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Cultural policy has traditionally had close ties with the construction of the society as a nation state, which has been marked by its built-in tendency towards cultural homogenisation. Post-World War II, multicultural societies pose profound challenges to these traditional forms of cultural policy. Although, in the last decades, western democracies have been designing cultural diversity plans, this does not mean that governmental policies have successfully been translated in institutional practice. In the Netherlands, mainly established cultural institutions have failed to integrate diversity into their core business. Yet, there have been a few exceptions that continue to make attempts to adapt their programmes to address new populations. In this article, we use Parekh’s view of a multiculturalism that reconciles unity and diversity, as a heuristic device that allows us to explore and examine the bottom-up diversity policies and practices of two Amsterdam-based cultural institutions: Paradiso and De Meervaart.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether EU research programmes have led to innovations in European social research. This is based on an assessment of a group of EU‐funded projects on the changing nature of work in Europe. EU‐funded projects have contributed to the creation of a European social space for European researchers, but at the cost of consolidating English as the lingua franca of European social research. Such projects tend to involve heterogeneous research actors and are oriented towards policy issues. To some extent they are therefore representative of a ‘Mode 2’ form of knowledge production. More clearly, they have ensured that social research about Europe is no longer simply comparative research. The new EU Sixth Framework Programme on RTD will undermine many of these achievements through its focus on conventional definitions of ‘excellence’ and the insistence on large‐scale research instruments.  相似文献   


Over the past number of years there has been considerable focus on the integration of employee assistance and work-life programmes in the United States. A national survey conducted by EAPA, EASNA, and AWLP found there is a trend towards the integration of employee assistance and work-life. Many US providers and multinational companies will seek to extend their EAPs and work-life programmes globally. It is sometimes assumed that the EAPs and work-life models that operate in the US will transfer but this is often not the case. There is a cultural dimension to EAPs and work-life programmes that is often overlooked. The European Union (EU) is involved in the greatest example of integration in recent history and an understanding of the EU and its legal system will assist those providing their services. In the EU, EAPs did not follow the same growth pattern as in the US. Professionals in European countries working with business such as psychologists, social workers, and counsellors did not recognise the need for EAPs as, in their view, programmes to deal with personal problems in the workplace already existed. The concept of work-life is widely known and accepted in many European countries; however, there is little evidence of research specifically on the integration of EAPs and work-life programmes. This article will look at one EU country, Ireland, and outline the history and development of EAPs and work-life and present case studies of Irish companies who have developed work-life programmes.  相似文献   

Europe is a profoundly flexible concept and, in Ernesto Laclau’s terms, a ‘floating signifier’ which is given various meanings depending on the speaker’s political aims. The article focuses on current populist and nationalist political discourses in Finland and the articulation of Europe and European identity in the political rhetoric of The Finns Party. In the rhetoric, Europe is given contradictory meanings. On the one hand, it is perceived as a cultural and value-based community which shares a common (Christian) heritage and values. Identification with Europe and the promotion of European communality are particularly pronounced when a threat towards ‘us’ is experienced as coming from outside the imagined European borders. On the other hand, the European integration process and Europe as a political project can be articulated as threats not only to national independence, identity and cultural particularity but to European cultural identity as well.  相似文献   

Homelessness as a political and social dominion has a number of features that make it particularly difficult to tackle. In addition to being a wicked problem, homelessness offers several analytical avenues. How do these characteristics affect the evaluation of programmes and projects aspiring to combat homelessness? Dissimilar pictures and solutions regarding homelessness in the US and in European countries will likely affect recommendations given as a result of evaluations performed. For this study, the empirical base is a sample of the most cited evaluations of homelessness programmes published in professional journals between 1996 and 2010. Most of these evaluations are from the US. These US evaluations more often use large-scale national programmes and quantitative methods, whereas European evaluations more often have smaller sample sizes and qualitative methods. In both regions, the evaluators seldom use theory from social science when analysing their findings. It is suggested that European evaluation research should be noticed to a larger extent since it is probably better suited for application in a European context.  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, China has been pursuing a policy of economic expansion with extensive investment in large-scale infrastructure projects. The social side effects of these projects—such as involuntary resettlement—are but the tip of the iceberg of so-called externalities of economic transformation. This paper introduces the background and methodology of social assessment in China and argues that the assessment of social risks in development projects and programmes, undertaken as an integral part of a larger complex of future-oriented sustainability strategies in China, can be analysed as particular ‘governmental technologies’ in the sense of the Foucauldian school.  相似文献   

The internationalisation of doctoral education in social work has become a newly developing area particularly in Europe during the last two decades. It has been promoted by two factors: (1) the reform of higher education (Bologna reform), which contributed to the development of doctoral study and (2) the establishment of European funding programmes that would allow international cooperation and ensure the quality of the programmes. Also, in the European Qualification Framework the knowledge, skills and competences gained by doctoral qualification are defined. In this article, we analyse three international doctoral projects that were developed in Europe in last 10 years. We focus on what the advantages and obstacles are of these policy frameworks and what their impact on international cooperation is in the development of doctoral programmes. The analysis shows that differences in national terms and conditions of the study remain a major obstacle for joint doctoral programmes, but it is precisely international cooperation that significantly contributes to the quality of doctoral studies. The analysis also shows that the current policy framework of higher education in the EU does not solve the problems; on the contrary, it contributes to it.  相似文献   

Numerous equality programmes have been launched with the aim of promoting a more gender equal work life, yet little substantial action has been reported. This article presents a study of the Women to the Top programme in Sweden, supported by the European Union (EU) and aimed at promoting more women into top management positions. The research suggests that large‐scale projects assembling such heterogeneous actors as industry representatives, politicians and scholars tend to generate further reflection and discussion rather than promoting adequate and highly needed action. Drawing upon Brunsson's distinction between action rationality and decision rationality, the relatively modest effects of large‐scale equality programmes are examined, not in terms of a lack of commitment or competence on the part of the participants but as a matter of the disjunction between reflection and action. Reconciling reflection and action, that is, emphasizing not only reflection on gender inequality but also privileging various forms of practical action (such as new policies, the appointment of female managers, restructuring gendered wage inequalities or new recruitment procedures), is therefore a top priority for policymakers desiring more substantial changes in the gendered outline of industry.  相似文献   

The need to engage European research and institutions in the new field of Territorial Impact Assessment, from both a methodological and a procedural perspective, was stated some years ago by the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP). The necessity of multidimensional evaluation of the likely impact of policies and programmes on the territory – understood as the dimension on which all the other relevant dimensions (economic, social, environmental and cultural) converge and with which they integrate – emerged as a natural consequence of the importance of spatial aspects in the future development of the Union and of widespread preoccupations about certain emerging spatial trends.A proposal for a TIA methodology combining logical consistency vis-à-vis the Union's present institutional and policy guidelines with operational viability is being developed and applied to Trans-European Networks policy of the EU. Territorial impact is linked to an innovative definition of the objective of “territorial cohesion” of the Treaties in terms of territorial efficiency, quality and identity.Utilising sectoral impact studies developed inside the ESPON programme and developing territorial indicators for impact, vulnerability and desirability (territorial utility functions), a multicriteria model (TEQUILA) is implemented on priority projects as defined by the Commission, and results mapped and described for the 1360 NUTS-3 regions of the Union.  相似文献   


This essay suggests that during the 1960s William Burroughs was as much an avant-garde European artist as he was an American novelist. It argues that the nature of his cut-up novels requires readers to situate them within the context of twentieth-century European art — specifically collage — as well as American literature. Burroughs held the view that ‘if writing is to have a future it must at least catch up with the past and learn to use techniques that have been used for some time past in painting’. This attitude towards his writing led him back into the rich, experimental half-century of European art which had gone before him, and into which his resulting cut-up work must be incorporated if its profoundly confusing and anacathartic effects upon readers are to be in any way tempered.  相似文献   

In the wake of increasing globalization and the growing migration of refugees and asylum seekers from conflict, post-conflict and third world societies, dramatic changes are taking place in the cultural demography of many western European nations. Correspondingly, schools in these countries are experiencing increasing ethnic diversity in their student enrolments and, as such, are facing an imperative that challenges their traditional western, monocultural foundations. In trying to manage this diversity, these schools commonly are ill-equipped to address the different needs of ethnically diverse learners. This paper presents a framework of practical considerations and strategies for pursuing a whole-school approach toward building a culturally responsive ethos in which all students are valued and assured equal opportunities for success.  相似文献   

Child trafficking is a significant social problem across the European Union (EU). A discourse has emerged of state services failing trafficked children, who are portrayed as especially vulnerable. Less attention is paid to the socio-political conditions within the EU that result in exclusion. Such exclusion adds to the situational vulnerability that many children on the move experience and it may lead to exploitation. This paper is based on a review of 20 multi-national European Commission funded projects about child trafficking. The projects addressed the child trafficking priorities outlined in the EU Anti-Trafficking Strategy [(2012). Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings 2012–2016, COM (2012) 286, final. Retrieved from http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52012DC0286&;from=EN]. Projects were reviewed via in-depth reading. Protective services for children in origin, transit and host countries contribute to the conditions that sustain child trafficking. Systems do not have the capacity to manage the consequences of globalisation. Consequently, exclusionary criteria are applied on the basis of gender, form of exploitation and ethnicity. In this review, being an EU citizen did not result in any guarantees of protection. Better protection requires commitment and investment in preventative programmes.  相似文献   

This essay scrutinizes the professional demographics by subfield specializa-tion at several university cohorts to demonstrate the overwhelming overrepre-sentation of Peninsular themes (and thus a eurocentric register) in Span-ish-language cultural studies in the US. While Mexico has approximately three times more inhabitants than Spain, many departments do not have a single specialist on Mexico — but 97.7 percent of departments surveyed had multiple Peninsular specialists. Departments culturally engineer classrooms towards eurocentric aesthetics by over-hiring specialists in Peninsular fields, which concomitantly overrepresents those disciplines in pedagogy, publications, departmental norms, and nomenclatures. This hege-monic model presupposes a euro colonality/superiority, making classrooms a forum of social misrepresentation and nondemocratic portrayals of cultural goods like literature, film, art, idioms, and spoken accents in Spanish. The eu-rocentric model has notable outcomes in student behavior: undergraduates in such environments are much more likely to choose Spain over Latin America for study-abroad.

This article argues that the traditional eurocentric hiring norms should transi-tion to a more democratic approach, so that the cultures and societies — and thus people of those societies — be treated in a more egalitarian fashion. A conviction to abandon Hispanic studies as privi-leged player in Spanish-language cultural study strives to undo the colonial controls that yet inform curricula, and gestures towards a new future. Detach-ing our faculties from the implied belief that European (Spanish) culture is preeminent requires a restructuring of both critical vocabularies and profes-sional norms. In the context of such comprehensive and perennial disciplinary eurocentrism, endorsing Latin-American studies as a privileged location is not only necessary, but decades overdue. If pedagogical canons are democratized for the long term, the myth of Spanish exceptionalism, upon which present canonic imbalances are maintained, will cease to be self-evident.  相似文献   

The global aid world has changed, partly in response to the reconfigurations of geopolitical power and to the global financial crisis (GFC). Paradoxically, in the face of recession in most northern economies, collectively foreign aid contributions have not fallen. However there has been a qualitative shift in its narrative and nature. This new regime—which we term retroliberalism—projects the concept of “shared prosperity,” but constitutes a return to explicit self‐interest designed to bolster private sector trade and investment. Drawing evidence from New Zealand and the United Kingdom, we argue that aid programmes are increasingly functioning as “exported stimulus” packages.  相似文献   

Traditional courses in developmental psychology treat the development of white, middle‐class European American children as normative. This approach offers an inaccurate representation of child development, displays a lack of sensitivity towards the cultural diversity of students, and fails to meet these students’ intellectual needs. This paper describes an attempt at rectifying this ethical, paradigmatic error in an undergraduate course on child development and culture. Key concepts at the interface of culture and development in cultural geographical zones that contrasted with the European‐American tradition were systematically treated, employing varied instructional strategies. The experience suggests that synthesizing a multicultural classroom with a multicultural syllabus compels students to confront their own intellectual ethnocentrism, diversifies intellectual experience and, for minority students, addresses an intellectual lacuna that they may not yet have articulated.  相似文献   

An analysis of Spanish multiculturalism, together with the lack of systematic teacher training in the area of intercultural education, a fact which was revealed by a review of the educational programmes and strategies developed in our country, has led us to propose a training course which improves the attitudes of teachers and educators towards intercultural education and the ever‐growing cultural diversity in our country. The study, carried out using a quasi‐experimental methodology and based on the Theory of Reasoned Action, revealed that this type of training programme favours a positive predisposition in teachers towards the development of intercultural programmes in schools, a fundamental element in promoting a further dissemination of this particular focus throughout the whole of the educational system.  相似文献   

Should agricultural development programmes target women in order to increase productivity? This article analyzes the challenges in distinguishing women's agricultural productivity from that of men. Most of the literature compares productivity on plots managed by women with those managed by men, ignoring the majority of agricultural households in which men and women are both involved in management and production. The empirical studies which have been carried out provide scant evidence for where the returns to projects may be highest, in terms of who to target. Yet, programmes that do not consider gendered responsibilities, resources and constraints, are unlikely to succeed, either in terms of increasing productivity or benefitting men and women smallholder farmers.  相似文献   

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