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The role of supranational organizations is changing as they are becoming more involved in, responding to, and finding solutions for, many different events occurring in our world. This article discusses one such organization, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its public relations strategies during its military campaign in Kosovo in 1999. The circuit of culture model provides the basis for a discussion of the public relations practitioner as cultural intermediary, and aligns the model with the method of critical discourse analysis to examine the public relations strategies used by NATO during this campaign. The article contends that the charismatic skill of the NATO spokesperson played an important role in establishing the organization as a humanitarian military powerhouse through discursive positioning of the organization acting in the interests of the international community. By doing so and, at the same time, NATO legitimized its own continuation as a viable supranational organization for the 21st century.  相似文献   

This issue brings together a number of articles concerned withextending theoretical understanding of community developmentrelated issues alongside those that examine key factors forsuccessful organization building and community mobilization.In doing so, it again highlights the significance of women'sinvolvement in community initiatives, local economic developmentand poverty alleviation. It begins with an article by Fred Powelland Martin Geoghegan who attempt from the perspective of partnershipgovernance within Ireland to locate community development withinwhat they see as a new world order. They argue that communitydevelopment remains the embodiment of a strong participativedemocracy, re-inventing politics  相似文献   

In the age of the so‐called ‘expressive organization’ and the ‘aesthetic economy’, for an organization to compete in the global marketplace it would appear that it must perform. This does not refer simply to economic performance, but rather to the idea of performance as a means of affecting both people's impressions and definitions of reality. In this article we argue that such performativity is achieved, in part, through the power of symbolism and aesthetics, as well as the capacity to bring oneself into being in an environment in which successful management of the aesthetic has increasingly become a prerequisite for the conferment of recognition. Central to this process are the ways in which the aesthetics of gender are mobilized and indeed simultaneously ‘done’ and ‘undone’ in order to affirm particular, but often unstable, regimes of managerially desired meaning. Drawing on the work of Judith Butler, and informed by a critical or hermeneutic structuralism, we are concerned here to think through the relationship between performativity and the gendered organization of the desire for recognition as it is materialized in, and mediated by, the landscaping of corporate artefacts and organizationally compelled ways of un/doing gender. With this in mind, we consider a series of images taken from a sample of recruitment documents that, as cultural configurations that organize and compel particular versions of gender, we argue, are concerned with the production of organizationally legible and therefore viable gendered subjects.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore how short‐term theoretically informed ethnography is emerging as an approach to doing research that is contemporary in both its subject matter and in its use for applied research projects designed to lead to informed interventions in the world. We argue that far from being a ‘quick and dirty’ route to doing qualitative research, short‐term ethnography is characterized by forms of intensity that lead to deep and valid ways of knowing.  相似文献   

Doing gender is a popular concept in studies on work and organizations that is used to show how gender is constructed through interactions in organizations. Recently researchers have also started looking at how gender can be undone. This article elucidates two understandings of doing gender based on ethnomethodological and poststructural and discursive approaches and shows how these theoretical approaches lead to diverging ways of undoing gender. These two approaches are critically explored by drawing on qualitative research with information communication technology workers. The article thereby examines how gender might be undone within both ethnomethodological and poststructural and discursive traditions. It makes a contribution towards understanding (un)doing gender approaches at work by highlighting the implications for research on gender, work and organization.  相似文献   

The article focuses on heterosexuality as a covert feature of organization studies as well as of organizational research. In fact, while organization studies have discussed the gendered and the gendering aspects of organizational practices and organizational theory, the implication of heterosexuality has yet to receive intensive analysis in these fields. And while the mutual and reflexive constitution of the observer and the observed has been the topic of a considerable amount of research, the dimension of (heterosexual) desire in this process of mutual constitution is still largely unexplored. Referring to three different episodes that occurred while the author was doing organizational ethnography, the article suggests that a heterosexual model of desire is called into action both in organizational and research activities and that focusing on it can be an occasion to question not only the gender (and heterosexual) biases of organizational practices but also the way in which gender and sexuality are mobilized while doing research. In particular, on the basis of the concept of cathexis, the article shows how heterosexuality is learnt and enacted as a situated practice and through a variety of processes: performing power, negotiating and displaying that one belongs to an organizational culture, obscuring the hetero‐normativity of professional identities and neglecting the emotional engagement that characterizes research activities and that exposes the researcher to an otherwise vulnerable position.  相似文献   

This paper shows how the metropolitan creative classes in Poland reacted to the changes in the organization of everyday life caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially its temporality and rhythmicity. The pandemic and lockdowns reorganized previous ways of experiencing and managing time. Based on our empirical research and research by other scholars, we have identified some of the most common disruptions of pandemic temporality. However, a vital element of the article is to specify how the social category we studied dealt with these disruptions. In doing so, we show that the response to the breakdown of the previous order of everyday life was to restore a sense of stability actively. We were also interested in the possible, also negative consequences of the findings for the social category under study. The empirical basis for the article are in-depth interviews conducted during the fourth phase of the ongoing research project [title anonymized], which began during the first weeks of the lockdown in Poland.  相似文献   

Ultra‐Orthodox Jewish (haredi) women in Israel, who are traditionally expected to be both mothers and breadwinners so as to allow their husbands to immerse themselves in religious studies, are recently entering the high‐tech labour market in both segregated and assimilate organizations. This segmented labour market allows the constructed and intersectional character of doing gender in organizations to be examined, which in turn may also effect the ways in which such labour segmentation continues to develop. In 2014–2015, we administered a questionnaire to 119 haredi women working as computer programmers in assimilative and segregated organizations, and interviewed 42 of them as well as 16 of their managers. We describe the emergence of a dual pattern of employment with its benefits and disadvantages regarding pay, satisfaction, commitment and burnout. Findings are presented concerning the balancing of work and family as well as the professional/social conflict that is accentuated by working in an assimilative organization. Our findings show how the intersection of work, religiosity, class and gender is central to women's labour trajectories and identities, highlighting both the boundaries of gendered arrangements and their negotiability. We conclude by discussing how specific strategies of doing gender in segmented labour markets play out in/against ‘global’ norms of work and professionalism.  相似文献   

Situated at the intersection of the Sociology of Death and Sociology of the Family, this paper argues that the organization and funding of funerals is an overlooked and available lens through which to examine cultural and political norms of familial obligation. Drawing on interviews with claimants to the Department for Work and Pensions’ Social Fund Funeral Payment, the paper shows how both responsibility for the organization and payment of a funeral is assumed within families, and how at times this can be overridden by the state. In highlighting the tension between reflexive choice and political norms of family espoused in this policy context, it supports Gilding's ( 2010 ) assertion that understanding family practice through reflexivity alone neglects the institutions and conventions within which ‘doing’ family takes place. In so doing, the paper further makes a case for families and relational negotiations and tensions to be more explicitly included within sociological understanding(s) of death more generally.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the impact of divorce on the members of a family by doing a retrospective case study, comparing a mother’s perception of the effects of this experience on her children with their personal report of them. Both short-term and long-term effects are examined. Children suffered from sleep disorders, confusion, aggressiveness, behavioral problems, academic problems, resentment, and fear of abandonment. However, the personal experience of the separated parents did not lead to inevitable negative consequences in the long term, as is clear from the self-reports included here.  相似文献   

In Russian, the statistically dominant order of the subject and the verb in the clause is SV. However, there are many environments in which VS orders also occur, not all of which have been noted in the scholarly literature. This paper outlines some models of Russian constituent order that have been put forward in both generative and functional frameworks, and it suggests how they may be modified to improve their adequacy. Its central claim is that an improved model of Russian clause organization would take the form (VS)Theme/(VS)Rheme. It offers analyses of a large set of data collected from literary and academic writing in support of its claim, in so doing presenting a more or less comprehensive overview of environments in which clauses containing post-verbal subjects are found in written Russian.  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore the contribution that doctoral education can make to social work, as a profession and an academic discipline. In doing so it explains current arrangements for approving doctoral education by the research council and describes different routes to acquiring a doctorate. This overview highlights that doctoral education provides both opportunities and challenges both to those undertaking it, and to university departments offering it.  相似文献   

This article tries to enhance knowledge about organizational characteristics and processes that are important for mitigating oligarchic tendencies in the governance of CSOs, and to discuss the factors that condition the operation of these characteristics and processes. Civil society is frequently seen as an important part of societal governance and discussed as the intermediary link between the individual and society. This connection is often made through the aggregate function of civil society organizations (CSOs). Currently there are discussions regarding the decline of traditional cross-class federative CSOs and the possible effect of this on democracy in society. This article presents a longitudinal case study of the governance within a large, membership-based federative CSO and illustrates the revitalization of a CSO and its mission through the influx of a new group of members from the surrounding environment. The author argues that this revitalization process was possible partly because the proposed changes were in keeping with the organization’s original ideological core and partly because of the organization’s open democratic governance system. This permeability is found at two levels: first, the borders are open for individuals to enter the organization as members, and second, the borders of the internal governance system are open for members to take part in the decision-making process. This enabled ideas to percolate up from the members through the democratic decision-making system to the top of the organization, and some ideas are translated into statutes and policies, which then trickle down to the members again through the executive structure. The conclusion is that a functioning democratic governance system, which is able to stay true to the organization’s ideological core at the same time as it is able to modify it in light of societal change, seems imperative for this kind of organization. By doing this, the organization is not just staying true to its original mission but also actively contributing to democracy in society by including new groups into the decision-making process.  相似文献   

Historical scholarship on Afro-Cuban religions has long recognized that one of its salient characteristics is the union of African (Yoruba) gods with Catholic Saints. But in so doing, it has usually considered the Cuban Catholic church as the source of the saints and the syncretism to be the result of the worshippers hiding worship of the gods behind the saints. This article argues that the source of the saints was more likely to be from Catholics from the Kingdom of Kongo which had been Catholic for 300 years and had made its own form of Christianity in the interim.  相似文献   

Recent contributions in the field of gender and organization point to the notion of paradox to unveil the persistence of gender inequality in organizations. This article seeks to contribute to this growing body of knowledge. We used the notion of paradox to reveal the processes of doing gender at an earth science department of a Dutch university in order to find out whether gender segregation in academic and professional careers has already started during academic education. We focused on the study choices of female students in earth sciences and discovered the paradox of visibility, which enabled us to show the contradictory and ambiguous nature of how gender is done at this department. In this article we discuss the relationship between doing gender and paradox on a theoretical as well as an empirical level. We argue that paradoxes could be very useful when analysing doing gender in organizations, because paradoxes focus on the social process in which individual agency and social structures come together. We even suggest that paradoxes might help us to disrupt the hierarchical nature of the gender binary, because they allow for a constant reflection on ambiguity and contradictions in theorizing as well as in practice.  相似文献   

Although the sociology of sleep is a growing subfield, little is known about agency in the context of sleep. This article contributes to the sociological literature by showing how different types of agency emerge as a result of sleep interembodiment (i.e., experiencing sleep partners’ bodies as intertwined). The study draws on qualitative data generated through in-depth interviews with 70 snorers and 20 sleep partners of snorers. Interviews were conducted in Israel and were analysed following constructivist grounded theory principles. Results indicate that two types of agency coexist and, in fact, co-constitute one another: The first type, herein termed material agency, reflects the post-humanist tradition, which conceptualizes agents as entities (whether human or nonhuman) that alter a state of affairs by making a difference in another agent's action. This type of agency exists in both wakefulness and throughout periods of sleep, as the snorer’s body acts and interacts with a partner's body in ways that engender significant change in their lives, relationships, and actions. In contrast, the second type, herein termed reflexive agency, reflects the humanist tradition, which regards agency as individuals' creative and assertive capacities motivated by intentionality and reflexivity. This type of agency declines significantly during stages of deep sleep but re-emerges in response to partners' actions. The article adds to the literature by refining the concept of agency and elucidating its relationship to both accountability and interembodiment. In addition, the article provides much-needed empirical evidence showing how “personal responsibility” for health, as required by neoliberal discourses, is invoked within families, specifically with regard to sleep. This study therefore shows how certain macro-level structures of neoliberalism are enacted and reinforced within micro-level interactions.  相似文献   

Through its analysis of the complex discursive struggle over Times Square's – and later America's – ‘bobby sox brigade’, this article reintroduces young women into historical and theoretical accounts of youth culture. In doing so it challenges subculture and moral panic theories for their over-emphasis on working-class masculinity and their inability to account for the complexity and localized specificity – both historical and geographic – that such case studies command. The bobby soxer and the conflicting debates she engendered must be understood as a product of wartime contingency and in relation to the contested discourses within and between different localized contexts and media forms; the bobby soxer was simultaneously positioned as the key problem of wartime and promise of the post-war prosperity ahead. This article ultimately proposes a theoretical framework focusing on localized and contested terrains of discourse, appropriate to (sub)cultural activity in times of war and other disruptions.  相似文献   

This article provides a critical introduction to, as well as an overview of the articles within, this special issue. The opening portion briefly discusses the history of tomboyism as both a cultural concept and embodied phenomenon. Then, the subsequent paragraphs provide a brief summary of the five essays that comprise this themed edition. In so doing, the Introduction addresses the current state of scholarship on tomboys and tomboyism, while it also highlights possible areas for future study.  相似文献   

This paper takes as its point of departure the ethical problematization of debating both sides – having students argue both affirmative and negative on a debate resolution – in order to highlight the role of communication as a cultural technology of liberalism. It argues that debating both sides contributed to the cultural governance of cold war liberalism by separating speech from conviction to cultivate the value of debate as a method of democratic decision-making. The valorization of free and full expression as a pre-requisite for ‘decision by debate’ prepared the ground for dis-articulating debate from cold war liberalism and re-articulating it as a game of freedom that contributes to the moral education of liberal citizens. In so doing, debate becomes a global technology of liberalism creating exceptional subjects by circulating the communicative norms of deliberative democracy.  相似文献   

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