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In the late 1980s, a series of reports —notably, The Making of Managers by CharlesHandy-outlined a development path for management in theU.K. This was to be based on the development of aneducation and training base and the model set by leadingcorporations. A decade later, this paper reviews currenttrends in managerial work and employment against theexpectations of the late 1980s. In doing so, it distinguishes between the objectivecondition of British management and itsinstitutionalized meaning within wider British society.It argues that recent accounts of changes in managerialwork and employment have focused solely on incremental changes inthe empirical domain and have neglected importantdiscursive shifts in the way management is understoodand enacted within organizations. These shifts have been catalyzed by the emergence of a series oforganizational initiatives-first, Total QualityManagement (TQM) and, latterly, lean production andBusiness Process Reengineering (BPR)-which aim tosystematically deconstruct management by emphasizing workerempowerment, delayering, downsizing, and theredistribution of managerial functions. In short,initiatives such as these are contributing to theunmaking of management. Managerial groups aresubject to intensification and polarization, whilemanagerial practices are diffused throughout the workprocess.  相似文献   

Nolan Boyd 《Disability & Society》2016,31(10):1321-1332
David Lynch’s The Elephant Man tells the story of Joseph Merrick – called John Merrick in the film – a man who lived in Victorian England and who was exhibited in ‘freak’ shows under the moniker ‘The Elephant Man.’ One of Lynch’s central concerns in the film is visuality – how Merrick’s disabled body is seen and looked at, both by the characters in the film and by the film’s audience. Ultimately, at both the narrative level and the cinematic level, Lynch exposes the insidious power of forms of looking at the disabled body that collude with and reinforce ableist social hegemony. Using Lacanian and Foucauldian theory and building on the work of Rosemarie Garland-Thomson and Todd McGowan, this article examines exactly how Lynch is able to achieve this anti-ableist work.  相似文献   


Zionists “Unmasked”

VTORZHENIE bez ORUZHIYA (Invasion Without Anns), by Vladimir Begun, Moscow, “Molodaya gvardiya”, 1977. 175 pp. 35 kop.




ON THE EDGE OF DESTRUCTION. JEWS OF POLAND BETWEEN THE TWO WORLD wars, by Celia S. Heller. New York, Columbia University Press, 1977. xi, 369 pp. IIIus. Index. $ 14.95.

EUROCOMMUNIST AMBIGUITIES l'eurocommunisme, by Fernando Claudin. Paris, François Maspero, 1977. 151 pp. (Cahiers libres 336). F.22.00.

EURO‐KOMMUNISMUS, by A. Dalma, J. Rovan, A. Razumovsky, M. Vermeh ren, H. Ramseier. Zürich, Edition Interform AG, 1977. 110 pp. (Texte + Thesen 79). DM 8.00.


NATIONAL LIBERATION REVOLUTIONS TODAY. Part I. Some Questions of Theory, by K. N. Brutents. Moscow, Progress Publishers. 1977. 321 pp. (Problems of the Third World.)

THE EVOLUTION OF NATIONALISM IN ASIA AND AFRICA. MOSCOW, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1976. 204 pp. (Problems of Contemporary World, no. 36.)  相似文献   

IN those days, when heavy snow sealed the mountain passes, it was only the sight of red paper-cuts on the windows which said to me there were people living in those houses covered with deep and solid snow. Every time I travel to the Northwest, I have come across paper-cutters who touch me so deeply that I can't forget their faces even long after I return to the city. Sometimes in the harsh winters of the Northwest, there is no color but the monotonous white of the snow until the lively red of the paper-cuts spring into sight. These colorful, waiting things like cheerful signals of warmth and humanity,  相似文献   

THE Iron Man Triathlon challenges even the most veteran athlete. Competitors swim 3,000 meters, followed by a 40 kilometer bike race and ending with a i0 kilometer cross-country run.The Iron Man allows athletes to display their utmost abilities. As of January 1997, triathlete Wang Dan had accumulated the highest number of points of Asian iron man triathletes, according to the Asian Iron Man Triathlon Federation. Following her lead is Chinese triathlete Xing Lin. Liu Xiaodan, Chinese third ranking triathlete, comes in 5th among Asian competitors. All three girls are just 17 years old and all natives of Shenyang, Liaoning  相似文献   

IN the 1930's, the power of the Communist Party of China was first born in southern China. Women cut their hair short and unbound their feet. Women gained freedom of choice in marriage and fought side by side with men. Fighting for Respect The first red political power of China's Soviet Republic was born in the boundary region of Jiangxi and Fujian provinces in November of 1931. Covering 35 counties with a population of 3  相似文献   

This article takes as its point of departureconcepts derived from couple therapy to betterunderstand collusive relationships in organizations. Aswe examine these dysfunctional workplace relationships— these interpersonal gridlocks —four main types of collusive superior subordinateinteraction patterns are identified — thenarcissistic, the controlling, the paranoid, and thesadomasochistic — and the consequences of each such dyad in organizationsare explored. In conclusion, the paper presents a numberof recommendations on how to recognize the presence ofsuch collusive arrangements (taking leadership behavior as a point of departure) and suggestspreventive steps that can be taken.  相似文献   

WHEN most people think of unicycles, they think about acrobats at the circus. But today unicycles are appearing everywhere, ridden by everyday people. Since the 1940s more and more of these one wheeled cycles have made the crossover from stage to sports ground. It has become popular in more than 200 countries and regions. In the early 1980s, the World Unicycle Union was established and people from 220 countries and regions became members. Six international  相似文献   

"THE east is red, the sun rises. China brought up Mao Zedong. He fights for the happiness of the people, he is a great liberator of the people." All Chinese know this song, but few know the origin of it. Composer Liu Zhi recalled, "I was a young actor in the Yangge Team under the Lu Xun Arts Institute of the Red Army 60 years ago. One folk performer in our troupe called Fang Xianzhang used to make a living by performing on both banks of the Yellow River. He knew a lot of Shanxi folk songs and once taught me a love song called Sesame Oil. It turned out to be the same tune with The East Is Red.  相似文献   

JUST as the Secretary-General of the United Nations Boutros Boutros-Ghali said in his written statement on the afternoon of September 4 in the main meeting hall of the Beijing International Convention Center, "The recognition of the  相似文献   

YU Hua, 28, deputy head of Sanduan Village is very proud of her village. As she welcomes visitors, she is sure to let them know: "Our red peppers were reported in the Chinese Population News." Red peppers grown in Sanduan Village are distinctive for their good quality, bright color, and pure hot taste Traders came to the village to buy red peppers. Thus their reputation grew quickly and the village head was even invited to Beijing to take part in a  相似文献   

The voluntary sector has become more fully involved in service provision in rural areas over the last 10 years and this paper attempts to assess its impact with respect to one particular group of services, namely transport. The importance of the initiatives which have taken place is outlined in a statement of recent policy changes, including the radical provisions in the 1985 Transport Act, and through a national review of the three principal kinds of voluntary transport services in rural areas — social car schemes, dial-a-ride and community buses. This review is followed by an in-depth analysis of the extent of the voluntary sector involvement in transport provision in Norfolk and Suffolk. Extensive tables are presented and the characteristics of the schemes outlined together with an assessment of the essential ingredients for success or failure.The conclusion reached is that the scope and scale of voluntary sector initiatives in rural areas is small, and they form no alternative to a more general and systematic provision of transport services. Further, voluntary sector activities may even increase the inequalities in service provision. Suggestions are made as to how the scattered developments could be brought together and developed through the parish councils, parish transport groups and the rural transport broker.  相似文献   

BORN to a poor farmer's family at Yangxi Village, Yeping Town, Ruijin County (today's Ruijin City) of Jiangxi Province in 1914, I was sent to the Lius to be a child daughter-in-law. The Lius were too poor to support themselves. They had nothing but two sons. Worried about not having enough money to purchase a daughter-in-law in the future, the family accepted me as a child daughter-in-law-to-be. I was told by my elders that when I was three years old, I went with my father-in-law to beg. On the way, I was bitten by a rich family's dog, causing my mother-in-law to burst into tears. My father-in-law died before long, leaving his wife, two sons and I with nothing to live on. With an uncle-in-law as  相似文献   

In the eastern part of Beijing, there is a quiet and ancient lane known as Guozijian Street, which was the location of the school of highest learning during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties (1271-1911). The Capital Museum is located inside the Temple of Confucius on this street. To help people  相似文献   

This essay engages Jane Flax's The American Dream in Black and White: The Clarence Thomas Hearings through an elaboration of both the manifest and latent beliefs that mine the actions of a promising man of color, and a powerful group of men who sit in judgment of him. Noting the role assumed by gender politics in this drama, the author highlights Max's lucid commentary on the progress of the American dream, as women and people of color still serve as dispensable commodities for the men of the mainstream.  相似文献   

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