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以往的理论和文献没有就成年子女外出务工对农村老年人健康的影响达成共识.文章基于中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS) 2010年和2012年两期数据分析成年子女外出务工对农村老年人健康的影响,并从家庭支持角度入手探讨影响成年子女外出务工作用的重要机制.考虑到可能存在样本的内生性问题,文章采用倾向性匹配分析方法对回归模型的结果进行稳健性检验.结果发现,成年子女外出务工会对农村老年人健康产生不利的影响.长期两地分离而导致家庭照顾支持和情感支持减少是老年人健康状况变差的主要原因.另外,家庭经济支持对老年人健康的影响并不显著,这可能与农村的生活方式和消费观念有关.随着家庭规模变小和大量劳动力外流,农村老年人的养老和健康问题令人担忧.  相似文献   

文章利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所2009年在安徽省巢湖市进行的"安徽省老年人生活福利状况"抽样调查数据,采用多元Logistic回归分析了农村老年人家庭儿子与女儿外出务工状况对子女兄弟姐妹养老分工的影响。结果表明,外出务工对子女养老分工有显著影响,并且儿子和女儿外出务工的影响存在显著性别差异。儿子全部外出务工,子女之间倾向不平均分担对老年父母的经济支持,女儿全部外出务工,子女之间倾向于共同平均分担经济支持;儿子全部外出务工或女儿全部外出务工,子女之间都倾向于不给予老年父母生活照料。  相似文献   

留守儿童心理健康问题引起了社会和学界的广泛关注。由于选择性偏差和测度方法的差异,父母外出务工与留守儿童心理健康的因果联系在当前没有得到充分的论证。为此,文章基于2017年湖北省农村留守儿童健康调查数据,运用反事实方法,从父母缺席的理论视角分析了父母外出务工对农村留守儿童心理健康的影响,并深入探讨了父母外出务工对留守儿童社交心理维度的作用机制。研究发现,留守儿童总体心理健康水平与非留守儿童相比没有显著差异。但在社交心理维度上,父母外出务工会使留守儿童出现自我孤独感和社交回避的概率分别提高10.63%、10.96%。与父亲相比,母亲外出务工更容易使留守儿童产生自我孤独感。留守儿童年龄越小,产生自我孤独感的概率越高。随着年龄的增长,留守儿童更容易产生社交回避。因此,应高度重视留守儿童各阶段的心理状况并给予疏导和帮助。  相似文献   

外出务工、家庭老人特征及农村家庭贫困的关联研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用随机效应面板泊松回归模型,运用中国健康与营养调查数据库中2006—2011年间四次调查面板数据,分析家庭外出特征及家庭老人特征与家庭贫困发生次数的关联性.实证结果显示,家庭外出次数、 有无老人及老人生活质量等变量与家庭贫困发生次数有显著的相关性.进一步对家庭外出特征研究发现,家庭老人特征、 贫困发生次数及上年是否从事农业等变量对外出特征有显著的影响,且外出次数与外出人数也呈现出显著相关性.为消除内生性影响,引入工具变量外出工资收入后,发现外出工资收入与外出次数、 人数都有显著正相关性,老人生活质量变量显著负向影响家庭外出次数,家庭有无老人变量显著正向影响外出人数,老人有无慢性病变量显著负向影响外出人数.  相似文献   

伴随中国流动人口的日益增多,由于父母外出务工而导致的留守儿童规模不断扩大,城乡留守儿童的健康与教育水平受到一定程度的影响。文章运用中国营养与健康调查(CHNS)1997~2011年六轮家庭数据,研究了父母外出务工对留守儿童健康和受教育情况的影响,并进一步分析了该影响的城乡差异。为解决内生性问题,文章运用工具变量法构建了内生处理效应模型。主要结论为:父母外出务工对留守儿童的受教育情况造成显著负面影响,尤以农村儿童突出;对儿童身高产生显著负面影响,尤以城市儿童突出;对儿童体重产生显著改善作用,超重减少,尤以农村儿童突出;对儿童过去四周内的患病没有显著影响;这些影响也因儿童年龄群体的不同而有所差异。  相似文献   

农村劳动力外出务工是我国农业剩余劳动力转移的重要方式。现阶段,我国农业存在大量剩余劳动力,且农村劳动力外出务工的空间也在不断扩大。但是,从2004年开始我国却出现了"民工荒"现象,且愈演愈烈。这不仅阻碍了我国农村剩余劳动力的转移,也给城市劳动密集型产业带来巨大的冲击。通过对农村劳动力外出务工的动力进行测算和分析,得出现阶段我国农村劳动力外出务工的动力不足,是造成"民工荒"现象日益突出的根本原因。在此基础上,提出提高农村劳动力外出务工动力的对策。  相似文献   

成年子女外出状况及对农村家庭代际关系的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在我国大规模农村青壮年劳动力从乡到城转移的背景下,根据中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心2008年在河南、贵州部分农村进行的调查数据,从居住方式、代际互动、生活满意度几个方面对成年子女外出给农村家庭代际关系带来的影响进行分析。虽然农村留守老人在居住方式上出现了独居化、空巢化和隔代化的趋势,且在与外出子女间的代际资源交换中并未明显获益,但通过子女外出前后留守老人生活满意度的对比,发现留守老人的生活满意度显著提高。农村劳动力外出符合家庭利益最大化原则,同时提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

父母外出对农村留守儿童的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化进程中,农村人口的不完全流动产生了大量留守儿童。父母外出对这些儿童的学习生活造成不利影响。一方面,已有的流出地环境极大地制约着留守儿童的生存发展;另一方面,留守家庭成员也会通过积极、消极抑或是不自觉的行动来回应现实需求。因此在分析父母外出对家庭结构和个人所带来制约的同时,进一步考察父母外出后家庭成员能动因素的作用就显得尤为重要。本文利用2013年CEPS调查数据对农村留守儿童的身心健康、认知水平、学习成绩和综合发展状况及影响因素进行回归分析。研究发现母亲外出的流动安排对农村留守儿童造成极不利影响;良好的家庭经济状况和氛围、家庭及个人的自致性因素都显著正向影响农村留守儿童的综合发展;学校和朋辈群体环境中阻碍因素的影响大于支持因素;性别差异主要体现在留守男生的身心健康状况和认知水平优于留守女生,但留守女生的成绩和综合发展能力更好;农村留守儿童与非留守儿童的主要差异在于身心健康。基于此,解决留守儿童问题应兼顾眼前和长远利益,减少发展代价;公共政策和制度设计应嵌入家庭视角,自觉顺应人口流动家庭化趋势;强化家庭责任、发掘能动性,联结多方资源为农村留守儿童建立友好支持环境。  相似文献   

牛建林 《中国人口科学》2012,(4):103-110,112
文章利用中国综合社会调查数据与县级主要社会经济统计资料,分析了20世纪80年代以来中国农村地区外出务工现象对义务教育阶段在校学生辍学的影响。研究发现,农村地区同龄人外出务工现象对义务教育阶段在校学生辍学具有吸引与示范作用。一个区县同龄人外出务工的比例越高,在校学生义务教育阶段辍学的可能性越高;与完成义务教育者相比,初中辍学者更有可能外出务工。与同龄人外出的影响不同,家人外出有助于降低农村中小学生辍学的风险,促进其接受较高的教育。  相似文献   

农村留守老人的收入状况研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
农村留守老人问题是中国社会转型中的一个过渡性问题,又是一个在现有人口规模下将长期存在的问题。农村留守老人问题的本质是收入困境。理论上可以证明,留守老人的边际收入呈现递减的趋势。实证研究也表明,留守老人的年龄与收入之间呈显著的负相关关系。在没有外部政策干预的情况下,农村留守老人的生存状态将有恶化的可能。解决农村留守老人的收入和生活问题是中国顺利实现现代化的基本条件,政府应该把为留守老人建立社会安全网作为一个长期战略问题来考虑。  相似文献   

The negative effects of incarceration on child well-being are often linked to the economic insecurity of formerly incarcerated parents. Researchers caution, however, that the effects of parental incarceration may be small in the presence of multiple-partner fertility and other family complexity. Despite these claims, few studies have directly observed either economic insecurity or the full extent of family complexity. We study parent-child relationships with a unique data set that includes detailed information about economic insecurity and family complexity among parents just released from prison. We find that stable private housing, more than income, is associated with close and regular contact between parents and children. Formerly incarcerated parents see their children less regularly in contexts of multiple-partner fertility and in the absence of supportive family relationships. Significant housing and family effects are estimated even after we control for drug use and crime, which are themselves negatively related to parental contact. The findings point to the constraints of material insecurity and the complexity of family relationships on the contact between formerly incarcerated parents and their children.  相似文献   

新世纪,研究发现大部分城市老人与子女之间没有任何经济交往,老人与子代的经济交流以游离型为主。这主要源于社会保障政策对代际经济支持的挤出效应。在城市,向老年人提供经济支持的子女并不多,在向老年父母提供经济支持上,子女之间没有显著的性别差异,但是,子女的经济状况、受教育程度、排行和居住距离对其提供老年人经济支持的数量有显著影响。  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the relationship between the psychological well-being of Spanish adolescents from 12 to 16 years old and the values they aspire to for the future (N = 1,618). Adolescents’ well-being is explored through (a) their satisfaction with 19 specific life domains, (b) the Personal Well-Being Index (Cummins, Social Indicators Research, 43, 307−334, 1998) and (c) an item on overall satisfaction with life. The values they aspire to are explored by means of a list of 23 personal qualities or values. Satisfaction domains and values aspired to have been grouped into dimensions using principal component analysis (PCA). Boys scored significantly higher on the materialistic values dimension and the capacities and knowledge related values dimension, while girls scored higher on the interpersonal relationship related values dimension. The youngest adolescents scored higher on materialistic values, while the oldest scored higher on interpersonal relationships related values. Such results are similar to those obtained in a previous study, using a shorter version of the lists of satisfaction domains and of values aspired to and a sample of 8,995 adolescents and 4,381 of their parents from five different countries. In both studies results suggest that values aspired to can be considered a well-being related construct. However, an important change appears in the latest Spanish sample: Family values no longer fit with the interpersonal relationships related values dimension in the PCA, and now function as a separate value dimension which shows no correlation with overall life satisfaction, the PWI, or life satisfaction domains with the exception of family satisfaction. Interestingly, family values have also changed their loading dimension in the PCA developed with the answers from a sample of parents about the values they aspire to for their own child’s future (N = 723). Parents’ responses were compared with those of their own child, with concordances observed in about half of the families, low discrepancies in about one third and high or very high discrepancies in about 20%. Although the results of this study have their limitations, they suggest support for the hypothesis that important changes in values aspired to may be taking place over a short period of time, consistent with the findings of changes in values in several countries (Inglehart, Modernization and postmodernization. Cultural, economic and political change in 43 societies, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997), but apparently with no outstanding impact on adolescents’ well-being.  相似文献   

老龄化背景下,成年子女的异地流动增加了中老年人的健康负担,本文使用中国健康与养老追踪调查数据和倾向分值匹配法,实证考察了农村地区成年子女跨省外出对留守父母健康的影响。估计结果显示,有子女外出的家庭,中老年父母的主观健康如自评健康、认知状况和抑郁程度较差;客观健康也受到不利影响,患关节炎、胃病和肺病的可能性更大。基于收入考量的子女外出确实增加了对父母的经济支持力度,但同时也增加了父母从事隔代照料的可能性。隔代照料负担的增加可能是子女外出对父母健康有不利影响的原因。  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(1-2):189-204

This study uses a data set of older children and their older parents to examine caregiving relationships. Using the 1993 Panel Study of Income Dynamics and the 1993 Health Care Burden file, we examine help given by children to their parents. We distinguish between daughters who are household heads and daughters who are wives. We find parents receive substantially more care from daughters than from sons. The caregiving role of daughters who are household heads differs notably from that of wives. An analysis of caregiving, employment, and housework shows that children who are caregivers devote more combined hours to these activities than children who do not provide care.  相似文献   

To disclose the interplay between psychosocial antecedents of adolescents' decisions to leave their parental home in an ecologically sensitive region, we used structural equation modeling to analyze data from in-person interviews of members of 220 households in Wolong Nature Reserve for giant pandas (China). We further divided our data into two sub-samples by gender to test the hypothesis that model parameters differ for females and males. Our findings indicate that parental attitudes/behavior, peer behavior, and perceived availability of material/non-material resources play a critical role in adolescents' home-leaving decisions. This study demonstrates an important link between psychosocial factors and biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Trends and determinants of daughter-parent coresidence over the twentieth century are examined by using the 1987-1988 National Survey of Families and Households. Young women from more recent birth cohorts leave their parents’ homes for the first time at earlier ages, but are more likely to make return trips home than those born earlier. Thus cohorts show remarkable consistency in the proportion of life lived in the parental home. For the 1900-1929 birth cohorts, daughters’ lifetime probability that a parent will move in with them is approximately 15%; younger cohorts show similar age-specific probabilities to date. Explanations for these trends are considered.  相似文献   

人口老龄化对退休金负担影响的量化研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
姜向群 《人口研究》2006,30(2):51-55
我国快速的人口老龄化对养老金制度的严重负面影响已为学界所共识。在人口老龄化的过程中,庞大的退休群体快速增加,对于城镇退休金缴费形成了巨大压力。但是缴费负担的程度究竟有多大,人口老龄化在现收现付制度下和在半基金积累制度下对于缴费负担各有多大的影响,一直是学术界没有完全解决的问题。本文运用人口预测数据和政府的统计数据,从定量的角度就我国人口老龄化对退休金缴费负担的影响进行了预测和分析,并提出了养老金制度面临的难题以及对策建议。  相似文献   

文章在多方案预测21世纪我国人口变动趋势的基础上,发现2016年起实施全面两孩政策对从宏观上减缓老年抚养比的影响要大于减缓老年人口系数的影响;而且随着时间的推移,在2100年的影响将会进一步显现.实施全面两孩政策虽然会使我国在2030左右提前关闭“人口红利”的机会视窗,但它能减缓21世纪下半叶的总抚养比,从长期看有利于人口均衡发展.实施全面两孩政策从微观上对增强我国家庭养老功能的影响更大,有利于提高“四二二”家庭结构比例,增强2040年后大批独生子女父母进入高龄时的家庭养老功能,规避与生育政策有关的独生子女不幸死亡和伤残给家庭养老带来的风险.  相似文献   

Approximately 52 million Americans provide informal (unpaid) care to a family member or friend who is disabled or ill. The most common informal caregiving relationship is that of an adult child providing assistance to an aging parent. This article describes a qualitative study examining how adult daughters between the ages of 50 and 65 become caregivers to their parent or parent-in-law. Data were collected through in-depth, face-to-face interviews with 15 female caregivers. Analysis revealed that assistance provided to parents was initiated by one or more triggering event, after which participants became caregivers in either an emergent or deliberate manner.  相似文献   

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