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随着科技创新活动不断突破地域、组织和技术的界限,创新研究对象由单个企业扩展到创新生态系统。创新生态系统涵盖知识和商业两个层面,其组织间联结形成了复杂交互的网络,但已有研究或囿于知识经济或商业经济某一视域,或侧重于宏观环境或微观个体某一层面,缺乏从社会网络中观视角对创新生态系统中科技与市场联动作用机制的深入探讨。基于社会网络理论,把创新生态系统解构为组织间交互联结而形成的知识网络和商业网络,从网络嵌入视角构筑创新生态系统知识–商业双重网络嵌入分析框架,提出双重网络嵌入及其交互作用对企业创新影响机制的概念模型。结合企业增值税发票数据库、国家知识产权局专利数据库和中国工业企业数据库提取海量多源异构数据,对国家制造强国建设中某重点城市数控机床产业相关企业开展实证研究。利用社会网络分析方法构建150 856家机构的商业网络、48 310家机构的知识网络,获取企业在创新生态系统中的双重网络嵌入信息,并进一步对其中349家核心企业进行负二项回归分析,以对研究假设进行检验。研究结果表明,创新生态系统知识网络嵌入连通度和支配度对企业技术创新均有显著正向影响,且二者作用效果没有显著性差异;创新生态系统商业网络嵌入支配度对企业技术创新有显著正向影响,但商业网络嵌入连通度对企业技术创新的影响并不显著;创新生态系统知识网络嵌入支配度与商业网络嵌入支配度的交互作用能正向促进企业技术创新,但知识网络与商业网络嵌入连通度的交互作用并不显著。研究结果弥补了已有创新生态系统研究中知识经济与商业经济彼此割裂的缺陷,丰富了创新生态系统中科技与市场联动和协同的理论基础,拓展了创新生态系统作用机制的网络内涵,为中国构筑和完善创新生态系统、促进创新驱动发展提供政策建议。  相似文献   

受数字技术变革与应用影响,企业价值创造边界不断外扩,进而导致商业生态系统取代双边伙伴合作成为企业开展商业模式创新的主要情境。在此背景下,本文聚焦研究商业生态系统中的企业如何适应商业生态系统治理进行商业模式创新的机制。从非核心企业视角出发,主要探讨了商业生态系统治理对企业商业模式创新的影响,分析了高管团队社会资本的中介作用,进而剖析了商业生态系统开放性、企业生态位重叠度的调节作用。研究发现:(1)商业生态系统关系治理和契约治理均对企业商业模式创新有显著的正向影响;(2)高管团队内部社会资本与外部社会资本在商业生态系统治理影响企业商业模式创新中发挥着多样的中介作用;(3)商业生态系统开放性、企业生态位重叠度均正向调节了高管团队内部社会资本与企业商业模式创新的关系,且均负向调节了高管团队外部社会资本与企业商业模式创新的关系。  相似文献   

互联网和信息技术不断进步及应用普及驱动的产业数字化势不可挡,越来越多新创企业起步于商业模式创新,成长过程不再局限于传统意义上的组织规模扩张,而是组织边界的不断模糊化和跨界拓展的生态化成长,这一过程可以被概括为基于商业模式创新的商业生态系统属性塑造过程,但已有研究并没有对这一过程机制予以充分关注。本文采用针对两家新创企业的跨案例纵向研究设计,构建了新创企业基于商业模式创新的商业生态系统属性塑造的理论模型。本文发现新创企业商业模式创新特征在很大程度上影响着其塑造商业生态系统的属性特征,在这一过程中,新创企业在应对参与者需求与在位企业反应过程中所采取的资源编排策略差异会引发不同属性的商业生态系统的形成。这一发现对于商业生态系统、商业模式与新创企业成长等研究做出了重要的理论贡献,对于未来研究具有重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

因为日本的商业规范很正式,规定得很好。日语文化的商业价值与创新崛起形成了一股研究热潮。为什么日本会形成以上商业文化的特征,其源流何在?日本与中国同样是基于亚细亚式的农耕文化圈,为什么日本商业文化与中国商业文化具有较大的差异?本文通过现实研究,对相关问题进行了系统探讨。  相似文献   

企业的成败越来越依赖于它们所在的商业生态系统,企业之间的竞争演变为生态系统之争。而核心企业作为商业生态系统的关键物种,不同种类的核心企业在商业生态系统中所采取的创新类型将影响系统的生存与发展。本文将对商业生态系统中各种核心企业的创新类型的选择进行研究。  相似文献   

场景要素的日渐丰富及其功能的不断强大,驱动着新零售由"货"向"人"再向"场"的主导逻辑演变,激发着商业模式创新.然而,其创新机理尚不明确,创新路径亦不清晰,制约着场景经济的高质量发展.为此,本研究以伊利集团为例,综合运用案例研究和程序化扎根分析相结合的方法,从"人货场"主导逻辑演变的视角发掘和提炼场景赋能新零售商业模式创新的机理和路径.结果表明:①"货"主导逻辑下,场景基于产品功能价值,利用数据挖掘用户消费需求,借助情境感知识别用户消费需求场景,通过"商业场景—消费需求—商业情境"的标准化配置赋能新零售商业模式创新.②"人"主导逻辑下,场景基于服务效用价值,利用用户画像刻画用户消费习惯,借助情境整合辨别用户消费习惯场景,通过"商业场景—消费习惯—商业情境"的个性化配置赋能新零售商业模式创新.③"场"主导逻辑下,场景基于体验价值,利用情感极性分析方法分析用户消费偏好,借助情境聚合鉴别用户消费偏好场景,通过"商业场景—消费偏好—商业情境"的双路径配置赋能新零售商业模式创新.  相似文献   

已有大量研究探讨管理者关系与企业绩效的关系,但并未深入揭示管理者关系对不同类型绩效的影响以及不同类型环境的调节作用。基于社会资本理论和资源依赖理论,构建管理者关系、企业绩效及其所处环境的研究框架,探讨管理者的政治关系和商业关系对企业创新绩效和财务绩效的影响,并进一步分析竞争强度和法制环境的调节作用。以206家中国企业为对象进行问卷调查,运用SPSS 16.0和多元回归分析等方法进行实证检验。研究结果表明,政治关系只对财务绩效有正向影响,而对创新绩效的影响不显著;商业关系对创新绩效和财务绩效具有显著正向影响;竞争强度对政治关系与创新绩效关系的调节作用不显著,对政治关系与财务绩效关系有正向调节作用,但对商业关系与创新绩效和财务绩效的关系均有负向调节作用;法制环境负向调节政治关系与创新绩效和财务绩效的关系,正向调节商业关系与创新绩效和财务绩效的关系。在当前环境下,企业可以利用管理者关系促进企业绩效,特别是财务绩效,但要注意其发挥作用的边界条件。  相似文献   

运用元分析方法对近年来国内外关于网络强度与企业创新关系的定量研究(57项研究的12 430个独立样本)进行了再统计分析,证明网络强度对企业创新存在显著正向影响,从一般意义上证实了网络强度能有效促进企业创新.并进一步探讨了不同类型网络强度分别对企业创新的影响:商业网络强度和技术网络强度均对企业创新具有显著正向影响,且技术网络强度对企业创新的影响大于商业网络强度.此外,还研究了文化因素、行业因素和区位因素3个调节变量对二者关系的影响.结果表明,在东方文化背景下、在传统制造业或服务业中以及在发达地区,网络强度对企业创新的影响更显著.  相似文献   

基于专利地图理论的中国银行业商业方法专利研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邱洪华  金泳锋  余翔 《管理学报》2008,5(3):418-422,453
将专利地图和专利分析相结合,探讨了商业方法专利在中国银行业发展的背景,并对中国银行业商业方法专利进行了详尽的检索。然后,从专利管理图视角对中国银行业专利发展现状、内外资银行商业方法专利发展、商业方法专利申请人数变化以及商业方法专利在内外资银行间的分布状况进行了深入的研究。从专利技术图视角对中国银行业商业方法专利的发展领域、IPC分类以及商业方法专利的授权情况进行了深入的分析。最后,归纳出中国银行业商业方法专利的发展现状。  相似文献   

城市宜居水平从来都与商业发展水平密不可分。在经济发展新形势下,建设宜居商业以促进新时期城市发展,是贯彻落实创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享发展理念和深入推进供给侧结构性改革的务实、创新之举。本文重点讨论了广州城市宜居商业建设方面存在的差距,并提出了优化商业发展布局、注重民生消费安全、发展满足高端品质需求的商业、打造文化体验型宜居商业、加快城市物流配送体系建设、优化便利交通体系等一系列提升广州宜居商业水平的对策建议。  相似文献   

Countries enact various mechanisms, such as patent protection, to encourage, protect, and reward firm innovation. The degree to which these mechanisms afford firms protection over their intellectual property influences the innovation strategy that firms pursue and innovation investments they make. To date, empirical evidence on the relationship between patent protections and firm innovation is lacking, despite the relationship being the subject of intense theoretical and policy debate. To further consider the influences on firm innovation, we test the influence of a country's patent rights and changes in them on firm-level investment in innovation. Data for 706 firms competing in ten manufacturing industries across 29 countries were gathered and analyzed. Even after controlling for various firm, industry, and national factors, there is a strong positive influence of patent rights and changes in patent rights on a firm's propensity to invest in innovation. In addition, we consider the sensitivity of this result to alternative measures of patent and other intellectual property protection. We also find that the influence of patent rights on firm-level innovation varies across industries for example, the impact appears greatest in the scientific instruments and industrial chemicals industries.  相似文献   

Criticisms of patent laws for technological innovations in the United States reveal a multifaceted milieu of problems centered around the protection of short‐term economic gain and individual property rights. In this article, we consider this a conflict between current patent laws and the innovation capabilities of organizations. We propose a solution that enables the company to assure its long‐term survival in the face of these restrictions. This presumes that the firm will at least maintain its innovation capacities while preserving the company's ethical values and those of its social environment. We offer a theoretical model that is designed to help managers and policymakers reorient their governance strategies for managing the innovation process, using the “ethics of responsibility,” which establishes the link to individual moral values at the beginning of a governance process as well as the consequences of a decision. Our integrated causal model of ethical innovation for patents is presented and implications for global organizations and possible solutions for patent law process failure are offered.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(1):102111
We examine the relationship between firms' political connections and corporate innovation in a European context. We also consider the moderating effect of political connections on the relationship between political uncertainty and firms' innovation. We use two different metrics of innovation: R&D (an input measure), and patent counts (an output measure). We find that firms with former politicians on their board of directors invest less in R&D than their counterpart firms. However, the presence of this type of director on the board is positively associated with the number of a firm's patent applications. It seems that, although political ties reduce the amount of resources devoted to R&D activities, they increase the effectiveness of intellectual rights protection. Results also show that political uncertainty decreases R&D investment but exacerbates the need for legal protection of innovation through patents. According to our results, political connections attenuate the effect of political uncertainty on firm innovation such that the negative (positive) effect of uncertainty on R&D intensity (patents) weakens when the firm is politically connected.  相似文献   

随着科学技术和社会经济的发展,创新成为推动经济迅速发展的重要力量,而专利是创新成果的主要表现形式,在生产实践中成功应用专利是提高生产力的重要动力。由于我国各区域的经济水平和产业结构等方面存在不同,因此,各区域的专利创新效率也存在差异。本文通过设计专利创新效率综合评价指标体系,运用数据包络分析的方法,对我国东中西部区域创新效率进行了综合分析。继而运用多元统计回归的方法探讨了形成各地区专利创新效率差异的影响因素。  相似文献   

Patent intermediaries have gained importance as non‐practicing entities in the innovation domain, buying innovations from an external provider and then licensing them to practicing firms. In this study, we analyze the competition between two identical incumbent firms and a patent intermediary for the acquisition and licensing of a cost‐reducing innovation developed by an external innovator. We show that the outcome of the IP acquisition and licensing game critically depends on the degree of the cost‐reducing innovation. Patent intermediaries win IP rights in patent markets if the innovation is incremental. They also win the IP rights when the innovation is moderate or radical, providing they have significant efficiency advantages over incumbent firms and the uncertainty about the degree of innovation is low. We also show that patent intermediaries serve to make markets more efficient. When the innovation is incremental or moderate, they help ensure a lower cost of production and a lower price for customers, and when the innovation is radical, they help increase the profits of the incumbent firms.  相似文献   

高校专利技术产业化路径选择研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对我国高校专利技术高产出与低转化的矛盾,从科技创新资源优化配置与技术创新各环节有效衔接的视角,分析高校专利技术产业化路径的基本类型及特点,提出其影响因素,深入探讨关键因素状态不同时的路径选择。基于此,构建高校专利技术产业化路径选择矩阵与动态转化模型,为我国高校专利技术产业化路径优选提供理论支持与决策参考。  相似文献   

金亮 《中国管理科学》2022,30(11):137-148
从专利技术转化为现实生产力的视角,为研究技术供应商、制造商以及零售商之间的专利技术授权与分销渠道选择问题,构建不同渠道结构下的经济模型。通过模型求解,得到最优专利技术授权与产品定价决策以及分销渠道策略。研究发现:1)在专利技术授权阶段,技术供应商会策略性地选择仅包含固定授权费或者“版税提成+固定授权费”形式的授权合同;2)在产品分销阶段,制造商根据渠道成本、消费者渠道偏好、市场规模等因素来选择不同渠道结构,包括单渠道分销策略和双渠道分销策略;3)不同分销渠道选择不会影响授权合同形式,但会促使技术供应商和制造商调整各自的最优决策。最后,对原始模型进行不同维度的扩展,探究第三方电商平台模式、零售商渠道入侵模式等情形下的专利技术授权问题。  相似文献   

竞争、外部效应与专利权人技术许可行为的扭曲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在一般性假设下通过构建专利技术的使用许可证的拍卖模型,运用机制设计方法分析了专利权人面临竞争性产业时的最优技术许可策略,进而从创新知识传播或反垄断的角度考察了其许可行为的扭曲.技术许可的结果会对产业中的部分生产者施加负外部效应,这导致其购买专利的动机发生改变,并由此影响了专利权人的许可行为.研究结果表明,在最优的许可机制中,外部效应的存在使得专利权人能够以入门费的形式从未被许可的生产者攫取租金;另一方面也导致其许可证的保留价格过高而导致了知识的低效传播.  相似文献   

The paper summarises the results of several years research into the patent system at the Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge. Case studies of a number of large firms were carried out in four industries—chemicals (including pharmaceuticals), electrical engineering (including electronics), mechanical engineering and man-made fibres. In the light of these, the impact of the patent system on research and development, innovation, and the diffusion of new technology is considered. The patent system is found to be of marginal importance only, with the principal exception of the pharmaceutical industry. It is nevertheless found to have positive advantages for advanced industrial economies, as compared with a hypothetical weaker system.  相似文献   

To what extent and in what form should the intellectual property rights (IPR) of innovators be protected? Should a company with a large technology lead over its rivals receive the same IPR protection as a company with a more limited advantage? In this paper, we develop a dynamic framework for the study of the interactions between IPR and competition, in particular to understand the impact of such policies on future incentives. The economy consists of many industries and firms engaged in cumulative (step‐by‐step) innovation. IPR policy regulates whether followers in an industry can copy the technology of the leader. We prove the existence of a steady‐state equilibrium and characterize some of its properties. We then quantitatively investigate the implications of different types of IPR policy on the equilibrium growth rate and welfare. The most important result from this exercise is that full patent protection is not optimal; instead, optimal policy involves state‐dependent IPR protection, providing greater protection to technology leaders that are further ahead than those that are close to their followers. This is because of a trickle‐down effect: providing greater protection to firms that are further ahead of their followers than a certain threshold increases the R&D incentives also for all technology leaders that are less advanced than this threshold.  相似文献   

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