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After several years of use of electronic data interchange (EDI) in various industries, the literature is still inconclusive regarding the benefits gained from its usage. We investigated contextual factors of two types: non‐managerial (product diversity, product customization, production instability, and organizational size) and managerial (just‐in‐time and quality management), that might have confounded past results. Our results indicate that the extent of EDI use is significantly related to delivery performance after controlling for the above‐mentioned factors. Furthermore, the data set supported the moderating effect of production instability on the relationship between the extent of EDI use and delivery performance achieved, but failed to support the moderating effect of organizational size.  相似文献   

This paper discusses four experiments and experiences with the use of supply chain management software, in this case the CAPS Logistics software, at different levels of undergraduate and graduate education at the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. We hope that the readers will get an idea of the commitment and resources necessary to integrate supply chain software into the classroom as well as the potential rewards.  相似文献   

Manufacturing organizations can potentially improve environmental management both by increasing the level of investment in environmental technologies and by shifting that investment away from pollution control and toward pollution prevention. However, managers must not only consider their own manufacturing operations in isolation, but also those of others along the supply chain. This paper explores two dimensions of supply chain activities—collaboration and evaluation—that might be leveraged by plant managers to improve environmental management in their own plant. The linkages with suppliers and customers were assessed. Both customer‐ and plant‐initiated collaboration were found to have a significant effect on the level and form of investment in environmental technologies for a sample of Canadian plants. Of greatest importance, as customer‐initiated collaborative activities increased, plant‐level investment in environmental management was increasingly allocated toward pollution prevention. In contrast, only very limited evidence was found that evaluative activities influenced environmental investment.  相似文献   

This research investigates the interaction between formation of logistics partnerships and supply chain restructuring in the U.S. computer industry via a survey of 30 ongoing partnerships. Partnerships that have included restructuring are compared to those that have not. Examples of representative partnerships are presented. The survey results indicate that restructurers use partnerships to facilitate restructuring. Restructurers and non-restructurers form partnerships for different reasons and realize different types of benefits. Furthermore, restructurers realize greater benefits than do non-restructurers and view their partnerships as more successful. Restructurers report dramatic improvements in logistics cost (1l-30%) and order cycle time (62%). The research contributes to the existing literature by highlighting restructuring as an important aspect of logistics partnership formation and by presenting empirical data that shows how the two strategies are linked.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of point of sale (POS) data sharing on ordering decisions in a multi‐echelon supply chain. In particular, we focus on how exposure to POS data may help reduce the “bullwhip effect,” the tendency of orders to increase in variability as one moves up a supply chain. Theoretical studies have shown that exposure to POS data can lead to a reduction in the bullwhip effect when suppliers have no prior knowledge of the demand distribution. The benefit of sharing POS data in stable industries, where the demand distribution is commonly known, is less clear. We study this phenomenon from a behavioral perspective in the context of a simple, serial, supply chain subject to information lags and stochastic demand. We find, using a controlled simulation experiment, that sharing POS information does help reduce some components of the bullwhip effect in a stable demand setting, namely the order oscillation of upstream members. We offer one possible explanation for this improvement by examining the relationship between order decisions and demand line information.  相似文献   

Price and design quality define value for customers and are often used by firms to position products in the marketplace. Setting price and quality level on a new product for the first time and making appropriate changes over time to these variables to reflect changing conditions in the market requires careful coordination of design, manufacturing, and marketing variables. We present a control theoretic model to study the complex interaction among price, quality, and cost during the life cycle of a product. Our model considers the major design-manufacturing-marketing tradeoffs and helps determine optimal pricing, design quality, and production strategies in a dynamic environment with convex production costs.  相似文献   

This paper presents a variant of the popular beer game. We call the new game the stationary beer game, which models the material and information flows in a production‐distribution channel serving a stationary market where the customer demands in different periods are independent and identically distributed. Different players, who all know the demand distribution, manage the different stages of the channel. Summarizing the initial experience with the stationary beer game, the paper provides compelling reasons why this game is an effective teaching tool.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of an empirical study of product development in a complex and novel environment. The work is based on field investigations of recent product development projects performed by all leading mainframe computer producers. The projects focused on the development of complex products based on advanced technologies and probed deeply into their science base. The results show striking differences in development lead time and research and development productivity between different projects. The analysis relates these performance differences to the process for the integration of new technology. Organizations that emphasize the accumulation of system-level knowledge of product and production process and its use in technology evaluation and selection are associated with high productivity and short development lead times. This appears to have a greater impact on development performance in this novel environment than more traditional factors, such as processes for effective crossfunctional integration and for overlapping problem solving.  相似文献   

Using case study data, we describe how a large personal computer manufacturer changed its supply‐chain management strategy after outsourcing the majority of its design and manufacturing activities to a network of focused suppliers. To cope with this new structure, the firm created highly skilled generalists, “supply‐chain integrators,” who coordinate product development, marketing, production, and logistics from product concept to delivery across firm boundaries. We particularly focus on the skill‐set that characterizes these integrators. Finally, we use the case evidence, combined with previous theory, to suggest a specific program of research into coordinating product development across disaggregated supply chains.  相似文献   

Companies are increasingly being held accountable for the life‐cycle impact of their products and services. Transportation is frequently a major component of this life‐cycle impact. Hence, to reduce total environmental impact, logistics managers will have to become more sophisticated in their understanding of how they can reduce the environmental impact of their transportation operations, without negatively affecting the cost or effectiveness of these operations. In line with this mandate, we quantify the dynamic impact of road vehicles on the environment. In most emission models, a constant speed is used depending only on the specific road type. Using such a model will lead to an underestimation of the effective emissions. It turns out that the differences with a more realistic dynamic assessment model are significant. The analysis here suggests that the policy consequences of these differences for both public sector managers and private companies are potentially quite important.  相似文献   

This paper develops a simple but powerful model that relates service satisfaction/dissatisfaction to market share. The model is based on an intuitive service satisfaction framework that relates three service system parameters (service success rate, complaint rate, and service recovery rate) to the percent of satisfied customers. A dynamic model is then posited that relates the defection rate and the addition rate to market share changes. The service satisfaction/market share model yields useful insights into how market share is influenced by these service system parameters. The surprisingly simple model predicts changes in market share due to changes in customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology and a case study for supply chain management in the clothing industry that makes extensive use of the virtual enterprise paradigm. The main research goal was to design and implement a prototype e‐business software component and carry out tests in several industrial users. The research effort resulted in the extended production data management system (epms), which supported the business processes of customer order management, subcontractor selection, and multi‐site/multi‐firm production orders release. The enablers of this software application were business‐to‐business (b2b) e‐commerce technologies in the operating context of application service providers (asps).  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between environmental practices and performance in services and the impact of such practices on the external portion of the service profit chain. Using structural equation modeling, it tests the hypotheses developed with data from the European hospitality industry. The findings suggest that environmental practices are positively related to performance through the mediating effect of enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty. The paper's contributions include: the conceptual development of the relationship between environmental practices and performance in services, the incorporation of environmental practices within the service profit chain, and the testing of their impact on customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

By including the effects of learning over time on both the production of components and their integration into complete products, we develop an engineering‐based model of outsourcing. This model provides an alternative explanation for much of what other outsourcing theories predict, as well as making several new predictions. In particular, we show that outsourcing decisions can create a path‐dependent outsourcing trap in which a firm experiences higher long‐run costs after an immediate cost benefit. We also describe conditions under which outsourcing a small fraction of component production may dominate either complete insourcing or complete outsourcing. Finally, we show that, with discounting, there is a convex, curvilinear relationship between the optimal outsourcing fraction and the rate of technological change.  相似文献   

This paper develops a theoretical framework that relates a service guarantee to service quality. The framework hypothesizes that a service guarantee can positively affect service quality through its positive effect on both learning through service failure and employee motivation and vision. A longitudinal, empirical study was conducted to test these hypotheses. Surprisingly, the service guarantee was not found to have a direct effect on learning through service failure. However, the service guarantee clearly had a positive effect on service quality primarily through its positive effect on employee motivation and vision. The research strongly supports using a service guarantee to improve service quality.  相似文献   

This study uses survey data on several hundred automotive suppliers in North America to evaluate the determinants of inventory levels in high-volume discrete parts manufacturing. We assess the magnitude of raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods inventories held at automotive supply plants. Inventories are shown to be jointly determined by technological and managerial factors in a manner roughly consistent with classical inventory theory. Several categories of managerial practices are found to be important. Low inventories are linked to employee problem solving and frequent communication with customers. More unexpectedly, we find the absence of inventory differences between U.S.-owned and Japanese-owned plants in North America. This contrasts with substantial differences in inventory holding between US plants and those in Japan.  相似文献   

This paper was motivated by the operational problems faced by Northco, a school uniform manufacturer in the Northeastern United States. Northco was facing high working capital costs while also incurring high stockout and markdown costs. This paper models the impact of inventory holding cost and reactive capacity on Northco's targeted understocking and overstocking cost and offers a solution methodology for such problems. We quantify the impact of varying inventory carrying costs (and hence, high working capital costs) on stockout costs and the value of additional capacity. Our results illustrate that apparel manufacturers with high working capital costs, and hence high inventory carrying costs, should target higher stockout costs and achieve lower capacity utilization. The results presented have application beyond Northco because high working capital cost is endemic to many supply chains.  相似文献   

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