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运用生态足迹理论,采用相关经济数据.计算了1990-2010年工业化进程中长沙市城市居民生活消费人均生态足迹,然后采用STIRPAT扩展模型,应用岭回归方法计量分析了人口、消费、技术及工业化水平对人均生态足迹影响。研究结果表明:(1)1990-2010年长沙市城市居民生活消费的人均生态足迹由1990年的0.7133hm^2增至2010年的1.3699hm^2。但自2007年以来.人均生态足迹的增速有所减缓.这与长沙市培养居民生态消费模式密不可分。(2)人口增长、人均社会消费品零售总额提高导致长沙市城市居民生活消费人均生态足迹的增长.而人均万元GDP生态足迹和工业化水平的提高导致人均生态足迹的降低。为缓解城市居民生活消费给生态环境带来的压力,长沙应降低人口负荷,大力推行生态消费模式,推进工业化的成效,强化技术和服务支撑。  相似文献   

城市的不同区位,单位面积所分布的路长、设立的公交站点数差别很大,故路网密度与公交站点密度是体现公交设施空间分布差异性的重要指标。而道路、站点与人口的空间分布又存在着紧密的联系,本文将在分析上海公交设施设置与人口分布特征的基础上,运用人均路长、人均站点数据揭示两者关系,并最终建立相关模型。  相似文献   

教育投入与社会保障对城乡收入差距的联合影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前城乡收入差距扩大化趋势引起广泛关注。文章使用世代交叠模型研究公共教育和社会保障对收入分配的作用机制,在此基础上分析公共教育和社会保障对城乡收入差距的影响。研究发现,公共教育通过作用于教育投资、社会保障通过作用于有效家庭时间共同影响人力资本积累从而影响收入。一方面,数值模拟结果显示公共教育和社会保障的增加能够显著地增加收入;另一方面,结合中国城乡实际的实证研究结果显示,本应该起到调节和缩小城乡收入差距的公共教育和社会保障制度,并没有发挥其收入再分配的功能,反而形成了"逆向调节"的负效应,扩大了城乡收入差距,对此,文章通过理论与实证得出,缩小我国城乡人均教育投资和社会保障税率差距对缩小城乡收入差距具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

C P Wu 《人口研究》1980,(1):32-38
Coordination of population growth with economic development is the fundamental element for the development of society. Based on China's present condition and our future goal--to be a communistic society--per capita income was suggested to be the most important criterion. Because the primary requirements of a communistic society and the goal of our socialistic production are material abundance and a highly developed civilization, per capita income is also the best criterion to measure the level of our "Four Modernizations" program and the coordination of population with the economy. The economic development based on per capita income also has international significance, for it will indicate the excellence of our system and contribute our strength to world peace in the future. In order to continue increasing per capita income the primary goal is increased production. On the other hand, a rapid population growth delays economic development. A comparatively small difference in population growth rate (a decrease from 1.5% to .5%) leads to a large difference in total population and the investment in the population after many years (e.g. 20 to 40 years). For China's present condition the slower the population growth rate the better for our economic development and the faster the per capita income will increase.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to describe the largest and longestoperation carried out by the UNHCR in providing protection andassistance to refugees from April 1979, when the Governmentof Pakistan requested UNHCR to urgently help deal with the risinginflux of Afghan asylum-seekers. This refugee crisis was butone consequence of the engagement of the superpowers in thisstrategically significant part of the world. The analysis focuseson three main factors: the magnitude of the refugee crisis,the complexity of the logistics, and the nature of the securitysituation. The challenge facing the Government of Pakistan,as well as the international community, was an enormous one.UNHCR, in addition to its mandated protection role, assumedthe overall coordination of the international relief effort,including the mobilization of resources, as well as being responsiblefor the international procurement of relief supplies, materialand equipment. This task was complicated by the security situationand the fact that local population was outnumbered by the refugeeswith whom it had to share already meagre resources.  相似文献   

杨文芳  王唯薇 《西北人口》2012,33(4):67-70,77
基于1978—2007中国宏观经济时间序列数据,利用协整回归方法和误差修正模型(ECM),实证分析了人口增长、城市化水平、人均GDP和能源强度对CO2排放的影响。结果显示,人口总量、城市化水平、人均GDP和能源强度与CO2排放存在长期均衡关系。长期来看,人口总量对CO2排放量的影响最大,城市化水平其次,人均GDP最小。短期来看,能源强度和人均GDP对CO2排放波动影响较大,而人口总量和城市化水平影响不显著。  相似文献   

2000年世界人口已经达到60.5亿,80.38%集中在发展中国家,而据预测,到2025年,这一比例会进一步上升到84%,2050年上升到87%以上.世界人口的60%集中在10个人口在1亿以上的人口大国中.发展中国家人口的快速增长,已经或正在吞食着其经济发展的成果,使得人均收入水平难以提高.  相似文献   

The human carrying capacity of the world or a country is considered as a function of food consumption per capita. A method of assessing carrying capacity is described, and it is shown that the world’s population currently exceeds the global carrying capacity, that the population of the less-developed countries (LDCs) exceeds their carrying capacity, and that this situation cannot be expected to change more than marginally in the period up to 2050. It is also shown that a major increase in the global consumption of nitrogen fertilizer will be necessary if world crop production per capita is to be maintained at the current inadequate level.  相似文献   

This article looks back to the 1920s, and tries to tease outthe politics of refugee protection as it evolved in the practiceof States and international organizations in a period of growingideological divide. The question addressed is whether the politicsof protection at any particular moment are humanitarian or whetherthey serve primarily other purposes, in which the refugee ismerely instrumental. It is unrealistic to imagine that the problemof refugees can ever be entirely non-political. What the historyof the 1920–55 period confirms is the continued vitalityof self-interest as a motivating factor in the responses ofStates to refugee flows. The international refugee regime thatemerged in the late 1940s and early 1950s defined refugees throughthe politics of denunciation in a persecution-oriented definitionthat continues to limit and confuse, not only at the internationaloperations level, but also in national asylum procedures. Inthis context, the article concludes that the art for UNHCR isnot to allow solutions or assistance to have priority over protection.For if it cannot provide protection, it will be judged a failureand accountable, and not merely excused because it tried hardin difficult political circumstances.  相似文献   

This paper explores the issue of the fiscal burden of population aging in Canada over the period from 2004 to 2026 by introducing a new methodological tool and using an approach that (a) is comprehensive with respect to government revenues and expenditures, (b) uses a fine disaggregation of government revenues and expenditures, and (c) integrates demographic, economic, and fiscal developments. The results indicate that the concerns about the ability of the existing fiscal system to withstand the pressures of population aging are unfounded. They indicate that, in the absence of an economic collapse, the existing fiscal structure will be able to handle the fiscal pressures of population aging. Instead of letting a nonexistent problem drive the course of fiscal policy in Canada, it would be more profitable to focus on avenues for making the fiscal structure a more effective tool for economic growth and human development.  相似文献   

Over the second half of the twentieth century rapid population growth in the less developed countries has redrawn the global demographic map. Many once‐poor countries have also experienced strong economic growth, which in combination with the demographic change has yielded marked shifts in the world's economic balance, with far‐reaching geopolitical implications. At the same time, low fertility in much of the developed world presages a future of population shrinkage, accompanied by pronounced population aging. In per capita terms, the economic advantages of the developed countries will likely persist for many years, but their actual and potential falls in population may accentuate their loss of relative economic power and eventually lead to marginalization of their international standing and influence. Preventing population shrinkage will be an urgent task for them, requiring either large‐scale immigration (likely to be ruled out) or raising the birth rate. Existing pro‐family policies have had at best modest effects on fertility levels. Two novel approaches are described that would plausibly have greater impact. One would counteract the disproportionate influence of older voters in the electorate by granting voting rights to all citizens, allowing custodial parents to vote on behalf of their children. The second would reform the public pension system to reestablish the link between the financial security of retired persons and the number of children they have raised to productive adulthood.  相似文献   

京津冀地区人口迁移特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文描述了1990年以来京津冀地区在人口迁移的活跃程度和空间分布的新特征。通过建立计量模型,对1990年和2000年影响京津冀地区人口迁移的综合因素进行了比较分析。结论显示:人均GDP差距已经成为影响人口迁移的首要因素,市场化水平、产业结构对人口迁移的影响力在逐渐上升。针对京津冀地区人口迁移可能存在的问题和影响,本文对京津冀地区未来的人口发展战略提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Singapore has achieved one of the highest levels of per capita income in the world, through sound economic planning and a stress on building its human capital. Yet its enviable living conditions are at risk of being enjoyed by fewer citizens, and indeed themselves placed in jeopardy, by the continued very low fertility levels. Ultra‐low fertility and growing reluctance by citizens to accept an increasing share of foreign‐born pose difficult dilemmas for population policy, given the planning scenario of reaching a resident population of 6.5 million. A range of pro‐marriage and pronatalist policies has failed to raise fertility substantially, while past success in modifying population trends and structure through migration has now encountered the twin problems of political constraints on the volume of immigration that is acceptable and a possible increase in emigration of Singapore citizens.  相似文献   

Today, the world population grows at an annual rate of over 80 million. The activities of "the Day of the 5 Billion" sponsored by the United Nations sounds alarm to the world: It is an emerging task to strictly control human reproduction. China, being a developing country, knows only too well the difficulties that over-rapid population growth brings upon economic and social development. Population control is a pressing task. China would like to make the nation prosperous by quadrupling the gross national product (GNP) to US$800 or US$1000 per capita, thus raising the people's living standard to the level of being well-off at the end of the century. The GNP would be quadrupled again to US$4000 per capita with the standard of living raised by the mid-21st century. In order to realize strategic goals, China must strive to control the total population of China at about 1.2 billion at the turn of the century, leaving a better population structure for the next century. At present, China has a population of 1.057 billion and is faced with a new baby boom. It is hoped that under the leadership of the Party's Central Committee and the State Council, governments at all levels, and the people of all nationalities will do a better job in population control by fulfilling the population plan for this year so as to lay down a good foundation for enforcing the plan during the 7th 5-year plan. Meanwhile, China will continue to make new contributions to the stabilization of the world's population together with the UNFPA and other international bodies and friendly countries who support China's population control policy.  相似文献   

R Qin 《人口研究》1984,(5):9-17
Marxist population theory and world population are discussed. From his study of capitalist population theory Marx concluded, "In capitalist reproduction, poverty produces population," thus rejecting Malthusian population determinism theory and developing economic determinism. According to UN statistics, world population has stabilized since the middle of this century after having doubled every hundred years for the last 300; population in the developed countries showed a positive decrease and average net population growth of the developing countries also decreased. The premise of this paper is that population grows according to social economy development. During the last several hundred years, world wealth increased much faster than population; in the last 200 years alone, the population has increased fivefold, but wealth fortyfold. In addition, world population analysis reveals an inverse relationship between wealth and population in the developed and developing countries: the poorer the country, the greater the population. From this perspective, the study of population must begin with surplus labor. Accumulation of surplus production is the foundation of continuous social development and the basis for population growth. The major difference in methods between capitalist countries and China is that the capitalist-planned fertility affects the individual family while Chinese-planned fertility has the whole nation in mind. Human fertility is determined by the economic system. Private ownership determines the private nature of fertility and public ownership determines the public nature of fertility. Thus population development is determined by the accumulation of social wealth.  相似文献   

Between 200,000 and 300,000 refugees have been admitted to the United Kingdom under various schemes since the end of the Second World War, and their absorption into the British economy has been quite satisfactory, their establishment being facilitated by an initial period of practically full employment, and their determination to become self-supporting. They have, however, failed to settle down and to develop the necessary sense of security.

Three years of directed labour, the continuing preferential treatment of British workers in respect of promotion and placement in skilled jobs, and the provision that foreign workers have to be dismissed first in case of redundancy of labour, have kept awake the “refugee complex” and have promoted the wish to emigrate further to the New World, where the refugees hope to find complete equality and freedom.

The acute housing shortage has added to the difficulties of settling down, especially in the southern regions of England, where up to the present time it has been impossible to close the Polish Family Hostels and the workers' hostels which had been established in 1946 and 1948 as a temporary measure to house the refugees when they were admitted to this country in larger numbers.

Unpreparedness of the British population and of the refugees through insufficient information about the policy underlying their admission, difference of language, habits and temperament, coupled with the isolation of the refugees in the hostels, has made mutual understanding and appreciation almost impossible and although conditions are gradually improving, the gap is being bridged only slowly after so many years of misunderstanding and apprehension, and it will probably be closed only by the next generation growing up together in England.  相似文献   

本文从一个两期的世代交叠模型入手,分析了人口老龄化对储蓄和社会养老保障支出的影响。在此基础上运用动态GMM模型对我国2000~2008年地区面板数据进行实证分析。研究结果表明:第一,人均居民储蓄滞后项对基期储蓄的影响作用较大且高度显著;当期老年人口抚养比对人均居民储蓄的影响为负,上期老年人口抚养比对居民储蓄并没有显著影响。第二,人均养老保障支出滞后项对当期人均养老保障支出影响作用较大且高度显著;当期老年人口抚养比对人均养老保障支出有促进作用,而上期老年人口抚养比抑制了人均养老保障支出的增加。  相似文献   

黄润龙 《西北人口》2008,29(5):74-78
2005年苏南地区凭借着占全国0.29%国土面积、1.74%的人口.创造了全国6.26%的GDP.2000—2005年苏南人均GDP以15%以上的年速增长。苏南地区的良好社会经济发展态势得益于苏南得天独厚的天时地利人和.其中农民工是苏南地区经济建设、社会发展不可缺少的重要组成部分之一。苏南也是我国计划生育工作开展最早、最好的地区之一。但是现在苏南的出生人口越来越少、家庭规模越来越小,劳动力严重缺乏。2000—2005年苏南年平均人口自然增长率为1.54‰,为全国平均水平的1/3。苏南社会经济的发展,特别是建筑业制造业的发展.吸引了大量的外地劳动力。2005年人口抽样调查表明,苏南流入人口占苏南居民人口的比重由5年前的22%增长到28%。2000—2005年苏南流动人口年均增长6.7%。流动人口为苏南市政建设、经济建设提供了38%以上的贡献份额:同时也加剧了公共资源的紧张程度.  相似文献   

Population and the energy problem   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
When energy is scarce or expensive, people can suffer material deprivation and economic hardship. When it is obtained in ways that fail to minimize environmental and political costs, these too can threaten human wellbeing in fundamental and pervasive ways. The energy problem today combines these syndromes: much of the world's population has too little energy to meet basic human needs; the monetary costs of energy are rising nearly everywhere; the environmental impacts of energy supply are growing and already dominant contributors to local, regional, and global environmental problems (including air pollution, water pollution, ocean pollution, and climate change); and the sociopolitical risks of energy supply (above all the danger of conflict over oil and the links between nuclear energy and nuclear weapons) are growing too. This predicament has many causes, but predominant among them are the nearly 20-fold increase in world energy use since 1850 and the cumulative depletion of the most convenient oil and gas deposits that this growth has entailed, resulting in increasing resort to costlier and/or environmentally more disruptive energy sources. The growth of world population in this period was responsible for 52% of the energy growth, while growth in per capita energy use was responsible for 48% (excluding causal connections between population and energy use per capita). In the United States in the same period, population growth accounted for 66% of the 36-fold increase in energy use. In the late 1980s, population growth was still accounting for a third of energy growth both in the United States and worldwide. Coping with global energy problems will require greatly increased investment in improving the efficiency of energy enduse and in reducing the environmental impacts of contemporary energy technologies, and it will require financing a transition over the next several decades to a set of more sustainable (but probably also more expensive) energy sources. The difficulty of implementing these measures will be greatest by far in the developing countries, not least because of their high rates of population growth and the attendant extra pressures on economic and managerial resources. If efficiency improvements permit delivering the high standard of living to which the world aspires based on a per capita rate of energy use as low as 3 kilowatts—about a quarter of the current U.S. figure—then a world population stabilized at 10 billion people would be using energy at a rate of 30 terawatts, and a population of 14 billion would imply 42 terawatts (compare 13.2 terawatts in 1990). Delivering even the lower figure at tolerable monetary and environmental costs will be difficult; each additional billion people added to the world population will compound these difficulties and increase energy's costs, making everyone poorer.Presented at the Symposium on Population and Scarcity: The Forgotten Dimensions.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a small open two-sector (health care and non-health care) overlapping generations model and investigates how changes in the demand for health care induced by population aging influence the economy’s employment structure and per capita income growth rate. We show that population aging induces a shift in labor from the non-health care sector to the health care sector and lowers the per capita income growth rate. This paper also investigates public policy for child care and demonstrates the existence of an intergenerational conflict between current and future generations concerning public policy on child care.  相似文献   

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