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This study explores the correlation between sociodemographic factors and theself-rated health status of the oldest-old Chinese (80 and older). The data werefrom the Healthy Longevity Survey in China conducted in 1998. We applied astereotype ordered regression model to capture the ordinal nature of the responsevariable. We found that age group, sex, living arrangement, educational attainment,and occupational history were associated significantly with the self-rated healthstatus of the oldest-old Chinese, and the elderly with lower social status tended tonegatively evaluate health status. We reached the conclusions after controlling suchvariables as the capacity of physical performance of daily activities and chronic diseases.  相似文献   

中年高级知识分子健康状况的社会人口学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用2004年"北京市中年高级专业技术人才健康状况调查"资料,从社会医学和社会人口学的角度比较了北京市中年高级知识分子与普通人群之间健康水平的差异;探讨了影响知识分子健康状况的个人和社会环境因素。结果显示,其一,当以慢性疾病来衡量生理健康时,知识分子的健康状况低于一般人群,但二者的生活质量自评没有显著差异。其二,社会人口学因素对这两方面健康的作用有同有异。工作和生活压力是影响人们身心健康的至关重要因素之一,但大部分因素对健康的影响因健康层面和人群而异。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the emerging interest in the relationship between homeostatic models and demographic transition theory. Firstly, it considers the nature of fertility measurement and concepts. The paper then goes on to examine evidence from pre-transitional societies in which demographic regimes have been most thoroughly studied, summarizing what is known about their character. The nature and current status of homeostatic theories in demography and the institutional supports of pre-transitional regimes are considered. The implications of the findings on pre-transitional populations for transition theory are then discussed. The paper concludes with suggestions for ways in which studies of transition within a framework of homeostatic regimes could be developed.  相似文献   

Sociodemographic determinants of abortion in The United States   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  

Unique data from a 1998 healthy longevity baseline survey provide demographic, socio‐economic, and health characteristics of the oldest old, aged 80–105, in China. This subpopu‐lation is growing rapidly and is likely to need extensive social and health services. A large majority of Chinese oldest old live with their children and rely mainly on children for financial support and care. Most Chinese oldest old had no or very little education. Ability to function independently in daily living declines rapidly and self‐rated health declines moderately across the oldest old ages. As compared to their urban counterparts, the rural oldest old have far less pension support, are significantly less educated, and are more likely to be widowed and to rely on children for support. Apart from higher rates of survival, the female oldest old in China are far more disadvantaged than the male oldest old.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来中国育龄妇女递进生育史研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
文章以全国人口普查原始数据为基础,通过建立分孩次递进生育模型,重构20世纪70年代以来中国育龄妇女递进生育水平和生育模式连续变化的历史过程,分析中国生育转变的基本特点,以期为深入研究中国生育问题和规律奠定基础。  相似文献   

对解放后我国居民生育意愿变化情况的历史考察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
贾志科 《西北人口》2009,30(1):57-61,66
生育意愿是人口学和社会学领域的一个重要研究话题,其转变受社会经济发展水平的影响,是生育率下降和人口转变的前提条件。本文运用历史考察和文献分析的方法。主要从生育目的、意愿生育子女数和恚愚生育性别三个雏度来探讨我国居民生育意愿的变化情况,摸索其中的变化规律,进而提出国家和政府应针对不同地区和不同人群。制定相应的、灵活而更具可操作性的计划生育政策,使生育政策在调节生育率水平的同时兼顾人们的生育意愿。  相似文献   

现代社会家庭规模以小型化和核心化为主,但不论农村还是城市,孩子的生养教化等功能仍由家庭承担,很多祖辈依然承担着照料孙辈的任务,隔代照料在现代社会仍发挥重要作用。隔代照料对照料者的健康会产生一定的影响,这种影响因"居住安排"而异,同时照料状态的转变,即照料角色的获取或退出、持续或中断等不同"照料史"的变化对照料者的健康也有影响。本文采用南加州大学经济与社会研究中心提供的Harmonized CHARLS 2013-2015年追踪数据,选取45-80岁的中老年人为研究对象,以虚弱指数表征健康结果,运用滞后变量回归模型,从"居住安排"和"照料史"两个维度研究隔代照料行为对照料者健康的影响。研究发现:与子女同住且提供隔代照料对老年人的健康有改善作用;照料史的动态变化影响照料者健康,新进入照料角色对照料者的健康有改善作用;在照料孙辈的同时,祖辈出于利他主义动机为成年子女提供经济支持能显著改善其健康状况;男性在提供隔代照料过程中更容易经历健康的亏损,尤其是单身的男性照料者;以上结论仅适用于70岁以下的照料者,对于70岁及以上的老年群体,长期提供隔代照料会加重健康负担。  相似文献   

This research investigates the impact of interpersonal trust and leadership style on workplace isolation. It examines the moderating role of self-efficacy on the relationship of interpersonal trust, leadership style and workplace isolation. The study used media richness theory to explain the usefulness of communication media in virtual workplace. Purposive sampling technique is used to select respondents and collect data from five pharmaceutical companies operating in Pakistan. Total two hundred and twenty seven useable questionnaires were coded for final analysis after ignoring incomplete questionnaires. The repose rate is 87 % and hierarchical moderated regression is used to analyze the moderating impact of self-efficacy on hypothesize relations. Result shows that interpersonal trust and transformational leadership style have significant impact to reduce isolation perceptions of sales personnel. Results also provide evidence that interpersonal trust and leadership styles have stronger negative impact on workplace isolation when self-efficacy of salespersons is high. The study proposes development of interpersonal trust on organizational employees and use of transformational leadership in order to reduce work isolation behavior among employees particularly in the virtual work environment. The managerial implications and future directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The large multi-generation household has been a popular subject in the study of Chinese social history. This study compares outcomes of computer micro-simulation with results from genealogical research, and is particularly concentrated on the potential pattern of multi-generation co-residence in the past. On the basis of such a comparison, questions concerning the impact of demographic conditions on the formation and composition of large multi-generation households, the change in lifetime residential experiences of each individual, and the use of genealogical records in the study of Chinese social demographic history are also examined.  相似文献   

This research explores a causal model of menopausal symptoms in peri- and postmenopausal women. A community sample of 710 women was assessed regarding menopausal symptoms, and sociodemographic, health- and menopause-related, and lifestyle characteristics. Structural equation modelling was used. Menopausal status predicted skin/facial hair changes (β = .156; p <.001), vasomotor (β = .122; p <.001) and sexual symptoms (β = .158; p <.001). Age was significantly associated with cognitive impairment (β = .087; p = .003), aches/pain (β = .072; p = .006), urinary (β = .115; p = .004) and also sexual symptoms (β = .107; p = .021). Several menopausal symptoms are predicted, not only by menopausal status, but also by age progression, among other variables; this should be considered in the context of a well-adapted menopausal transition.  相似文献   

This paper examines the demographic and social factors associated with differences in length of life by race. The results demonstrate that sociodemographic factors--age, sex, marital status, family size, and income--profoundly affect black and white mortality. Indeed, the racial gap in overall mortality could close completely with increased standards of living and improved lifestyles. Moreover, examining cause-specific mortality while adjusting for social factors shows that compared to whites, blacks have a lower mortality risk from respiratory diseases, accidents, and suicide; the same risk from circulatory diseases and cancer; and higher risks from infectious diseases, homicide, and diabetes. These results underscore the importance of examining social characteristics to understand more clearly the race differences in overall and cause-specific mortality.  相似文献   

There is virtually no literature concerning the experiences of self-identified heterosexual clients in substance abuse treatment who have a history of same-gender sexual contact (HSGS). In a U.S. urban inpatient program in 2009–2010, 99 HSGS clients were compared to 681 other heterosexual and 86 lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients regarding background factors, program completion rates, and feelings about treatment. Male HSGS participants had lower completion rates than other male heterosexual participants. Qualitative data indicated that most male HSGS participants experienced difficult emotions regarding same-gender sexual encounters, particularly those involving trading sex for money or drugs. Implications for treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

The author reports on a conference on the population history of Latin America, held in Ouro Preto, Brazil, July 2-6, 1989. The five main topics covered are spatial distribution; the components of population growth; marriage, family formation, and fertility; slave populations; and population and the economy. Summaries of the 51 papers presented at the conference are included.  相似文献   

葛剑雄《中国人口史》一卷中存在着一些文献理解上的问题,例如:将human biology翻译成“群体生物学”,认为“田结”是亩产量,认为秦汉时期的“江南”地区都在今天的江西、湖南,这些理解可能都是错误的。  相似文献   

由路遇、滕泽之合著的《中国人口通史》一书(山东人民出版社2000年出版)重在考证人口数据,揭示历史人口发展规律,意在为解决中国人口问题提供历史借鉴。 一、该书着重于历代人口数量的考证,形成了一个代代相连的人口数据链,从而展示中国历史人口发展的趋势。特别是对秦朝以来一些重要时刻的人口数据,作了初步考证,提供了一个基本上能反映各个历史时期人口发展变化的数据系列,展示了中国人口发展历程中的四个高峰期。二、 该书通过对中国人口历史发展变化的研究,试图揭示人口发展的历史规律。在中国原始社会和奴隶社会,由于生…  相似文献   

利用2014年中国健康与养老追踪调查生命历程数据,探究中国1930~1969年出生队列的迁移历程及其性别差异,运用事件史分析方法解释重要生命事件(教育、就业、婚姻、生育)对男性和女性迁移历程的影响。研究结果表明,不同出生年代人口的迁移历程呈现明显的队列差异和性别差异;与1940~1949年和1950~1959年出生队列相比,1930~1939年和1960~1969年出生队列在迁移高峰年龄(20~24岁)时的政策限制较少而终身累计迁移频率更高,性别差异也更显著;教育和非农就业转移会促进终身迁移机会,较早结婚和较多生育的作用则相反;非农就业转移对女性的多次迁移有更明显的促进作用,会缩小男女之间的迁移差距;结婚和生育会降低迁移概率,而离婚会增加迁移概率,这些事件对女性的影响更大。  相似文献   

The demographic and economic characteristics of China make it necessary to do family planning work in China in a Chinese way. Special characteristics of China and corresponding strategies are detailed 1) China is rather underproductive and underdeveloped, with a huge population, whose growth must be curtailed while industrial and agricultural production is enhanced. 2) In the next 10 years, a large number of young people will center childbearing age, prompting a government policy favoring late marriage and one child per couple. 3) China is large and heterogeneous, and regional authorities should have some population policymaking functions to take sociocultural differences into account. 4) Male child preference ideology in rural areas has been gently combated with a resulting increase in family planning rate from 65.1% to 74.2% from 1979 to 1983. Family planning authorities have made considerable progress, as demonstrated by figures such as a drop of women's total fertility rate from 5.68 in the 60s to 2.07 in the 70s. The task at hand remains large: the population at the end of 1983 was 1,024,950,000. However, family planning is an element of state policy, the marriage law, and the constitution, and mored an more, societal ideology. Government policy equates family planning with child wellness and societal welfare and attempts supportiveness of couples showing positive birth limiting attitudes. An ample system of family planning programs and resource persons furnishes education, a variety of high quality methods are available, and contraceptive research is some of the best in the world.  相似文献   

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