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It is quite common that raters may need to classify a sample of subjects on a categorical scale. Perfect agreement can rarely be observed partly because of different perceptions about the meanings of the category labels between raters and partly because of factors such as intrarater variability. Usually, category indistinguishability occurs between adjacent categories. In this article, we propose a simple log-linear model combining ordinal scale information and category distinguishability between ordinal categories for modelling agreement between two raters. For the proposed model, no score assignment is required to the ordinal categories. An algorithm and statistical properties will be provided.  相似文献   

Using local kappa coefficients, we develop a method to assess the agreement between two discrete survival times that are measured on the same subject by different raters or methods. We model the marginal distributions for the two event times and local kappa coefficients in terms of covariates. An estimating equation is used for modeling the marginal distributions and a pseudo-likelihood procedure is used to estimate the parameters in the kappa model. The performance of the estimation procedure is examined through simulations. The proposed method can be extended to multivariate discrete survival distributions.  相似文献   

One of the indicators for evaluating the capability of a process is the process capability index. In this article, bootstrap confidence intervals of the generalized process capability index (GPCI) proposed by Maiti et al. are studied through simulation, when the underlying distributions are Lindley and Power Lindley distributions. The maximum likelihood method is used to estimate the parameters of the models. Three bootstrap confidence intervals namely, standard bootstrap (SB), percentile bootstrap (PB), and bias-corrected percentile bootstrap (BCPB) are considered for obtaining confidence intervals of GPCI. A Monte Carlo simulation has been used to investigate the estimated coverage probabilities and average width of the bootstrap confidence intervals. Simulation results show that the estimated coverage probabilities of the percentile bootstrap confidence interval and the bias-corrected percentile bootstrap confidence interval get closer to the nominal confidence level than those of the standard bootstrap confidence interval. Finally, three real datasets are analyzed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

For square contingency tables with ordered categories, the conditional symmetry model is decomposed into the palindromic symmetry and the modified marginal homogeneity models, and moreover into the generalized palindromic symmetry model and two other models. The data on unaided vision first analysed by Stuart (1953, 1955) is analysed again by using the decompositions.  相似文献   

We consider the square contingency tables which arise when the same method of classification is applied twice. The hypothesis of marginal homogeneity is then relevant! and can be tested by various methods Models are discussed which contain marginal homogeneity as a special case. They include a class based on univariate and bivariate Dirichlet distributions. The question of ordered categories is briefly discussed. Applications are made to data on unaided distance vision.  相似文献   

For square contingency tables rith ordered categories, this paper proposes two kinds of extensions of marginal homogeneity model and gives decompositions for the Liseer diagonals-parameter symmetry model considered by Agresti (1983a) using the proposed models- The proposed models are also applied to an unaided vision data.  相似文献   

We introduce two types of graphical log‐linear models: label‐ and level‐invariant models for triangle‐free graphs. These models generalise symmetry concepts in graphical log‐linear models and provide a tool with which to model symmetry in the discrete case. A label‐invariant model is category‐invariant and is preserved after permuting some of the vertices according to transformations that maintain the graph, whereas a level‐invariant model equates expected frequencies according to a given set of permutations. These new models can both be seen as instances of a new type of graphical log‐linear model termed the restricted graphical log‐linear model, or RGLL, in which equality restrictions on subsets of main effects and first‐order interactions are imposed. Their likelihood equations and graphical representation can be obtained from those derived for the RGLL models.  相似文献   

Agreement measures are designed to assess consistency between different instruments rating measurements of interest. When the individual responses are correlated with multilevel structure of nestings and clusters, traditional approaches are not readily available to estimate the inter- and intra-agreement for such complex multilevel settings. Our research stems from conformity evaluation between optometric devices with measurements on both eyes, equality tests of agreement in high myopic status between monozygous twins and dizygous twins, and assessment of reliability for different pathologists in dysplasia. In this paper, we focus on applying a Bayesian hierarchical correlation model incorporating adjustment for explanatory variables and nesting correlation structures to assess the inter- and intra-agreement through correlations of random effects for various sources. This Bayesian generalized linear mixed-effects model (GLMM) is further compared with the approximate intra-class correlation coefficients and kappa measures by the traditional Cohen’s kappa statistic and the generalized estimating equations (GEE) approach. The results of comparison studies reveal that the Bayesian GLMM provides a reliable and stable procedure in estimating inter- and intra-agreement simultaneously after adjusting for covariates and correlation structures, in marked contrast to Cohen’s kappa and the GEE approach.  相似文献   

Kappa and B assess agreement between two observers independently classifying N units into k categories. We study their behavior under zero cells in the contingency table and unbalanced asymmetric marginal distributions. Zero cells arise when a cross-classification is never endorsed by both observers; biased marginal distributions occur when some categories are preferred differently between the observers. Simulations studied the distributions of the unweighted and weighted statistics for k=4, under fixed proportions of diagonal agreement and different patterns off-diagonal, with various sample sizes, and under various zero cell count scenarios. Marginal distributions were first uniform and homogeneous, and then unbalanced asymmetric distributions. Results for unweighted kappa and B statistics were comparable to work of Muñoz and Bangdiwala, even with zero cells. A slight increased variation was observed as the sample size decreased. Weighted statistics did show greater variation as the number of zero cells increased, with weighted kappa increasing substantially more than weighted B. Under biased marginal distributions, weighted kappa with Cicchetti weights were higher than with squared weights. Both statistics for observer agreement behaved well under zero cells. The weighted B was less variable than the weighted kappa under similar circumstances and different weights. In general, B's performance and graphical interpretation make it preferable to kappa under the studied scenarios.  相似文献   

 本文根据2001年1月至2008年4月我国CPI篮子的8类居民消费价格分类指数的月度数据,分析了我国CPI波动的特征,并运用Gonzalo和Granger(1995)以及Darrat和Zhong(2002)提出的检验协整系统中的长期驱动力和短期驱动力的方法,从CPI分类指数的角度实证分析了我国CPI波动的长期和短期的决定因素。研究结果显示我国CPI波动的具有明显的结构性,食品、烟酒及用品、交通和通信、娱乐教育文化用品及服务等5类分类指数价格的变动是我国CPI波动的长期驱动力,而食品、衣着、医疗保健及个人用品等5类分类指数价格的变动是短期驱动力。  相似文献   

A two-stage procedure is described for assessing subject-specific and marginal agreement for data from a test-retest reliability study of a binary classification procedure. Subject-specific agreement is parametrized through the log odds ratio, while marginal agreement is reflected by the log ratio of the off-diagonal Poisson means. A family of agreement measures in the interval [-1, 1] is presented for both types of agreement. The conditioning argument described facilitates exact inference. The proposed methodology is demonstrated by way of an example involving hypothetical data chosen for illustrative purposes, and data from a National Health Survey Study (Rogot and Goldberg 1966).  相似文献   

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