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实验课对辅助学生学习、理解专业知识所起的作用,是不言而喻的。一些必要的实验因条件所限,不能在教学过程中真正实现。专业教师单纯的照本宣科,常常导致学生感到知识难懂、枯燥,失去学习兴趣。如果教师能够创造条件,进行模拟实验,并适当加以引导,则可收到意外的效果。本文便是笔者在讲解汽车材料时的一些体会。  相似文献   

说起铁路,谁都不会觉得陌生。不过,只有一条轨道的铁路,恐怕知道的人就不多了。  相似文献   

古老而神秘的阿拉伯地区时时吸引着世人好奇的目光。那里地上黄沙漫漫,地下石油滚滚。体现伊斯兰传统风格和阿拉伯现代文明的各类建筑并立,超豪华的“奔驰”轿车与代表上一个世纪的驴车、骆驼同行,衣着华丽、珠光宝气的摩登女郎和头戴黑纱、  相似文献   

叙利亚旅游资源丰富,国家对旅游业越来越重视.在国家一系列鼓励发展旅游业的政策推动下,叙旅游业正在快速发展,有望成为叙经济的第一大支柱产业.  相似文献   

叙利亚旅游资源丰富,国家对旅游业越来越重视。在国家一系列鼓励发展旅游业的政策推动下,叙旅游业正在快速发展,有望成为叙经济的第一大支柱产业。  相似文献   

"闻香识女人",一个浪漫的说法,可以引发一份美妙的遐思。在彩市中,也有一个广为流传的说法:"女人手气香",彩票也爱"眷顾女人"。这种说法究竟有没有道理呢?有人经过调查后认为:在买彩票的方式上、选号的直觉上、以及情感与理智等方面,女人确实有长处。心理学研究表明,男人和女人在消费观念上的差异是显而易见的。很多男人往往不太看重小钱,花费  相似文献   

李钢 《职业》2009,(7):51-51
施振荣,台湾宏基集团的创始人,多年来一直以充满智慧和哲理的创业理念遨游商海,被国际产业界公认为除欧、日、美之外的“全球化第四种模式”。他本人也先后被推选为《世界经理人文摘》“全球15位最能创造时势的企业家”之一和美国《商业周刊》“全球25位最杰出的企业管理者”之一。  相似文献   

周莹 《职业时空》2004,(5):24-25
家族企业在人们的印象中是一种落后的企业制度,表现为进入资本市场的机会有限、组织混乱无序、裙带关系、家族理性主导商业逻辑、难于吸引职业管理人员、家庭纠纷渗入商业经营中、家长式和专制管理、继承问题等。家族企业的裙带关系使得其管理模式受到批[(\306\300)(\243\254)]被认为是不具有“长期生命力[(\241\261)52.6(\265\304)]组织。可是事实却是中国的家族企业如雨后春笋般地发展起来,成为中国经济发展的重要力量。在中国特定的社会文化背景下,由于中国的文化传统中独特的社会心理结构和对家庭血缘的特别认[(\277\311)(\243\254)]在…  相似文献   

Elaborating on salient contextual factors, such as historical conditions, national history, militarised masculinity, and language, this study looks at how repertoires of everyday nationhood are deployed in relation to boundary-drawing in the context of the recent refugee influx in Turkey. Drawing on ethnographic observations, semi-structured interviews and focus groups with ordinary Turkish citizens in Adana, this paper sheds light on the complexities of everyday understandings of citizenship and nationhood with regards to the emergence of ‘insider versus outsiders’ notions. Results suggest that ordinary citizens evoke various notions of nationhood in everyday life in drawing boundaries against ‘outsiders’ (i.e., refugees) by deploying historically rooted national identity constructions (militaristic, unitary) and symbols (language, flag). This article, therefore, reveals a national identity boundary-drawing mechanism involving widespread adherence to a militarised sense of nationhood, related more to other ideas of belonging than ethnicity. It further indicates that ordinary citizens, in their narratives, link such constructions and symbols with historical and current political contexts (e.g., the conflict between Turks and Arabs during WW1, or; current military operations in Syria).  相似文献   

哈奈·米纳(1924~)是叙利亚当代著名社会主义现实主义作家,一生创作了多部具有相当影响的长篇小说,蜚声阿拉伯世界,在世界文坛也享有一定声誉.鉴于他杰出的文学成就,纳吉布·马哈福兹曾推荐他为诺贝尔文学奖的候选人.  相似文献   

l'auteure de cet article aborde la question de la spécificité des méthodologies de recherche canadiennes, en examinant d'abord les grands modeles de méthodologies utilisés dans les articles empiriques publiés dans les principales revues canadiennes à partir des années 1960, comment ils ont changé au cours des temps et comment ils ont différé chez les anglophones et les francophones du Canada. Elle examine aussi la question de l'influence américaine soulevée par le débat qui s'est tenu sur la canadianisation. Il en ressort qu'au cours des dernières années les différences dues à la spécificité des sexes qui traversent ces divisions nationales ont été les plus importantes. l'effet final est que le modèle canadien global a quelque chose en commun avec ceux enregistrés dans les autres pays, quoique, à un niveau plus circonstancié, il soit spécifiquement canadien ou québécois. Les raisons des similarités et des différences sont analysées. This paper addresses the question of the distinctiveness of Canadian research methods by looking first at the broad pattern of methods used in empirical articles published in leading Canadian journals from the 1960s, how these have changed over time, and how they have differed between Francophone and Anglophone Canada. Issues of U.S. influence raised by the earlier Canadianization debate are also addressed. It is found that, for the more recent period, gender differences that cut across these “national” divisions have been the more salient. The net effect is that the total Canadian pattern has something in common with that recorded for other countries, although at a more detailed level there are specifically Canadian or Québécois effects. Reasons for the similarities and differences are discussed.  相似文献   

叙利亚的泛阿拉伯民族主义主张阿拉伯人是一个民族共同体,目标是建立一个包括今天的叙利亚、黎巴嫩、巴勒斯坦、约旦、伊拉克、西奈半岛和塞浦路斯,称之为"新月沃地"的大叙利亚.该思想后得到叙利亚领导人阿萨德的贯彻执行.阿萨德作为一名谨慎的政治家,为了实现这一目标,首先试图建立一个由叙利亚、黎巴嫩、约旦和巴勒斯坦组成的、以他为首的联盟,然后通过这一联盟,巧妙地周旋于各方力量之间,在确立联盟的政治和军事战略方面发挥主导作用.  相似文献   

李开复是当代青年学生知心的青年导师。研究李开复的青年教育特色拟首先从他写给青年学生的七封信开始。通过简述李开复写给青年学生七封信的主要内涵,在某种程度上有助于青年教育者正确认识和敏锐把握青年学生问题,并在此基础上妥善处理和有效解决青年学生问题。  相似文献   

This essay explores the material, phenomenological and political meaning of the Syrian corpse and the question of its dignity as represented in a series of media and visual outputs from 2011 to the present. The essay begins by arguing that the violence in Syria now targets the dead as much as the living. As such, the essay highlights the forms of ‘necroviolence’ that the Syrian corpse has been subjected to: mistreatment, erasure of markers of identity, denial of burial, mutilation and ultimately an attempt to erase it from memory. The essay concludes by arguing that the Syrian corpse is not merely the passive subject or victim of ‘necroviolence’ but can also become the paradoxical agent of what we might call ‘postmortem resistance’.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The immigrant family: cultural legacies and cultural changes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"This article examines the way family and kinship patterns change in the process of immigration--and why. Offering an interpretative synthesis, it emphasizes the way first generation immigrants to the United States fuse together the old and new to create a new kind of family life. The family is seen as a place where there is a dynamic interplay between structure, culture, and agency. New immigrant family patterns are shaped by cultural meanings and social practices immigrants bring with them from their home countries as well as social, economic and cultural forces in the United States."  相似文献   

Traditional notions of citizenship have focused on formal membership, including access to rights, in a national community. More recent scholarship has expanded this definition beyond citizenship as a legal status to focus on struggles for societal inclusion of and justice for marginalized populations, citizenship as both a social and symbolic boundary of exclusion, and post‐colonial and post‐national citizenship. In this article, I review conceptions of citizenship that involve more than legal rights. After reviewing this scholarship, I discuss the theoretical framework of cultural citizenship – a move to center the cultural underpinnings of modern citizenship in analyses of citizenship as a boundary of inclusion and exclusion. I use the example of France as one site to locate the connections between citizenship and culture and the cultural underpinnings and implications of citizenship more broadly.  相似文献   

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