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Socio-economic reforms have changed the social life of Russia. A large number of social problems in the transition period has negatively affected the social well-being and health of the nation. The critical situation of the health care system does not allow for the maintenance of the public health of the Russian population at the required level. To solve this problem, it is necessary to improve social services in Russia. The training of medico-social workers is currently being conducted within the system of higher medical education in Russia with the support of the Swedish universities.  相似文献   

The article describes the socioeconomic situation of the Russian population and its dynamics in 1992. The analysis is based on series of regional sociological surveys led by the All-Russian Living Standards Research Center and on official Russian statistical data. The basic unit of analysis is the family, and hence family typology approbated both in research and in practical social work is introduced. Besides describing and discussing the growing poverty tendencies in contemporary Russia, the article also contains methodological recommendations for social policy bodies and social workers on the strategy of work in social maintenance and social support of the least secure population strata.  相似文献   

Helping professions address the growing number of social problems which have emerged, along with contextual changes in Russian society, culture and state social policy. Social work only emerged in Russia in 1991 and it still lacks recognition by public opinion and by other caring professions. This paper addresses the current development of the social work profession in Russia, considers its context and reviews the main issues affecting processes within social work practice and education. Many social work agencies are in search of new forms of organization and are trying to develop new philosophies of service, in order to build positive relations with communities. However, given the 70 years of the Soviet era when social protection was highly centralized and bureaucratized, the organizational cultures of the new social services sometimes reproduce old patterns of bureaucracy, especially where employees lack professional education. The reflective practitioner type of professionalism is here argued to be more appropriate for social workers in today's Russia. The paper includes an analysis of interviews with social workers and administrators in a large Russian city and considers the results of an ethnographic study of social services in the same city.  相似文献   

During the past decade, alcoholism treatment services in the United States have experienced unprecedented growth. The federal and local governments and the general public have become increasingly aware of the devastating impact of alcohol abuse and alcoholism on people's health and welfare and on the overall economy. As a result of this growing awareness, diversified alcoholism services are now available in communities throughout the country. Despite this preponderance of treatment, there is at least one segment of the alcoholic population which has been virtually unserved. This is the deaf alcoholic. This paper will describe an innovative program of alcoholism treatment for the deaf.  相似文献   

俄罗斯 90年代的法学思潮 ,集中表现在对法的理解上 ,伴随着前苏联改革及其解体后俄罗斯的社会转型展开和演进。总体上说 ,俄罗斯法学界在对待法的问题上 ,主要有三种思潮 :自然法 (道德 )的、社会学的和规范主义的。前期注重法的内容 ,忽视法的形式 ,夸大国家权力的消极方面 ,强调法与法律的区别 ;通过法与国家关系的探讨和实践总结 ,后期兼顾法的内容与形式 ,正视国家作用的观点成为主流。文章拟从 90年代前期和后期俄罗斯法学研究的不同侧重来揭示这一时期的法学思潮。  相似文献   

张宏丽 《学术交流》2006,(10):160-162
报刊俄语中大量出现的随机词是言语的词汇单位,它的自造性、使用的一次性、对上下文的依赖性以及修辞功能上的强大表现力,使它与规范词有着本质上的区别。同时,它也是变革中的俄罗斯社会政治、经济形势、社会风气在现代俄语中的生动反映。分析和研究随机词,对于我们学好俄语、熟悉和了解俄罗斯国情文化不但具有一定的理论意义,而且具有较大的实践意义。  相似文献   

The study examined the effect of adult children’s disability on parents’ physical health in later life and the extent to which parents’ symptoms of alcoholism in mid-life moderates the link between children’s disability and later life parental health. Analyses are based on data from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. The analytic sample included parents of children with developmental disabilities (n = 145) or mental health problems (n = 200) and 2,432 parents of unaffected children. The results showed that the negative health consequences in later life of having a child with a developmental disability were greater for those who showed more symptoms of alcoholism in mid-life. However, symptoms of alcoholism in mid-life did not significantly moderate the impact of an adult child’s mental health problems on parents’ later life physical health. The findings suggest a potential area where gerontological social workers could intervene, given the negative impact of symptoms of alcoholism on the health of aging parents of children with a disability who may be significantly more susceptible to the negative health impacts of alcohol compared to their younger counterparts.  相似文献   

俄罗斯法治国家思想历史初析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张俊杰 《求是学刊》2004,31(4):71-75
法治国家思想早在 1 8世纪的俄罗斯就萌生了 ,并在 1 9世纪 60年代以后得到迅猛发展 ,到十月革命前后基本成型。俄罗斯所形成的法治国家思想与西方法治思想相比有独特之处。俄罗斯法治国家思想在形成的时间和实践的发展上与西欧法治相比也有相当差距 ,根源在于市场经济及工商社会发展滞后。今天俄罗斯法治国家理论的基本内容在一定程度上是已有俄罗斯法治国家思想的再现。  相似文献   

俄罗斯的市民社会诉求与"法治国家"定位   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
马长山 《求是学刊》2003,30(1):67-70
俄罗斯"法治国家"的理论路径是与俄罗斯社会结构转型进程相回应的,并以市民社会为其逻辑起点,即认为市民社会构成了法治国家的社会基础;市民社会的自由、权利和秩序诉求提供了法治国家的价值原则;公民法律意识是法治国家的重要条件和保证.这不仅反映了俄罗斯社会结构转型条件下的法治要求和特有关怀,也反映了俄罗斯国家控制能力衰弱和市民社会"畸变"背景下的法律秩序要求.文章指出,要推进法治,不仅要推进国家和市民社会二元化进程,更重要的是确立二者良性互动关系,而不可简单移植和照搬西方.  相似文献   

The Russian Federation faces multiple challenges for its health and welfare systems and for the development of social policy responses. This article provides a review of some of the key challenges for social policy in Russia and assesses the adequacy of the responses to date. The author surveys recent developments in health and social welfare and makes recommendations on priorities for Russia's policy‐makers and international funders. A range of public health challenges including drug and alcohol misuse, health in prisons and mental health is discussed; HIV/AIDS is singled out for particular attention. While Russia is increasingly attracting the attention of social scientists in the West, there is uncertainty about models and concepts suitable for the analysis of this complex society. Although empirical trends are largely discussed in this article, it is argued that theoretical development is required and some suggestions are made about concepts of the ‘middle range’ to assist in future analyses. Intermediate theories, such as those relating to the management of personal welfare, and development of resilience in a formerly collectivized context, are identified as having explanatory potential for this task.  相似文献   

Parental misuse of drugs or alcohol is known to be a common issue for child care social workers, yet there has been surprisingly little British research on the topic. The study reported here attempts to address this gap. All files going for long‐term allocation in four London boroughs over on average 1 year were examined (290 files). Parental substance misuse (PSM) emerged as a major feature of social work caseloads. Of the 290 cases, 100 (34%) involved concerns about parental substance misuse. The families involving substance misuse were more vulnerable on a variety of measures: the children were younger, the parents had more individual problems and the families lived in more difficult social situations. PSM cases tended to be ‘heavy end’ at the point of allocation: they accounted for 62% of all children subject to care proceedings and 40% of those placed on the child protection register. There was a fairly even spread between alcohol and drug misuse, and a number of cases involved both. Substance misuse specialists were rarely involved in working with families, primarily because parents said that they did not think that they had a problem. Suggestions for ways in which policy and practice with PSM might be improved are made in light of these findings.  相似文献   

Generalized social trust is correlated with increased levels of civic engagement, lower crime rates, and greater economic growth. Many scholars believe that equality provides the conditions in which social trust can flourish. Thus, welfare programs might be one way to generate social trust. However, the relationship between social spending and trust is contested: Some argue it is negative, while others argue it is positive. This study examined the effects of total social welfare expenditures on social trust in 18 OECD countries, holding constant individual characteristics, country characteristics, and country and year effects. Fixed effects analyses indicate that every additional percent of gross domestic product spent on social expenditures 5 years prior is associated with a 4.7 percent increased likelihood that respondents of that country will endorse trusting other people. Further testing for reverse causality found no significant association between trust and later social expenditures, supporting the claim that expenditures drive trust instead of the reverse.  相似文献   

本文首次从国际移民的涵化理论视角对农民工的社会认同方式及决定因素进行探讨,通过对上海市农民工抽样调查数据的实证分析发现,农民工作为国家内部城乡移民的重要组成部分,其社会认同存在以户籍为基础的制度性约束和以资源匮乏为特征的能动性限制。农民工社会认同主要受文化态度、社会交往、经济成功和社会环境四类变量的影响,农民工的个体人口统计特征也会影响城市认同的意愿。当地语言的熟练程度、与当地人交朋友的意愿(而非与外省市的农民工交朋友)、类似群体的收入地位水平、感知到的社会歧视程度和参与保险的程度都成为重要的决定因素。因此,公共政策的制定与执行应该要有助于农民工的心理层面的社会认同的转变,尤其是从“外地人”向“本地人”的认知转型。  相似文献   

数据分析显示,市民最喜欢的职业主要是市民就业比较集中的行业,如成为行政机关干部、教师和科研人员;市民最不喜欢的职业主要是农民工就业比较集中的行业,如建筑业、饭店服务业等。市民与农民工社会距离的类型以中、远距离为主。在社会距离的评价上存在一定程度的非对称性。社会地位差异、文化差异、空间隔离和非正式制度对社会距离有很大影响。市民与农民工的社会距离有不断缩小的趋势,两大群体之间已经出现了一定程度的社会融合。  相似文献   

俄罗斯海洋战略的基本问题是:大陆性国家如何发展和利用海权实现国家战略的问题。从沙俄到苏联,再到当代俄罗斯,俄罗斯海洋战略的矛盾焦点始终集中于这一基本问题,具体体现为克服大陆地缘局限、调和东西方冲突、统一海权在军事和经济方面的需求,以及发挥自身特色优势四方面内容。从俄罗斯历史实践来看,其海洋战略基本问题的实现程度直接决定了俄罗斯海洋事业的命运,并进而影响到整个国家战略的发展。经过历史实践的扬弃和发展,当代俄罗斯已确立了解决以上问题的基本立场,海洋战略正在成为其打破现有发展困境,实现俄罗斯国家全面复兴的重要推手。  相似文献   

张波  赵华 《求是学刊》2005,32(4):67-71
俄罗斯生态鉴定制度是俄罗斯环境管理的一项最重要措施.文章对俄罗斯生态鉴定的内涵、类型、原则等进行了简要介绍,指出"环境保护优先性原则"是俄罗斯环境影响评价制度的基本原则.借鉴俄罗斯环境影响评价制度,从扩大我国环境影响评价的适用范围,更多地赋予公众参加评议环境影响评价的权利,完善立法,加强执法与监督力度等几方面来完善我国的环境影响评价制度.  相似文献   

The average temperature in Alaska and the North American Arctic has risen at twice the rate of the global average due to climate change, causing changes to the natural environment that affect the physical, social, and emotional well‐being of people and communities. Social workers must be prepared to respond. Using a non‐probability, convenience sample, this study surveyed 159 social workers in Alaska to assess their attitudes and their perceptions of the effects of climate change on their clients and constituents. Results indicate that social workers in Alaska believe that climate change is happening, that human activities are responsible, and that it is a large threat to people in Alaska. Over 75% believe that climate change is dangerous for their clients now or will be dangerous in 10 years. Social workers report that in the past year their clients or constituents have experienced multiple climate change‐related problems with community infrastructure, health, and mental health.  相似文献   

Migrant workers in the Chinese construction industry have been described as ‘indenture labourers of the twenty-first Century’. Under the guise of flexible work and high salary, there exist serious problems such as lack of an employment contract, poor working conditions, and the delay of payment. The origin of these problems lies in the subcontracting production regime of the construction industry that masks its labour relationships. The system also makes the intervention of industrial social work, labour rights protection and advocacy of corporate social responsibility ineffective. Based on a case of a migrant construction worker service organization, this study provides preliminary explorations on an indigenous model called ‘transformative social work’ in China. This model includes long-term education to raise civil and class consciousness, encouraging workers to fight for their own rights, facilitating the development of workers' union, connecting the support from university student volunteers and university teachers, striving for the empowerment of migrant construction workers, and the transformation of the production regime.  相似文献   

Training of social workers according to the changing needs of the society is important. To this end, we decided to review the adequacy of mental health training in postgraduate programme in social work. The Mental Health Care Act 2017 defines psychiatric social worker (PSW) in India to have additional higher qualification beyond post‐graduation in social work. The number of such qualified PSWs appears to be limited due to small number of institutes that offer advanced training in the country. Though, the number of available PSWs with such qualifications is rising, the manpower in proportion to the mental health needs in the country continues to remain low. It is therefore, relevant to review the quality of psychiatric social work education at postgraduate level if this level is to be considered as the desirable qualification for PSW. In this context, postgraduate social work syllabi from 71 universities including autonomous institutions were reviewed using semi‐structured assessment. The results show a lack of uniform teaching components, training methods and insufficient skill orientation towards mental health interventions. These observations suggest that curricula and training are modified with strengthening and enhancing the quality of training of mental health at post‐graduate level in Social Work.  相似文献   

庄晓惠  侯钧生 《社会》2008,28(2):128-128
20世纪80年代,俄罗斯社会开始转型,90年代以后,俄罗斯的社会阶层发生了明显的分化。本文主要从以下几个方面描述和分析俄罗斯的社会阶层分化:1、社会收入的差距(包括个人的收入差距,政府各部门之间、社会各行业之间的收入差距,俄罗斯区域间的收入差距)。2、“社会边缘群体”和“新贫困者”。“社会边缘群体”是一些不能确定自己的社会地位和群体归属的“被社会边缘化”的人群。“新贫困者”是指前苏联时期,以教授、工程师和医生等知识分子为主体的社会阶层,俄罗斯社会改革前,他们生活安逸,有很高的社会地位,而现在却生活艰难,变成了俄罗斯的穷人。3、新中产阶级。 俄罗斯在社会政治、经济转型过程中,旧的以知识分子为核心的社会中间阶层消失了,出现了新的以企业主为中心的中产阶级,俄罗斯新中产阶级的出现使俄罗斯的社会阶级结构发生了巨大的变化。  相似文献   

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