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人体致胖机制与运动减肥的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了正确的认识肥胖和有效地减肥,促进身体健康,本文采用查阅文献资料法,对人体的致胖机制与运动减肥的有关问题进行综述,阐明科学地运动是一种行之有效的减肥手段。若在运动减肥的基础上,合理的调控饮食,适当的补锌,减肥会收到更好的成效。肥胖者应根据个体特点,制定合理的减肥计划,科学地运动,以利有效减肥和身体健康。  相似文献   

减肥品能当饭吃? 所谓“能当饭吃”的减肥食品,无非是以制造饱腹感手段,令肥胖者减少进食而减肥。 人体有一种专门指挥内部器官正常运行的植物神经(也称副交感神经),当消化器官长时间处于饱腹状态而又不能得到正常食物营养补充时,植物神经功  相似文献   

节食减肥似乎已成为一种时尚,尤其在当代女性中。各种报刊杂志都推出冠以“最新最有效”的减肥方法,而关于营养的信息资料,许多是互相矛盾的。下面是关于减肥方面常见的十种谬论。 一、所有食物的热量都会产生相同的效果 美国康奈尔大学的一项研究表明,引起体重增加的因素,不是所吃食物的数量,而是吃的是什么。最能  相似文献   

正有媒体报道,一位女性为减肥,连续30天只吃水果,结果被检测出脂肪肝。请问减肥怎会导致脂肪肝?上海周女士脂肪肝与营养相关,无论是营养不良还是热量过剩,都有可能导致脂肪肝。其实,最早引起脂肪肝的原因就是营养不良,只不过随着社会的发展,近几十年由于肥胖、热量过剩等导致的脂肪肝成为主流。如果长期只吃水果并成功减肥,说明人体的热量为负平衡,即  相似文献   

王春 《家庭科技》2010,(12):30-30
猪牛羊肝明日好,健胃补脾吃红枣. 生梨饭后能化痰,苹果消食营养高。 木耳抗癌素中荤,黄瓜减肥有成效。 紫茄祛风通脉络,莲藕除烦解酒妙。  相似文献   

西红柿营养丰富并且.热量较低,其富含的番茄红素还具有很好的抗癌功效,它的酸性汁液可以帮助你平衡皮肤的pH值,所以它不仅是很好的减肥食品,还能  相似文献   

你有过不堪回首的减肥经历吗?每日饥肠辘辘地对着美食强装熟视无睹。终于挨到磅秤的指针对准理想重量,自己释然而笑时,却忽然发现,皱纹已经悄然爬上松弛的眼角…… 还是找个科学健康的方法吧,也许,减肥可以变轻松,效果也可以更理想!看看乳制品是如何帮助我们控制理想体重和塑造曼妙体形的。  相似文献   

纤体已经成为现代女性的主要话题之一,无论是好莱坞影坛的超级巨星,还是巴黎T型舞台上的顶级模特,不管是事业有成的成熟女性,还是憧憬未来的青春少女,无不渴望拥有一副苗条而性感的身材。形体凹凸有致,甚至于透过肌肤能够显出骨骼之精美,这似乎更符合现代人的审美时尚。纤体是项复杂的人体系统工程。除了遗传因素之外,还受到日常活动,饮食习惯和生活规律等多方面因素的影响,绝对不是几盒减肥药或几次减肥疗法就可以彻底解决的,所以要想成功减肥并长期保持理想的体形,就必须首先了解减肥机制,接受纤体新概念,从而能够科学有效地进行减肥。  相似文献   

张扬 《家庭科技》2004,(3):30-31
五花肉红白相间,肥瘦层叠,成菜美观味醇,营养丰富。如今都市减肥声虽不绝于耳,却未见五花肉在宴席上的地位有何动摇。五花肉、精五花肉在肉市上依然畅销。可见人们对五花肉的喜爱程度之高。下面是几道以五花肉为主料的新菜肴。  相似文献   

激进的饥饿疗法或挑食对乳房极其有害。会使局部脂肪组织迅速减少,剩下的只是松弛的皮肤。要想在减肥的同时,又能拥有一对健美的乳房,就应注意食用一些合适且营养丰富的饮食。 过紧或不合体的文胸不利于乳房。要想获得一对  相似文献   

This article analyzes how the family and the welfare state influence household income trajectories after job loss in the United States and in western Germany. Drawing on panel data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) and the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP), I study the income buffering effects of the family and the welfare state in the short an in the long run after job loss. I demonstrate that household income trajectories after job loss in the two countries are similar for couple households. However, men in the United States rely relatively more on family resources to overcome income loss, whereas German men’s incomes are secured mostly by the welfare state. Women’s unemployment in both countries is mainly buffered by their partners’ higher earnings. Because single households have no access to family support, they face much higher losses in the United States than in Germany. I also show that the more generous German welfare state triggers less private self-help in the form of increased labor force participation on the part of women when their partners lose their jobs. Over time, the family has become more important in buffering incomes after job loss in the United States which smoothed men’s and roughened women’s income trajectories in couple households. In Germany, worsening re-employment chances increased income losses in the long run after job loss.  相似文献   

朱上准  赵小明 《云梦学刊》2000,(5):22-24,66
国有资产中有形资产的流失存在动态流失与静态流失两种形式,动态流失因产权不清、管理不严或产权交易中规则不健全所致,具体又可分为经营性动态流失和人为性动态流失.静态流失与其是否进入市场交易有关.加强经济立法,完善和发展产权交易市场等可减少或避免国有有形资产的流失。  相似文献   

研究了局部均衡函数,定义了改进的局部变权向量,提出了与之对应的状态局部变权向量和局部均衡函数,证明了两类函数是局部均衡函数;利用局部变权向量建立了企业信用评估模型,并通过实例说明了该理论是有效的和合理的.  相似文献   

African American families are overrepresented in the Child Welfare System; however, extant research on this phenomenon has (1) focused mostly on Caucasian or mixed-race samples and (2) has not examined informal custody arrangements alongside official child custody loss. This research addresses these gaps in the literature by examining factors associated with both official and informal child custody loss among a sample of African American mothers. Multinomial regression results show that having ever been incarcerated following a conviction increases the odds of experiencing both types of custody loss relative to no loss. Additionally, mother’s experiences of childhood victimization increase the likelihood of informal custody loss relative to no loss, while being older, past year homelessness, number of minor children, being lesbian or bisexual, crack/cocaine use, and more family social support increase the odds of official loss versus no loss. Finally, increases in social support from friends decrease the odds of official loss. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

民事损害赔偿以全部赔偿为最高准则。违约损害赔偿以期待利益为最高赔偿范围,同时应接受可预见性的限制。侵权赔偿范围包括所受损害和所失利益,应接受因果关系的限制,并应逐渐扩展至债权和纯粹经济上损害。  相似文献   

‘百鸡问题’数学史家,都将它归之为不定方程组求解问题。主要将‘百鸡问题’作为多级的盈亏调解问题来处理,显现出对此题的原始地处理过程,从方法上看,此题可作盈亏问题的延伸和应用,是分析算术问题的一个基本方法,是用组合数学的方法进行探讨的。  相似文献   

Subjects in the loss domain tend to split payoffs equally when bargaining. The ultimatum game offers an ideal mechanism through which social scientists can investigate whether equal splits are the consequence of the proposers’ generosity or due to their anticipation that the responders will reject lower offers. This paper experimentally compares ultimatum bargaining that takes place in a loss domain with that under a gains domain. The results reveal that, although responders do not expect more in the loss domain, proposers do make higher offers. As such, proposers reach agreements more often in the loss domain than they do in the gains domain, and responders receive higher payoffs.  相似文献   

易卫中 《兰州学刊》2008,(9):112-115,175
从人权保障的角度看,公民的任何权益受到侵害都应该得到补救。言论免责权虽是为了公共利益而产生的特权,但公民个人客观上可能因言论免责权的行使而受到伤害。为了弥补受害者的损失,应该完善议院对议员言论的惩罚措施,议会在惩罚议员不当言行的同时,由议会本身给予受害者补偿。  相似文献   

针对煤炭企业人员流失风险的复杂性和不确定性,建立了基于组合赋权未确知测度(UM)的综合评价模型。在应用AHM-信息熵确定风险评价因素权重的基础上,采用未确知测度方法对煤炭企业内不同职能的人力资源进行分析,评价出风险等级。最后运用实例证明了组合赋权的有效性和评价模型的可靠性,为企业的风险管理提供决策依据。  相似文献   

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