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经济发达农村地区外来劳动力的性别差异研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文考察了苏南农村发达地区外来劳动力在个人特征、工作条件及收入等方面的性别差异 ,分析了女性在就业和工作中面临的不同于男性外来劳动力的待遇及其原因。主要结论有 :发达地区男女外来劳动力收入存在着较大差异 ,除了受教育程度 ,地区差异外 ,性别歧视也是一个重要原因。经济发达农村地区应当进一步规范就业制度 ,尽快消除各种限制劳动力自由流动的市场障碍 ,加强对外来劳动力的综合管理和服务 ,为劳动力的充分自由流动创造条件  相似文献   

我国非正规就业的性别特征分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
谭琳  李军锋 《人口研究》2003,27(5):11-18
基于第二次中国妇女地位抽样调查数据 ,本文分析非正规就业的性别特征及相应的收入和就业环境的性别差异。研究发现 ,非正规就业中的行业和职业性别隔离是我国非正规就业的最重要性别特征 ,它不仅在很大程度上导致了收入方面的性别差异 ,而且也为非正规就业的劳动权益保障和就业服务提出了具有性别特征的要求  相似文献   

文章以扩展传统的流动人口社会融合的静态研究视角,使用国家人口计生委2010年上半年流动人口动态监测调查数据,从男女农村流动人口工作搜寻时间的角度进一步比较农村流动人口融入流入地劳动力市场过程的性别差异及影响因素。文章采用持续时间模型,通过研究农村流动人口在流入地城市找工作所花费时间的影响因素,发现虽然在给定时间内,女性流动人口在流入地找到工作所花费的时间比男性要短,但女性找到高收入工作的概率要低于男性,而接受低收入工作的概率要大于男性,从而导致性别区隔的流动人口社会融入模式。  相似文献   

杨慧 《西北人口》2011,32(4):121-125
本研究通过利用2009年中国流动人口问题调查资料,在社会性别视角下展示了男女两性流动人口社会保障的状况与差异,探究了社会保险参保率性别差异的主要原因,提出了提高女性流动人口社会保障程度、缩小两性差距、促进男女公平享有社会保障权益的政策建议。  相似文献   

流动男女的婚外性问题备受政府与社会各界的关注,然而国内在婚外性行为容忍度的研究领域同时聚焦流动人口和性别差异的社会学实证研究还比较有限。本文使用全国综合社会调查数据实证分析流动男女的婚外性行为容忍度的影响因素及其性别差异。描述分析和整体样本的估计结果显示流动女性的婚外性行为容忍度高于流动男性。通过嵌套模型对比发现,大部分指标的影响都不存在特别显著的性别差异,个人年总收入、婚姻状况、流出地、流动时长以及工会参与程度等因素对流动男女的婚外性行为容忍度有促进作用,年龄、政治面貌、配偶是否同吃住、亲友联系密切程度等变量对流动男女的婚外性行为容忍度则有抑制作用。但是,受教育年限和子女数对流动男女的婚外性行为容忍度产生了截然不同的影响。受教育年限越长、子女数越多的流动女性的婚外性行为容忍度也越高,但二者对流动男性的婚外性行为容忍度的影响则并不显著。究其原因,一方面,对比流动男性,流动女性在自古以来的社会性教育和性规范中一直处于相对压抑的位置,因此教育对于流动女性的性观念转变存在更为明显的影响作用。另一方面,鉴于自身投入以及为子女成长提供一个和谐家庭环境等考虑,流动女性对婚外性行为现象更愿意持相对宽容的态度。  相似文献   

近20年来中国人口死亡的性别差异研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
文章利用1982~2000年间人口普查和抽样调查死亡数据及1989、1995和2000年卫生登记死亡数据,用人口因素分解方法研究了中国20世纪80年代初以来死亡水平性别差异的变化趋势、年龄别死亡率性别差异对男女出生期望寿命差异的影响及其发展趋势,比较了各种年龄-死因别死亡率的性别差导对出生期望寿命性别差异的影响。主要结论是中国近20年来女性死亡水平低于男性的趋势在逐渐扩大,造成这种差距的原因在于年龄别死亡率的性别差异及其变动差异。  相似文献   

女性就业首先是个经济问题,然后才是社会问题。由此决定了就业性别差异的最终原因是社会生产力。社会主义制度为男女就业平等提供了条件,而达到这种平等还要具备相应的物质条件。从总趋势上看,女性就  相似文献   

本文采用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)2010和2012年的数据,建构自我健康评价、体质指数BMI和近期的身体状况作为我国农村居民健康人力资本度量指标,研究健康人力资本对我国农村居民非农就业及其非农就业收入的影响。本文选择赫克曼两阶段模型进行实证研究,该方法在一定程度上克服了观测数据所带来的自选择问题,实证结果发现良好的健康状况对我国农村居民参与非农就业和获取非农就业收入具有显著正向影响,健康人力资本对我国农村居民非农就业和非农就业收入具有显著性别差异,对农村男性居民非农就业和非农就业收入的正向影响更为显著,年龄、婚姻、教育、户籍等其他控制变量也对我国农村居民非农就业及其非农就业收入产生了显著影响。  相似文献   

李莹 《西北人口》2004,(3):56-58,F003
我国妇女在劳动力市场上的弱势地位主要受人力资本投资的性别差异影响,而这种人力资本投资性别差异的形成可由传统性别观念来解释。目前,传统性别观念仍有较大影响力,通过影响人力资本投资个体、所在家庭及企业的投资决策,引发并维持了人力资本投资的性别差异,在此过程中还表现出一定的自我强化趋势。要改变这种状况,需采取各种适宜对策,大力促进传统性别观念向现代性别观念的转化。  相似文献   

在当前中国劳动力市场中,有关性别工资收入差异的诸多传统理论解释均遇到了一定程度的挑战。基于社会资本的理论视角,文章运用2009年中国八大城市社会网络与职业经历调查数据(JSnet2009),对性别收入差异议题进行再检验。在阐释了社会资本影响性别收入差异的机制后,文章进一步分解了社会资本对性别收入差异的贡献额。Oaxaca-Blinder分解显示,女性的社会资本欠缺,可解释性别收入差异的12.7%,占总解释量的70%以上;分位数回归分解进一步显示,在中高收入群体中,社会资本的性别差异更大,对性别收入差距的贡献更高,并且女性劳动者的社会资本回报率也显著低于男性;另外,女性在社会资本上欠缺还是导致职业性别隔离现象的重要原因。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,女性就业的比例逐年增长,就业的范围也逐步扩大。但是男女平均收入的差别却逐渐增加。这种差别包含两方面:一、可解释的差异所导致的差别。二、不可解释的对女性的歧视所导致的差别。本文根据贝克尔的歧视理论,对收入性别歧视现象进行经济学分析,并结合目前我国对女性收入歧视的特点,提出反性别收入歧视的对策。  相似文献   

改革开放以来 ,中国居民的收入水平在大幅度提高的同时 ,居民收入的差距在不断扩大 ,究其原因 ,城乡差距是造成这种差距的重要方面。因此 ,努力推进我国人口城市化步伐 ,是使居民收入差距缩小的重要措施。  相似文献   

"Based on the analysis of 1980 [U.S. Census] Public-Use Microdata Samples, this article demonstrates that the Korean immigrant stream, particularly men, has been very selective even before the 1965 reform.... Despite the educational superiority and somewhat positive occupational position, Korean men in the U.S. are seriously disadvantaged in income regardless of nativity status. Korean Americans are not as successful as whites in translating their education into occupation and income; they are better educated for the same job, but experience a lower income return to the same education and the same occupation."  相似文献   

Studies on intra-household allocation of resources show that exogenous increase in mothers’ income has larger effect on children’s outcomes than the same increase in fathers’ income, suggesting gender differences may exist in parents’ altruism towards their children. Using self-reported life happiness and life satisfaction, we investigate the differences by gender in mutual altruism between father and child as well as mother and child dyads in Singapore. We found that mutual altruism exists between mother and child, but not between father and child. These findings are robust to the measure of self-reported well-being. Further, we find that gender difference in altruism of fathers and mothers is not driven by the difference in the extent of future old age support desired by fathers and mothers from their children.  相似文献   


The 1980s and 1990s have been decades of quitegood economic growth in North America and muchof Western Europe. But how have the fruits ofgrowth been shared? This paper reviews changingincome distributions in the U.S., Germany and theNetherlands. These three countries may be takenas exemplars and leading economic performers in``the three worlds of welfare capitalism''(Esping-Andersen, 1990). The U.S. is a liberalwelfare-capitalist state, Germany a corporatiststate, and the Netherlands (less clearly) asocial democratic welfare-capitalist state. Thepaper focuses particularly on income changes inthe bottom, middle and top quintiles and takesa ten year period into account.Previous analyses have shown that labor andmarket income dispersion are increasing, withincreased returns to human capital. Thepotential impact of government through thetax-transfer system has been largely ignored.All three governments redistribute income fromthe rich to the poor. However, the paper showsthat only the Dutch government hasredistributed sufficiently to ensure that thebottom quintile has gained along with others.In Germany and the U.S. the poorest quintile wasconsiderably worse off in absolute terms at theend of the decade.than the beginning. TheGerman government somewhat counteracted thetrend towards greater income dispersion byredistributing to the poorest quintile, so theloss of market income was partly compensated. In the U.S. the impact of government on thepoorest quintile stayed about the same, so thisgroup ended up with about the same decrease indisposable income as market income.The U.S., Germany and the Netherlands are theonly three countries for which ten or moreconsecutive years of panel data are available.The data come from the PSID-GSOEP EquivalentFile 1980-97 and from a comparable fileconstructed from the Dutch SEP data.


利用2009、2010农村固定观察点数据,分析了医疗保险对不同地区、不同收入层级的农村居民家庭医疗消费支出和非医疗消费支出的影响。实证结果表明:医疗保险对农村居民家庭的医疗类消费不存在显著影响,对非医疗类消费支出则存在显著的正向促进作用。分地区来看,医疗保险对东西部地区农村居民家庭医疗类消费的影响差异显著,对东中部地区农村居民家庭非医疗类消费支出的影响同样差异显著;分收入层级来看,医疗保险对家庭医疗类消费的影响在不同收入层级的农村居民家庭之间不存在显著差异,但对非医疗类消费支出的影响在不同收入层级之间差异显著。此外,商业医疗保险作为医疗保险体系的重要组成部分,对促进农村消费起到带动作用。最后,本文从加大政府补贴和完善保障机制两个方面提出政策建议以期有效降低农村居民家庭超常的预防性储蓄,促进农村居民家庭消费。  相似文献   

Using cumulative logit mixed models fitted to World Values Survey data from 44 countries, we explore the impact of economic conditions – both at the individual-level and the national-level – on social class identification. Consistent with previous research, we find a positive relationship between household income and class identification in all countries that we explore, though this relationship varies substantially. Also corroborating previous research, we find that ‘low’ class identifications are more likely in poor countries than in rich ones. However, in contrast to previous research that has neglected the role of inequality, our results indicate that the effect of economic development diminishes if income inequality is considered in the same model. We further demonstrate that income inequality has an important polarizing effect on class identification. Specifically, the relationship between household income and class identity tends to be strongest in countries with a high level of income inequality.  相似文献   

This paper explores the issue of gender in demography, focusing on the question of why we don't know more than we do about the role of gender in demographic processes. Our lack of knowledge is partly explained by demography's research and policy focus on the two questions central to the field in recent decades, fertility decline and the relationship between economic and demographic change. The focus on these issues – sometimes at the expense of other research questions and issues – has meant that some social processes surrounding demographic change, including the role of gender, have not received the attention they deserve. Understanding gender's complex relationship to social behaviors, such as demographic behavior, requires attention to social/cultural context and to power. Demography needs to expand our knowledge of gender through the development of new research questions, research designs, and methodologies. Doing so will give us new insights into demographic processes.  相似文献   

Abstract It has been widely observed that both cross-sectionally and secularly there has been a negative relationship between income or level of living and the family size of married females. 1 At the same time the relationship between economic indicators and current fertility with a lag of one or more years over the business cycle has been found to be strongly positive. In fact the persistence of the latter relationship over a wide area and varying periods led Dr. Thomas to remark that it has been one of the most firmly based empirical findings in any of the social sciences.  相似文献   

People with disability are particularly exposed to poor living conditions: on one hand they have more difficulties in getting an income cause to their inabilities, on the other hand conditions of poverty increase the risk of disability. However, little rigorous quantitative research has been undertaken to measure the real impact of disability on poverty. Methods based on monetary set (income and consumption) may not reflect the real possibility to convert resources into the fulfilment of personal goals. The capability approach, developed by A. K. Sen, offers a useful framework for the evaluation and assessment of individual well-being considering both monetary and non-monetary resources. The study describes a methodology, derived from the capability approach, to estimate the additional income needed for various types of household with and without disabled members to ensure the same satisfaction with economic resources. The method has been applied to the Italian contest, where 2.6 million people with disability live, and then the results are compared with the findings from an analogous study conducted in UK. The study reveals that disabled people in Italy need an income level two times higher to enjoy the same level of economic satisfaction, while in UK 50% of extra resource are sufficient. The findings suggests that traditional evaluations based on consumption lead to an underestimation of the needs of household containing disabled members. It follows that the financial benefits envisaged by actions planned by government through current instruments may not be completely effective.  相似文献   

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