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随着计划生育工作进一步向纵深发展,计划生育工作质量评估方法问题日益成为计生部门迫切需要解决的课题。近年来各级各地计生部门对此作了不少大胆有益的尝试,取得了一些经验,但也存在不少问题值得深入研究。作者就地、县级计划生育工作质量评估的有关问题特作如下探讨。 一、计划生育工作质量评估的地位与作用  相似文献   

按照国办《关于做好进城务工就业管理和服务工作的通知》精神,人口和计划生育部门坚持以人为本的科学发展观,树立服从服务于经济建设的全局意识,结合本部门实际,加强与相关部门的信息沟通和协作配合,把加强流动人口计划生育综合治理作为人口和计划生育工作的重要内容和强化基层基础建设的重要措施,初步探索了一套综合治理流动人口计划生育的工作机制和工作方法。  相似文献   

<正> 从去年开始,各地的计划生育工作陆续实行了任务承包。从吉林市近一年来的实践看,实行计划生育任务承包,明确任务、明确责任、明确奖罚,对于调动各部门、特别是计划生育部门的积极性产生了积极作用,给计划生育工作注入了新的生机和活力。但是,也必须指出,由于承包责任制本身的不完善以及人们认识的局限性,在落实承包责任制的过程中,出现了不容忽视的倾向。  相似文献   

计划生育工作的重点在农村.在普遍实行计划生育目标管理责任制的今天,对乡、村计划生育工作质量如何评估,已经和正在引起各级党委、政府和计划生育部门的重视.本文拟就乡、村计划生育工作质量评估的作用、评估的原则、评估指标的设置及应注意的问题进行探讨.  相似文献   

各省区计划生育工作巡礼编者按:1994年是我国计划生育工作取得重大进展的一年。各级党委、政府和计划生育部门认真贯彻党中央、国务院的指示,坚定不移地抓紧抓好计划生育工作,许多地方通过认真落实“三为主”,积极推行“三结合”,拓宽了工作思路,改进了管理方法...  相似文献   

最近,国家人口计生委根据党中央、国务院的统一部署,结合抗击非典斗争的新形势,对2003年人口和计划生育工作做出调整和安排,总体要求是:坚持用“三个代表”重要思想统领新时期人口和计划生育工作,进一步掀起学习“三个代表”重要思想的新高潮,坚持积极参与非典防治工作不松劲,坚持抓紧抓好计划生育工作不动摇,努力开创人口和计划生育工作新局面。 首先,要继续积极参与抗击非典斗争。人口计生部门在认真贯彻党中央、国务院重大决策,在抓紧抓好计划生育工作的同时,要继续与有关部门密切配合,积极参与非典防治工作。同时还要及时总结基层创造的经验和做法,改进和规范计划生育技术服务机制,做好先进人物和先进集体的表彰工作。  相似文献   

长江三峡库区如何做好计划生育工作余和汉1994年底,举世瞩目的长江三峡工程正式开工。三峡库区如何抓住工程建设的机遇,做好计划生育工作,是计划生育部门和有关方面应考虑的重要问题。三峡库区计划生育工作的基本思路是:把计划生育与搞好移民安置和促进地方经济发...  相似文献   

改革开放和社会主义市场经济体制的建立,给我国的城市计划生育工作带来了许多新的情况和问题。如何抓住机遇,深化改革,做好新形势下的城市计划生育工作,垂范于农村,进而推动整个计划生育工作水平的提高,是摆在各级党委、政府和计划生育部门面前的一个重大而紧迫的课题。一、目前我国城市计划生育工作中存在的主要问题从整体上看,我国目前的城市计划生育工作情况是好的、健康的,但仍然存在着许多难点问题。一是计划生育综合治理工作不到位,尤其是对流动人口的计划生育管理,存在着许多薄弱环节。各相关部门之间配合不够,缺乏有效的…  相似文献   

近几年来,济南军区的优生优育工作出现了可喜的局面。前不久,军区司令部、政治部、后勤部和计划生育领导小组专门联合发出通知,向全区部队进一步提出了要求,并采取了四项新的措施。 (一)规定了各有关部门在优生优育工作中的职责分工。为了便于协调开展工作,充分发挥各有关部门的作用,汇成强大的合力抓好优生优育工作,《通知》规定了十三个有关部门的职责分工,主要是:计划生育办公室主要是为领导当好参谋,协调各有关部门共同抓好优生优育工作。军务部门主要  相似文献   

一、当前计划生育工作的基本情况 一九八四年四月,中央批转了国家计划生育委员会党组关于计划生育工作情况的汇报,发出了七号文件。一年多来,各地认真贯彻这一文件精神,指导思想更加明确,总的形势是好的。这是计划生育部门在各级党委、政府领导下,同群众相结合,共同努力的结果,也是卫生、医药管理、化工、民政、教育、宣传、文化、计划、物资、财政等部门和各级工会、共青团、妇联共同努力的结果。  相似文献   

穆治锟 《南方人口》2003,18(4):26-30
本文将计划生育村民自治定义为“民主生育”,凸现了计划生育村民自治的民主性。民主生育是指由民作主、群众自治的生育活动,属于政策性自主生育活动。通过“三自四民”,民主生育正在重构基层的社会关系,正在开创人本主义计划生育的新格局。但在实践过程中,民主生育还面临着真民主还是假民主的严峻挑战。捍卫群众的话语权是村民自治的核心任务之一,也是基层民主建设在计划生育公务上的具体体现。  相似文献   

Using data from a 1966–1967 probability sample of West Malaysian married women 15–44 years of age, this paper analyzes the characteristics of women who were active in diffusing information about family planning. The woman’s age and her parity, her educational attainment, her race, her present residence (urban-rural), and whether or not she wanted more children were significantly related to opinion leadership in bivariate tables. However, these relationships appeared to be substantial mainly because these social and demographic characteristics were highly related to whether the woman participated in discussions about family planning with other women. Among women who did participate in such discussions, the social and demographic variables were not substantially related to opinion leadership. In fact, the critical variables for opinion leadership appeared to be participation in the discussions, greater knowledge of family planning, and a higher level of family planning use. An attempt is also made to assess the effect of interpersonal communication on the adoption of family planning among women in the sample.  相似文献   

调查显示,在一系列社会保障条件还相对缺位的现实下,广大农村地区实行计划生育行为主体的家庭.也为此承受了一定的风险及其代价,他们的生存状况不客乐观,部分家庭的生活成本加大,发展潜能减弱,进而导致相对贫困,乃至绝对贫困。这需要全面审视计划生育政策实施效果,建立配套的奖励、扶持和补偿机制.构建与之相适应的社会保障体系,维持人口和计划生育政策以及家庭的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Summary To what extent is family planning integrated with broader population planning in the countries of East Asia and South Asia? To what degree do these countries combine population planning with economic and social planning in their development plans? An attempt to answer these questions suggests that, despite variability from country to country in development goals and policy implementation, family planning has been largely separated from economic planning, and birth control programmes have often been substituted for intermediate and long-range population planning. Demographic factors have been treated as exogenous variables rather than as integral parts of social-economic-demographic plans. Such comprehensive planning is difficult for both technical and political reasons, but in any case is unlikely to be achieved so long as family planning and population planning continue to be confused.  相似文献   

中国省级人工流产的决定因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈卫  庄亚儿 《人口学刊》2004,40(3):16-21
利用省级数据对中国社会经济发展和计划生育对人工流产的影响进行了分析。因子分析将20个社会经济和计划生育变量合成了3个分别代表经济发展、社会发展和计划生育侧面的因子。多元回归分析的结果表明,经济发展和社会发展因素对各省各孕次人工流产比例都有显著而重要的影响,尤其是第1孕次人工流产比例与计划生育无关。而随着孕次升高,计划生育的独立作用不断增强。  相似文献   

Despite the existence of a family planning program in Pakistan since 1965 and widespread knowledge among Pakistanis about contraception, there is a high level of unmet need for family planning. One recent survey found that while 53% of married women express the desire to avoid pregnancy, less than 20% use contraception. A recent Population Council study conducted in urban and rural areas of Punjab province investigated personal beliefs, family circumstances, social norms, and gender relations among 1310 married women and 554 of their husbands. The unmet need for contraception was highest among women over age 30 years, those with more living children, less educated women, and women living in rural areas. The study found that while most Pakistanis approve of family planning, obstacles to contraceptive use exist in most marriages. 97% of respondents who wanted another child wished for a boy. That preference for sons influences contraceptive use behavior. The fear of social disapproval of contraceptive use, perceived opposition from in-laws and husbands, and fear of health side effects and divine punishment were major reasons identified against contraceptive use. Female contraceptive users were more autonomous and likely to make domestic decisions without consulting their husbands, while husbands defer to social and cultural norms.  相似文献   

Filipino illustrated magazines, or the comics, may yet prove to be the most effective media, if not the most effective, for spreading the country's development messages. Long criticized by intellectuals and the social elite, the comics have been grossly underrated in their potential to inform, persuade, and even influence the life-style of the people. The government's Commission on Population (Popcom) has developed an information-education-communication program using the comics, among other media, to disseminate stories on family planning, responsible parenthood, and related topics. Its best quality is popular appeal, and for publishers and distribution outlets, the comics provide good business. A review of these materials shows that their themes reflect the following topics or issues: 1) population trends and consequences; 2) socioeconomic benefits of family planning; 3) customs which influence family planning; 4) family planning concepts; 5) family planning methods; 6) human sexuality and reproduction; 7) the husband-wife relationship; 8) guides for family planning motivation or communication; and 9) guides for teaching family planning. The materials were developed with 4 qualities in mind so as to attract audience or reader interest: simplicity, familiarity, realism, and attractiveness of materials. The consensus is that in the comics, population and development agencies may have found a "secret weapon" in getting these messages across, and that this new-found use for the illustrated magazines may be giving them a new respectability without in any way diminishing their popular appeal.  相似文献   

论家庭变迁与人口的生育行为   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
家庭变迁与人口生育行为的变化呈动态关系和密切的相关关系。随着社会的变迁、时代的进步,我国的家庭规模与结构、家庭关系、家庭经济生产功能、家庭生活方式和养老保障功能等正发生着深刻的变化,对人口的生育行为、人口与计划生育工作以及政策的制定正产生着越来越大的影响。在当今市场经济条件下,重新审视家庭与人口生育的关系,考察家庭变迁与人口的生育行为,分析和确定家庭因素对人口生育行为的影响具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

中国农村养老保障的制度创新与农村人口发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨一帆 《西北人口》2009,30(6):16-22
本文以城乡统筹社会保障改革的指导思想为指引,立足于中国农村人口转型的时代背景和发展趋势,结合国际农村社会保障最新发展趋势的分析,探讨中国农村养老保障制度的制度创新问题。文章认为当前农村应着眼于计生家庭、高龄人口及无子女家庭等重点人群,更加重视老年津贴、小额保险和特种储蓄等新兴政策工具,更好地实现社会养老保障同传统的家庭保障、村社集体互助组织等的有机结合。走出一条城乡之间相对独立而又良性互动的、有中国特色的养老保障之路。  相似文献   

新时期的人口和计划生育工作,法制性、规范性和服务性显而易见。因此,立足改革创新,做好新形势下的人口和计划生育工作具有重要的意义。审时度势,转换脑筋,找准位置,进入角色,依法管理,工作到位,是调整工作思路和方法,适应形势、任务发展需要的关键,也是做好人口大文章,追求计划生育大目标,为全面建设小康社会做出大贡献的根本途径。人口和计划生育部门及其工作人员,必须与时俱进,积极改进工作,跟上时代步伐,用显著的业绩为经济发展和社会进步添砖加瓦,为全面建设小康社会创造条件,提供保证。  相似文献   

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