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唐玉 《浙江学刊》2007,(6):140-143
公民身份是政治哲学中的一个基本问题,西方历史上共和主义传统与自由派传统基于不同的自由概念而凸显出了不同的公民观,贡斯当与伯林分别对此进行了"古代人的政治自由"与"现代人的个人自由"以及"积极自由"与"消极自由"的二分,这样公民身份问题也就在这种二分法的基本框架中得以展开。社群主义的崛起虽然实现了政治哲学中心向共同体和成员资格的转变,但同时也强化了公民身份的二元对峙。而晚近以来的"公民资格"理论是对自由主义的个人主义和社群主义的集体主义之间对立的一种超越,它把自由主义对正义的要求和共同体成员资格的要求整合到一起,也是对两种公民观的一种综合与超越。  相似文献   

郭台辉 《社会》2013,33(5):1-28
关键词:公民身份认同公民身份认同合法化构建的拒斥性的重新规划的  相似文献   

从公民身份的历史发展轨迹来看,公民身份在不同国家和不同历史时期存在着不同的实践形式。公民身份意味着人在一个国家中正式的和负责任的成员资格。公民身份认同意味着公民对自己生活的共同体表示接受、赞同和承认,并且以自己忠诚共同体的实际行动体现出来,积极地参与共同体的生活,履行共同体赋予公民的责任和义务。语言是存在的家,公民通过语言言说认识自己,辨认自己,进而产生归属感。  相似文献   

公民意识是公民对政治生活领域公民身份及其权利义务的主观反映,其特性随着个体与共同体关系变迁而变迁:希腊城邦富有参与精神和公共责任意识,但缺乏独立自由观念;古罗马帝国消极服从、追求和平与稳定,但缺乏参与意识和公共美德;现代民族国家富有独立自主、自由、平等和权利意识,但沉迷于个人自由和疏于参与;全球化时代全球公民意识萌芽和发展,但目前依然以民族国家公民意识为主导意识.不同历史阶段公民意识所呈现出的变化和差异是公民身份制度变迁的主观体现,取决于人类物质生产水平和社会交往方式的变迁,是人类主体性发展的历史体现.  相似文献   

西方的公民身份研究在过去一二十年间出现了由政治—法律维度向文化维度转向的趋势。文化公民身份研究强调,仅仅把公民身份理解为政治—法律意义上的成员资格,就排斥了文化非主流群体,恰恰违背了公民身份的包容理念。但是,这种把各种文化群体整合进一个共同体中的努力势必会因群体的文化差异而导致冲突,因此,寻找超越所有文化之上的一种新的文化便成了文化公民身份理论家奋力努力的方向。理论家们建议,应该通过广义的教育,在公民中发展出一种以反思和沟通为根本的、开放性的公共领域和公共文化。文化公民身份探讨的最终目的在于通过一场基于教育的漫长革命,最终摈弃资本主义,建立伦理社会主义;以互联网等新媒体为特征的文化全球化浪潮给这场革命提供了条件和机会。文化公民身份理论的发展理念为新的认识和研究指明了一个重视公民主体性和人类关系的新方向。  相似文献   

王雄  郭忠华 《浙江学刊》2013,(3):114-120
当前中国出现一种明显的社会阶层分化趋势。是何种机制导致这种现象的出现?在检视既有理论的基础上,本文从公民身份的角度对之做出解释。公民身份是一个同时包含包容性和排斥性的复合概念。公民身份的排斥性是造成阶层分化和社会不平等的重要原因。在当前中国,农民、农民工等社会弱势群体在现行的公民身份制度安排下遭遇诸多排斥,其中最主要的是市场领域、政治领域和社会领域的排斥。这些排斥机制造成相关社会层级的权利贫困和身份地位的底层化。公民身份的内在排斥性与国家的控制性思维紧密关联,只有改变政治控制思维以及以之相连的排斥性公民身份,才能遏制由制度排斥性所带来的社会阶层分化趋势。  相似文献   

追求公共善:当代西方对公民责任的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴威威 《唐都学刊》2007,23(1):37-41
公民责任是指公民履行与其公民身份相适应的、符合社会公共善的义务以及对行为后果的承担。当代西方公民责任研究的兴起有历史和现实两方面的原因。历史地看,西方公民理论家无论主张积极的还是消极的公民资格都承认良好的公民素质对于民主制度的建立、稳定和发展是必不可少的,因此都对公民责任持肯定态度。现实原因则既是政治话语自然递进的结果、是民主实践发展的需要也是对过度强调的权利的修正。当代西方对公民责任的研究主要从四方面展开:其一,公民责任是公民维护民主政治的义务;其二,公民责任被视为公民美德的体现;其三,公民的核心责任是政治参与;培养公民责任具有多种途径等等。  相似文献   

公民身份的首要本质是“认同”与“公民德性”。公民德性的塑造与培养为我国当下生成法治秩序、保证公共安全提供根本性支撑,而个体认同与身份归属是公民德性建构的理论前设。其中,本体论前提是尊重个体道德地位与内在价值,故首先要维护公民自主性与个体自由的实现。这里,自主等同于个人自律,要求公民按照批判性评价及理性整合之后的价值、理想去行动;而人与人之间的相互依赖决定了重建社会团结关键在于复兴个人对他人和社会的责任感、修复公民对团体和社群的价值认同,但慈善与志愿仍限于公民自愿的选择,并且在认可公民不参与政治公共生活自由的同时,提倡和鼓励公民积极参与社区和公共审议;最后,个人自主预设了竞争性多元主义的正当性,这为宽容原则提供了论证依据,宽容是包含着尊重的一种肯定性的包容,其中尊重基本人权与合乎理性是宽容的基础和底线。公民德性的塑造需要在生活世界中完成,而共同体的形成和凝聚则需要社会信任和公民礼仪。  相似文献   

亓光  池忠军 《学术交流》2007,61(9):34-37
在人类社会的条件下,政治生活是人类组成公民社会之后通过公共生活来影响人类资源分配的一种活动。现代政治哲学的诸多命题都必须在政治生活的条件范畴下才可能展开。政治生活的实践首先是价值的,而价值判断的实践必然要求目的性的认肯。政治生活的目的不是虚无的,因此它不能被抛弃;同时,它也不是抽象的,因此不能脱离特定的历史社会条件观之。政治生活的目的来源于它的公共性,它是一种基于公民社会建构前提下的以政治实践义务论为基本网络结构,此种公共性是产生于公共领域结构需求,吸纳公民同意、自然责任和哲学怀疑主义等多种评价理论的合理性实践判断。因而,各种政治价值目的在上述过程中自由而自律的相互作用,且在政治发展中接受、监督与激发政治生活中个体的公共意识进而推动政治生活的公共结构转型。  相似文献   

协商民主与政治协商   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
协商民主是20世纪后期在西方兴起的一种民主理论,其核心概念是公共协商,强调对话、讨论、辩论、审议与共识。协商民主既肯定公民积极参与政治生活,又尊重国家与社会间的界限,力图通过完善民主程序、扩大参与范围、强调自由平等对话来消除冲突,保证公共理性和普遍利益的实现,以修正传统民主模式的缺陷和不足,所以具有规范意义和实践意义。协商民主的理论和实践不仅仅属于西方,中国也存在着不同形式的社会主义协商政治,但其中具有较成熟和完善制度架构的是以中国人民政治协商会议为平台的政治协商制度,它既有明显的优势,也面临着严峻挑战。为了发展和完善社会主义民主,应该完善政治协商,促进社会主义协商民主的发展。  相似文献   

张毅 《北京社会科学》2016,(12):107-119
“君子”是中国古典哲学、伦理和政治思想领域的重要概念,它的含义经历了漫长的演变过程。《左传》是涉及“君子”问题最重要的先秦典籍之一,要清理“君子”一词含义变迁的历史,离不开对《左传》材料的深度阐释。根据语法特征对《左传》中的“君子”详加分类研讨,可以大体解决学界历来疑虑的《左传》史料的可信度问题。通过对这些史料的系统解读,可以看到,在孔子之前百余年,“君子”已经成为贵族政治家普遍关心和反复探讨的问题。当时的政治家已提出了诸多君子的行为规范和判断标准。这些规范和标准虽与日后《论语》给出的君子标准还有差异,但仍不失为孔门君子之学的渊源和先驱。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the relationship between citizenship, civic engagement and property ownership in Australia. We draw upon nationally representative survey data to examine this relationship by focusing upon empirically accessible issues. We examine the civic implications of different housing tenures, or what Troy (2000) refers to as the level of ‘citizen competence‘, and the tension between (private) ownership and (public) engagement in terms of membership and participation in a range of clubs and organisations. Lower levels of participation in charitable organisations among mortgage holders compared to people in other housing tenures questions the link between home buying (that is equated with private ownership), and a strengthening of community life. However, low participation rates in a clubs and organisations by public tenants, indicates that levels of social exclusion are higher in ‘residual’ public housing communities.  相似文献   

李传印  陈得媛 《求是学刊》2002,29(1):116-120
《明史》历称精善 ,这与其编撰过程中一直受到康熙帝的关心、指导有很大关系。康熙帝认识到历史中有着丰富的治国经验 ,有裨治道 ,十分重视《明史》编修工作。他根据要把《明史》修成一部资料详赡 ,评论公允的信史要求 ,提出了史官不重文章而重良心说 ,强化史官的史德要求 ,明确《明史》编修学术规范。同时康熙帝重视史籍的收集 ,运用行政手段 ,帮助收集《明史》所需史料。对《明史》编修的指导 ,也体现了康熙帝对史学的深刻认识。  相似文献   

The paper discusses historical and emerging dimensions of citizenship within Aotearoa/New Zealand. Drawing on Turner's work, it explores the utility of Marshallian distinctions of civil, political and social citizenship. These evolutionary notions are seen as problematic, given the historical treatment of the Chinese community, and the abrogation of the Treaty of Waitangi with respect to European–Maori relationships. Ideas of the "worker citizen", "military citizen" and "parent citizen" are discussed in relation to historical foundations of entitlement and their contemporary challenges. Considerations include a shift to non-standard employment, reconceptualization of New Zealand's role as a Pacific nation, and demographic and value shifts. The non-governmental sector as a "fourth" route to entitlement is examined, including notions of community capacity-building with particular respect to Maori. The paper concludes with a commentary on current debates around the nature and shape of New Zealand nationality, identity and citizenship. Ecological debates include the use and guardianship of natural resources and the opposition of public opinion to genetic modification. Indigenous developments include the assertion of Treaty rights by Maori in relation to land, language and economic and social development. Cultural dimensions include the changing population structure as reflected in the growth of Pacific Island nations, Asian populations and the refugee community. The interplay of these ecological, indigenous and cultural dimensions will help define emergent citizenships for Aotearoa/New Zealand in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

Although the concept of citizenship is a widely used theoretical framework within political philosophy, its use in the field of mental health remains underexplored. Within this context, citizenship emphasises the social inclusion and participation of people who are marginalized and offers a more social and relational view of services and support for people with mental health problems than has been common in mental health systems of care. At the same time, however, the citizenship approach has operated in the context of systems of care in the United States that favour highly individualized conceptions of, and approaches to, care, and these systems of care operate in the social and political context of highly individualized concepts of the citizen. In this article building on the work of other citizenship scholars, we argue that a collective form of citizenship, grounded in the 5Rs framework, holds the individual and collective in creative tension. Furthermore, the paper applies this model to the domain of mental health, where people are treated in individualistic ways and experience marginalisation, making the collective dimension imperative and promoting participation, empowerment and the contribution for social change to people with mental health problems. Our theoretical framework of collective citizenship, while geared toward the needs of persons with mental health problems, also contributes to recent citizenship theory on the inclusion of marginalized, stigmatised, and excluded groups. We illustrate the application of this approach through an ethnographic-participant observation case study of a collective citizenship group with which we are associated.  相似文献   

1949年英国社会学家马歇尔提出了公民资格理论,认为公民资格权利由公民权利、政治权利和社会权利构成,并详细描述了英国公民资格的发展历程,认为英国公民权利的发展呈现了线性发展的特征,“公民权利变成了集体谈判的基础,政治权利促进了公众舆论和国民意识,从而公民权利和政治权利的使用增强了争取社会权利的压力性.”新中国成立后,我国公民资格权利的发展经历了一个曲折的过程.改革开放前,国家与社会高度重合,社会各领域都受到政治国家的支配,公民资格权利难有实质性进展.改革开放后公民资格的三种权利都取得了长足发展和进步.我国正处在市场经济建设的关键时期,借鉴马歇尔的公民资格理论,在差异化的市场过程中,不断通过多元化的努力寻求公民资格平等的价值主张,是我们当前建设和谐社会的不竭动力.  相似文献   

Ghana's Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme provides conditional cash transfers to poor households in deprived communities. Beyond the potentiality of the LEAP programme to reduce poverty, its implications for shaping state–citizen relations and inclusive citizenship have been largely ignored. This study explored the implications of the programme on notions of citizenship among cash recipients. The findings indicate that the programme generates interfaces that strengthen state–citizen interaction and serves as a promising avenue for reintegration. However, it is also characterised by undue delay in cash payment and weak institutional capacity to mediate interactive processes and grievances, which suggests that the contractual relationship and the state's accountability are weak. Furthermore, the programme has negatively influenced community social relations, limiting the forms of agency beneficiaries exercised. The study concludes that although LEAP represents a landmark in Ghana's quest for inclusive citizenship, it undermines social relations and citizens’ rights to hold the state accountable, which unavoidably limits effective state building.  相似文献   

This paper examines the historical formation of non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Taiwan. The charity discourse has been dominated among NPOs due to the Confucian and Buddhist traditions in the early twentieth century and reinforced by Western Christian charity organizations during the U.S. aid in the Cold War period. During the Nationalist government period, NPO was a means of social control for the so-called strongman authoritarian state. The political democratization since the mid 1980s has initiated a process of rapid expansion for the NPO sector as a sign for the emerging civil society. NPOs aimed at administrative advocacy and legislative lobby mark the birth of an autonomous civil society. These NPOs adopt citizenship discourse in their formation of group identity. Cases are presented and discussed to illustrate the particularity of each stage. As NPOs become significant players in public domain, the tension and struggle between civil society and state apparatus increase. The privatization strategy of social services by the state may have the effect of re-colonizing civil society.  相似文献   

公民是伦理治理或善治的主体和关键要素.一个持久和正当的伦理治理行为,既是公民施行的治理,也是对公民实行的治理,因而就可以理解成是公民的“互治”.公民身份的共和主义解释所涵括的积极生活、爱国主义以及勇敢、宽恕与承诺等美德,能够最大限度地克服当下以个人权利为导向的“公民私人化”倾向,更加符合当代政治社会的公共性和重叠性情境.  相似文献   

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