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赵立玮 《社会》2015,35(6):1-30
帕森斯的《社会行动的结构》体现了一种独特的探究,历史的、经验的和理论的研究在其中融为一体。在学科史的意义上,《结构》标志着“古典”社会理论的“现代”转变。不过,帕森斯是以一种典型的“美国式”方式完成这种转变的。囿于20世纪20、30年代、尤其是“新政”时期的语境,他给予处于世纪之交的一些重要的社会理论一种全新的阐述,把它们从其生身处境的“世纪末”中剥离出来,并暗中赋予其一种积极、乐观的“美国精神气质”,在很大程度上消解了这些理论和经验探讨中原本具有的同“世纪末”的社会、文化背景及其时代问题的复杂关联。悖谬的是,这种“美国化”的阐述在某种意义上恰恰体现了帕森斯试图建构社会(科)学一般理论的宏图,蕴含着某种普遍历史的取向。  相似文献   

周潇 《社会》2011,31(5):70-92
作者通过对北京某打工子弟学校的田野调查后发现,在农民工“子弟”中间盛行着类似《学做工》中所描述的工人阶级“小子”的反学校文化。但是,由于制度安排与社会条件的差异,“子弟”与“小子”的反学校文化却是形似质异的。“子弟”的“反抗”更多是一种自我放弃的表达形式而非对支配秩序的洞察与抗争。文章进一步分析了“子弟”反学校文化的生产机制后指出,农民工劳动力再生产的低成本组织模式导致“子弟”高度边缘化的生存状态,这使得他们难以通过教育向上流动,从而以拒绝知识的形式放弃了学业,也因此完成了作为底层的社会再生产。  相似文献   

孟庆延 《社会》2017,37(3):180-214
“查阶级”是中国共产党革命中重要的组织动员技术,它同时蕴含着强调经济标准的“算阶级”和强调情绪鼓动与暴力斗争的“闹革命”两种面相。既往的学术研究将“闹革命”理解为革命实践中的过火与偏差而未追溯其渊源。本文尝试对“闹革命”这一传统进行发生学意义上的再考察。研究发现,“闹革命”主要来自“大革命”时期国民党中央农民部设立的农民运动讲习所,以彭湃为代表的农运干部构成了其具体“担纲者”。本文综合运用多种史料,通过对农讲所以及农运派干部具体实践的考察,呈现其作为革命的“深耕者”与群众的“鼓动家”的精神气质,进而在具体的历史处境中理解“闹革命”这一具体的组织动员形态,更为深入地理解早期乡村革命的复杂历史面貌。  相似文献   

“社会底蕴”:田野经验与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨善华  孙飞宇 《社会》2015,35(1):74-91
如何认识中国乡村社会获得秩序的内在运行机制?根据长期在中国农村的田野调查经验,笔者提出“社会底蕴”概念。这一概念是指在历史变迁中,中国社会自发保存的那些具备相对稳定特征的“恒常”。根据从生活的智慧、家本位文化、道德伦理、人缘口碑等方面对 “社会底蕴”及其与现代性变迁之间的互动机制的初步探讨发现,在社会变迁的历史进程中,深具传统特性的社会底蕴并非以一种消极对抗的形式出现,而是不断与新的历史条件相结合,并由此生发出建设性和包容性的面貌。而对这一“底蕴”的认识,与我们今天对社会科学方法论的理解与反思不无相关。  相似文献   

中国社会保障制度改革的目标定位新探   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
李迎生 《社会》2006,26(2):175-188
基于社会公正的价值理念和国际经验,同时考虑到中国的实际,中国社会保障改革中长期存在的重城市、轻农村的倾向应当尽快改变。以推进社会保障体系的城乡衔接为基本目标,社会保障制度的改革应当突破“大保障”的思路,选择“小保障”的方向。在对社会保障的基本项目、待遇标准以及各方责任根据“小保障”的思路作出调整的基础上,实现社会保障体系的城乡衔接将具有现实的可能性。由于“小保障”的思路需要长期坚持,而且起源于西方的现代保障模式在精神保障功能的实现方面是有缺陷的,这就使得继续弘扬民族优秀保障传统势在必行。  相似文献   

康子兴 《社会》2012,32(6):1-24
通过对“德性”以及“人性”的重新阐释,亚当·斯密颠覆了亚里士多德的经典命题,将“人是城邦的动物”改造为“人是社会的动物”。启蒙精神为斯密提供了重要的理论工具,他试图用一种情感主义的人性论和道德哲学来重构整个自然法理学体系,为其提供一个世俗化的理论基础,为国家行为、为立法者提供理论指引。“社会”是斯密整个学说体系的核心和基础,只有理解了“社会”与其自然法理学之间的关系,才能深入理解其政治经济学甚至国家理论的真正意涵。本文所要阐述的,正是“社会”对其自然法理学的意义及其因而呈现出来的结构和特点。  相似文献   

周丹丹  李若晖 《社会》2016,36(5):197-221
“知母不知父”的母系社会学说在西方和中国经历了两种不同的学术命运。在西方,它作为一个学术命题已被基本否定,但在20世纪的中国社会科学界却被广泛接受。西方“母权社会”学说体系的坍塌,为我们反思中国自身“知母不知父”之说的来龙去脉提供了契机。晚清民国之际,这一话语体系被引入中国,之后被历史学家用来构造了中国上古时代的一个特定时期,以期证明中国的历史发展阶段不外乎于人类之普遍历史。重新回到中国古代的经典文本自身,我们发现,在道家和法家的思想脉络中,“知母不知父”具有各自独特的思想内涵。先秦文献所展示的思想世界与20世纪套用西方学术术语对其进行的描述之间存在裂缝。本文将梳理“知母不知父”的中国谱系,反思这一断裂对当今探索社会学本土化的意义,并由此发掘与阐扬中国社会学的思想传统。  相似文献   

杨清媚 《社会》2013,33(2):53-84
本文通过民国时期人类学家陶云逵这一个案,来梳理德国“文化”概念经过中国学者的思考和运用进入中国社会科学的历程。作为第一位运用“文化”理论进行实地经验研究的中国学者,陶云逵在实证研究中思考如何保存“文化”自身的神圣性,肯定人的精神价值,对各文化之间如何相互沟通和理解问题展开过深入的讨论。这些讨论不仅在人类学内部有意义,而且构成了人类学、社会学与哲学和历史学对话的可能。本文跟随陶云逵的理论和实证研究脚步,呈现他在文化理论和方法论上的探索,并试图指出,陶云逵对“文化”如何制约“国家”的政治经济权力提出有力的现实和历史证据。  相似文献   

闻翔 《社会》2016,36(6):126-154
在米尔斯诞辰百年之际,本文试图重估其社会学遗产。本文指出,米尔斯作为“智识匠人”的志业,即是从内外两个面向揭示美国文明自19世纪末以来的转型及其危机。就内部面向而言,本文聚焦于米尔斯及其同时代的批评者关于美国社会的不同判断及其分歧的实质;就外部面向而言,本文则以米尔斯关于古巴革命的晚期著述为核心,考察米尔斯对古巴问题的讨论在何种意义上构成了对美国民主的外部批评。但是,对米尔斯的社会学遗产的重估,并不止步于此。米尔斯关于社会学写作的文体和“风格”的想象,即其关于“社会学的诗”的论述,构成了其学术遗产的另一个重要部分。本文指出,“社会学的诗”所倡导的审美与人格意蕴,实则是对社会学写作的人文传统的回归。最后,本文讨论了在中文学界的语境下,米尔斯的社会学研究所具有的启发意义。  相似文献   

闻翔 《社会》2012,32(4):1-23
摘要:本文试图阐明,在米尔斯对美国社会的经验研究与其关于社会科学的认识论纲领之间存在着一以贯之的内在逻辑。通过对米尔斯最具代表性的三个经验研究成果,即由《权力新贵:美国的劳工领袖》、《白领:美国的中产阶级》以及《权力精英》所组成的“美国社会分层三部曲”的考察,作者发现,从这些研究中所浮现出的“大众社会”图景深刻地影响了米尔斯关于“社会学的想像力”的论述。在此基础上,本文进一步揭示了米尔斯的社会学著述所关注的两个基本问题,即对于社会变迁可能性的探寻,以及对于现代社会中人的意义的关切。  相似文献   

Defined as a set of distinct processes that included the declining use of large psychiatric institutions and the increasing use of outpatient services and general hospitals, deinstitutionalization occurred earlier in Saskatchewan than other provinces in Canada. It was led by a CCF government dedicated to major change across a number of sectors including mental health, assisted by one of the most influential and well-organized social movement organizations of the 1950s, the Saskatchewan Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association (SCMHA). However, by the late 1950s and early 1960s, the SCMHA opposed the CCF government's policy priority on medicare which it felt came at the expense of mental health care, in particular the implementation of a regional psychiatric hospital system called the Saskatchewan Plan. As a consequence, the SCMHA, once such a powerful ally of the CCF government in health reform, formed a strategic and temporary coalition with the anti-medicare forces in the province. Given the fact that a number of medical staff within the government's department of public health were prominent members of the SCMHA, the CCF government found that it occupied an increasingly divided house at the very time it was struggling to introduce medicare in the midst of civil unrest and a doctors' strike.  相似文献   

The Soviet public health system is justifiably proud of its system of psychiatric care. Revolutionary demolition of the old society has led to extensive transformations in all fields of activity and to improvement in theoretical thinking and creative work. Preventive measures and the creation of a system of treatment and restoration of the ability of patients with various mental illnesses to work in any region of the country has resulted in a radical change in the history of psychiatry. We should emphasize that the creation of a system of psychiatric care through institutions differing in type and functions was a new feature. In order to understand the importance of this change, it is enough to recall that foreign psychiatry began thinking about the need to create a unified system encompassing both in- and out-patient care only several decades later, but in practice such a system has still not been established in a single developed, capitalist country.  相似文献   

International empirical evidence, including that from Australia, suggests that neoliberal reform has not changed public attitudes towards the social rights of citizenship as much as one might predict. But do these international findings hold true for New Zealand, whose institutions were more rapidly transformed by neoliberal reform than similar countries? Drawing upon public opinion data regarding economic protectionism and the welfare state over the past two decades, this paper argues that while some significant changes have emerged there is no overwhelming evidence of a paradigmatic shift in public attitudes towards social citizenship rights as a result of New Zealand's neoliberal reform. Indeed, New Zealand's experience appears as ambiguous and ambivalent as that of Australia, albeit different policy and historical settings have produced some differences in public attitudes.  相似文献   

管兵 《社会》2010,30(5):46-74
本文将讨论公民维权活动和基层民主的关系。现有文献认为,对居民来说,居委会选举通常没有太大的实际意义。然而作者在田野调查中发现,在住房市场化改革中成长起来的商品房业主阶层,在产权利益经常遭受侵犯的情况下,会想尽一切办法来保护自己的权益。参选居委会成为业主保护权益的一种方式,尤其是当基层政府和居委会对业主的维权进行干涉的时候。〖JP2〗本文将简要介绍作者通过滚雪球方式调查的19个小区的整体情况和一般性的趋势,并通过3个案例来具体讨论商品房业主制度性参与的维权方式,展现其内在的机制。笔者认为,业主的制度性参与,一方面有利于业主维权,另一方面也使居委会选举变得更具实际意义,有可能促进基层政府依法办事。  相似文献   

In China, there are over 170 million people suffering from mental illness. However, there is a lack of a critical review of the policies governing the provision of mental health services. Drawing on the framework of mental health policy developed by the WHO, this article critically examines mental health policies regarding legislation, financing, model of care and delivery, as well as manpower and the training of mental health professionals in China. This analysis raises a number of policy‐related questions concerning the lack of community‐based psychiatric services, inadequate coverage of mental health services in the rural areas, poor standard of education and an insufficient number of trained mental health professionals, and insufficient protection of the human rights of people with mental illness. The article ends by urging the various levels of governments to make a firm commitment to improve mental health care for people with mental illness in China.  相似文献   

We explore the experience of Navajo communities living under the shadow of nuclear age fallout who were subjects of five decades of research. In this historical analysis of public health (epidemiological) research conducted in the Navajo lands since the inception of uranium mining from the 1950s untill the end of the 20th century, we analyze the successes and failures in the research initiatives conducted on Navajo lands, the ethical breaches, and the harms and benefits that this research has brought about to the community. We discuss how scientific and moral uncertainty, lack of full stakeholder participation and community wide outreach and education can impact ethical decisions made in research.  相似文献   

We explore the experience of Navajo communities living under the shadow of nuclear age fallout who were subjects of five decades of research. In this historical analysis of public health (epidemiological) research conducted in the Navajo lands since the inception of uranium mining from the 1950s untill the end of the 20th century, we analyze the successes and failures in the research initiatives conducted on Navajo lands, the ethical breaches, and the harms and benefits that this research has brought about to the community. We discuss how scientific and moral uncertainty, lack of full stakeholder participation and community wide outreach and education can impact ethical decisions made in research.  相似文献   

张勇 《太平洋学报》2014,(11):78-85
20世纪50年代末,在佩里斯·莫罗的领导下,所罗门群岛中的瓜岛兴起了一场政治、经济和社会文化运动,史称"莫罗运动"。尽管该运动具有神秘的超自然元素,但基本上仍是世俗的。与历史上的任何政治、经济和社会文化运动一样,莫罗运动的兴起也有着深刻的历史背景,是多种因素共同作用的结果。莫罗运动不仅称瓜岛为伊萨塔布岛,而且数十年来,它一直是恢复瓜岛传统生活的一支重要力量。此外,它还卷入了马莱塔人和瓜岛人在20世纪90年代和21世纪初所造成的"紧张局势"。  相似文献   

The Chinese government adheres to the principle of ‘children first’ and actively protects their rights of survival, development, protection and participation through methods such as laws and regulations, policy system, public services and pilot works. The Chinese government aimed to narrow the gap between children's development in rural and urban areas and to continuously improve the level of child welfare. The government complies fully with its responsibilities in raising the overall quality of life for children and improving their health and overall development.

China has 280 million children, and is the country with the most children in the world. China is a signatory of and a country that loyally implements the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Since the economic reform, China's economy has developed rapidly, politics has been harmonized and stabilized, and the degree of social civilization has risen continuously. At the same time, work on children has also achieved remarkable accomplishments in China.  相似文献   

User Involvement in Services--Incorporation or Challenge?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Joan Forbes at The School of Social Work, The University of Leicester, 107 Princess Road East, Leicester, LE1 7LA Summary In recent years, users of social work, like those of psychiatry,have been increasingly drawn into the organization and deliveryof social work and mental health services. This has been largelywelcomed as a desirable development by planners, academics andpractitioners in the field. In this article, we reappraise thebroad issues raised by user involvement and consider the implicationsof this trend. Despite the attractiveness of the user perspectivein the policy and delivery of social work and psychiatric services,we point to the dangers of incorporation and moderation of anoppositional position, from which, we argue, users can bestchallenge existing practices and connect with wider politicalstruggles.  相似文献   

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