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This article argues that social science representations of post-1965 Black immigrants in the United States employ the concept of "ethnicity" in ways that reinforce the racialist myth of Black (American) cultural inferiority. Specifically, the discursive use of Black immigrant "ethnic" and "cultural distinctiveness," while admittedly reflecting an important recognition of the heterogeneity of the United States Black populations, is in fact predicated upon a repackaged "culture of poverty" discourse that serves to reaffirm the overarching racial order. In a discussion of the theoretical and historical development of the concept, I show how the current discourse of "ethnic distinctiveness" perpetuates a form of racism under a theory that denies the relevance of race while it continuously recodes the biological notions of race as "culture." Thus, Black immigrant distinctiveness, when presented through the prism of the cultural narratives of ethnicity, allows for the perpetuation of a "cultural racism" that adversely affects all Blacks in this country. I therefore call for a rejection of ethnicity theory as it is currently conceptualized and suggest the need to ground theories of Black distinctiveness within analyses of power relations and ongoing practices of racial subjugation.  相似文献   


How can one subscribe to forms of ethico-religious pacifism and revolutionary communism or anarchism simultaneously, let alone conceive of their adherents as comprising the same transnational social movement? The author explores this conundrum via a playful probing of her own paradoxes related to violence and peace, dualism and non-dualistic thinking, and activist engagement along with more contemplative and quiet reflection. It experiments with expressive auto-ethnography in order to convey what living in and through these paradoxes feels like, and to access and convey other kinds of insights, (self) knowledge, and wisdom, unavailable or inadmissible by more orthodox forms of social science inquiry and writing. It embraces the postmodern relationship among authors, audiences, and texts and valorizes storytelling as deeply pedagogical, constitutive, meaningful, and meaning-making phenomena. The essay weaves together newspaper headlines, apocryphal diary entries, and dream poems into a methodological bricolage drawing from postmodern, poststructural and postcolonial scholars Deleuze and Guattari, Michael Shapiro, Anna Agathangelou, and Ruth Behar among others.  相似文献   


In this paper we introduce Bergson's philosophy of "action, process and movement" and its relevance for social science and the study of organizational culture. Bergson's philosophy of change argues against the spatialisation of thought in which phenomena are broken down into discrete components to be numbered, sequenced and manipulated: rather he argues for a view of time as qualitative; intuition as situated within experience rather than about it; the importance of the body in social experience and the importance of morality and religion in social life - in short and embodied conception of culture. Bergson's culture is socialised time actualised in experienced duration or durée - culture is always in motion, and does not need culture clash to drive change, but cultural expression and formulations are not, which runs counter to functionalist and psychoanalytic views of culture. Creativity, or the élan vital , is the human impulse to organise, but to improvise rather than to locate, divide and control. Culture grounded in experienced time and driven by the élan vital is in ceaseless motion - it is duration because its is en-dured as a multiplicity rather than as a unity. Where heroic leaders in treatments of organizational culture invite us the change our place in the world, in Bergson's thought they invite us to change out time - our qualitative experience of duration. We examine these arguments through a review of Bergson's work, concluding that Bergson's resonates with postmodern approaches to culture which shift our attention from signification to implication.  相似文献   

The paper examines, and seeks to develop, the sociological concept of reflexivity. It identifies two senses of reflexivity, one associated with ethnomethodological accounts of members’practical reasoning, the other with a more philosophical sense of conscious self-referencing, and analyses their relationship. The paper argues that the development of this form of analysis leads to a form of propositional undecidability which makes it typically ‘postmodern’. The development is linked to ideas of recursion, as these are expounded in computer science and mathematics, and to Derrida's interpretation of ‘textual fold’— this also being used to ground the association of reflexivity with postmodernism. The analysis ‘returns to the social’by considering aspects of Niklas Luhmann's explication of social reflexivity. It concludes by examining the understanding that a postmodern sociology might have of a postmodern society in which the grounds for social order have become undecidable.  相似文献   

The author explores the ways in which the development of grand narratives of U.S. history may have influenced the direction, tactics, and expectations of lesbian and gay activists. Moving beyond the critiques of identity politics, this study uses and explains postmodern concepts to outline narratives of U.S. reform, and lesbian and gay histories and suggests that lesbian and gay politics have been formed symbiotically within these narratives, shaping them and allowing them to shape those politics. Finally, proposals for using history and postmodern theory to break from this pattern are offered.  相似文献   


This article is concerned with the role and effects of video on cultural technology in the Croatian diaspora in Australia in the light of the war in former Yugoslavia. It reveals the fragility of the cultural boundaries both of Australian multiculturalism and of the emerging postmodern culture of hybridity, which favour symbolic ethnicity as a form of ethnic identity. It also traces the gradual and often nervous formation and reinvention of Croatian cultural (diasporic) identity which has, with the inception of war, turned into fully fledged diasporic nationalism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to interpret the meaning of the postmodern discourse produced by Korean television advertisements, by categorizing postmodern television advertisements and describing their representations and images of reality in detail. Considering the production process of Korean postmodern advertisements, the study raised a question: How can we interpret the phenomena of imitating and assimilating the style of advertisements from the reservoir of postmodern signifiers, while not taking into account the values, ideas and ways of thinking implicit in such advertisements?

There are two ways of interpretation. First, it would be an effect of structural dependence, in which postmodern consumer cultural forms are replicated and replace local products with mass-produced goods. The narratives of postmodern advertisements serve as the catalyst to introduce these advertisements and to teach the grammar of international advertising. Second, the assimilation of postmodern advertisements in Korean television means a newly emergent hybrid culture. Because the target of postmodern advertisements is the young consumer, the producers adopt postmodern tastes and styles, inserting and translating their roots into local forms. The study concluded that it may be more appropriate not to choose one of these interpretations as a single correct theory; it is better to look at the articulation of different forces and processes within a field of interconnections among mediascape, financescape and technoscape.  相似文献   


Occult imagery is widespread in the contemporary global mediaverse, including in TV programs such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Sightings, and The X-Files. This article considers the popular cultural presence of the otherworldly and the magical in relation to the strand of theorizing, beginning with Max Weber and taking a postmodern turn in Jean Baudrillard, that treats the cultures of Western modernity as disenchanted ones. In particular, it turns to Baudrillard's concept of seduction, which, while generating controversy in cultural theory circles, has had only a limited impact in media studies. The article argues that 'tele-visions of the otherworldly' constitute an enchanting challenge to modernist dis-illusionment, serve as a counterpoint to Baudrillard's 'obscene' media hyperrealism, and promote forms of imagination that, like magic realist literary fiction, undermine certain drives toward mastery associated with the dominant knowledge formations of Western modernity. TV's occult imagery can thus serve as the site of an unsettled and unsettling critical imagination, a skeptical popular subjunctivity.  相似文献   


Postmodern critiques of standpoint theory have been particularly influential in feminist theory, but I maintain that they are often mistaken. In this essay! will briefly review the most common criticisms and show how Hartsock's formulation addresses many of them and indeed shares many features of postmodernism through the notion of multiple feminist standpoints. Though several feminists have urged such pluralization,! identify a more intractable difficulty with such a strategy and argue for a new way of conceptualizing the “materialist” dimensions of “experience” that may be more palatable to postmodern notions of discursiveness without giving away Hartsock's methodological foundation.  相似文献   

In order to describe the main features of future American society, the main changes already occurring are discussed, a theory is formulated that explains these changes, and this theory is applied to the future. Three well-known theories are used as a starting point: Habermas's theory of systems, his theory of lifeworlds, and general conflict theory. To account for a variety of systems, a theory of the "organizing" process is proposed. To explain the trans-formation of lifeworlds, a simplified theory of the "communicative" process is outlined. To gain insight into cultural change, the theory of "oppositional" process is presented. The main conclusions are that we are witnessing a shift from "system" to "lifeworld" and that both postindustrial structures and postmodern culture contribute to and are symptoms of this shift. Moreover, future American societies, shaped by this shift, will have many properties of the preindustrial gemeinschafts.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a postmodern approach to social work practice that links the perspectives of cultural competence, diversity, social constructionism, and a generalist strengths-based orientation for work with families. The profession's early work with diverse families is put into the context of privilege and contrasted with more contemporary models built on affirmation of diversity and the strengths of families. The component theoretical perspectives are reviewed and followed by a flexible pedagogical model that includes four steps and representative teaching strategies for implementation.  相似文献   


The idea of a ‘love of humanity’, though largely absent from social work literature, is a potent concept for challenging the dominant discourses of individual material wealth, greed and power. It can be associated with the postmodern agenda of emancipation from oppressive discourses of professional ‘expertise’. Love, or a ‘love of humanity’, has the same intent as formulations of social work grounded in postmodern critical theory, but it uses a different language. It uses a language of lived experience and personal commitment - a language that appeals to our hearts -a language passionate about, and incorporating, human rights and social justice.  相似文献   

The conversation about the postmodern challenge to sociological practice is just beginning. Harding advocates a positive tension between the postmodern vision of an antiessentialist, antiepistemological future and the postmodern vision of successor science projects grounded in the epistemologies of marginalized communities. In this paper, I describe my study of barriers to cyberliteracy among mentally disabled women and how it has been informed by these two contrasting postmodern visions represented, respectively, by the work of Newman and Holzman (The End of Knowing: A New Developmental Way of Learning, Routledge, London, 1997) and Smith (Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples, Zed Books, London, 1999).  相似文献   


This article explores the way that senile dementia is represented in contemporary culture, with particular reference to texts which narrate the experience of caring for a parent or spouse with one form of the illness. These narratives raise problematic issues about the materiality of the body and its relation to individual identity, and the unstable relationship between memory and identity in postmodern culture, by drawing on the actual experience of bodily dependency and disorientating memory loss in dementia patients. These speculations about the body, memory and the self are ultimately related in narratives of dementia to the inevitable process of aging and dying and the cultural meanings attached to it. The article places the representation of dementing illnesses within a Foucauldian narrative of surveillance and control in the discourse of aging and death in modern Western societies, redemptive views of illness in western culture and arguments about death in contemporary theory.  相似文献   

The postmodernism debate in the social sciences has been misunderstood as primarily an epistemological problem concerning method. The evolution of the postmodernism debate into the science wars has raised the same issues Critics blame postmodernism and science studies for epistemological relativism and hostility toward science, while supporters attempt to use postmodernism as a part of a project to replace positivism with interpretive methods. Both critics and supporters of postmodernism miss the most important aspect of the postmodern perspective: the attempt to break out of epistemology and the Kantian conceptual framework. Critics of postmodernism and science studies also mistakenly argue that postmodernism is the sole creation of the humanities. Many of the key concepts of the postmodern perspective, however, were developed through reflections on novel developments in the natural sciences. Because critics and supporters of postmodernism in the social sciences remain within a Kantian conceptual framework, the postmodern break from epistemology has been overlooked. A close reading of reflexive texts on the natural sciences rules out any claim that the post-modern perspective is simply a relativistic methodology that dislikes science. The pages below focus on key texts by Gaston Bachelard, Georges Canguilhem, Michel Foucault and Bruno Latour as an attempt to re-orient the postmodernism debate in the social sciences. A reexamination of these texts reveals how the postmodernism debate in the social sciences has mistakenly understood postmodernism as a problem of method and epistemology. Science studies represents the maturation of the postmodern perspective by building a non-epistemologically oriented social theory. The possibility of rebuilding social theory after the dismantling of epistemology is the unique halimark of science studies, the most recent development of the postmodern perspective.  相似文献   


The voices of non-elderly adults with disabilities who currently-or used to-reside in nursing homes are rarely heard. A grassroots disability advocacy organization conducts participatory action research in the form of a writing workshop in collaboration with a local community-college. Participants with disabilities describe their lives and their experiences in nursing homes with the help of volunteer scribes. The information provided in their accounts will help strengthen community-organizing efforts of the disability advocacy organization. And participants have been empowered by the realization that their life stories are helping others to leave nursing homes and join community settings.  相似文献   


The criminal courtroom is an important institutional site where a modernist epistemology works hard to keep the postmodern disturbance of such concepts as ‘truth’ and ‘reality’ at bay. Nevertheless, some popular television programs exploit the imagistic conditions of postmodernity in order to volatilize the truths certified as final ones by criminal courts. Similarly, in the first trial of the LAPD officers who beat Rodney King, the prosecution team exploited the instability of truth in a mediatized society in order to resignify events whose meanings had previously been configured quite differently. This essay examines these events as manifestations of cultural and political contestation in an image-saturated society where the modernist ‘reality principle’ has dissolved and been replaced by a mediatizing process of resimulation and resignification.  相似文献   


Feminist analysis of transsexualism such as that of Janice Raymond has seen it as a deeply conservative phenomenon in which surgical mutilation is employed to maintain the genders of male dominance and female subordination. Transsexualism has a new face in the nineties in “transgenderism” which employs queer and postmodern theory to render transsexualism progressive. This paper argues that “transgenderism” is also deeply problematic from a feminist perspective and that transsexualism should be seen as a violation of human rights.  相似文献   

The place of semiotics within symbolic interactionist thought is discussed. The works of Barthes and Baudrillard are examined in terms of their implications for (1) an interactionist theory of the cultural object and (2) an interpretation of consumer relations in the postmodern period. The narrative texts of advertisements for Jack Daniel's Whiskey ** 1 Grateful acknowledgment and appreciation is given to the Jack Daniel Distillery for permission to use their advertising text as it appears on their product.
and Dewar's White Label Scotch *** 2 Grateful acknowledgment and appreciation is given to Dewar's for permission to use their advertising profile of Gary Jobson.
are analyzed in terms of the political economy of the sign suggested by Baudrillard and Barthes. The implications of this analysis for the symbolic interactionist theory of the object and language are discussed. The subject matter that now confronts us supersedes symbolic interaction; rather it is the process surrounding the autonomization of signs; signs that stand for—and refer to—nothing but themselves.  相似文献   

This paper utilises the rhetorical device of chronology, a device which helps to instantiate the ‘modern’ world, in order to demonstrate the “reversible imminence” of that world. It seeks to build upon other attempts at ‘postmodern’ writing which have relied on flouting modernist conventions to signify themselves as ‘innovative’. But rather than constructing another new ‘style’ that cuts across conventions in writing, the paper seeks to complement such ‘innovation’ through intensifying its reliance on one of these conventions. The paper illustrates how a diligent and detailed application of the demands of chronology can result in a history that deconstructs itself, or to put it another way, how a faithful adherence to one of the demands of ‘modernist’ writing can itself create a text that fragments into ‘postmodernist’ writing.

The author examined participants’ accounts of the emergence of refinery based computerised oil management systems. These accounts sought to instantiate at least partially enduring organisational and self identities through rhetorics of progress in the face of disorder. However, much of this disorder may be seen to be an effect of extended ordering practices. The chief threat to the maintenance of identities thus turns out to be the ordering practices upon which these identities depend. An impression of progress was seen to rely upon a re-presentation of reflexive process as discrete events, as innumerable black boxes, enabling a (re)integration through separation. But when the author brought these boxes and their contents back together, ‘progress’ disintegrated.

Who makes up real things, dad?

Nobody and everybody; they make themselves up. The thing is that because the real stories just happen, they don’t always tell you very much. Sometimes they do, but usually they’re too . . . messy.’

Iain Banks, The Crow Road.  相似文献   

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