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Video games are an enormous segment of popular media today, comparable to television and movies. Moreover, video games represent a new form of media distinguished from previous forms due to the interactive element, where game players have the ability to change and influence the game world. This paper contributes to the study of race and popular media by examining how race is presented in role‐playing video games through the feature of avatar creation. Capabilities for avatar creation are analyzed in over sixty massively multiplayer online role‐playing games (MMORPGs) in service as of early 2010 and twenty offline role‐playing games (RPGs) published over the past 10 years. The analysis shows that the vast majority of games, both online and offline, do not allow for the creation of avatars with a non‐white racial appearance. Forcing an Anglo appearance on avatars that purport to represent the player has the potential to reinforce a sense of normative whiteness as well as shape the social composition of online worlds into all‐white virtual spaces, contributing to the creation of a virtual “white habitus.”  相似文献   

Virtual worlds are online graphical environments that are becoming an increasingly large part of the online experience of young people. Virtual worlds have the potential to become one additional environment, like school, home, and the playground, where youth can learn, play, and grow. The physical world is becoming interconnected with virtual worlds, and it is important for researchers to understand how this will affect children's development. Virtual worlds technologies provide a unique opportunity to allow youth to explore many types of content creation, including customizable avatars, media galleries, and virtual representations of personal spaces. This ability for youth to create content can be an important means by which to support and encourage adolescent identity development.  相似文献   

This article is an analysis of a single conversational episode. A disagreement about the significance of a shared event between two participants in a conversation leads to what Goffman calls a character contest. It is resolved by three others present to achieve a new working consensus. The analysis is about character contests and examines face threat, accounts, and working consensus as constituents of the interaction order which operates to maintain face and self presentation. Gender and role are part of the institutional context of this dispute. They provide ideological resources which contribute first to the conflict and later to a new working consensus. The analysis explores how the interactional and institutional orders are intertwined in informal talk.  相似文献   

Emmanuel Levinas argues that moral responsibility is enacted in the encounter between two people. Increasingly, however, encounters take place online and, rather than between two people, are mediated by virtual representatives known as avatars. In this paper, I explore the theoretical conditions for grounding encounters between users mediated by these online proxies, and the extent that they can be convincingly cast as moral. First, I draw on aesthetic theory in order to argue that online environments in which such interactions occur can gesture towards the moral responsibilities experienced in the offline world. Second, I explore ways of grounding the encounter in these online environments through theories of signification, ultimately utilising Jean-François Lyotard’s notion of the tensor read alongside the Levinasian ethical demand. Altogether, this paper attempts to provide an articulation of the very possibility of responsibility enacted and mediated through avatars and, as such, focuses upon the basic conditions of moral life online in order to provide a theoretical grounding.  相似文献   

Based on six months of ethnographic fieldwork, this study explores the intersections between embodied flesh and digital (re)presentations by examining how participants experience virtual sex on Second Life. We explore how and to what extent Second Life avatars mediate personal desires and fantasies with others who, collaboratively, construct sexual adventures in forms of playful deviance that allow for the emergence of secret sexual selves, as well as how those sexual adventures are ultimately fashioned and experienced in a “diffused life” that is neither of Second Life nor of first but a tightly bound combination of the two. Despite the enormous freedom of Second Life residents for seemingly boundless creative self‐expression, we conclude that these experiences are more bound to and confined within disciplined practices than they first appear.  相似文献   

张之 《职业时空》2013,(6):105-108
每年我国有大量的实习生参与各种工作,当然也会遇到各种纠纷。然而目前我国法律却从未明确规定过实习生的法律地位,在实习生与用人单位发生争议甚至工伤时,各地的纠纷解决和赔偿适用也各不相同。文章从实习关系与劳动关系的特征比较入手,分析了实习关系与劳动关系、劳务关系的异同,论证了实习关系应当是一种特殊的劳动关系,以及将实习关系列入特殊劳动关系立法的合理性,并提出了完善实习关系,减少争议的方法。  相似文献   

Protest avatars, digital images that act as collective symbols for protest movements, have been widely used by supporters of the 2011 protest wave, from Egypt to Spain and the United States. From photos of Egyptian martyr Khaled Said, to protest posters and multiple variations of Anonymous' mask, a great variety of images have been adopted as profile pictures by Internet users to express their support for various causes and protest movements and communicate it to all their Internet peers. In this article, I explore protest avatars as forms of identification of protest movements in a digital era. I argue that protest avatars can be described as ‘memetic signifiers’ because (a) they are marked by a vagueness and inclusivity that distinguishes them from traditional protest symbols and (b) lend themselves to be used as memes for viral diffusion on social networks. In adopting these icons, participants experience a collective fusion in an online crowd, whose gathering is manifested in the very ‘masking’ of participants behind protest avatars. These forms of collective identification, while powerful in the short term, can however prove quite volatile, with Internet users often discarding avatars with relative ease, raising the question whether they can provide durable foundational elements of contemporary social movements.  相似文献   

Rainer Greshoff 《Soziologie》2006,35(2):161-177
The controversy about the foundations of Sociology between Hartmut Esser und exponents of the sociologic systems theory hasn't yet been satisfactorily settled. A basic reason for this point is that there is no systematic analysis from a distant comparative point of view, of what in the conceptions of Esser and Luhmann is meant by ?social“ as their central topic. The consequence is a debate in which both their social theories are discussed in a limited and superficial way. To avoid this kind of limitations and to come to a fruitful dispute, the theories have to be discussed comparatively starting with Esser's ?Model of Sociological Explanation“ and with Luhmann's concept of ?social system“. Starting with such a systematic comparison, not only deficits of the controversy can be detected, but essential problems and errors of the approaches become visible too. From such a starting point something else can be developed: that the controversial positions of their conceptualizing, of what they understand to be the central topic of Sociology, is much less different than is supposed to be. The proposed method can also be used to validate Esser's claim to have integrated in his conception the various theories of Sociology.  相似文献   


This study sheds new light on the role of identity in virtual environments when virtual representation of self is in support of disabled individuals and the potential impact of their virtual identity on work opportunities. It is widely understood that individuals who live with disability often experience a lifetime of bullying, exclusion, marginalization and rejection. They often experience workplace bias and discrimination. Yet, when they can create an identity and experience embodiment in virtual environments, the results can be extraordinarily powerful – even life-changing. This research builds on nearly a decade of ethnographic research in 3D online immersive social virtual worlds; seven of those years working with disability communities to answer the following: RQ1: In a virtual world where one can choose any avatar form, how does that visual sense of self-representation influence one’s ability to gain access to a social network, to be a leader in that network, and to find work? RQ2: How does realism in representation influence work experiences in these digital worlds? The results reveal the importance of choice in online representation of avatars in creating work and online social engagement. Implications contribute to our understanding of visual bias in the workplace and how emerging virtual reality technologies may open new avenues for meaningful work and social interactions for people with disabilities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explain what clinicians need to know and understand when treating individuals with Asperger's syndrome (AS). This paper addresses the presentation of AS and what clinicians need to focus on during intake, while establishing a therapeutic relationship, and the range and severity of co-morbid issues within this population. The paper also discusses diagnosis of AS and the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of symptoms of AS and explains the use of medication and psychosocial support.  相似文献   

In “Substance Use Disorders in Perinatal Women,” Kimberly Yonkers, M.D., gives a sobering presentation on the consequences of substance use in pregnant women, on the women themselves, their pregnancies and their offspring, in the perinatal period. Yonkers' presentation took place April 25 as part of the American Psychiatric Association's (APA's) virtual online annual meeting; the meeting itself, scheduled to be in Philadelphia, was canceled due to COVID‐19. Yonkers' presentation touched on social justice as well as medical issues.  相似文献   

The diffusion and use of digitally based information and communication technologies (ICTs) offers the opportunity to redefine and reconceptualize 'community' both in terms of delineating the boundaries of community, as well as the modes of communication used between members. The creation of an electronic infrastructure, the Internet, permits the possibility of widespread public communication that is inexpensive and relatively easy to access. A second consequence builds on the first; the emergence of (virtual) communities based on geographically distributed sources of information production and exchange rather than the geographic proximity of community members to one another. An assessment of three cases of ICT-linked communities suggests that one component of sustainability of these virtual communities of interest may be a geographic linkage. While interests not based on geography are, at least at present, more transitory and less important than those created by the use of the Internet and similar kinds of ICTs. While we may join a virtual community because of an interest we have, unless that interest affects us in our daily lives, in our lives as physically-instantiated and geographically-centred individuals and citizens, there is no good reason to believe that we will long continue an active membership in the virtual community. Indeed, this is precisely what the three case studies presented in this paper suggest.  相似文献   

Sociolegal scholars refer to the invocation of law or rules during a dispute as the mobilization of law. Most studies of the mobilization of law focus on the mobilization of law by people in non‐official capacities, particularly by persons of relatively low social status or in positions of social disadvantage. Early studies debated the effectiveness of court‐centered strategies for social justice, examining whether real social change could be achieved through formal judicial means. Scholars now largely agree that law can be effectively mobilized for social change through both direct formal legal action and the indirect radiating effects of legal mobilization. This is because the influence of law goes beyond the courtroom; rights consciousness and legal mobilization help to transform culture and understandings of social status and power. Currently scholars are turning their attention to the mobilization of law within organizations such as schools and workplaces and the mobilization of rights talk and justice talk in unofficial arenas domestically and internationally.  相似文献   

Use of the term “World Society” in its present connotations is becoming an accepted part of the vocabulary of globalization in academic thinking. Despite its relatively rapid rise as an analytical tool, the popularity of the term does not appear to be matched by any widespread consensus concerning its precise meaning. This paper therefore sets out to take a recapitulating look at the concept of “World Society” from both a theoretical and systematical standpoint. The aim is to offer a detailed account of the concept of World Society. Current sociological research on World Society focuses on three sets of central assumptions, which are of special relevance for its genesis: 1. Communication technologies; 2. Global diffusion of cultural/ normative patterns; 3. Functional Differentiation. This serves as the backdrop for an analysis of the epistemological limitations and modal epistemological problems of World Society Theory. Epistemic modality deals with the reality or truth-status of propositions. Due to reflections on philosophy of modality, this paper attempts to show that socio-cultural rules as such are merely “virtual”. Structures are not fixed or given. They exist only as they are instantiated in action. On this basis the paper argues that world society does not exist, because World society theory mostly overlooks implementation. It attends almost entirely to law on the books, not law in action. Synonymous with the Western metaphysical tradition world society theory presents a modern version of a Platonic theory of ideas. In a critical discussion of concepts of World Society Theory, the limits of this approach as well as noteworthy challenges for historical-sociological research on contemporary processes of globalization are identified.  相似文献   

In spring of 2011, Peter King (R-NY) convened a hearing titled ‘The Extent of Radicalization among American Muslims’ in the US House of Representatives. Democratic participants critiqued the hearings and contextualized the proceedings within the long history of institutionalized racism in the USA. They argued that the hearings were a threat to the Constitution itself, a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection clause and the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of religion. Republican participants shared concerns about threats to the Constitution but suggested that the hearings were part of a strategy to combat this threat. Numerous Republican participants identified forms of Islamic law, or sharia law, as the primary threat to the integrity of the rule of law (ROL). Despite opposing positions, all actors agreed that the ‘ROL’ is that which will save the nation from threats posed from both outside and inside the nation and, as such, it is the ROL itself that must be protected. In this sense, the ‘ROL’ ensured by the Constitution inadvertently became the primary object of the hearings. In this essay, we bring analytical approaches from performance studies and anthropology to argue that the hearings impel a re-examination of the concept of ‘ROL’ itself. Rather than simply addressing the legislative effects of the hearings, we are interested in what they reveal about the performative and cultural dimensions of the law and the lawmaking process. While critics of the hearings derisively referred to them as ‘political theater’, we suggest that it is the nature of the King Hearings as staged public spectacle that imbue them with a politically performative power. We also identify the specific effects of sharia panic in contemporary US American political and legal discourse.  相似文献   

This paper begitis by cotisidering the effects of the business cycle upon the incidence of industrial accidents in British manufacturing industries, arguing that a generalized discussion of such cycles obscures important aspects of the political economy within individual cycles. In particular, the strength of the labour movement is related to the incidence of accidents at work. Since the trade unions are only one part of the tripartite system of the legal regulation of safety in British manufacturing industries, the paper goes on to consider the effects of recent material and ideological initiatives on the part of both the government and employers upon the ability of the Health and Safety Executive in general and the Factory Inspectorate in particular, to fulfil their role in this tripartite system of self-regulation. As a result of weakened trade unions and emasculated regulatory agencies, it is argued that there has been a virtual demise of this system of self-regulation. While the analysis outlined does not suggest that this demise is causal of the decline in safety performance across much of British manufacturing industry in the present decade, the paper does argue that the role of the law and its (non) implementation is not an insignificant factor in explaining this decline.  相似文献   


Law firms in England and Wales are operating in a cut-throat competitive environment, alien to many long-standing employees in the profession. Evidence suggests that managing these issues and planning for change in this new environment is difficult for many to comprehend, but essential for survival. The concepts of strategy, management, marketing and the like appear to have more prominence in legal journals, and practice managers are often a key figure within a law firm’s practice today. This paper suggests that for some, the idea of developing planned strategies of how to survive and compete in the market is anathema for many firms, as is the requirement to change the normal or existing ways of doing things. This paper aims therefore to provide a brief overview of the development of strategy as a branch of management science and how law firms can start to think about the concept of strategy and what the implications are for their practice. Utilising both primary and secondary data sources, it also identifies some of the key strategic issues facing law firms in the new millennium.  相似文献   

Childhood obesity is considered one of the most prevalent, chronic disorders in the U.S. with Alabama among the states with the highest incidence. Schools have the opportunity to play a vital role in educating children about healthy nutritional, physical, and psychological choices. The purpose of this multi-faceted, school-based health intervention was to educate children about healthy nutrition, promote physical activity, and use avatars as an educational and motivational tool for understanding and developing healthy bodies. Six fourth-grade classrooms in rural Alabama participated. The intervention group consisted of 25 males and 26 females (43% African-American, 57% European-American; 26% obese, 14% overweight) who received a 10-week nutrition education program that incorporated classroom physical activity and exposure to avatars. The control group consisted of 30 males and 24 females (41% African-American, 59% European-American; 28% obese, 15% overweight) who received no intervention or initial avatar exposure. Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance determined that only intervention children significantly improved their healthy food choice intentions, ability to identify fatty foods, and general nutrition knowledge at posttest. Additionally, most intervention students reported that manipulating their avatar's body size helped them think about healthy weight (86%-helpful, 12%-somewhat helpful) and their own best, healthy body size (76%-yes, 22%-maybe). Intervention children picked healthier avatars as their ideal/desired body size at posttest. This intervention improved nutrition knowledge and attitudes and provided preliminary evidence that avatars can be a useful tool in childhood health interventions to help elementary school students think about healthy weight and body size.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2006,22(2):177-189
This paper emerges from a current research project that examines the relationship between contemporary English rurality and notions of identity and belonging. While this is primarily a methodological narrative we argue that this narrative speaks to an analysis of current rural relations. The paper concerns itself with two key methodological issues that have arisen during the ‘doing’ of the research. First, it examines our own relationship, as ‘outsider’, urban-based researchers, to the rural and the use and/or relevance of our biographies as resources for making ourselves seem less ‘strange’ and for accessing, and being in, rural environments. At the same time as providing us with a map into our micro rural worlds the paper draws on this biographic-research relation in order to problematize notions of homogenous rural identities and polarized rural/urban identities. The second part of the paper argues that who we were/how we were perceived had a relation to what ‘truths’ and accounts we were told by our respondents. More particularly, we show how our use of focus group interviews had a direct role in the rehearsal and presentation of these ‘truths’. Given the current contestations and tensions over what and who ‘the rural’ is, it was clear that those involved in the focus group discussions wanted to give us particular stories that often fell into a consensus pattern of either ‘rural idyll’ or ‘rural crisis’ narratives. Drawing on Simmel's notion of the stranger and focus group data we argue that for these narratives to be told we, as researchers, were ascribed by the group members to shifting positions of intimacy and remoteness.  相似文献   

The International Convention on the Rights of the Child sees family as the fundamental unit of society and aims to ensure that children grow up in ‘an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding.’ Incorporated as an object of the Family Law Act 1975, the Convention guides the outcomes and informs the way that the Family Law Act should be interpreted and applied. Wherever possible, adherence to the Convention requires not litigation, adversarial contest, and determinative processes, but facilitative dispute management and dispute resolution processes. This is because ‘happiness, love and understanding’ can only be provided by parents and by families themselves – not by a court. In this address I examine the extent to which the family law system supports facilitative processes in general and family dispute resolution (FDR) in particular. I consider the tensions between legal processes and self‐determination and outline a series of benefits that derive from the default use of FDR processes.  相似文献   

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