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In this study coaching culture is defined as a part of organizational culture that reflects the patterns of assumptions and actions concerning coaching, as well as the perception and evaluation of results and modes of effects. A qualitative study with 15 experts from six large companies revealed that positive and negative cultures concerning coaching can be differentiated. The results show a trend towards a positive culture, which needs active support. It is assumed that the coaching culture is a relevant impact factor for the efficacy of coaching.  相似文献   

Looking at the articles and books published in German and English it becomes obvious that intercultural coaching has become a field of expertise just as leadership or conflict coaching. However, the developments in the scholarly debate about intercultural and cross-cultural communication have not expanded into coaching. To avoid constrictions coaching needs to be combined systematically with a dynamic and cohesive notion of culture. Inspired by the theories of transformative learning and the sociology of knowledge three methodological meta-perspectives are introduced to reflect and use cultures in coaching. A practical coaching example illustrates how these culture reflexive perspectives can be handled. Lastly, coaching itself needs to be considered as a culture bound format.  相似文献   

Claudia Bredt talks to Dr. Andreas Knierim about her experiences with telephone coaching from a client and consultant perspective. Claudia Bredt has been using the medium telephone for several years as a format for supervision and coaching. She combines face-to-face sessions with telephone consulting. At the same time, she has also experienced the good effects of telephone coaching herself as a client.  相似文献   

To the extent that coaching establishes itself as a consulting format for professionals, professionalization and quality assurance of coaching become increasingly relevant. One instrument towards professionalization and quality assurance is coaching supervision. The author defines coaching supervision and describes its various functions. The “seven-eyed” model of supervision is explained. Next, the question to what degree coaches actually take part in supervision is addressed by summarizing extant empirical studies. The article ends by describing characteristics of the publication scene on coaching supervision and by providing an outlook for future research.  相似文献   

There are many different ways to understand and use coaching in organization which are influenced by the organizational culture with different basic assumptions about learning and change of humans. The question is on behalf of which implicit theory the members understand and develop their organization. The goal of the following investigation is to describe these implicit theories of change. Therefore a large sample of human resource managers were interviewed about assessment criteria for coaches, coaching topics, expectations on coaching, attitudes on coaching and the impact of coaching in their organization. The results show that there are no distinguishable patterns in the formal coaching processes but clear und different types of implicit theories about coaching. Finally some implication for coaching in organization and for external professional coaches were made.  相似文献   

The program “Mentoring for female junior executives at schools” in Hamburg has the goal of recruiting more female executives for schools in Hamburg. As a headmaster of a high school the author has attended this program as a mentor. She discusses the following questions: What are the differences between mentoring and coaching? Where are the limits of mentoring? When is coaching the better method? The main result is, that the mentor has to be very attentively of his position as a member of the organization. He has to decide, if he can advise the mentee for example in conflicts with superiors or if a coach could do a better job. A missing link in the mentoring program is the analysis of the culture of organizations, because this is an important factor for a successful start into the new function.  相似文献   

Compared to other minority groups, Japanese migrants in Germany are regarded as privileged and homogeneous. The author argues against the stereotype of homogeneity and closely analyses this particular migrant group and its situational, heterogeneous necessities and objectives which motivate the use of diverse coaching methods. In addition, the author discusses traditional hierarchical values in the home culture which tends to project a role model in a coach. The mixture of Japanese migrants’ heterogeneous needs in coaching and their hierarchically homogeneous values cannot be adequately addressed by the application of conventional coaching methods in Germany.  相似文献   

Intercultural coaching takes place in the highly complex reality of a globalized world. The coachee is an individual acting in the situational context of his assignment and his corporate culture. He has been socialized in his own culture, but is communicating and interacting with people who have been socialized in different cultures. In order to identify and solve problems, all three aspects (person, situation, culture) have to be considered. Some aspects may have more influence than others may, but they combine in a closely interwoven system. The authors outline the theoretical background of intercultural coaching and illustrate the process with case studies.  相似文献   

Korrekter Verrat     
The spirit and purpose of coaching is amongst others to create a space for new ideas, for the unthought and to support coachees in their efforts to be effective with transformational impulses. Therefore coaches and coachees need to uncage themselves from given conventions and rules. Sometimes this even means to risk a betrayal, a consciously committed breach of trust. This article presents some exemplary coaching scenes, treats the question of the legitimacy of violation of rules in organizations. And finally it addresses the concept of a virtuous betrayal in coaching.  相似文献   

Coaching as an instrument of staff development is becoming increasingly popular. The different coaching concepts comprehend praxeological and methodological orientations, and their metatheoretical base often remains largely unreflected. This paper situates coaching as a distinct profession with a stand-alone approach within the sciences. In the sense that coaching processes transcend conflicts and presented topics on underlying needs attributed to significant connection points to the theories Johan Galtung and the “capability approach” resulting in the tradition of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum. This is preceded by a meta-theoretical localization of the process of a praxeology of coaching.  相似文献   

The article is focusing on cross-cultural coaching constellations and explains the need of cross-cultural competence/cultural intelligence on the side of the coach. The author proposes a scientific framework to reflect one’s coaching work and assumptions in order to develop a culture-sensitive coaching approach.  相似文献   

In this article the concept of “psychopolitics” will be applied on coaching. It describes a form of government and power in neoliberalism. The basic principle relies on influencing a person’s psyche to the point of motivating them to self-optimize in the interest of economic logic of utilization. The philosophical and sociological literature on the topic criticizes and questions coaching as it is seen as an instrument of psychopolitics. The article describes the concept of psychopolitics. It discusses to what extent coaching is either used as a means of self-optimizing, or self-liberation. Questions and courses of action will be clarified with the help of a case example.  相似文献   

Procrastination refers to non-deliberately delaying intended actions in the absence of external constraints that force one to do. It occurs frequently and can have negative consequences both for the procrastinating individual and the organizational unit in which he or she works. Procrastination tendencies of individuals themselves or of other people that they are working with can be topics that are addressed in coaching processes. The Temporal Motivation Theory provides a theoretical framework that is well suited as a guideline for structuring the coaching process in those instances and for selecting appropriate coaching tools.  相似文献   

This article focusses on the many forms of the contact behaviour of systems. To this end, the gestalt theoretical concept of contact, and the system functions of the sociological system theory are combined to a new approach. In the second part of the article, this approach is transferred to the counseling format of coaching and ultimately made usable for coaches.  相似文献   

The present article provides a quantitative overview of the state of coaching research. It first provides an insight into the status quo of the academic publishing landscape. Afterwards, results of the four meta-analyes that have been published on coaching research up to now are summarized. First, results on the efficacy of coaching or coaching outcomes are presented. Findings for different outcome measures as well as different study designs are reported. Next, results on predictors of coaching success are presented. They include specific features of the coaching process and setting, the coach-coachee-relationship as well as characteristics of coaches and coachees. The article closes with a summary and an assessment of the state of coaching research.  相似文献   

For psychological coaching the insurance distribution as an extremely competitive setting still is widely unexploited in Germany. However, the increasing staff shortage in sales in the course of the demographic change creates a growing readiness on the side of the insurer to invest in coaching as a highly personal and practical form of human resources development. The article discusses role conflicts and stress of sales agents as consequences of the systems parameters and the development of social and emotional competencies as tasks for coaching in insurance distribution. The article furthermore points out strategies of intervention that are adjusted to the setting of sale.  相似文献   

“Internal Coaching” addresses a broad spectrum of in-house counseling. Coaching is thereby portrayed less as a profession in its own right, rather as a function which individuals with very different roles can offer and employ. Personnel directors, top managers and special internal advisors present insights into their advisory functions within companies. It becomes clear that coaching as an internal function has become an integral part of the firms. Thus this book is equally relevant for internal and external coaches. Exposure to and analysis of coaching skills from various service points of view can create greater awareness of one’s own role and strengthen professional cooperation.  相似文献   

The article describes the findings of a study of the motivations for pursuing extended vocational training, phases of career development and the structure of addressees based on professional training as a coach. The study showed that the central motive for a coaching training is supporting other people. Overall, instrumental motives are the most prevalent in this group of addressees. Looking at their individual career development, a clear picture emerges which places most of them in the professional establishment and maintenance phase. The addressees are predominantly highly qualified, as well as professionally and financially well positioned. A result of the training type classification indicates that the main incentive is to achieve work-related improvements from a stable personal career context.  相似文献   

In career counseling, time and resources can sometimes be scarce. One case in point are scholarship holders. Some scholarship programmes include succinct individual career counseling sessions. This condensed counseling programme consists of a group workshop, a one-on-one coaching session and an individual remote follow-up. This consultation programme includes values clarification, an analysis of biography and career as well as a profile development. For this succinct form, intensive preparatory work on both sides is essential. The participants receive tasks and instructions beforehand. The results thereof are then the basis for the workshop and coaching session. Despite these challenging general conditions excellent results can be achieved.  相似文献   

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