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Bartholomew's statistics for testing homogeneity of normal means with ordered alternatives have null distributions which are mixtures of chi-squared or beta distributions according as the variances are known or not. If the sample sizes are not equal, the mixing coefficients can be difficult to compute. For a simple order and a simple tree ordering, approximations to the significance levels of these tests have been developed which are based on patterns in the weight sets. However, for a moderate or large number of means, these approximations can be tedious to implement. Employing the same approach that was used in the development of these approximations, two-moment chisquared and beta approximations are derived for these significance levels. Approximations are also developed for the testing situation in which the order restriction is the null hypothesis. Numerical studies show that in each of the cases the two-moment approximation is quite satisfactory for most practical purposes.  相似文献   

For XN p (μ, Σ) testing H o:Σ = Σ 0, with Σ 0 known, relies at present on an approximation of the null-distribution of the likelihood ratio statistic.

We present here the exact null distribution and also its computation, hence providing a precise tool that can be used in small sample cases.  相似文献   

Testing the equal means hypothesis of a bivariate normal distribution with homoscedastic varlates when the data are incomplete is considered. If the correlational parameter, ρ, is known, the well-known theory of the general linear model is easily employed to construct the likelihood ratio test for the two sided alternative. A statistic, T, for the case of ρ unknown is proposed by direct analogy to the likelihood ratio statistic when ρ is known. The null and nonnull distribution of T is investigated by Monte Carlo techniques. It is concluded that T may be compared to the conventional t distribution for testing the null hypothesis and that this procedure results in a substantial increase in power-efficiency over the procedure based on the paired t test which ignores the incomplete data. A Monte Carlo comparison to two statistics proposed by Lin and Stivers (1974) suggests that the test based on T is more conservative than either of their statistics.  相似文献   

The problem of Computing the Values of the distribution functions of linear combinations of chi-squared random variables and their percentile points was previously studied by Grad and Solomon (1955), Imhof (1961). Jensen and Solomon (1972). Solomon and Stephens (1977) and others. All the methods available in the literature either demand lengthy computations or are insufficiently accurate. In the present paper a new method is proposed which reduces the amount of needed computations and yet yields sufficiently accurate results.  相似文献   

In a model of equioverlapping samples maximum likelihood estimation of a Poisson parameter is examined and compared with two linear unbiased estimations by mean squared error. Since a likelihood estimator is not explicitly available in general, a simulation study has been performed and the results are illustrated  相似文献   

We define the Wishart distribution on the cone of positive definite matrices and an exponential distribution on the Lorentz cone as exponential dispersion models. We show that these two distributions possess a property of exact decomposition, and we use this property to solve the following problem: given q samples (yil,… yiNj), i = l,…,q, from a N(μii,) distribution, test H1 = Σ2 = … = σq. Using the exact decomposition property, the classical test statistic for H, involving q parameters pi = (Ni, - l)/2, i = 1,…,q, is replaced by a sequence of q - l test statistics for the sequence of tests Hi,:σ12 = … =σi given that Hi-1 is true, i = 2,…,q. Each one of these test statistics involves two parameters only, p.i-1 = p1 + … + pi-1 and pi. We also use the exact decomposition property to test equality of the “direction parameters” for q sample points from the exponential distribution on the Lorentz cone. We give a table of critical values for the distribution on the three-dimensional Lorentz cone. Tables of critical values in higher dimensions can easily be computed following the same method as in dimension three.  相似文献   

Approximations to the power functions of the likelihood ratio tests of homogeneity of normal means against the simple loop ordering at slippage alternatives are considered. If a researcher knows which mean is smallest and which is largest, but does not know how the other means are ordered, then a simple loop ordering is appropriate. The accuracy of the several moment approximations are studied for the case of known variances and it is found that for powers in the range typically of interest, the two-moment approximation seems quite adequate. Approximations based on mixtures of noncentral F variables are developed for the case of unknown variances. The critical values of the test statistics are also tabulated for selected levels of significance.  相似文献   

Two tests are derived for the hypothesis that the coefficients of variation of k normal populations are equal. The k samples may be of unequal size. The first test is the likelihood ratio test with the usual X2-approximation. A simulation study shows that the small sample behaviour under the null hypothesis is unsatisfactory. An alternative test, based on the sample coefficients of variation, appears to have somewhat better properties.  相似文献   

Summary.  A useful discrete distribution (the Conway–Maxwell–Poisson distribution) is revived and its statistical and probabilistic properties are introduced and explored. This distribution is a two-parameter extension of the Poisson distribution that generalizes some well-known discrete distributions (Poisson, Bernoulli and geometric). It also leads to the generalization of distributions derived from these discrete distributions (i.e. the binomial and negative binomial distributions). We describe three methods for estimating the parameters of the Conway–Maxwell–Poisson distribution. The first is a fast simple weighted least squares method, which leads to estimates that are sufficiently accurate for practical purposes. The second method, using maximum likelihood, can be used to refine the initial estimates. This method requires iterations and is more computationally intensive. The third estimation method is Bayesian. Using the conjugate prior, the posterior density of the parameters of the Conway–Maxwell–Poisson distribution is easily computed. It is a flexible distribution that can account for overdispersion or underdispersion that is commonly encountered in count data. We also explore two sets of real world data demonstrating the flexibility and elegance of the Conway–Maxwell–Poisson distribution in fitting count data which do not seem to follow the Poisson distribution.  相似文献   

The statistical methodology under order restriction is very mathematical and complex. Thus, we provide a brief methodological background of order-restricted likelihood ratio tests for the normal theoretical case for the basic understanding of its applications, and relegate more technical details to the appendices. For data analysis, algorithms for computing the order-restricted estimates and computation of p-values are described. A two-step procedure is presented for obtaining the sample size in clinical trials when the minimum power, say 0.80 or 0.90 is specified, and the normal means satisfy an order restriction. Using this approach will result in reduction of 14-24% in the sample size required when one-sided ordered alternatives are used, as illustrated by several examples.  相似文献   

We present a new test for the presence of a normal mixture distribution, based on the posterior Bayes factor of Aitkin (1991). The new test has slightly lower power than the likelihood ratio test. It does not require the computation of the MLEs of the parameters or a search for multiple maxima, but requires computations based on classification likelihood assignments of observations to mixture components.  相似文献   

Likelihood ratio tests for the homogeneity of k normal means with the alternative restricted by an increasing trend are considered as well as the likelihood ratio tests of the null hypothesis that the means satisfy the trend. While the work is primarily a survey of results concerning the power functions of these tests, the extensions of some results to the case of not necessarily equal sample sizes are presented. For the case of known or unknown population variances, exact expressions are given for the power functions for k=3,4, and approximations are discussed for larger k. The topics of consistency, bias and monotonicity of the power functions are included. Also, Bartholomew's conjectures concerning minimal and maximal powers are investigated, with results of a new numerical study given.  相似文献   

A recursive scheme for the calculation of the distribution of the test statistic of a modified Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test for a rectangular distribution with unknown parameters is given.  相似文献   

This article considers a discrete distribution that arises as the dominant solution of a linear difference equation. Basic properties and various chance mechanisms that lead to this distribution are given. In particular, its formulation as a weighted distribution and a mixed Poisson process are proposed. Parameter estimation by (a) using a combination of observed frequencies and moments and (b) maximum likelihood are examined. An example of goodness of fit is considered.  相似文献   

This paper describes a Bayesian approach to mixture modelling and a method based on predictive distribution to determine the number of components in the mixtures. The implementation is done through the use of the Gibbs sampler. The method is described through the mixtures of normal and gamma distributions. Analysis is presented in one simulated and one real data example. The Bayesian results are then compared with the likelihood approach for the two examples.  相似文献   

Likelihood ratio tests are considered for two testing situations; testing for the homogeneity of k normal means against the alternative restricted by a simple tree ordering trend and testing the null hypothesis that the means satisfy the trend against all alternatives. Exact expressions are given for the power functions for k = 3 and 4 and unequal sample sizes, both for the case of known and unknown population variances, and approximations are discussed for larger k. Also, Bartholomew’s conjectures concerning minimal and maximal powers are investigated for the case of equal and unequal sample sizes. The power formulas are used to compute powers for a numerical example.  相似文献   

Summary.  The main advantage of longitudinal studies is that they can distinguish changes over time within individuals (longitudinal effects) from differences between subjects at the start of the study (base-line characteristics; cross-sectional effects). Often, especially in observational studies, subjects are very heterogeneous at base-line, and one may want to correct for this, when doing inferences for the longitudinal trends. Three procedures for base-line correction are compared in the context of linear mixed models for continuous longitudinal data. All procedures are illustrated extensively by using data from an experiment which aimed at studying the relationship between the post-operative evolution of the functional status of elderly hip fracture patients and their preoperative neurocognitive status.  相似文献   

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