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日本都市农业研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本都市农业研究上海市农委方志权“都市农业”,这个词在日本最早出自于二战之后。六十年代后半期首先由学术界提出了“都市农业”这个概念,之后被正式采用并广泛使用。应该说,都市农业是伴随着六、七十年代日本经济的高速度发展而来的。在“都市农业”之前,日本则一...  相似文献   

山区发展休闲农业潜力非常大,全国大多数大中城市周边农村都有发展休闲农业的条件。山区农村的生态环境是发展农村经济最好的资源,是发展休闲农业的生产资本,可以容纳一大批农民当地就业,可以大幅度增加农民收入,是一种新兴产业,是现代农业的重要组成部分,是解决三农问题的一种重要途径。农村现有的土地山林和生态环境是发展休闲农业产业的固定生产资本之一,农家小楼的投资建设加上生态环境构成完整的休闲农业的固定生产资本,其投资应该由国家财政来解决。农业财政方针转变为资本性投资功能,解决多年以来农业生产资本增长缓慢问题,国家应该承担投资的风险。只有劳动者获得所需要的生产资本才能够进行扩大再生产,才能够不断扩大农民增收的源泉。  相似文献   

论日本都市农业的概念变迁和发展状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
都市农业是随着工业化和城市化浪潮发展起来的一种独特的区域农业.本文对日本都市农业概念的变迁进行了论述,指出虽然日本最早使用都市农业的概念,但那不过是列宁提出的市郊农业概念的另一种表达方式.真正的日本都市农业经历了从所谓"残地农业"的消极概念向"有计划地保护的农业"的积极概念的转变.在理论分析的基础上,还根据最新资料对日本都市农业的发展阶段进行了划分,并论证了日本都市农业发展的现状、特点及问题.  相似文献   

由美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机已经对中国的城市化进程造成了相当的影响,在此背景下,探索都市农业在城市化进程的作用,成为一个极具意义和挑战性的话题.都市农业的多功能性是不争的事实,但是将其作为农民市民化的一种机制进而讨论其在推进城市化进程中的作用,则是一个崭新的话题.本文以杭州市的茶产业为例,讨论了都市农业在推进农民尤其是城郊农民市民化中的作用,包括缓冲城市化资金压力,提供就业岗位增收减贫,促成新老市民交流机会,培养科技和生态等现代意识,培育城市社区文化和管理体制,提高老市民的接纳和认同度等.在此基础上,本文还提出了依靠都市农业推进农民市民化的政策建议,以期对中国应对金融危机下的城市化挑战有所助益.  相似文献   

基于供给侧改革的休闲农业提升路径——以天津为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
休闲农业是农业供给侧改革的着力点之一,其自身发展也需要提高有效供给。天津休闲农业有着很好的资源禀赋和市场基础,也逐步走向规范化发展的道路,目前存在着需求变化快、有效供给明显不足等问题,需要建立多元化投资机制、增强品牌文化影响力、加强京津冀协同布局、重视管理人才引进等提升路径。  相似文献   

农业现代化与现代化农民   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业现代化是实现全面现代化的必由之路.无论是从理论上,还是从国民经济建设和发展的需要或是西方发达国家的产业发展经验看,农业必然要从传统农业发展为现代化农业.农业作为基础生产部门必须要与国民经济其他部门协调发展;同时实现农业现代化也是提高农民收入的根本途径.实现农业现代化的条件有两个,一是物质条件现代化;二是劳动者智能化.其中劳动者智能化的过程就是农民现代化的过程.现代化农民的实现途径主要通过经济社会快速发展;对农民进行现代化教育;通过对农民身份和职业的转换逐步"消灭"农民阶层.  相似文献   

曹敏  谢明 《唐都学刊》2008,24(1):96-99
陕甘宁边区时期,毛泽东在指导边区经济建设过程中,不仅确定了以农业为第一位的经济建设指导方针,还提出和制定了发展农业生产的各项具体政策和措施.这些政策和措施不仅对支持抗战胜利,打败日本帝国主义打下了坚实的物质基础,而且对今天我国社会主义新农村建设具有重要的现实指导意义.  相似文献   

我国农业保险发展模式优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
那娜 《学术交流》2008,(1):85-88
农业保险作为市场经济条件下现代农业发展的四大支柱之一,在稳定农业生产和促进农民增收,推动农村经济发展方面起着重要作用.但是现阶段我国的农业保险还不成熟,面临着诸多现实困境.在我国实现纯粹的商业保险有难度,可以实施各级政府扶持、政策性保险为主,商业保险为补充、利益共同互济、农民广泛参保的农业保险发展模式.  相似文献   

邓启 《今日辽宁》2013,(2):45-47
1987年,台湾开放民众赴大陆探亲,众多台湾同胞终于得以踏上返乡之路。当他们置身于祖国大陆时,扑面而来的是改革开放的浩浩长风劲吹,感受到的是迅速崛起时那种力的涌动和高速发展所带来的强烈震颤。于是,急于为传统产业转型寻找出路的台商怦然心动了,正是这个时候刘仲万成为第一批台商投资抚顺的弄潮  相似文献   

This paper uses two case studies to examine the scope for medical practitioners to utilize alternative forms of diagnosis and treatment. The first is a specific study of a medical practitioner who was deemed to have transgressed the boundaries of orthodox medicine. The second is a general case study which examines the possible effects of a new medical practitioners bill and the New Zealand health reforms. It is suggested that when the medical profession is faced with external threats it attempts to strengthen itself at the cost of limiting the autonomy of its membership.  相似文献   

The history of colonialism in Australia is summarised into four phases, called external colonialism, internal colonialism, welfare colonialism and dependent autonomy. Four policy frameworks for Aboriginal affairs: subjection and exploitation; protection and segregation; assimilation and integration; and self-determination and reconciliation; coincide with these phases. Contradictions arising from irreconcilable tendencies in liberal-humanist philosophy marked official discourses, practices and strategies during each phase of colonialism. Current policies are analysed in terms of political paradox. The self-determination policy, which promotes autonomy through increased dependency on the state, is analysed as a new phase of colonialism which is called ‘dependent autonomy’.  相似文献   

This study attempts to understand the lived experience and emotional well‐being of Australian‐Vietnamese grandparenthood. Thirty‐six grandparents participated in four focus group interviews while three grandparents took part in individual in‐depth interviews where the experiences of the grandparents were further clarified. The findings reveal that Vietnamese grandparents encounter many changes in their lives and their relationships with their children and grandchildren in their new homeland. However, many still seem to play important roles in the family, creating a vital bridge to grandchildren. According to our participants, the grandparents' most important roles are the maintenance of good emotional relationships and support, and the construction of harmony and continuity in their modified extended families. To be able to assume these roles, grandparents need to actively explore and consider accepting new values. For many, a successful grandparenthood brings happiness to the family, positively influences grandparents' life satisfaction and emotional well‐being, and this in turn enhances their quality of life.  相似文献   

Research in Australia on the digital divide has concentrated on the disparities that exist between metropolitan and non‐metropolitan areas, and supply side solutions rather than demand side barriers. This paper attempts to add to our understanding of the digital divide in Australia by examining Internet usage in Western Sydney. A survey of over seven hundred households was conducted to analyse disparities in Internet access within a metropolitan area, as well as to add to debates surrounding demand side barriers that inhibit the ability of individuals to access the Internet. The findings suggest that age, income and employment status are significant contributors to demand side barriers. The results confirm evidence from overseas that disparities in online access exist within metropolitan areas. This suggests that more local level information is required so that programs aimed at addressing disparities in Internet access are targeted to the most appropriate areas and individuals, and the circumstances and preferences of those areas and individuals.  相似文献   

Throughout the 1990s, tens of thousands of Australian taxpayers invested in mass‐marketed tax effective schemes. They enjoyed generous tax breaks until the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) told them in 1998 that they abused the system. This study examines the circumstances surrounding taxpayers' decision to invest in scheme arrangements. It also explores investors' perceptions of the way the ATO handled the schemes issue and, perhaps more importantly, why such a large number of investors defied the ATO's demands that they pay back taxes. Data were taken from in‐depth interviews conducted with 29 scheme investors. Consistent with the procedural justice literature, the findings revealed that many scheme investors defied the ATO's demands because the procedures the ATO used to handle the situation were perceived to be unfair. Given these findings, it will be argued that to effectively shape desired behaviour, regulators will need to move beyond enforcement strategies linked purely to deterrence. A strategy that aims to emphasise the procedural justice aspects of a regulatory encounter will be discussed.  相似文献   

Although the use of non-government organisations to provide assistance has long been part of Australian welfare history, the principles of community-based provision have only recently been adopted as part of the mainstream philosphy of service provision. This article examines the association between the expansion of community-based provision and the fragmentation of service provision using information drawn from a study of the provision of long-term care for a group of primarily elderly people through the Home and Community Care Program (HACC) and related provisions in a suburban community. The account focuses on the structure of formal service provisions, identifying organisational features which directly affect the operation of the system of local services, fragmenting the assistance made available. First, the organisations providing care are all of relatively recent origin and their operation continues to reflect many of the characteristics associated with their initial establishment. Second, the organisations involved are essentially hybrid bodies, being the product of both national/State programs and local initiatives. A number of tensions and conflicts arising from this characteristic are discussed. Third, service providing agencies tend to be highly specialised, with the consequence that the main division of labour is between, rather than within, organisations. Finally, the system of funding and administration has tended to orient agencies vertically, towards the source of funding, limiting their flexibility and capacity to develop horizontal patterns of cooperation with other services in the local area. Overall, the emergent system of services appears to be characterised by a large number of small organisations organised under a range of different auspice bodies, struggling to preserve their own autonomy and to operate within an insecure and continually changing policy environment. Recognising that reforms are likely, a number of broad alternatives to privatisation arc canvassed in the final section of the article.  相似文献   

Despite frequent reports on the significant increase in the number of women gambling in Australia, there has been relatively little detailed research undertaken to address the issue. This paper provides a critical summary of recent Australian findings and their implications for future research and clinical interventions. Its conclusion is that while gender is a strong predictor of preferences for gambling activities, more carefully designed studies must be conducted to determine whether gender influences other facets of gambling behaviour. This is principally because of the difficulty associated with accounting for the confounding effects of gender and activity preferences and the omission of male comparison groups in some gender studies.  相似文献   

The paper draws on ethnographic fieldwork undertaken with a group of young men known collectively as the Bad Blue Boys (BBB)1. These young men use the supporting of a soccer team (Sydney United in the national league) as a means of parading nationalistic allegiance to their parent's homeland, Croatia. Given the history of crowd conflict at Australian soccer matches and the current trends within soccer officialdom to move the sport away from its traditional affiliation with ethnic communities, it is inevitable that the BBB have come into confrontation with agents of social authority, such as the police, during an afternoon at the football. The participant observation aspect of the research is used to discuss the interaction between the police and the BBB at soccer matches, while interviews with members of the BBB are recounted to reveal group attitudes held about the police. The paper is written to articulate with other academic contributions which have investigated the relationship between youth from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB) and the police in contemporary Australian urban contexts. A leading contributor to such studies, Janet Chan, has commented, ‘Australian research specifically on police-ethnic youth relations [paints] a negative portrait’ (Chan 1994, p. 176). The portrait painted by the present study is intended for comparison with such research. At the outset it must be stressed that the findings are peculiar to the study and that no great claim is made for extrapolation. However, this is not to say that the study does not reflect trends in relations between NESB youth and police in Australian cities. On the contrary, a conclusion will be drawn which argues that ethnographic studies of particular ethnic youth groupings and subcultures facilitate a social mapping of police youth relations.  相似文献   

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