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The ability of mental self regulation is becoming more and more important to shape change processes. Change agents often experience, especially in potentially difficult situations, limits of self regulation by volition. Imperating oneself as an effort of self control by unconditional commandments has a blocking impact on mental self regulation. Introvision supports mental self regulation in a mode of calmness, which can be described as operating effortless and deliberately. In an attitude of calmness it is possible not to slide into inner conflicts, even when facing difficult situations. Instead it is possible to make use of one‘s whole action repertoire and include the context of change processes. calmness also has a positive impact on group dynamics. The atmosphere becomes more relaxed, dialog ability and the capability of problem solving is supported.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the conditions that enhance punctual payments of clients in economic transactions. Within such exchange relations the actors face a problem of trust: the contractor delivers goods or services ex ante and has to trust the client that he will pay punctually. Three possible solutions are discussed: institutional mechanisms like enforceable contracts, market mechanisms, and mechanisms based on the social embeddedness of the transaction. It can be shown, that the trust problem concerning proper payment behavior cannot be solved by the market or bilateral contracts. Due to this fact, the embeddedness of economic transactions in social networks and long-term relationships becomes an important mechanism to reduce problems of trust between client and contractor. Based on a general theoretical framework, hypotheses are tested using regional restricted data of handicraft enterprises. It can be shown, that due to unbalanced power relations and insufficient institutional regulations the actors are not able to solve the problem of trust. Although the social embeddedness fosters cooperative behavior, opportunism by the client cannot be avoided completely.  相似文献   

In the context of a pilot study the effects of the educational-psychological intervention Introvision were tested with older long-term unemployed people. The project was accomplished in the time by 1.4.2010 to 31.12.2010 in co-operation between ARGE Paderborn and the research group Introvision. In the context of the project 16 employees of ARGE Paderborn participated in an advanced training to Introvision, 31 customers of ARGE Paderborn began a coaching to get introduction in Introvision and 20 have also finished. Nine customers decided to participate five individual coachings. The results show, that the offers have a high individual use for the participants. To the central changes belong improved handling of stress, decrease of social isolation, improved (self-) perception as well as a higher self-confidence and a more open co-operation between customers and employees of ARGE Paderborn. Besides four participation began a job on the first labour market and two could be connected to a honorary activity.  相似文献   

This paper reveals what consultants can achieve in certain areas of client organisations in dealing with unawareness, although they operate themselves under the condition of unintentional ignorance. By more precisely identifying unawareness, they determine to what extend unawareness occurs through several dimensions (spreading, occurrence, location, knowledge, area, reason, relevance) and by doing so they improve the assessability of existing unawareness. By detecting and eliminating outdated as well as inappropriate and dysfunctional knowledge, consultants help their clients to make their lack of knowledge useable as a resource by creating a state of unawareness which allows the generation of new functional and appropriate understanding. By irritation and trust the consultants help to make new observations and to create alternative courses of action and decision as well as to reduce insecurity of the client system.  相似文献   

The study combines survey data from the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) and the German Socio-Economic Panel (GS?O?E?P) to address the role of changing parental resources in explaining the long-run historical trend of women’s rising educational attainment in Germany. For West German cohorts, the analysis suggests a distinction between two historical periods: a first one for birth cohorts up until the mid-1960s, when daughters’ educational attainment increased uniformly across all social strata, and a second period among women from younger birth cohorts, for whom all observable change in educational attainment can be explained as a pure compositional effect due to rising levels of parental resources. Rising educational attainment among East German cohorts has followed a more complex historical pattern, however, as women first benefitted from rapid educational expansion and the equalization of educational opportunity during the first two decades of the GDR. With educational policies reversed since the 1970s, East German women saw their educational progress stalled, and class-specific educational attainment actually in decline up until the point of German reunification. With reunification, women’s educational attainment increased sharply, but, as among Western cohorts, mostly as a reflection of the growth of parents’ private resources. In both parts of Germany, parental education rather than class has been the key factor at the family level, and increasingly so the rising education of mothers.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the characteristics and requirements of digital leadership and cooperation when teams are working on complex and dynamic project tasks, and cooperation is mediated by modern information and communication technology. Based on current research results we discuss the question, whether the thesis can be supported that leadership of complex digital teamwork can only be successful if leadership functions are delegated to the team and personal leadership is complemented by structural leadership. Despite many ambiguous research results regarding the effects of digital leadership current findings seem to support that more shared leadership in self-managing project teams seems to be helpful for team performance.  相似文献   

Demographic and micro-economic approaches have not sufficiently resolved the explanation of fertility behavior and intergenerational relationships. The “value-of-children-approach” promises a possibility to solve these problems especially with regard to cross-cultural differences. The approach is re-conceptualized in the framework of the theory of social production functions as a special theory of action. Children are seen as strategic intermediate goods to fulfil basic needs of their (potential) parents: Their (1) work and income utility and their (2) insurance utility increases physical well-being, their (3) status utility and their (4) emotional utility increases social recognition. The explanatory potential of this special theory of action is systematically unfolded for six essential dimensions of the action system of the family (size, durability, context opportunities and restrictions, resources, intergenerational relationships, and gender). Finally, the implications for the modernization and social change of intergenerational relationships in societies with different kinship systems are discussed.  相似文献   

The appropriation of micro-political competence affects the promotion of women into executive positions in a positive way. Evidence for this conclusion was found in the intervention study ??Micro-politics??. The study involved a research approach of Micro-politics-Coaching that was carried out on 30 female junior managers. As an introduction to the topic this contribution presents the Micro-political Competence Model (MCM) that was developed during the research project. The importance of micro-political competence for a successful carrier development is explained, based on the relevant action fields ??corporate culture?? and ??impression management??.The results of the research are made explicit by presenting two example cases of the coaching intervention study and by structuring the empirical evidence along the MCM. The conclusion clarifies why micro-political competence can be viewed as a partial area of carrier development competence and moreover provides implications for consultancy practice, for enterprises and for science.  相似文献   

Network perspective and health promotion have in common, the orientation on resources and changing from the pathogenic, deficit oriented viewpoint towards a salutogenic one, a perspective based on protective and supporting factors. On principle this means an expanded and integrating orientation which goes beyond the individual by considering the personal circumstances and environmental conditions. The integration of network perspective in counseling processes needs a professional attitude, grounded in a basic understanding of networks as functional and health-promoting in the sense of social support but also as a systemic view considering transactional relations between individual and environment. Here processes of empowerment play a central part. The expansion of opportunities for professional action in the sense of a salutogenic basic attitude refers to foundation and action guiding principles of health promotion.  相似文献   

The importance of virtual teams for collaboration of globally networked organizations has long been debated. But although this new form of division of labor appears in nearly all companies, which poses special challenges to managers and team members, scientific findings and recommendations have not sufficiently been integrated into practice so far. This article discusses on the one hand the challenges and opportunities of virtual teams, on the other hand wants by the presenting of scientific findings both provide food for thought, as well as concrete recommendations for implementation in practice.  相似文献   

Using the extension of the national PISA 2003 sample (PISA 2003-E) of 15-year-old students, this study analyzes assimilation patterns of immigrants from Turkey, the former USSR, and Poland in terms of educational attainment and performance in mathematics. It explores the extent to which segmented assimilation processes are observed for these groups. Increasing similarity of immigrant students across generations with native students on these dimensions would support the notion of straight-line assimilation, whereas stability in disparities would point to downward assimilation. The results of the study suggest downward assimilation for immigrant students of Turkish descent regarding educational attainment and performance in mathematics. Students whose families immigrated from the former USSR or Poland, in contrast, show patterns of straight-line assimilation. In addition, our analyses suggest that capturing immigrant status as precisely as possible (1.5 generation, intermarriage) is important, as significant differences in educational success and living conditions of these groups would otherwise be overlooked.  相似文献   

The establishment of networks, selective networking and mentoring are fundamental elements for a future career in management. Women in executive positions are disadvantaged due to their minority position concerning their access to networks and their ability to build a mentoring relationship. In the following article examines, from the micro-political point of view, how this disadvantage reflects in organizations at the action level (like networking strategies or exclusion tactics) and which opportunities and barriers for women in leading positions might be derived from the findings. Firstly, the concept of micro-politics will be introduced then networking and coalitions building as career promoting strategies will be discussed. Based on qualitative expert interviews conducted with women and men in executive positions, the strategies of networking and mentoring as well as the opportunities of women to win access to men-dominated networks will be presented. The article will conclude with implications derived from the study results.  相似文献   

Discussions concerning low trust scores in politics and politicians (both refer to a lack of political interest and activity), increasingly focus attention on how, in particular, adolescents relate trust to political activity. Younger people are said to show a lack of political interest. Nevertheless empirical studies about the determinants of missing political commitment and about the combination of trust and political action are extremely rare. Therefore, this empirical study focuses on the impact of trust on juveniles‘ political involvement. The question which characteristics trustworthy politicians must have in adolescents‘ eyes, and if relevant interindividual differences do exist, is of special regard.  相似文献   

In this paper, two interdigitated current training projects will be presented. The presentation is to show that social psychological theories can be applied profitably for school development. The content is about social learning in school. Social learning is aimed at the acquisition of social and emotional skills. These skills are positively correlated with the cognitive development of students. Social skills need to be explicitly taught and practiced, especially if they were developed insufficiently in childhood. In the project Social Learning we examine what contents may include social learning. In the project Classroom Management we explore how these contents are best taught and this teaching can be taught. Insights of Social Psychology are introduced for each resulting different extracts of reality and their uses are discussed.  相似文献   

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