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There is a general agreement that central roles in organizations like manager and consultants cannot be professionalized. However, the development of coaching and supervision seem to show a slightly different picture. Because of their focus on persons the pressure to professionalize seems to be comparable to service providers in law, medicine, religion and education. This article reconstructs the professionalization pressure on coaching and supervision and analyzes their professionalization process.  相似文献   

In contrast to the general trend of deprofessionalization, supervision has established some criteria for professions during the last twenty years: wide ranges of quality standards, standardized educational programs, professional ethics etc. This development toward this trend needs explanation. It is argued, that the approach of the development of profession could be successful, because supervision became a successful “parasite” of its “host” social work. The introduction of supervision in social work, however, was responsible for the introduction of coaching as a new profession in the area of organizational consulting. The question is which effects the expansion of supervision towards team and organizational development will have on the establishing of its further professionalization. There appears to be some tendencies toward the idea that supervision will become a part of the development of professionalization as the “perfect nanny of organizations”.  相似文献   

In this article, it is described on the basis of an example how a prozess of individual professionalization has taken place in the last 20 years. Innovative results are presented for the professional conceptualization of supervision and coaching. Eventually, philosophical knowledge of orientation for consulting are provided.  相似文献   

Ten years format and procedure in relation oriented work. On the reception of a significant distinctionIn this article the diffusion of the distinction between format and procedure is described within the fields of psychodrama, supervision und coaching over the last ten years. Furthermore the significance for professionalization of relation oriented work is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Some comments on the professionalization of coaching with regard to the classical concept ?profession“ In the current discussions on the professionalization of coaching the concept ?profession“ often is not clear. Therefore, the author first delineates the classical concept of profession and its main criterions. He then discusses the question whether these criterions are present in coaching and whether coaching may or should be conceived as an independent profession. Considering the tendencies of deprofessionalization in the traditional professions, it seems to be meaningful to understand coaching as a profession, but with a revised theoretical concept of profession: Particularly concerning the necessary scientific orientation it demands an interdisciplinarity instead of a fixed corpus of knowledge. The professionality of the practitioner means an orientation on general values and concepts of understanding and acting and is a central aspect of quality of coaching.  相似文献   

Quality management and quality assurance in coaching Presently, there is an apparent discrepancy between the demand for and the lack of quality discussion in coaching. In both the professional continuing education or staff development respectively and in psychotherapy these quality discussions have been led for a long time. These quality discussions are investigated according to a benchmarking. This article aims at transferring applicable knowledge from these working fields to coaching. Additionally it is focused on minimal standards in coaching which are already recognizable. Finally, conclusions are drawn with regard to urgent objectives around quality management in coaching which have to be achieved in future.  相似文献   

Coaching has a problem of charlatanism — a typical problem of new, mainly not structured fields of practices. Besides preventing charlatans from practising, an identification of them is not possible, because of missing standards in education, inconsistent quality criteria, and weak internal professional regulations. The uncontrolled problem of charlatanism — coaching is a special case here— causes an erosion of legislation. The results are multiple efforts of professionalization. This text presents an hypothesis of the problem of charlatanism in coaching, based on 25 interviews with personal development managers, representatives of professional organizations, and observers of the “coaching scene”.  相似文献   

Supervision and coaching in the field of clinical neuropsychologyThe author discusses the special importance of supervision and coaching in the clinical neuropsychology. At first, she shows the origins of both consultation forms, then she discusses supervision and coaching as methods of quality management in hospitals as well as their importance for the patients as vocational rehabilitation, before they return into their jobs.  相似文献   

Die Differenzen zwischen Supervision und Coaching   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The difference between supervision and coachingThe difference between supervision and coaching This article discusses the difference between coaching and supervision. There are three relevant points: (1) Supervision and coaching deal with different groups in the organisations; (2) coaching is more personal development, supervision more for the self experience; (3) Supervision is change from the bottom and coaching change from the top.  相似文献   

Following a historical and sociological introduction into the special subject of profession the contribution discusses the niveau of the professionalization of coaching. While the development of the expertise and the organisational level has achieved obvious progress the definition of jurisdiction remains still unclear. A look at the development of coaching in the context of the New Capitalisms shows a connection between the de-professionalization in many working areas and a complementary differentiation and professionalization of extra-functional competences. The professionalization of Coaching and other new forms of reflexive counselling are linked to this development. Although the classical model of profession has become weaker the clarifying of jurisdiction and the autonomy are still remaining the decisive challenges of professional work. As to both aspects the contribution provides an outlook.  相似文献   

In today’s fast paced, interconnected, and mercilessly competitive business world, senior executives have to push themselves and others hard. In order to succeed, leaders have to live the paradox of closely attending to and following others as deeply as they lead. They have to listen well to others, understand their concerns, give them personal support, and at the same time motivate them for results or take decisions on their behalf. This article explores how executive coaching together with the provision of supervision for coaches can help restore and maintain balance and so provide quality assurance for organisations. Some of the work that these coaches and supervisors do is simply noticing the shadow sides that leaders have forgotten about or for many reasons prefer not to consider. It is the coach’s (and supervisor’s) task to bring back awareness of vulnerability or neediness, corruptibility or hubris, depending on the highly personal contents of the leader’s shadow.  相似文献   

The author discusses the decision of the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision” (DGSv), that clinical supervision and coaching are the same. On the one hand, the problems in the market for the clinical supervision are comprehensible, but on the other hand, the formats have very different histories, different target groups and different images. Therefore the wording “supervision and coaching”—used like twins—is a confusing one, particularly with regard to a forward-looking professional development.  相似文献   

Psychiatrization, personification and personalization. Individual-centred consulting in organizations The individual-centred consulting already achieved high popularity in supervision and coaching. Based on system theory this article aims to define the functions of individual-centred consulting approaches — such as supervision and consulting — for organizations. The function of person-centred consulting is less an obvious manifest function of human resources development and more an invisible one for isolating conflicts in special interactional contexts. The organization achieves protection of its structure through coaching and supervision, because it is able to isolate its conflicts interactionally and therefore these conflicts remain to a large extent without any consequences for the organization.  相似文献   

The author discusses a book of Stefan Kühl about supervision and coaching, who presents a system theoretical background for the analysis of supervision and coaching. He defines them as “person oriented counselling” and he postulates that there hardly exist a difference between these counselling formats. The author relates to the writings of Niklas Luhmann about organisational phenomena. Following Kühl, the main concern of supervision and coaching are conflicts with different severity. He discusses different settings, the problems of evaluation and of charlatanism, the paradoxicality in the self presentation of counsellors and the specific effects of person oriented counselling.  相似文献   

From its very beginning executive coaching has been suspected of being a consultancy fad. To meet with the fashion point there are three standpoints: (1) Executive coaching is a real competitive social innovation; (2) it is both, a fad and an instrument for coping with problems; (3) executive coaching is almost ignored as sheer fashion phenomenon. The article takes a fourth account by showing that the fashion verdict applies only for the booming coaching literature whose rate of expansion exceeds all rates of comparable issues like human resource development, leadership development, clinical supervision, and mentoring. In contrast in organizations executive coaching is of little importance. What is more, the discussion of coaching fails to keep up with recent organization science’s standard of knowledge.  相似文献   

Experts are discussing coaching as well as a method and/or as a autonomous profession. The article tries to differentiate and define both versions. It is quite possible, that coaching can be interpreted and used as a method. Therefore coaching could be available for other professions like supervision or therapy. In contrast to this coaching as a profession is a independent part in the rank of other professions in service industries. To become such an own profession coaching has to fulfil a lot of processual criterions. Analyses of current discussions subjecting coaching proved that it is rushed to speak about a consolidated phase of being an own profession. Coaching is rather at the beginning of a promising and successful way to become an autonomous profession in the near future.  相似文献   

The nearly closed cycle of personnel development. The growing popularity of personnel development like training, coaching or supervision is usually justified by the new challenges impending on organizations. The author presents an alternative explanation: Basing on considerations about the operative consistency of organizations, he argues, that the popularity of personnel development is to explain by the boom of personnel diagnostics during the last two decades. Only by potential analysis, assessment center, 360-degree feedback, several trainings and especially person-centered counseling like coaching and supervision could increase their attractiveness. In organizations, cycles of personnel development emerge, and by this a sort of all-round cares of the organisation members.  相似文献   

Coaching of women, gender coaching and now finally coaching of men? The author describes and discusses the councelling of male managers based on the latest research project of men’s studies in Germany. He defines the emerging problems of male coping strategies in councelling, supervision and coaching. Finally he discusses the meaning of male councellers in relation to male coachees.  相似文献   

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