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自从改革开放以来,中国的迁移流动人口在空间上表现出了不同特征,山东省处于中国的东部沿海,而且是一个人口大省,在人口的迁移流动上表现出了自己特有的方式。本文主要是以“五普”数据为资料,对山东省人口迁移流动的规模、分布、构成、迁移决策及原因进行了分析,最后对目前山东省人口迁移特征作了近一步的社会背景分析。  相似文献   

采用城市就业人口资料,运用统计分析和比较分析相结合的方法,根据最新的统计资料,对山东省全部城市进行了统一的职能分类。将17个地级市分为省级、省内地区级、地级三级城市。对各个城市的一般职能、优势职能、显著职能也作了详细的探讨,通过分类可以发现山东省城市体系职能结构存在的问题,认清城市职能结构发展趋势及优化对策。  相似文献   

山东人口与经济可持续发展水平评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从七个方面对山东省人口与经济可持续发展水平作了论述。山东省已经成为一个经济大省,与沿海其他省份相比,在人口与经济可持续发展方面有自己的特色和优势。但是,也面临着许多问题和矛盾,尤其是在人口经济质量等许多方面,与江苏、广东等省份存在较大差距。  相似文献   

长期以来,中国未建立完善的生命统计制度,以致分年龄死亡率资料很不健全,更无从对历史上中国人口寿命水平作出准确计算。为了填补40年来历史数据之不全,本文将根据中国妇女生育节育抽样调查的有关死亡资料,试对中国人口40年来分年龄死亡率与平均期望寿命及其变动趋势作初步研究。  相似文献   

山东省莱州市文昌路街道教育路社区实行计划生育自我管理、自我教育、自我服务,加速推进“两委负总责,协会当骨干,家庭为中心,群众作主人”的居民自治进程,推动“小政府,大社会”进程,不仅人口计生工作名列前茅,而且社区各项工作也都取得了显著成效,先后被评为“省级绿色社区”、“山东省科普示范社区”、“山东省和谐社区建设示范社区”等。  相似文献   

山东省莱阳市自开展关爱女孩行动以来,不断在深化上作文章,力求宣传经常化、救助长期化、服务温馨化,积极建立关爱女孩长效机制,有力地推动了整个活动的深入开展。  相似文献   

王承强 《西北人口》2008,29(2):50-54
在人口转变过程中。由于出生率与死亡率下降初始时间与速度的不同步,后者先于前者发生。会形成一个“中间大,两头小”有利于经济发展的人口年龄结构,人口学家称这段时期为“人口机会窗口”或“人口红利(demo-graphic dividend)”。本文根据人口类型划分标准对山东省及其区域人口红利进行了过程判断,并通过计算劳动力对经济增长的贡献率即劳动贡献率来显示人口红利对经济增长的推动作用,最后提出了充分实现山东省人口红利的途径。  相似文献   

苟延农 《人口研究》2008,32(2):53-61
本文在对山东省各种人口出生统计数据对比分析的基础上,利用山东省教育统计数据,以及育龄妇女信息系统数据估算了山东省1990年代各年出生人数和生育水平,并推算了2000~2005年出生人数和生育水平.同时对1990年代低生育水平的原因进行了分析.得出的结论是:山东省1990年代已经处于超低生育水平,大部分年份低于政策生育水平.低于政策生育水平的主要原因是生育年龄的推迟.  相似文献   

从一个居委会看流动人口的计划生育服务和管理顾宝昌1.1996年4月,中国计划生育协会于山东省临沂市召开1996年工作会议之际,根据中国计生协领导同志的要求,我对临沂市兰山区兰山办事处西关居委会计划生育协会开展流动人口计划生育服务和管理的情况作了调查研...  相似文献   

山东省社会保障水平及其适度选择   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文立足山东省人口和社会经济发展状况 ,对其现有社会保障水平进行了测算 ,并对其适度状况做出判断与评价 ,进而对山东省的社会保障水平做出适度选择 ,以期确立与社会经济发展相协调的适度社会保障水平 ,促进山东省社会保障制度运行与社会经济发展的良性互动  相似文献   

郗红梅 《西北人口》2005,(2):64-64,F003
本文立足于目前甘肃省职业教育的现状,探讨了改革职业教育体系,发展职业教育的必要性,进一步加强技术能力培训,缓解就业压力,促进农村剩余劳动力的转移。  相似文献   

成人教育是推动吉林省县域经济发展的助力器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
县域经济是国民经济的重要组成部分,发展县域经济从根本上说就是全面提升和合理开发县域人力资源,成人教育通过提高县域人力资源的素质促进县域经济的发展。列举吉林省县域成人教育发展现状及存在的问题,分析成人教育与县域经济发展的关系,阐述成人教育在吉林省县域经济发展中的作用,提出通过发展成人教育来推动吉林省县域经济发展。  相似文献   

Assessing the efficiency of public education and pensions   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Theory says that, in an overlapping-generations context, intergenerational transfer agreements are efficient if they induce equality between certain implicit rates of return. We apply this theory to the case of public education and pensions, where public education is interpreted as a loan from middle age to young, and pensions are the repayment of this loan, plus interest, from middle age to old. We use micro- and macrodata from Spain to estimate how far actual arrangements are from the normative goal. When demographic stationarity is assumed, efficiency appears reachable. When demographic change is accounted for, efficiency is far from being achieved. Nevertheless, and contrary to earlier predictions in the generational accounting literature, our findings suggest that future generations may not necessarily be worse off than current ones.   相似文献   

子女教育与家庭贫困的代际变动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈全功  程蹊 《西北人口》2007,28(5):36-38
子女教育是影响农村家庭贫困变动的一个重要因素。本文通过对14省区609户农村家庭调查结果分析,发现子女教育有加深父代家庭贫困状况的迹象,子女接受教育程度越高,自身一代家庭摆脱贫困的比例越高,并且能传承下代家庭使其免受贫困;家庭贫困代际变动的教育断裂点为15年(大专教育)。  相似文献   

马芒 《人口学刊》2003,(2):32-36
安徽省经济基础薄弱,教育投入不足,办学条件差,教育事业总体上比较落后,导致安徽省人口,尤其是劳动人口文化素质偏低,严重地制约了安徽省经济的发展。针对安徽省教育存在的问题和人口文化素质的实际状况,结合省情省力和"科教兴皖"战略,提出优先发展教育,包括适应市场经济的需要,调整教育结构;增大政府教育投入,并建立多渠道筹措教育经费的新体制;巩固和发展农村基础教育,优化农村教育结构;加强师资培训,建设一支高素质的教师队伍等可行性的对策与建议。  相似文献   

职业技能教育与人力资源开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资源开发与管理是现代社会研究的热点 ,但在我国对人力资源开发具有重要作用的职业技能教育却被轻视。目前我国职业技能教育领域存在的问题 ,在一定程度上阻碍了经济的发展。为此 ,有必要根据经济发展的需要 ,改变办学观念 ,调整学科设置 ,在借鉴国外先进经验的基础上 ,建立以市场为导向的新型职业技能教育体系  相似文献   

This study examines households fertility variations in response to expected permanent shifts in the return to education. Wage premiums measurethe return to education because their long-run movements are driven by factors exogenous to the fertility process. The results indicate that high education parents fertility responds negatively to changes in the expected return to college and negatively to changes in the expected return to high school. On the other hand, the fertility of low education parents does not vary with changes to expected returns to education. These results can be consistently interpreted within a standard quality/quantity model of endogenous fertility.I am grateful to seminar participants at Penn State University, Virginia Tech. University, the Economic Demography Workshop at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America and the Mid-West Macroeconomics Conference and well as to a helpful referee. Responsible editor: Junsen Zhang.  相似文献   

Building on cross-national stratification research that examines how institutional arrangements affect stratification processes, I explore how two characteristics of higher education systems, differentiation and privatization, shape access to postsecondary opportunities. Using hierarchical linear models and relying on variation in educational systems across states in the U.S., I demonstrate that differentiation and privatization structure access to higher education, albeit at times in previously unanticipated ways. Differentiation, which denotes the presence of community colleges, has a democratizing effect: it increases overall enrollment in postsecondary institutions as well as decreases the gap in enrollment between students from different social strata. Moreover, contrary to the diversion hypothesis, differentiation does not disproportionately divert students from less privileged family backgrounds from 4-year institutions. Differentiation does, nevertheless, divert another group of students: those with lower test scores. The results also indicate that privatization has little effect on overall access to higher education, although it influences migration of students, facilitating out-of-state enrollment.  相似文献   

In the decades after the second world war, California's highly educated workforce was a central part of the booming California economy, especially in the 1950s and 1960s when large numbers of migrants arrived from the Middle West and the East Coast. Now in the last decade of the twentieth century there is evidence that California's educational advantage may be shifting. The overall levels of education in California's workforce are decreasing relatively, with real implications for the future human capital of California. The data show lower education levels in California and a reversal of previous patterns when California's workforce was more educated than the nation as a whole. The implications for the future of California as a cutting edge economy are less clear, but it is possible that increasingly, California will be competing with other states for the fast-growing and well-paying jobs in the high technology sector. The future of the California workforce will be closely bound up with the education of the immigrant stock already in California and with the continuing flows from Mexico and Central America.  相似文献   

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