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法村社会支持网络的整体结构研究——块模型及其应用,   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘军 《社会》2006,26(3):69-80
本文利用“块模型”方法分析黑龙江省一个村落的社会支持网,是针对费孝通教授提出的“差序格局”理论进行社会网络意义上的一种量化研究。研究发现,在“劳力支持”网络和“亲属关系网”中都存在四个子群。这种发现揭示了法村村民之间的互助行为的整体模式。“块模型”的价值在于可以揭示多种社会网络的整体结构和关系模式。因此,块模型方法可用来研究特别重视“关系”的中国社会。  相似文献   

桂勇  黄荣贵  丁昳 《社会》2018,38(3):203-239
本文在质性观察和归纳的基础上提出一个由“思想理论资源”与“立场取向”两个维度构成的理论模型,用以建构关于网络左翼思潮的类型学。在此基础上,本文使用个案观察加大数据文本分析的混合方法对三种网络左翼思潮进行研究,从经验上辨识与类型学一致的左翼社会思潮,即“国家主义左翼思潮”“民粹主义左翼思潮”与“自由主义左翼思潮”。此外,我们利用监督性机器学习技术与社群侦测技术,辨识各个网络左翼派别的社群结构,并分析它们彼此之间的网络互动与社群结构的演进。研究发现,随着时间的推移,“自由主义左派”逐渐式微,不再构成相对独立的互动社群;“民粹主义左派”与“国家主义左派”之间存在更密切的关系,但两者间裂痕的扩大也带来网络冲突的增加。  相似文献   

萧易忻 《社会》2016,36(2):191-214
本文旨在解释中国抑郁症病患比例在国际上偏低的原因。通过整理社会理论,本文提出了一个“抑郁症产生”的社会学分析框架,此框架是以“全球/国际”“国家/国内”两层次以及“社会结构”“社会建构”两方面为矩阵所组成的思考框架。具体而言,新自由主义全球化同时造成中国在“社会结构”与“社会建构”上的改变。中国在“社会结构”上已具备生成抑郁症的基础,但“社会建构”的条件尚有不足或被隐藏。然而,“社会建构”较“社会结构”在产生抑郁症上更为关键,一旦“社会建构”的条件更充分,中国抑郁症病患的比例预计将会增加。  相似文献   

中国社会文化背景下社会网络资本的测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王卫东 《社会》2009,29(3):146-158
本文提出了一套由网络规模、网顶、网差、网络异质性、网络的密度所构成的社会网络资本的测量模型。基于2003年和2006年中国综合社会调查数据,借助结构方程模型的方法,验证了这个测量模型在中国社会文化背景下具有良好的信度和效度;同时,也说明了春节拜年网是测量中国人社会网络资本的有效工具。  相似文献   

郭云涛 《社会》2011,31(4):137-157
本文使用CGSS2006调查数据,分析了城市社会转型对居民社会资本获取和动员过程的具体影响。研究发现,在社会资本获得过程中,城市社会转型不会影响居民社会资本的地位效应却影响了居民社会资本网络位置效应,“超大城市”居民在社会网络资本的“网络位置效应”因子均值上显著地低于“小城市”居民;随着城市规模的增大,市场化程度对教育的社会资本地位效应获取率的负向影响有越来越小。在社会资本动员过程中,市场化程度与社会资本地位效应因子的经济回报率正相关,而与社会资本网络位置效应的经济回报率不相关。  相似文献   

黄淑瑶 《社会》2012,32(6):204-219
社会性别的后天建构性使其成为分析社会结构的一个重要视角。本文从该角度重新审视海南历史上的汉黎互动,发现这种互动在本质上是两种迥异的性别文化的碰撞。在碰撞过程中,汉文化中的传统女性性别角色被黎文化不断挑战和改变,出现“女主外”的现象,但男性在政治领域的主导使“女主外”行为与支持男性“向学”的目的挂靠,女性“主外”行为的社会价值被贬低。“女耕男儒”的性别关系不但未能使女性获得自由,反而造成另一种性别压迫,最终成为海南独有的“男为尊”父权文化的表现方式。  相似文献   

陈福平 《社会》2012,32(2):84-104
已有研究多数认为市场经济、社会参与有助于普遍信任的建立,“关系”则阻碍这种信任的形成。基于CGSS2005数据,本文应用结构方程模型和多层次线性模型分析了市场经济、社会参与和关系信任对普遍信任的多重影响。研究表明:以亲属信任为核心的关系信任对普遍信任具有消极影响;当社会组织成员间信任仍是一种关系信任时,社会参与对普遍信任也呈现出消极作用;市场经济发展能够提高普遍信任,但同时推动了“关系”的使用,从而使得当代中国的市场经济与普遍信任间存在着相反的双向影响。因此,在经济建设中必须进一步推动社会参与。社会参与不仅仅要关注于组织的增长,也需要在制度层面上给予“跨关系”成员交往更多的支持。  相似文献   

刘芳  施文捷 《社会》2012,32(2):223-242
在建设基层民主的过程中,政治效能感是反映政治体系民主和健康程度的重要指标。研究表明,特定的政治参与行为对个人政治效能感有正向或负向影响,但目前探讨中国城市基层政治参及其政治效能感的研究尚不多见。本文综合现有理论文献,将政治效能感分为内部效能感和外部效能感进行分析,并根据政治参与影响效能感的两种不同机制,将政治参与分为教育型和诱导型两类,建立多元线性回归模型进行数据分析。本研究以上海社区的抽样数据为样本,分别建立“教育型参与-内部效能感”和“诱导型参与-外部效能感”两个回归模型。前者分析“抗争”和“竞选业主委员会成员”两项教育型政治参与行为对内部政治效能感的影响;后者分析“参与居委会选举投票”和“参与业委会选举投票”两项诱导型政治参与行为对外部效能感的影响,两个模型均在一定程度上支持了本文的研究假设。但作为教育型政治参与的“抗争”,因其在大部分情况下会以失败告终,故可能对政治效能感起不到一般教育型参与的促进作用。同时,通过数据分析,本文也发现“参与居委会选举投票”和“参与业委会选举投票”的差异:虽然根据已有研究两种“投票”均应归入诱导型政治参与,但是参考中国城市社区的现实情况,业委会选举机制的不成熟以及行政手段的介入,都有损于业委会选举的“政治诱导性”,故可能对外部效能感产生负面作用。本文根据上述问题和本研究的不足提出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

本文以社会化媒体的用户为中心,以用户的网络极端情绪表达为切入点,考察中国社会化媒体空间中的群体类型,并探讨各群体的客观背景特征,以及各群体的政治态度和网络表达行动。对中国网络社会心态调查数据(2014)的潜类分析表明,我们可以根据微博用户表达的极端情绪将其划分为“酱油众”“冷漠族”“铁血爱国派”“愤世嫉俗派”和“民粹主义者”五类群体。其中,“民粹主义者”具有一定的“草根左派”色彩,“铁血爱国派”具有某种“亲体制左派”的色彩,“冷漠族”则倾向于“温和右派”,“愤世嫉俗派”倾向于“激进右派”。就政治态度而言,“愤世嫉俗派”对体制的态度最为负面,“民粹主义者”对政府的信任度最低,而“铁血爱国派”对体制的态度最为正面,对政府的信任度最高。就网络行动而言,“民粹主义者”使用网络暴力和参与在线抗议的可能性都最高,其次是“愤世嫉俗派”和“铁血爱国派”。文章最后指出,对互联网用户极端情绪的研究是理解中国网络社会的重要窗口。  相似文献   

赵丙祥 《社会》2019,39(1):37-70
在田野民族志和历史编纂学中,传记法是一种重要的叙事方式。本文从分析林耀华的作品入手,将其置于20世纪20年代以来的社会学和人类学思想脉络中,并在此基础上探讨传记法在中国历史和社会研究中的潜力与可能性。本文将谱系法、个人生命史和社会生命论归纳为“传记法三角”。在(扩展)谱系法和社会结构论的基础上,生命传记法可以呈现一个或多个人的生命历史,作为大历史中的片段。不过,现象学路径有其自身的限度,不能离开对中央政权本身和总体结构的考察。在“时势”和“社会结构”的变迁过程中呈现生命传记,才不会只是个体的故事,而有希望成为一种对中国“总体”社会生活的有力叙事方式。  相似文献   

Social support is a critical factor in the well-being of older Chinese adults. Studies have found positive relationships between social support and psychological well-being. The findings, however, vary by kind of support. This article examines the relationships among objective and subjective social support from family members and close friends and three measures of psychological well-being, including loneliness, depression, and life satisfaction. The study sample consisted of 298 elderly Chinese community residents from Chongqing, China. The relationships between objective social support from family and friends and psychological well-being were, for the most part, not statistically significant. The relationships between subjective social support and well-being were fairly robust and statistically significant.  相似文献   

Family and community social networks act as social resources that promote well-being at advanced ages. In this study, we analyze the association between social support received from personal social networks (social support from various family members and friends) and community social networks (social support from neighbors and the neighborhood, age, ethnic, or religious group peers and formal social support networks) and quality of life (QoL) for a sample of older Chilean persons (n = 777). The results confirm that social support from family (partner, children, and extended family) and friends, integration in the community (neighbors) and social support from informal systems (social groups) are associated with QoL. Moreover, the model including both types of support explains 25.8% of variance in QoL. The results and their possible implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Individual and community social capital have had a significant impact on the gap between trust in higher-level governments and trust in local governments. A model including data from thirty villages gathered after the Wenchuan earthquake discovered that “the size of the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) greeting network,” “the size of the official network at/ above township level,” and “trust in fellow villagers” all had a considerable negative effect on the gap between trust in higher-level and local governments. Building individual and community social capital is conducive to establishing a balance between trust in different layers of government; individuals and communities who cooperate with each other have more channels for solving their economic and livelihood issues. Social capital can lead to a significant improvement in the effectiveness of resource matching and utilization involving governments and other sectors of society as well as increasing interaction with government. This can enhance trust in local governments and narrow the gap between trust in higher-level and local governments.  相似文献   

赵罗英 《社会工作》2011,(22):63-66
灾区青少年的社会支持网络主要来源为非正式支持系统与正式支持系统,非正式支持系统包括家庭成员、亲友邻里、同伴等,正式支持系统包括学校、政府、志愿者、福利组织及社会人士等。研究表明,社会支持网络对灾后青少年心理恢复具有较强的助益作用,非正式支持系统与正式支持系统对灾区青少年心理复原都发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

The analysis of the perspective of mentally ill people on their social network is not complete if the professional arena is left out. This article draws on literature about social network and other forms of human interaction to support the social network concept and an idea about how the professional arena has developed and become a vital part of the network. Fifty-three former patients were interviewed to get their perspective on the professional network. Intimate relations with family and friends seemed to be a model even for contacts with professionals. A social psychological analysis of the satisfaction of the long-term mentally ill respondents with relations to home care workers and their dissatisfaction with psychiatric professionals seemed to be connected to the professionals' ability to undertake a caring relationship.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a study of African American and White dementia caregivers (n = 141) living in rural areas of Alabama that examined the relations between the participants' receipt of informal social support, and their levels of caregiver burden and life satisfaction. The sample, as a whole, reported high levels of social support with no reported differences in social support by race. Female caregivers reported higher mean scores on 3 of the 4 dimensions of social support than their male counterparts. Two of the 4 dimensions of social support accounted for 32% of the variance of the caregivers' reported level of life satisfaction.  相似文献   

城市居民信任的构成及影响因素   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
胡荣  李静雅 《社会》2006,26(6):45-45
根据2004年底在厦门市抽样调查的数据,本文探讨了城市居民信任的结构及其影响因素。因子分析表明,城市居民的信任由普遍信任、一般信任和特殊信任三个部分构成,其中普遍信任最低,一般信任居中,特殊信任最高。多元回归分析表明,普遍信任除受性别、年龄、收入等因素的影响外,社团的参与具有非常重要的影响,但社团参与对一般信任和特殊信任的影响并不具有显著性。因此,在中国城市社会要培育普遍信任,就应该让居民更多地参与社团。  相似文献   

South Korea has been experiencing rapid population aging. In an aging society, the need for healthy lives is greater. Two of the fundamental factors to enable independent and active life for the elderly are mobility and social participation. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between older adults’ mobility, social participation, and quality of life in South Korea. We used data from the 2017 National Survey of Older Koreans conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs and applied hierarchical regression. The major finding was that older adults’ mobility had a positive impact on their life satisfaction. After controlling for older adults’ mobility, social participation was positively associated with life satisfaction regardless of the place of residence. The findings of this study not only make a valuable contribution to further research on mobility and social participation but also provide new insight into improving older adults’ quality of life.  相似文献   

A case-oriented analytical approach compared the index national case of France with the typical European outcome, other European cases and American results on social epidemiological indicators. Modal distributions were found to be most similar between the French sample and the total European sample on most social network items in a European therapeutic community cohort ( n =723). The characteristics of the American and our sample were also found to be strikingly similar. Network size varies mainly with the number of substance-dependent contacts reported by the client. Southern European clients have been living with their parents while northern clients have been living alone. Spending most of the time with drug-using friends is not related to developing intimate relationships and a counterbalance to a situation of peer loneliness. The importance of looking at the function of social network relations in risk networks in harmonising European policy is emphasised.  相似文献   

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