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新型城镇化过程中农村剩余劳动力转移就业研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对新型城镇化建设过程中的农村剩余劳动力转移就业问题进行了深入的探讨和研究。针对目前我国城镇化过程中面临的农村剩余劳动力转移就业问题,提出在城镇化、工业化、农业现代化三化协调发展中稳步推进新型城镇化建设是促进农村剩余劳动力转移就业问题有效解决的根本途径,而在"三化"协调发展中逐步推出和完善城镇化相关配套政策和措施则是解决农村剩余劳动力转移就业问题的基本保障。  相似文献   

石瑾  尚海洋 《西北人口》2014,(3):118-122,128
通过深入分析新型城镇化的本质内涵,基于兰白经济区推进新型城镇化的自身需求、政策支撑和现实基础,提出了兰白经济区新型城镇化发展的三大模式。分别为统筹农业现代化与新型城镇化的协调发展模式;以产业集群推动新型工业化和新型城镇化的互动发展模式;中心城市带动,发展沿河沿交通线城镇密集带的空间发展模式。  相似文献   

徐晓斌 《西北人口》2012,33(4):115-119
改革开放至今,山东省的人口发展与工业化城镇化发展相互促进,共同推动了人口再生产方式的转变和工业化城镇化进程,进入了健康、合理、良性互动的发展时期。但是,人口规模持续膨胀、城镇化发展水平滞后、城镇体系结构不合理、人口分布与城镇分布矛盾等问题依然制约人口与工业化城镇化的协调发展。促进人口数量、素质、结构、分布协调发展,走新型工业化和新型城镇化道路,实现人口与工业化城镇化协调发展,是山东省不懈的追求。  相似文献   

过去30年,我国城镇化的高速发展主要得益于廉价的土地、劳动力等要素的贡献。当前这种过度依赖廉价"土地红利"和廉价"人口红利"的"要素驱动"城镇化发展模式已经难以为继。过度依赖"土地红利"不仅容易导致城市资源配置效率低下,而且会对城镇化过程中的居民生活和城镇化可持续发展等多方面产生负面影响;过度依赖廉价劳动力所带来的"人口红利"也由于人口结构的变化不具有可持续性。文章全面分析当前我国城镇化过程中的两种偏向,认为城镇化必须从"要素驱动"向"创新驱动"转变,实现从重数量的外延式扩张转向重品质的内涵式发展。城镇化的"创新驱动"需要推动城市产业升级,实现新型城镇化与新型工业化同步发展;发展智慧城市,实现城镇化、工业化和信息化的深度融合。  相似文献   

无人种地是一个无法回避的问题。随着我国工业化、城镇化进程快速推进,农村劳动力特别是青壮年劳动力大量转移到非农产业,农业劳动力短缺问题日益严重。中国科学院、中国工程院的15位院士联名向中央提交《关于解决"三农"问题的建议》指出,若不  相似文献   

我国农村城镇化的必要性及发展策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国"三农"问题与城市化严重滞后问题并存,使得快速、有序地转移农村剩余劳动力成为当务之急。在城市增加就业容量趋缓、农村劳动力日增且素质低下、乡镇企业由于分散而面临困境等诸多现实问题面前,农村城镇化成为推进我国城市化的主要途径之一。农村城镇化的发展要坚持走可持续的道路,需要因地制宜、各方面协同发展。  相似文献   

反思当前城镇化发展中的五种偏向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城镇化是关系中国经济发展转型的重大战略问题。文章认为未来中国城镇化可持续发展须坚持城镇化与工业化、农业现代化及信息化的"四化协调"原则,分析了中国城镇化过程中的五大偏向问题,提出实现中国城镇化可持续发展需要实施均衡城镇化发展模式、解决城市政府对土地财政的过度依赖问题、鼓励农民工家庭式迁移和就近转移、推进农民工与市民的平权、改变各城市在GDP上的恶性竞争局面。  相似文献   

"三农"问题的实质是二元经济结构问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱国宏 《人口研究》2003,27(2):14-15
"三农"问题是相对于城市化而言的,而城市化又是伴随着工业化而兴起的.在18世纪欧洲工业化开始以前,虽然有城市也有农村,但没有城市化,因而,"三农"不成其为问题,甚至,农村的田园牧歌式生活丝毫不比城市生活逊色.  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移就业问题性质的根本转变与社会政策选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄乾 《人口研究》2007,31(4):70-76
农村劳动力向非农产业和城市转移就业是一国经济社会发展的必经阶段,并且是工业化和城市化发展的重要推动力。对于发展中的中国来说,农村劳动力转移就业不仅关系到经济能否持续高增长,关系到工业化和城市化能否顺利实现,而且关系到“三农”问题的根本解决。“三农”问题的解决,  相似文献   

依托县城发展农村城镇化与县域经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在分析农村城镇化和县域经济发展问题的基础上,提出了以县城为中心推进农村城镇化,以特色产业为支撑发展县域工业化,以财政金融体制改革为基础实现资金来源多元化,以回流创业为途径解决人才瓶颈.  相似文献   

Free collective bargaining, i. e. the right of the two sides of industry to autonomously regulate the terms of employment without any state interference, is one of the core elements of many industrial democracies. The continuous existence of this institution, which, in Austria, avoids or reduces industrial action to an absolute minimum, can be explained by a mutual interest of both, labour and capital representatives, in macroeconomic and political stability. Trade unions usually achieve the internal legitimacy of their rank-and-file and effectiveness of the bargaining system as a whole through substantive improvements of the living and working conditions of their members. Against the background of an economic recession and decreasing membership, trade unions are forced to provide other sources of legitimacy to prevent sanctions by their members. The key question of this paper therefore focuses on how unions are able to equally maintain effectiveness and legitimacy of the collective bargaining institution. In the paper, this question will be dealt with by the example of collective bargaining in an exposed branch of the Austrian industry.  相似文献   

This paper develops an analytical model of the effect of family planningexpenditures on per capita income. The perspective is that of constrained optimization: a predetermined level of overall development resources is to be allocated to family planning programs and alternative uses in the form of expansion of the generalized capital stock (plant and machinery, education and training, and social infrastructure). The principal functions of the model are power forms, so that an explicit solution may be obtained for the optimal ratio of family planning expenditures to overall development resources. Important insights into the nature of this policy question are derived from consideration of the formula. In addition, tentative numerical estimates of the optimal ratio are presented for several developing economies. These estimates suggest that quite a substantial proportion of overall development resources should be allocated to family planning programs in most developing nations. The paper is concluded with a brief evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the optimization approach to population policy issues.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to further the understanding of subjective measures used to assess poverty and to add to the literature on poverty measurement methodology. In particular, the paper focuses on the minimum income question (MIQ) first proposed by Goedhart and colleagues (1977). Data from the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey and from a Dutch newspaper survey are used. The primary contribution of the paper is the inclusion of household expenditures as additional explanatory variables of minimally necessary income. Significant differences between the coefficients of several categories of expenditures, particularly for leisure, appear to reveal differences in the interpretation of the minimum income question by respondents. Thus, we question the underlying assumption of the MIQ that everyone adheres the same welfare meaning to the phrase “minimally necessary income,” and conclude that the resulting thresholds should not be used as to measure poverty before further research has been carried out to explore what respondents are thinking when they answer questions such as the MIQ.  相似文献   

城镇化视阈下的新型职业农民素质模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王乐杰  沈蕾 《西北人口》2014,(3):90-95,101
新型城镇化和新型职业农民的培育相互依存,互相促进。自2012年中央一号文件颁布以来,新型职业农民的培育已经引起全社会的广泛关注,但他们应具备什么素质,目前仍未形成一致观点。本文使用层次分析法构建了城镇化视阈下的新型职业农民素质模型,包含四个维度:基本素质、经营能力、职业认同和生态素质。结果表明,职业认同的权重最高。该模型可以为政府部门制定新型职业农民的认定和培育政策以及农民个人的职业发展提供指导,也为后续深入研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

Whether a country should try to improve human well-being of the masses or should concentrate solely on economic upliftment of the country is an alarming question in development economics. Survey of literature evidences a number of views in this respect. Present study uses the lagged dependent variable model to address the question. It attempts to find causal priority between human well-being and per capita gross real product (an indicator of economic achievement of a country). In this context it uses three core indicators of human well-being life expectancy at birth, infant survival rate and adult as well as three broad income groups: high, middle and low.  相似文献   

The recent publication of a volume that identifies almost 14 000 repeated questions from Louis Harris surveys should greatly facilitate the use of survey data for the study of social change. Four problems that accompany trend analyses with survey data are discussed in this paper with special attention to Harris data. They involve sample composition, question context, question wording, and short term versus long term change.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between subjective well-being and domain satisfactions. In the past different models have been specified. The most commonly applied model is the bottom-up model in which domain satisfactions affect subjective well-being. The more recent top-down model suggests a reversed relationship. Finally there is the supposition that the correlations between these variables can be spurious due to the effect of personality characteristics. Empirical research has shown that different models are found for different domains and in different countries. Focussing on the effects of the domain satisfactions of finances, housing and social contacts it has been found that subjective well-being is mainly affected by satisfaction with social contacts in Western developed countries and by satisfaction with finances in East European countries. The question we should like to answer in this study is whether a similar pattern obtains for the factors which influence subjective well-being among the different race groups in South Africa. Interestingly, coloured people and Asians did indeed show the expected effects but the groups with the most extreme living conditions did not. Evaluation of life circumstances by black and white South Africans was determined by expectations for the future rather than by current living conditions. This surprising result is discussed in the light of the political situation in South Africa.  相似文献   

The current development of the social sector is marked by a transformation of basic conditions, which is expressed in terms of an increasing cost pressure and an enhancement of status and a structural change of voluntary work. This paper addresses the question which patterns of mutual perception professional and voluntary social workers develop under such circumstances. Considering the Austrian probation service as example the social climate between professional and voluntary social workers is analysed. The main finding is that the mentioned transformations do not necessarily generate a conflict between vocational and non-vocational staff. Although the tasks of professional and voluntary probation officers are partially overlapping they view themselves mutually as enrichment and supplement and not as rivals. The extent of individual experiences of acceptance and appreciation may be identified as a background factor for the cooperative climate. Self-experienced acceptance and appreciation inhibits negative attitudes towards the other group.  相似文献   

For many decades a controversy in population dynamics theory has been raging concerning whether or not populations are regulated by density dependent factors, without reaching a satisfactory conclusion. It is suggested that this failure to solve the problem is due to asking the wrong question and it is suggested that this controversy should be buried and forgotten.  相似文献   

Robert Schoen 《Demography》1977,14(3):333-350
The “problem of the sexes” has been one of trying to reconcile inconsistent male and female demographic rates. The present paper deals with that question in the context of a two-sex nuptiality-mortality life table. A “rectangular” population, with equal numbers of persons in each age-sex group, is introduced as a standard, and a standardization relationship expressed in equation (9) relates changes in rectangular population rates to changes in age-sex composition. The standardization relationship is shown to satisfy a number of desirable properties and produce a realistic two-sex model. The standardization approach is then applied to data from Sweden for 1973, and the results and their implications are discussed. In particular, it is seen that the total number of marriages in a two-sex population neither is nor should be bounded by the total numbers of marriages in the associated male and female one-sex nuptiality-mortality tables.  相似文献   

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