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This replication study of the drivers of ISO 14000 certifications extends the work of Corbett and Kirsch (2001) and provides a different and simpler predictive model of the factors contributing to the growth of ISO 14000 certifications. The main finding is that at national level ISO 14000 certification densities can be explained by two factors: the installed base of ISO 9000 certificates and the number of environmental treaties signed and ratified. The first factor, considering the common elements of the two standards, points to conditions of infrastructural convenience, while the second highlights the importance of political‐economic considerations. The study uses a new set of tools (graphical displays, distribution‐free computer intensive methods) that are better suited for exploratory research when discontinuities and existence of subgroups in the data set may make findings from a linear regression suspect.  相似文献   

In Corbett and Kirsch (2001), we used a simple regression in an exploratory investigation of drivers of global diffusion of ISO 14000 certification. We found that ISO 9000 certification levels, environmental treaties ratified, and exports as a proportion of GDP were the main significant variables, where the environmental measure may be moderated by GDP per capita. In his replication study, Vastag (2004, in this issue) analyzes the same data using more visual techniques, specifically regression trees, and finds support for the significance of ISO 9000 certification levels and environmental treaties ratified, but not for export‐propensity. Vastag raises a number of relevant methodological issues, to which we add some perspectives here.  相似文献   

Lean production may have a significant public good spillover—improved environmental performance. However, empirical evidence of the link between lean production practices and environmental performance has not resolved the nature of the relationship. To explore this issue, we conduct an empirical analysis of the environmental performance of 17,499 U.S. manufacturing establishments during the time period 1991–1996. We find that those establishments that adopt the quality management standard ISO 9000 are more likely to adopt the environmental management standard ISO 14000. We also find strong evidence that lean production, as measured by ISO 9000 adoption and low chemical inventories, is complementary to waste reduction and pollution reduction.  相似文献   

Proponents of iso 9000 certification claim that it is a low-cost signal of a firm's commitment to quality and a meaningful component of total quality management (TQM). Critics claim that it has little relation to TQM and is a tariff on international trade. We test the hypothesis that firms obtain ISO 9000 certification to comply with government and customer demands by estimating a probit model of the certification decision. The results support the view of proponents of ISO 9000. After controlling for regulatory and customer pressures to obtain ISO 9000, other factors related to quality management and quality-based competition explain the adoption decision.  相似文献   

Market globalization, higher requirements for improved quality, and tough, faster-pace, price-sensitive competition have led to two parallel and visible quality thrust: the Baldrige Award in the U.S. and, internationally, the ISO 9000 standards. The relationship between the Baldrige Award and ISO 9000 registration is widely confused. Two common misper-ceptions stand out: (1) that they both cover the same requirements and (2) that they both address improvement, relying on high quality results, and thus, are both forms of recognition. Many have concluded that the Baldrige Award and ISO 9000 are equivalent and that companies should choose one or the other. These conclusions are incorrect. The Baldrige Award and ISO 9000 registration differ fundamentally in focus, purpose, and content. The focus of the Baldrige Award is on enhanced competitiveness. The Award Criteria reflect two key competitiveness thrusts: (1) delivery of ever-improving value to customers and (2) improvement of overall operational performance. The Award's central purpose is educational-to encourage sharing knowledge and experience of competitiveness and to drive this learning, creating an evolving fund of knowledge. By contrast, the focus of ISO 9000 registration is on conformity to practices specified in the registrant's own quality systems. Its central purpose is to enhance and facilitate trade. The Baldrige Award addresses competitiveness factors either not addressed in ISO 9000 registration or addressed differently. These factors include a customer and market focus, results orientation, continuous improvement, competitive comparisons, a tie to business strategy, cycle time and responsiveness, integration via analysis, public responsibility, human resource development, and information sharing. Overall, ISO 9000 registration covers less than 10% of the scope of the Baldrige Award Criteria and does not fully address any of the 28 Criteria items. As a result, the national drive to improve competitiveness could be diminished. Companies required to or electing to seek ISO 9000 registration are encouraged to integrate their conformity efforts with the Baldrige Award competitiveness improvement framework.  相似文献   

The close link between the ISO 14000 standards and trade has meant that leading Asia-based companies have been as active as their Western counterparts in implementation. ASER has conducted extensive research, in conjunction with the Regional Institute of Environmental Technology (RIET) of Singapore into corporate environmental management systems under development throughout Asia and national systems being set up to create viable EMS standards. Current trends on the future of ISO 14000 implementation in Asia are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

ISO 14001 constitutes a major dilemma for many American firms. This new standard holds the promise of waste reduction and better process management, but the benefits and costs are very difficult to predict. This study attempts to identify and explain antecedents impacting the decision to pursue certification for some of the first plants certified in the United States. Using data from a large survey of U.S. managers and a Logit analysis, we find the factors influencing management decisions to actively pursue ISO 14001 certification to be distinctly different from those factors influencing management's decision not to pursue certification. For the latter, the decision is economically based; for the former, it is driven by other, more qualitative considerations.  相似文献   

We investigated why Italian manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) cancelled ISO 9001 certification from the Italian database and the problems and difficulties that led to this. Eight such problems derived from a literature review and interviews with a Delphi panel of 20 experts were tested through an online questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed by 167 managers from Italian SMEs that have cancelled their ISO 9001 certification. Costs related to consultancy and certification body are no longer a difficulty for maintaining ISO 9001 and neither are misinterpretations with the external auditors or paperwork. Internal audits are considered a problem when they are not managed with the aim of measuring performances. Staff can represent a cost when just dedicated to administrative and bureaucratic activities. The more relevant difficulties were top management commitment, measurability of performances and customers’ current lack of interest in ISO 9001. Respondents’ comments also provided interesting suggestions for practitioners such as quality managers and quality consultants to avoid mistakes while maintaining ISO 9001 certification.  相似文献   

An empirical study that utilizes a mailed survey to assess the initiatives and key factors of implementing ISO programs in various governmental departments in Taiwan was carried out. The results of this study identify five critical factors of successful ISO implementation in public organizations and show that the certification of ISO 9000 is seen as a tool for improving organizational images and creating the structures to integrate changed responsibilities for public organizations in Taiwan. The results also reveal differences in ISO 9000 implementation practices associated with organization size, unionization, and service types.  相似文献   

首先从管理理念的相似性、管理职能的互补性和实施的关联性角度说明 MRPII与ISO90 0 0结合的可能性和必要性 ,然后提出了以流程为结合点的结合模式 ,并在 MRPII与ISO90 0 0的几个主要流程及其特点分析的基础上 ,给出了 MRPII与 ISO90 0 0结合的框架  相似文献   

敏捷竞争环境中TQM与ISO 9000标准比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对全面质量管理TQM、ISO 9000质量管理保证标准和敏捷竞争进行了深入的对比分析,探讨敏捷竞争、TQM以及ISO 9000的融合机理,为敏捷竞争质量管理的实施提供思路和途径。  相似文献   

This article examines the influence of ISO 9000 certification on plant‐level process compliance, which arguably is its first‐order, targeted performance dimension. The empirical setting is the medical device manufacturing industry. Process compliance is measured through Food and Drug Administration inspections of manufacturing plants. We control for several observable factors that possibly affect process compliance by matching certified plants with non‐certified plants. Using longitudinal data, we find plants that obtained certification in the earlier diffusion period (early‐certified plants) tend to have significantly better process compliance than a matched, non‐certified control group of plants. The compliance difference between early‐certified plants and their matched control group is greater than the compliance difference between late‐certified plants and their matched control group. We also find deterioration in process compliance over time after certification. Because we capture longitudinally the first‐order effects of ISO 9000 on process compliance, this study provides a useful baseline for assessing causality in ISO 9000‐performance linkages. Also, we explain, in part, the inconsistencies observed in related ISO 9000 literature examining the performance effects of certification. Further, this research offers managerial insights on the dynamics of certification and process compliance with time, and highlights the need for continued vigilance post certification.  相似文献   

Deciding on ISO 14001: Economics, Institutions, and Context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ISO 14001 is an international standard for environmental management systems that was introduced in September 1996. It has gained wide recognition among businesses, much like its sister standard on quality management systems, ISO 9000. As a result, managers in almost every organization will evaluate whether the organization should become ISO 14001 certified. However, most analyses of ISO 14001 that are intended to guide managers in their evaluation have focused on the merits of ISO 14001, such as improved competitiveness, management control, and regulatory compliance. Very few articles provide a balanced picture of the costs and benefits of ISO 14001—including the conditions under which adoption will be most effective. This article redresses this gap by providing an analysis of not only why firms may choose to certify based on economic and institutional considerations, but also, when certification might be appropriate based on the firm’s context.In 1998, the Jutras division of Meridian Magnesium Inc., which manufactures magnesium automotive parts, reported that it saved almost $2 million soon after its $45,000 investment on an ISO 14001 certified environmental management system (EMS).1 The company reduced its use of electricity, natural gas, and lubricants, while producing less solid waste and contaminated water. These were not just one-time savings; they were expected to continue into perpetuity. Not all their ISO 14001 projects were winners, however. Jutras implemented ten projects for their EMS in the first year with an initial goal of saving over $460,000 in costs. Four of the projects did not result in any savings and one had disappointing but positive results. The remaining projects, however, provided larger than expected returns. The cost savings increased the competitiveness of a firm that prides itself on being the low cost leader in an increasingly competitive automotive parts industry. The benefits to the environment were a bonus. And there was yet another bonus from ISO 14001 that had not been anticipated: the preference for ISO certified suppliers by its key customers, Ford and General Motors, and the social legitimacy earned from stakeholders pressuring for greener business practices. The company now posts its ISO 14001 certification on its web site as one of its main achievements.Although this type of vignette presents ISO 14001 in a positive light, not all firms have embraced the standard with enthusiasm. While over 22,000 facilities in 98 countries were ISO 14001 certified by December 31, 2000, many firms had decided to delay certification or reject it altogether.2 The significant financial rewards realized by the Jutras Division of Meridian Magnesium have not been perceived by many of its peers, even though most analyses of ISO 14001 attempt to convince the reader that such a system is of significant strategic importance and a panacea of opportunity. Writers typically tout the potential for lower costs, increased competitiveness, market share growth, higher profits, and regulatory compliance, such as those experienced by Meridian Magnesium.3The costs of ISO 14001, however, are not trivial. Managers need to undertake a careful analysis of the relevance of ISO 14001 to their firm before they decide to jump on the ISO 14001 bandwagon. While managers can estimate the direct costs of certification with the help of good internal cost accounting, evaluating the intangible costs and benefits and the indirect impacts on the firm’s performance is more difficult. In this article, we provide background perspectives and evaluation criteria for those aspects of ISO 14001 certification, looking specifically at the marginal benefit of ISO 14001 certification over an in-house EMS. This article, then, identifies why firms may certify and in which contexts, based on economic and institutional considerations. Armed with relevant decision-making criteria, we present managers with an analytical tool to assist them in determining if ISO 14001 is appropriate for their firm.The insights provided here build on three studies:
an investigation of the motivations of environmental responsiveness by interviewing members of 53 firms in the UK and Japan;4
an investigation of the factors that influence the adoption of ISO 14001 based on a statistical analysis of 46 matched pairs of certified and non-certified firms and interviews with members of six firms in the US;5 and
an investigation of the contexts that explain adoption based on interviews with 16 pulp and paper companies in Canada.6
Details of these studies are provided in text boxes later in this paper. While these studies form the foundation of this paper, many of the anecdotes provided here are based on published sources because the interviewees were promised complete confidentiality.  相似文献   

Murgo Farms Inc., addresses the challenge of choosing between the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), International Organization of Standardization (ISO) 9000, and ISO 14000 systems for a business with grain farming, elevator and spraying enterprises. Murgo has recently entered markets that are more quality oriented and wishes to expand its activities in those markets. The President wonders whether HACCP or ISO 9000 might help that expansion. However, the company is also faced with significant environmental risks due to its spraying and manure spreading activities and its proximity to a local municipal water source. There are good reasons for Murgo to consider each of the systems, but there is also the question of whether the benefits for implementing any system are sufficient to do so immediately.  相似文献   

Environmental issues have become critical concerns of businesses in recent years. The Singapore Environment Ministry is urging organizations to consider adopting the ISO 14000 Environmental Management Standards. The main purpose of this study was to investigate and identify a number of variables which would be able to predict the motivation of organizations in adopting the ISO 14000 Standards. Through extensive literature search eight possible predictive variables/factors (cost savings, top management concern, employee welfare, meeting environmental regulations, meeting customer expectations, concern over trade barriers, following head office environmental practices, and gaining competitive advantages) were identified. In total, 300 pre-tested survey questionnaires were mailed out to companies from the Electronic and Chemical industries in Singapore. A response rate of about 20% was obtained. The survey instrument was tested for reliability and validity. Using stepwise discriminant analysis, a predictive discriminant function was developed. Only four out of the originally identified eight variables were included in the model. Possible benefits of such a model for Singapore and other industrializing countries are highlighted.  相似文献   

The costs and benefits of ISO 14001 certification result in firms choosing this route as a tool for proactive environmental management, according to a survey of 131 companies across the world. The following paper examines the motivation to pursue ISO 14001 certification for companies in developed and developing countries. While the costs of ISO 14001 certification vary widely, almost all respondents report substantial cost savings as a result of implementation. This was especially the case in developing countries, where enthusiasm about the standard (among certified firms) is very high. Contrary to the concerns voiced by skeptics, many firms stated that they decided to implement an ISO 14001 in order to “be a good neighbor” and to raise their employee's level of environmental awareness. Surprisingly, very few respondents stated that their primary motivations for implementation were profit-related. The majority of firms appear to be using ISO 14001 as a tool for proactive environmental management, as its creators intended.  相似文献   

The relevance of the ISO 9000 series of quality management systems (QMS) for U.S. agribusiness is analyzed. Certified firms from several industries were surveyed to determine their before (ex ante) and after (ex post) perspectives of the QMS. Results for the agribusiness subsample are compared to those for firms from other industries to determine if they behave differently. Anticipated marketing advantages (increasing market share and providing access to new markets) of the QMS were critical factors that encouraged the pursuit of the certificate. The average cost to attain certification was $101.400 and to maintain certification was an additional $26,500 per year.  相似文献   

Manufacturing organizations can potentially improve environmental management both by increasing the level of investment in environmental technologies and by shifting that investment away from pollution control and toward pollution prevention. However, managers must not only consider their own manufacturing operations in isolation, but also those of others along the supply chain. This paper explores two dimensions of supply chain activities—collaboration and evaluation—that might be leveraged by plant managers to improve environmental management in their own plant. The linkages with suppliers and customers were assessed. Both customer‐ and plant‐initiated collaboration were found to have a significant effect on the level and form of investment in environmental technologies for a sample of Canadian plants. Of greatest importance, as customer‐initiated collaborative activities increased, plant‐level investment in environmental management was increasingly allocated toward pollution prevention. In contrast, only very limited evidence was found that evaluative activities influenced environmental investment.  相似文献   

EPA's rule of Risk Management Programs for Chemical Accidental Release Prevention applies to facilities that manufacture, process, use, store, or otherwise handle regulated substances at or above specified threshold quantities. EPA estimates that approximately 66,000 facilities nationwide will be regulated under the rule. This paper examines the use of a structured ISO 14000 mechanism as option-regulated facilities could elect for implementation of the rule. Under the ISO 14000 option, facilities would commit to additional obligations regarding information disclosure, discussions with potentially affected publics, and timely correction of deficiencies noted in annual ISO 14000 audits of their compliance with the Risk Management Program they submit to the EPA under the rule. In return, facilities would be granted significant relief in regard to both EPA audit frequency and the penalties that might be applied for any items of noncompliance with the rule noted during the course of implementing agency reviews of the facility. The paper concludes with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of this option to potentially affected stakeholders.  相似文献   

Managers realize that they should avoid complex green supply initiatives when they do not have the capabilities to implement them. However, they have little guidance on how these capabilities can be developed. This paper provides an initial analysis of the role of supply management capabilities in green supply. We argue that the implementation of green supply is better explained by focusing on the development and deployment of an organization's specialized internal resources, rather than by the more usual focus on external environmental pressures on a firm. Further, we argue that capabilities appropriate for green supply are developed by a proactive corporate environmental stance and by a more strategic purchasing and supply management approach. We test our model using data from a two‐phase survey of 70 operating units within UK public limited companies. Our results indicate support for our conjecture that supply management capabilities are jointly developed by a proactive corporate environmental approach and a strategic purchasing and supply process. Our study results should be useful to business strategists, regulators, and researchers interested in the predictors of corporate green behavior. They should also assist future researchers in many branches of environmental management who are seeking to explore the role of the internal capabilities of firms in supporting environmental management.  相似文献   

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