0.05);而女性老年人群患高脂血症构成比显著高于男性(P<0.01)。结果提示,兴化地区城乡老年人群生活质量差异显著,但城乡老年人群在躯体健康和疾病防治中的差异已经明显缩小,说明老年人生活质量的变化与人口社会学特征相关联。在经济持续发展和人口结构老龄化的新常态下,社会和家庭应更多地关注和改善老年人群,尤其是农村老年人群的生存环境,提高他们的生活质量。  相似文献   

Aquatic metazoan communities in treeholes and bamboo stumps were studied on Tsushima Island, Japan, in March and June in relation to the habitat size and the resouce amount. The amount of leaf detritus increased with an increase in the capacity (volume) of the phytotelma. The input rate of leaves depended upon the opening area of the phytotelma. Twenty-one metazoan inhabitant taxa consisted of 17 dipteran saprophages, a helodid beetle larva, a nematoda, a naidid, and a predator,Toxorhynchites towadensis mosquito larva. Treeholes harbored 17 taxa and bamboo stumps 20; 16 taxa were common in both phytotelmata. The number of taxa and the biomass of metazoa per phytotelma was positively correlated with the capacity. The densities of dominant saprophages such as helodid, chironomid, andCulicoides larvae were positively correlated with the capacity of phytotelmata, and the variation in their abundance contributed much to the variation in the species composition in individual phytotelmata. With an increase in capacity, treeholes harbored more helodids andCulicoides, whereas bamboo stumps harbored more chironomids andDasyhelea. Thus, the amount of resource, species richness and biomass per phytotelma largely depended upon the capacity, and the difference in community structure between treeholes and bamboo stumps was attributable to the differential colonization patterns of different taxa.  相似文献   

本文利用H省三个典型乡镇的访谈资料与统计数据以区域比较的视角对“小二胎”现象进行了再研究。研究结果表明,三镇小二胎现象具有诸多共性,但也存在不少差异。各地都存在较强的男孩偏好和二孩偏好,加之政策环境在2002年的变化,使得此后各地都普遍产生小二胎现象。但是由于村庄社会结构的不同.男孩偏好和二孩偏好程度不一,所以各地的小二胎现象又表现出一定差异。小二胎现象不仅大幅提高了超生率和生育率,而且推高了出生性别比,因此应该引起相关部门的高度重视。在农民生育观念没有彻底转变的情况下,国家要赋予基层干部与政策要求相匹配的治理手段,以稳定我国来之不易的低生育水平。针对各地的区域差异,要采取分类治理的方略。  相似文献   

The aim of the present article is to study how women's alcohol consumption has been defined and contested in the Swedish press from 1955 to 2010 in relation to the development of Swedish society from a social democratic welfare state to a neoliberal competition state. Our material consists of articles published in the largest Swedish national and regional newspapers in 1955, 1965, 1977, 1982, 1995, 2004, and 2010. In the study, we apply Fraser's concepts of recognition and redistribution to analyse how the press contributed to the formation of cultural injustices and counter-claims through its recognition of women's drinking, and how these cultural injustices and counter-claims have conditioned the redistribution of societal resources. Our analysis shows that, during the study period, women were recognized in the Swedish press in limited and stigmatizing subject positions. These dominating representations of drinking women changed over time in an unpredictable way. As collectively shared, widely accepted cultural images, they tended to downplay the possibility of women achieving equal and just participation in cultural interaction, social activities, and healthcare services. In counter-discourses, the possibilities for women to formulate public claims in order to make surrounding structures more “enabling” of their independency, weakened during the study period.  相似文献   

Listening is a critical and under-theorized dimension to struggles against injustice and marginalization. In the wake of critiques from the disability movement of the pre-eminence of expert medical voices, educating professionals to listen to health service users has become particularly critical. The utterances of people with dementia have frequently been subject to, in Miranda Fricker’s terms, “testimonial injustice”: that is, seen as irrational, unreliable, and not to be believed. This article will examine the way in which the generic conventions of the gothic, more specifically what Mary Ann Doane has described as “the paranoid women’s film,” are used in a short film, Darkness in the Afternoon, widely screened in dementia care education in the UK and internationally. Drawing on interviews with dementia care trainers, analysis of training materials, and the film itself, this article proposes that gender and genre is used in this film as a strategy to reorient the listening and affective practices and testimonial sensibilities of health and aged care workers.  相似文献   

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