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Although electricity generation technologies and safety have improved gradually over time, nuclear power, including generation facilities and waste repositories, are seemingly stigmatized in American culture. Contemporary literature has considered the impact of widely broadcasting nuclear accidents and how media coverage might alter public risk perceptions and in turn, U.S. nuclear policy. This paper discusses the vacillation of public support in recent decades and its ties to both media and scientific reporting. The analysis identifies how media coverage of accidents at Chernobyl, Three-Mile Island, and Fukushima overwhelmed scientific claims of safety and security in nuclear energy production. Additionally, the discussion considers how to bridge the information gap between scientists, citizens, and policymakers through increased knowledge dissemination. Finally, the implications of improved scientific communication in democratic policymaking processes are discussed.  相似文献   


In the field of child welfare, attention has been given to risk factors for child maltreatment fatalities with little attention to the difference between children who die from abuse versus neglect. As part of a larger study, child welfare workers (n = 104) from 14 different states responded to an anonymous online survey that described the child, family, and case characteristics before death and worker characteristics/experiences before and after death. Results supported that prior to death, neglectful families presented with less risk than abusive families, in the areas of parent–child attachment, child behavior problems, and changes in household composition while reporting that they received more services. With regard to child welfare practice, workers did not report any differences in how they handled cases before death nor did they report differences in their posttraumatic stress symptoms at the time of the survey. These findings can be used as a springboard for future research that focuses on fatal maltreatment.  相似文献   

There now exists an extensive literature on the causes of childabuse. Within the UK, individualistic and inter-personal approacheshave predominated in terms of their influence on social worktheory, research and practice. However, much less emphasis hasbeen given to structuralist explanations. Indeed, of the structuralistwork that currently exists with its emphasis on the relationshipbetween deprivation and child abuse, this relationship has yetto be empirically tested within the UK. This is the focus forthe present article. Drawing upon data relating to all referralsmade to a short-term intake family and child-care team for athree-year period in Northern Ireland (1998–2000), thearticle confirms the strong relationship that exists, at wardlevel, between measures of deprivation and referrals to theteam. In discussing the implications of the findings, it isargued that more use needs to be made of quantitative methodsin social work research in order to identify and understandmore fully the influence of structural factors on issues relatingto family and childcare. The article concludes with a considerationof the implications of the findings for further research andfor social work practice.  相似文献   

Dealing with the schoolyard bully is an age-old problem; however, legislators have only recently tackled it at the state level. This study examines the adoption of anti-bullying policies from the policy diffusion and innovation perspective with an emphasis on the role of print media coverage. The study contributes to the policy diffusion literature by examining both national and local media coverage as conduits for diffusion and adds to the expanding views of the diffusion process beyond the traditional geographic proximity argument. Further, it provides the first examination of an emerging policy area important to education policy scholars. The findings show issue saliency via national media coverage drives policy adoption beyond any geographic proximity.  相似文献   

Sweden is widely believed to have an exceptionally low incidenceof child maltreatment deaths. Since Sweden is also the firstcountry to have outlawed all forms of corporal punishment, proponentsof a total ban on corporal punishment, in the UK and elsewhere,haveargued that this demonstrates that such a ban prevents fatalchild abuse. While not taking sides on the corporal punishmentissue, this paper demonstrates that the argument is misleadingon several counts. The available evidence suggests that Swedenhas a low, though not uniquely low, incidence of child maltreatmentdeaths. Widely cited statistics suggesting that Sweden is inan entirely different league from other countries are, however,seriously misleading. Nor does the evidence really allow usto conclude that Sweden’s relative success in this areais attributable to the ban on corporal punishment. Other countrieswithout a corporal punishment ban also have low or lower childmaltreatment death rates; the figures that are commonly citedin any case pre-date Sweden’s corporal punishment banand there are a number of other important variables, other thana ban on corporal punishment, that could account for internationalvariations. The article concludes with some thoughts about theselective use of evidence in debates of this kind.  相似文献   

Media exposure is widely known to increase institutional forms of political participation such as voting. Less well understood is whether media exposure also affects protest, a less institutional form of engagement. This paper examines the mechanics through which this relationship operates by considering the media's direct and indirect effect on voting and protesting, via political trust, efficacy, and knowledge. We make these comparisons by analyzing the unique Jennings panel dataset that collects information on respondents at three separate points. The results show that media exposure affects voting more than protesting and that these relationships operate through different mechanisms. While media exposure leads to voting because it increases political knowledge, it is associated with protest via external political efficacy. Furthermore, while this relationship is causal for voting it is only correlational for protest. The results illustrate the importance of disentangling forms of political engagement when considering media effects.  相似文献   

This article presents the results from an evaluation of a state-funded, prevention-based, pilot program called the Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Prevention Services that was designed to reduce the potential for child abuse and neglect. The program served 64 families of various races and ethnicities over two years. A quantitative pretest–posttest design was used to analyze existing program data related to client outcomes including parenting skills, parenting satisfaction, and the use of non-family resources to assist in improving skills and satisfaction. Means comparisons were used to assess the relationship between three standardized instruments (the Parenting Scale, the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory and the Kansas Parental Satisfaction Scale). Findings indicated a statistically significant improvement regarding resource engagement by families, parenting behaviors and perceptions, and involvement with Child Protective Services. The results from this study offer insight into how to improve parenting behaviors and increase child protective factors for youth who are at risk of maltreatment. In addition, these findings contribute to strengthen the legitimacy of Weiner's Attribution Theory while providing the social work profession with additional data in areas of research targeting the intersection of financially viable prevention programs, family stability, parental education, resources engagement, and the reduction of child abuse and neglect. If additional research supports the efficacy of prevention programs such as MAPS, funding similar programs could lead to improved parenting and decreases in child maltreatment.  相似文献   

刘春梅 《学术交流》2003,(10):36-42
涉外商事诉讼中的司法管辖是保障涉外商事案件当事人正当利益的第一道防线,也是减少国家之间管辖冲突,促进国际协作的重要手段。对我国在国际贷款和担保合同审理过程中出现的不当管辖问题进行了分析并阐释了相应的案例,介绍了不方便法院原则,期望在遵守基本原则的前提下,我国法院对管辖权主动进行适当限制,避免不当管辖对诉讼当事人造成的实质不公正,以保证诉讼当事人合理合法的利益得以实现。  相似文献   

在不断发展的市场经济中,事业单位财务风险的出现是不可避免的。只有充分认识事业单位财务风险特征及表现,并采取有效措施防范,才能有效规避可能出现的财务风险,本文针对事业单位可能出现的各种财务风险进行了简要的分析,并就如何防范与控制事业单位财务风险提出了一些看法与建议。  相似文献   

党芳莉 《唐都学刊》2013,29(5):82-86
2009年7月15日广州黑人冲击派出所,以及随后网上对《东方天使》的参赛者“黑女孩”娄婧的一些讨论,使得黑人群体受到全国媒体乃至世界媒体的关注,境外媒体称“中国首次爆发了有关种族歧视的不同寻常的公开讨论”,“中国人对黑人抱有天真的种族主义”。与此同时,移民大国——英国国内关于移民的讨论也达到了白热化的程度,移民报道在文化与政治领域的重要性得到了前所未有的关注。通过分析经济危机时期英国媒体的移民报道策略、成因和危害,并与中国媒体的黑人报道做简单比较,以期为正在走向世界的中国传媒以启示。  相似文献   

梁启超对中国传统的主要道德形态以"私德"概括,同时认为中国人亦有"公德"观念.他对中西的公私观念不做区分,原因在于他对"公德"的目标即"群"的关注只着眼于它的效果,而对其类型未进行明确的辨析.梁启超提倡的"公德"受效果论的影响,强调尽己责己,这与"公德"是"私德"之推的结论相关,最终使得公德、私德这一分析框架回到传统的问题结构.国家作为重要的"群",是梁启超"公德"观念的最终目标.梁漱溟以理势观作为方法论,认为公德观念产生于现代西方有边界的团体之中,他区分了中国与西方各自的公私观念及产生背景,在此基础上,将团体建设作为培养"公德"的入手处,并认为,以无边界的天下作为公的视野是中国思想的卓异之处.从梁启超到梁漱溟对公私之辨的回答体现了中西思想交流中方法论的渐趋成熟,对其进行归纳总结,有助于我们理解建立在连续性与创造性基础上的中国思想史仍有启迪意义.  相似文献   

The economic crisis in the United States has led to increased media coverage of older workers being laid off, forced to retire, or working longer than planned. Embedded in these reports are the intimations of workplace abuse. Social workers need to start taking into account ageism and abuse in the workplace as possible cooccurring issues to effectively implement policy, and organizational change that will address both issues. This brief article discusses ageism and abuse in the workplace using a human rights framework, the current state of the literature, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

浅析公共服务市场化的保证与原则   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对公益物品与私益物品的划分为政府供给公共服务提供了理论基础。但公益物品与服务本身又是十分复杂的 ,又存在着共用性程度的差异。这就决定了公益物品的单一政府供给并不能实现资源的优化配置 ,公共服务市场化由此产生。实践表明 ,公共服务市场化在节省政府开支 ,提高公共服务质量方面取得了良好的效果。作为一个系统的复杂的社会工程 ,公共服务市场化的顺利实行需要成熟的市场经济、民主化的公共决策、法制化的政府行为、成熟有效的技术支持作为条件保证。并且在实践操作过程中应坚持公平、服务和多中心的原则 ,这样才能使公共服务市场化的实行免于失控 ,沿着正确的轨道进行 ,取得预期的效果  相似文献   

In the context of global developments in the measurement of child poverty, this article critiques the limited success of the Indian government to develop a comprehensive social policy approach to address multi‐faceted deprivation suffered by Indian children. Since independence in 1947, Indian governments have focused on childhood deprivation through various programmes to improve food security, education and health. However, these programmes have functioned in siloes without any linkages to each other, along with poor budgetary commitment which has resulted in sub‐optimal policy outcomes. Based on the theoretical approaches of Amartya Sen's capability approach and Townsend's consensual approach to poverty measurement, this article highlights the intrinsic importance of child well‐being to society. To achieve its objectives, the article is organized into four main parts. First, the article provides an overview of Indian children's deprivation and poverty, and the policy approach. Second, it provides conceptual advancements globally on the measurement of child poverty and deprivation. Third, it highlights the importance of utilizing these indicators to measure child poverty in the Indian context. Fourth, it concludes with a critical analysis of children's budgets and social policy in India to highlight that the Indian government's approach towards child well‐being is not only conceptually flawed, but that its commitment is extremely poor.  相似文献   

This study analyses weblog abortion-related content sampled via a search and snowball method. When weblogs located inside of established media Web sites and other weblogs are compared, they are equivalent in the use of advocacy versus objectivist frames. Media weblog posts contain a political frame more frequently than non-media weblog posts do. In terms of diversity of frame, media weblogs employ more frames in their stories. Various explanations for these findings are offered in the context of current abortion-related content patterns.  相似文献   

Preschool children (N = 78) enrolled in multi‐informant, multi‐method longitudinal study were participants in a study designed to investigate the role of media exposure (i.e., violent and educational) on concurrent and future aggressive and prosocial behavior. Specifically, the amount of media exposure and the nature of the content was used to predict concurrent and future physical, verbal and relational aggression as well as prosocial behavior for girls and boys. This two‐year longitudinal study found that media exposure predicted various subtypes of aggression and prosocial behavior. These findings are qualified by the gender of the focal child. That is, parental reports of media exposure were associated with relational aggression for girls and physical aggression for boys at school. Ways in which these findings extend our understanding of the role of media during early childhood are discussed.  相似文献   

阿成小说中的人物多是市井俗人、知识分子、历史人物 ,其共同的特征是他们均为芸芸众生 ,具有普通人的情感欲望、生存方式。俗人有雅兴 ,雅人有俗相 ,这种叙事视角的选择表明阿成挥之不去的平民情结及对凡俗人间的挚爱、对俗人雅人宽容而博大的理解  相似文献   

网络文学文本的持守与创新(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络文学文本主要由传统文本和超文本组成。隐含超文本性的传统文本是网络文学的根基;而超文本作为网络世界最为流行的表意媒介,它以比特之名唤醒了沉睡于传统文本的开放性、自主性、互动性等潜在活力与灵性,代表着网络文学发展的方向。超文本以去中心和不确定的非线性在线写读方式解构传统、颠覆本质,在与后现代主义的相互唱和中,改变了文学的生存环境和存在方式。更重要的是,日益走向超文本的网络文学文本正在悄然改写我们关于文学与审美的思维方式和价值标准。因此,网络文学如何在持守传统的同时坚持创新,便成了一个值得我们深长思之的重要问题。  相似文献   

网络文学文本主要由传统文本和超文本组成。隐含“超文本性”的传统文本是网 络文学的根基;而超文本作为网络世界最为流行的表意媒介,它以“比特”之名唤醒 了沉睡于传统文本的开放性、自主性、互动性等潜在活力与灵性,代表着网络文学 发展的方向。超文本以去中心和不确定的非线性“在线写读”方式解构传统、颠覆本 质,在与后现代主义的相互唱和中,改变了文学的生存环境和存在方式。更重要的 是,日益走向超文本的网络文学文本正在悄然改写我们关于文学与审美的思维方式和 价值标准。因此,网络文学如何在持守传统的同时坚持创新,便成了一个值得我们深 长思之的重要问题。

关键词: 网络文学文本?超文本?互文性

Online literature contains both traditional text and hypertext. While traditional text containing “hypertextuality” provides the foundation for online literature, hypertext as the prevalent signifying medium of the cyberworld has awakened the latent energy and spirit of traditional text, making the latter more open, more autonomous and more interactive. The literature of “bits” points to the direction of future development. It deconstructs the traditional and overturns the nature of things through decentered “online reading and writing” that is uncertain and nonlinear. Hand in hand with post‐modernism, hypertext has transformed literature's context and mode of existence. Above all, the shift to hypertext in online literature is transforming our mode of thinking and value criteria in relation to literature and aesthetics. We should therefore conduct in‐depth and long‐term explorations of how online literature may innovate while maintaining tradition.  相似文献   

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