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Social capital is broadly defined as the ‘value’of social relationships. A substantial amount of work has beenconducted into the role of social capital, but little of ithas focused on Latin America and Peru in particular. Standardtools are often used to measure social capital in differentcultural settings. We argue that while there are common themes,the exact nature of social capital is dependent upon the specificnorms of behaviour, networks and organizations that characterizea given setting. Social capital is a multidimensional and culturallyspecific concept. The contribution that different organizationsand networks make to different aspects of social capital variesby setting (rural/urban), person involved (male/female), andover time, highlighting the need for culturally sensitive measures.Two approaches are used to describe the characteristics of socialcapital in Peru: a literature review of research on social capitalin Peru, and qualitative in-depth interviews with twenty respondentsfrom one rural and two urban areas of Peru.  相似文献   

This study examines whether financial literacy can help to reduce anxiety about life in old age. We hypothesized that financially literate people are more able to earn income and accumulate assets, leading them to have a less anxious life in old age. On the other hand, less financially literate people rely more on social security to secure themselves in the old age as they are not able to accumulate sufficient assets. By using US survey data, we provide evidence that assets significantly reduce anxiety about life in old age only for people who are more financially literate. For less financially literate people, social security plays an important role in reducing anxiety about life in old age. Besides these, having a child and doing regular exercise also reduced anxiety for all respondents but marital status reduced anxiety in respondents over 40 years of age. The results of our study are robust to measurement of financial literacy and endogeneity problems.  相似文献   

Recent media reports have repeated claims that there are very large numbers of illiterate people in Britain, seven million adults being the most common figure. The moral panic this engendered has helped to justify educational initiatives and greater public spending on basic skills. However, a closer investigation of definitions and measurements of illiteracy in major national studies reveals the peculiarity of this social construction of illiteracy. Not least, it is argued that the numbers actually suffering significant literacy deficits are much lower than reported. Partly because British sociology has given literacy little attention (despite the advent of the 'New Literacy Studies'), official accounts of illiteracy remain unduly 'normative', seriously under-estimating cultural differences like gender, ethnicity and class. A new classification of low literacy skills is proposed, with the intention of demonstrating connections with structural accounts of social inequality and sociological theory. Low levels of literacy skill remain important because they are related to other forms of social inequality, even when the number of people disadvantaged in this way is much smaller than previously claimed.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study conducted to clarify whether visual rhetorical codes may be regarded as a significant readability barrier in a development communication setting. The semantic and pragmatic comprehension of three rhetorically encoded posters with a Tuberculosis theme were measured in a study population consisting of 150 high‐literate and 150 non‐literate adult clinic patients in Bloemfontein, South Africa. The results suggest that rudimentary rhetorical codes meant for the semantic level of comprehension (e.g. repetition, opposition, exchange of visual elements) are appropriate for a non‐literate target group, whereas advanced rhetorical articulations intended for the pragmatic level of comprehension (e.g. complex visual rhetorical premises and arguments) should be restricted to high‐literate target groups. In other words, the lower the literacy level of the target group, the lower the level of the visual rhetoric that should be used to engage the viewer.  相似文献   

The standard theory of anti-poverty targeting assumes individual incomes cannot be observed, but statistical properties of income distribution in broadly defined groups are known. ‘Indicator targeting’ rules are then derived for the forms of transfers conditioned on group membership of individuals. In this literature the motivating notion of a ‘group’ is purely statistical, even when it is groups such as localities and ethnicities. We focus instead on groups which are ‘communities’, meaning thereby collections of individuals who have access to community-specific public goods, from which non-members are excluded. Such differential access constitutes a source of inequality among poor individuals belonging to different communities, which is not captured by monetary earnings. We show that this formulation of what constitutes a group changes many of the basic results of the indicator targeting literature. Optimal targeting for poverty alleviation leads to seemingly paradoxical rules, such as targeting transfers to the community that is richer. Total wealth of non-poor members of a community and its distribution both become relevant for specifying optimal indicator targeting rules. In addition, a poverty measure that is sensitive to the community identities of poor individuals, yet defined on nominal incomes, may be incompatible with some of the basic axioms in the standard literature on poverty measurement.  相似文献   

V. Conclusion The flexible employment relationship encompassing as it does so many different kinds of arrangements — temporary, leased, homeworking, telecommuting, jobsharing, and consulting workers — is not a good candidate for the kinds of across-the-board regulatory proposals that are presently popular. Although the negatives of involuntary contingent employment receive considerable attention (relatively lower wages, the absence of access to benefit plans), the advantages (mutual flexibility and the opportunity to transmit/receive training and experience) do not. Proposals to raise the relative cost of employing contingent workers need to address each of the following three concerns: First, the mix of “employees” and independent contractors some of whom voluntarily fill the ranks of contingent workers; second, the absence of any meaningful job protections or legal claims to nonmandated benefits by mostcore workers; and, finally, the possibility that in some cases contingent workers’ wages operate asde facto sub-minimum training wage. More empirical work is needed in order to evaluate each of these issues. In the meantime, a case has yet to be made for altering the existing regulatory framework facing employers of flexible workers. I am indebted to Joseph Salama for research assistance and to Michael Harper, Keith N. Hylton, Stephen Marks, and Larry Yackle for helpful comments.  相似文献   

The years between 1910 and 1920 witnessed the first wave of the "Great Migration" of African Americans to the North. This article uses new census data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series project to study self‐selection patterns in African American migration during this important decade. The results indicate that, contrary to contemporary accounts, migration rates rose at least as much among the literate as among the illiterate (and perhaps more), and migration increased more for married African Americans than for the unmarried.  相似文献   

Financial literacy research of the past 40 years (1970–2010) has largely ignored the reasons for sociodemographic differences in financial outcomes. The primary purpose of this paper is to initiate a theoretical discussion regarding family financial socialization—what it is; why it is important; and how its tenets could help advance understanding of individual differences in financial literacy. To this end, we propose a conceptual model that integrates family socialization theory and recent trends in financial literacy research. The study concludes with an interdisciplinary critical review of 100 articles which provide illustrations, highlight gaps, and present opportunities for further research with many practical guidelines for advancing deeper understanding of financial literacy from a socialization perspective.  相似文献   

A groundswell of interest in young people’s ability to understand and handle financial decisions has generated keen interest in financial knowledge and effectiveness of financial education. This study examines an innovative four-year school-based financial education and savings program, called “I Can Save” (ICS). Using a quasi-experimental design, the study examines quantitative and qualitative data to analyze program effects on financial knowledge. Elementary school children who participated in ICS scored significantly higher on a financial literacy test taken in fourth grade than comparison group students in the same school, regardless of parent education and income. Results suggest that young children increase financial capability when they have access to financial education and it is accompanied by participation in meaningful financial services.  相似文献   


This article responds to the concern that low-literate community residents often are marginalized in community development processes. They are unable to give voice to their concerns, interests and their vision for their community. Perspectives and approaches in the fields of adult literacy education and community development are explored to determine how adult literacy education might be used to further the goals of community development. While there are parallels between these two disciplines, there are also barriers to overcome if an integrated approach to dealing with community issues is realized. This article reflects an interest in advancing a comprehensive approach to community development in communities with limited economic resources, low-level literacy and limited access. It seeks to address the issue of whether adult literacy education programs have a meaningful role to play in community development. The strengths of participatory approaches such as community-based literacy, and community development principles such as collective action, shared values, participation, social justice, political awareness and action, comprehensiveness, empowerment, and learning and reflection, facilitate an interdisciplinary approach.  相似文献   


There is a dearth of research related to mental health search word literacy for under 25's. The knowledge of a young person's mental health information search practices is piecemeal, derived from general search literacy studies. A young person’s access to mental health information online is highly due to the level of stigma and poor mental health literacy surrounding depression and anxiety. This study explored what search words young people aged 5–26 (N?=?630) used to identify information and/or help for depression and anxiety. The research hypothesis was supported that those under age 13 would have a more limited use of “disorder” phrases (compared to “thoughts/feeling” phrases) in their search for mental health information related to their symptoms. All age and gender groups were as likely to use thoughts/feelings terms, however, those over 13?years were almost three times more likely to combine their thoughts/feelings terms with disorder terms, compared to those less than 13?years. Results give indication that search engine optimization by expert mental health sources should take into account feeling-based vocabulary used by specific age and gender groups, in order to guide these young people to authoritative mental health information.  相似文献   


This study evaluated the association between microfinance participation and HIV literacy within a nationally representative sample of 3,614 married women aged 15–49 years from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey, 2011. Using logistic regression, we assessed the relationship between microfinance participation and HIV literacy. Controlling for demographic factors such as wealth, age, and education, we found that microfinance participants were 30% more likely to be HIV literate, in comparison with women who did not participate in microfinance. These results suggest that microfinance is a cost-effective way to enhance HIV literacy for poor, less educated women in rural areas of Bangladesh.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to introduce the concept of infomedia literacy, which refers to the ability to process critically all kinds of written information, sound, images, graphics and values transmitted by the new technology. This article argues that when information technology merges with communication technology, there is a need for a new form of literacy. The article is divided into two parts. The first part uses empirical data from Hong Kong to illustrate the necessity of providing infomedia literacy training to young people in schools. Adopting the perspective of socially constructed technology, the second part attempts to conceptualize infomedia literacy and define its rationales, aims, scope, key components and characteristics. A socially participatory approach of infomedia education is proposed. It is suggested that infomedia literacy as a life skill in the new information age has several components: (1) an understanding of the nature and functions of infomedia and critical awareness of their impact on individuals and society; (2) the skill of critical analysis of information transmitted through infomedia technology; (3) the skill of efficient search and selection of information; (4) knowledge to use infomedia technology for self-expression; (5) aesthetic appreciation; and (6) social participation by influencing the development of infomedia technology.  相似文献   

This paper compares legal approaches to foundations in six economically well-developed democracies (USA, England and Wales, Germany, Austria, France and the Netherlands). ‘Foundations’ refers to ‘non-governmental, non-membership, organisations, recognised as a legal category with a purpose in the general interest’. This covers the common field of the common law's charity and the civil law's foundation as a legal person. The countries organise public supervision of foundations in very different ways. Mostly there is governmental involvement or involvement of an independent body in the establishment and governmental supervision of foundations in action. In a few cases, the supervisory power—concerning the foundations' activities, not their establishment—is with judicial authorities. Access to information of foundations (registration) and possible requests for sanctions by interested parties are also rather different. Not all rules are in accordance with the freedom of organisation and some are less desirable. The conclusion is that a balance between the freedom of the foundation (board), the protection of the public order and the protection of the interests of others can be found in a system with systematic supervision at the establishment- and later practice—by governmental or independent authorities or in a system with good registration and incidental supervision by judicial authorities, also at the request of interested parties. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   

Drawing on data derived from a nationwide postal survey (n?=?1264) with a simple random sample of Swedes between ages 65 and 85 (response rate: 63%), the article analyses the general patterns of: (a) degrees of information and communication (ICT) access and (b) ICT-literacy among Swedish senior citizens. The overall patterns of access and literacy are analysed in light of senior citizens’ assets – conceptualized as material, discursive and social resources – and their age and gender. The analysis reveals a positive correlation between levels of material (e.g., income), discursive (e.g., English skills) and social (e.g., social networks) resources and access to ICT. With greater resources, the average number of devices increases. The analysis also reveals a positive correlation between discursive and social resources and ICT-literacy. Gender has no bearing on access to devices, but might have some effect on ICT-literacy. The correlation between age, access and literacy is negative. With increasing age, both access and literacy decreases. In this respect, the study reveals a generational effect. However, since all three resources tend to decrease over the life cycle, the results are also discussed in terms of an age effect. These data and our analyses are contextualized by a critical discussion that reflects on the implications of these general patterns: What do they mean for senior citizens’ abilities to be included and participate in a continuously digitalizing society?  相似文献   

A combined measure of financial literacy that includes both a test score of actual financial literacy and a self‐rating of overall financial literacy is used in this study. We find that the combined measure appears to provide greater understanding about how financial literacy affects financial behaviors. A large national survey of U.S. adults and households (n = 28,146) was used to investigate how this overall financial literacy is likely to change financial behaviors across five financial topics: credit cards, investments, loans, insurance, and financial advice. For each topic, we include 4–5 financial behaviors (22 in total) to demonstrate the consistency of the findings within and across topics. Although we are unable to identify a causal relationship, the results from the probit analysis show that both actual and perceived financial literacy appear to influence financial behaviors and that perceived financial literacy may be as important as actual financial literacy. (JEL D14, G00)  相似文献   

Charles Sanders Peirce proposed a semiotic that directed attention to the person or people who are providing interpretation, making place for the social and cultural. Following Peirce, we consider the meanings and consequences the term “community” has in an international context. We argue that English affords a richer set of meanings to community, which was not paralleled in the languages of Southeast Asia. The encounter between English and Southeast Asian languages has lexical consequences, but more momentous are the cultural changes they index. In Southeast Asian cultures, there is less need for “community” to take on broader meanings, since those cultures assume social relationality. Thus, the spread of English “community” could be associated with a rise of individualism in these other cultures, but it could also impoverish the Anglophone West, which would be denied alternative frameworks in which associational and affective meanings of community are unnecessary.  相似文献   


This article is an effort to analyze the influence of education and occupation as critical determinants of smokeless tobacco use among adult males in India and its selected states. Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) India 2009–10 data are used to analyze the prevalence of smokeless tobacco use among adult males aged 15 years and above (N = 33,767) by their different education and occupational status. Bivariate and multivariate (Cox proportional survival model) analyses are carried out to assess the linkages of education and occupation with use of smokeless tobacco among adult males. The study suggests that the majority of Indian men are using khaini (18%) and gutkha (13%) (the local terms used for smokeless tobacco). Further, it is observed that education and occupation remain the two important critical predictors of smokeless tobacco use among men. A greater percentage of young men with no education from rural areas use smokeless tobacco (44.3%) than their counterpart group from urban areas. The socioeconomically disadvantaged states, noticeably the east and central (4.992 and 3.218; p < .001) states, record higher prevalence of smokeless tobacco use than other states. Considering the high prevalence of smokeless tobacco use among illiterate and socioeconomically deprived youths, there is an urgent need to sensitize the issue. More concrete efforts to generate awareness on the ill effects of tobacco use among the illiterate and those who are employed in low-profile occupations are needed.  相似文献   

Studies providing evidence concerning literacy's relationship to fertility in Iran are reviewed. Reliable demographic data are unavailable for Iran before the 1st census in 1956. The 1966 census revealed a reversal of the normally expected larger female population, with a sex ratio of 107 men for every 100 women. The female population in Iran is accorded low status; only 29.6% of the population over the age of 10 was literate according to the 1966 census. A negative relationship between literacy or levels of education and fertility seems to have become a basic tenet of demographic theory. The hypothesis that as a woman's education increases she has fewer children has been confirmed in numerous studies, and, in response to this information, the Iranian government has sponsored several projects which incorporate family planning education into literacy projects. In view of the associations noted in other studies of the relationship between education and fertility, it seems wise to examine the effects of education on fertility in Iran. None of the studies reviewed give conclusive evidence that literacy is unrelated to fertility in Iran. Several of the studies reveal built-in biases: the husbands in Siassi's study were all military personnel; Gulick interviewed women who were already attending family planning clinics; Edlefsen and Liberman made some highly abstract and speculative predictions, and Lieberman et al. were basically measuring incomes instead of education. All of the studies do, however, give some indication of an irregular effect of education on fertility in Iran and swggest the need for further study of this variable.  相似文献   

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