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Singh S. Neighborhood: the “outside” space for girls in urban India
Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 206–214 © 2009 The Author(s), Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. This study explores the perspective of adolescent girls on the neighborhood as a social space that plays a role in the formation of their identity and agency. The study applies the ‘identities’ conceptual framework, which is a global, interdisciplinary, theoretical approach to understanding female identity. The study participants were girls enrolled in grades 7–10, from five schools in a district in the Northern State of India, who participated in structured focus group discussions. The study reports on the reduced relevance of neighborhood for girls and illustrates, through quotes, the reasons for their limited interaction.  相似文献   

本文提出如下观点:1.资源是地缘政治及其制权理论演绎的逻辑原点;2.地缘政治与资源政治的统一,是现代地缘政治学说的本质特征;3.现代世界地缘政治是一个体系,而"一个中心、两个基本点"则是这个体系的基本特征;4."中亚是世界地缘政治的中枢,也是世界霸权的坟墓"。本文认为:位于世界地缘政治体系中心的特殊地理位置对印度的国家安全产生了更大压力,因此,印度未来安全依赖于中国的发展,而印度扩大在印度洋的作用也有利于中国的发展。  相似文献   

印度东北地区的民族分离运动与反政府武装   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自独立以来,印度东北地区民族分离运动、反政府武装活动持续不断,至今未绝。独立以后至20世纪80年代,主要为民族分离主义争取民族自决权与印度政府维护统一的斗争,经过三十余年的较量,印度政府实现了在宪法框架内对东北地区的政治重组;20世纪80年代至今,主要为由移民与本地居民、部落民之间的矛盾激化而引发的反政府武装活动。进入新世纪,反政府武装组织出现恐怖主义化、黑社会化趋向。  相似文献   

全球化时代印度的工会发生了多层面的转变。传统工会衰落,新型工会出现,但传统工会仍然占主导地位;工会总体数目继续增长,但大多数工会的规模不如从前;众多无组织的下层群体特别是女工开始更多地组织和参加工会;工会的领导人由以前严重的外部化转为内部化;工会的职能由相对单一化转向多元化。1980年以来印度工会的效能一直低下,工会运转中存在严重的团队管理问题。统一的团结合作仍然是印度工会面临的最艰巨挑战。  相似文献   

This article examines access to legal aid for women in light of the Australian government's social inclusion agenda. It is notable that the government's image of social citizenship does not include the ability to invoke and enforce legal rights, and that discourses of social exclusion have paid relatively little attention to gendered patterns of exclusion. The article reports on a study of applications for and refusals of legal aid for family law, domestic violence and anti‐discrimination matters by socially excluded women in Queensland. It demonstrates the variety of ways in which Legal Aid Queensland's grants process operated to further exclude and marginalise these women. It argues that effective access to legal aid is an important element of social inclusion, but that this goal cannot be achieved by reliance on the tools of New Public Management.  相似文献   

中印参与自由贸易区比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,中印两国积极参与自由贸易区的建设,呈现出了许多共同的特点。与此同时,两国参与自由贸易区建设又蕴含着一些矛盾和利益分歧。客观地看,两国参与自由贸易区难免发生利益碰撞,但只强调竞争并不符合两国利益。  相似文献   

王芳 《求是学刊》2007,34(4):68-72
与以制造业作为经济增长引擎的中国不同,印度制造业的发展始终保持缓慢低下的增长速度。本文从制度角度揭示了印度制造业发展缓慢的深层原因。笔者结合印度制度环境形成的历史背景与制度变迁的路径依赖,发现长期的混合经济和民主体制形成的僵化体制增加了印度制度变迁的难度。劳动力市场保护和许可证等一系列管制构成制造业把握开放机会的制度障碍,造成外资和贸易的不旺,进而无法促进制造业的发展。  相似文献   

唐仁虎 《南亚研究》2012,(3):99-110
印度分治前后南亚次大陆发生了震惊世界的教族仇杀事件。事件刚刚发生时,便有进步作家进行抨击,后来又有不少作家反思这场灾难的危害。本文选择了前后相隔二十多年的三部作品,简要介绍其内容,分析几部作品的相同点和不同点及造成教族冲突的原因,认为印度分治并非英国殖民者蓄意所为,而是分治之前印度本身的宗教政治因素造成的,因此印度分治造成的教族仇杀是教派冲突之灾。  相似文献   

世纪之交,无论是从规模条件,还是从衡量大国地位的关键性指标数据来看,印度作为新兴大国已经无可争议地崛起了。助成印度崛起的关键性因素,除了其一以贯之的大国地位追求,特别是战略现实主义的治国方略外,显然还在于冷战的结束给印度提供了难得的战略机遇。印度对美国主导下的国际体系的许多规则、规范甚至运作机制并不认可,但由于受种种条件制约,其依然只是国际体系中的一个“有限的挑战者”。印度的崛起导致了亚洲地缘政治的重大变化,进而直接影响着中印关系。  相似文献   

Social exclusion, solidarity and the challenge of globalization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During the 1990s, the notion of social exclusion has given a new impetus to the debate about poverty and disadvantage. This paper assesses the extent of conceptual reconfiguration that the concept of social exclusion involves and the implications for empirical research and policy evaluation. It proceeds to examine critically the extent to which current notions of social exclusion risk neglecting patterns of inequality in the wider society. It concludes by arguing that the globalization of our market economies is tending to erode the support which more advantaged groups are ready to offer and to force retrenchment of the formal welfare organizations on which the poor can call. In a global economy, moral solidarity with the disadvantaged atrophies, and the national communities within which the postwar welfare states were built no longer serve as the focus for good neighbourliness.  相似文献   

This paper begins by reviewing several of the ways in which social inclusion has been conceptualized in the literature. The paper then explores these approaches in the context of the provision of preschool education in rural Scotland. Preschool education is viewed by government as a powerful weapon in the fight against social exclusion, but higher per capita costs in rural areas as well as the availability and cost of transport are major problems, raising questions in turn about inclusive models of provision. Moreover, many parents are sceptical about their ability to access preschool education for their children while also continuing their own engagement in the labour market (a central pillar of social inclusion policy). Issues of choice, quality and governance arise and these are discussed in depth. The paper concludes with some reflections on the concept of social inclusion in the light of this case study.  相似文献   

中印国际竞争力比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文根据《2010~2011年全球竞争力报告》,分析了全球竞争力报告指标体系的构成,对中印国际竞争力的总排名与12个支柱指标及子指标排名进行了比较,揭示了两国经济发展中存在的主要问题,阐述了两国各自的比较优势。  相似文献   

本文对印度初等教育(包括小学和初中阶段)的学校教育阶段的状况、学校教育的资金与管理情况进行了介绍,并从学校的基础设施、教师情况、入学率和教学质量四个方面对印度初等教育体系的表现做出评估。本文认为,印度国情复杂,教育水平提高缓慢且具有地区差异,未来教育水平的提高有赖于政府和地方的共同努力。  相似文献   

独立后,为了把印度建设成为一个现代化工业强国和"有声有色"的世界大国,历届印度政府都非常重视高科技发展。经过六十多年的努力,印度在原子科技、空间科技、信息科技、生物科技和海洋科技等高新科技领域取得了举世瞩目的成就。高科技的发展促进了印度经济增长,提高了印度国防现代化水平,增强了印度的综合国力和国际影响力,提高了印度的国际地位。  相似文献   

The way in which healthcare is financed is critical for equity in access to healthcare. At present the proportion of public resources committed to healthcare in India is one of the lowest in the world, with less than one‐fifth of health expenditure being publicly financed. India has large‐scale poverty and yet the main source of financing healthcare is out‐of‐pocket expenditure. This is a cause of the huge inequities we see in access to healthcare. The article argues for strengthening public investment and expenditure in the health sector and suggests possible options for doing this. It also calls for a reform of the existing healthcare system by restructuring it to create a universal access mechanism which also factors in the private health sector. The article concludes that it is important to over‐emphasize the fact that health is a public or social good and so cannot be left to the vagaries of the market.  相似文献   

张淑兰 《南亚研究》2005,4(1):33-37
本文从印度的经济改革和四次大选的角度出发,探讨印度经济改革与选举政治的互动意义。作者认为,90年代以来每届政府的下台并不意味着人民反对经济改革;人民一直通过选举要求政府调整经济改革的设计内容和优先顺序;调整迟缓的关键症结在于印度政府的组成及其运转;只有抓住了经济改革——政府——选举三者之间的有机互动关系,才能实现政治经济的良性互动。  相似文献   

蔡枫 《南亚研究》2012,(1):143-155
印巴犍陀罗艺术的研究经历了三个阶段.第一阶段始自19世纪中叶,终于印巴分治.当时,西方学者主导犍陀罗地区的考古和研究,研究的热点在于剖析犍陀罗艺术中的西方文化因素.印度学者的犍陀罗艺术研究在殖民主义话语权的笼罩下,处于相对“失语”的状态.第二阶段为印巴分治后的前三十年.巴基斯坦学者拥有考古优先权,犍陀罗艺术的考古和研究崭露头角.第三阶段始自20世纪80年代.印巴学者力图摆脱西方的学术窠臼,回归印度传统文化视角,犍陀罗艺术研究渐入繁盛期.  相似文献   

Research findings from an ethnographic study into low-income Pakistani families in Hong Kong indicate the existence of significant barriers in society militating against social inclusion. Racial discrimination contributes to marginalization, reducing life opportunities. Identified problems include educational, linguistic, and employment issues. These factors lead to social exclusion and weakened social capital.  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2019,41(6):1095-1108
This study is an attempt to construct some summary measures of multi-group segregation for nominal and ordinal categorical data. These measures are developed by taking into account the association between identity groups and unordered or ordered categories of the well-being indicator and also the disproportionate representation of the populations of the identity groups across the unordered or ordered categories of the well-being indicator. The newly developed measures are characterized and applied to assess the disparities in education and occupational status among the socio-religious groups in India. Empirical findings reveal the existence of between-group inequality in education and occupation in India, and some relevant policies to reduce these inequalities are also suggested.  相似文献   

Sport and recreation can help communities to build social inclusion and celebrate diversity. Yet some sport and recreation activities require conformity to social and cultural norms, risking suppressing difference and reinforcing inequality and exclusion. This paper explores these tensions by examining access and barriers to sport and recreation for a large group of Australian women: those from culturally diverse backgrounds. Qualitative data shows that while sport industry representatives justify catering primarily for a mainstream participant base, culturally diverse women identify barriers requiring strategic and targeted policy and program intervention. Implicating the spatial organisation of sport and recreation as sources of marginalisation, culturally diverse women highlight how access‐enhancing initiatives in public, commercial and community sport facilities can play key roles in promoting social inclusion.  相似文献   

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