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This paper is concerned with stochastic demand systems for continuous choices that arise from structural random utility models. It examines under which nonparametric conditions on the structural random utility specification the implied reduced form model is nonsingular and invertible. For parametric members within this class of random utility models, the paper provides conditions for local identification from the reduced form under moment assumptions.  相似文献   


This paper develops exact finite sample and asymptotic distributions for a class of reduced form estimators and predictors, allowing for the presence of unidentified or weakly identified structural equations. Weak instrument asymptotic theory is developed directly from finite sample results, unifying earlier findings and showing the usefulness of structural information in making predictions from reduced form systems in applications. Asymptotic results are reported for predictions from models with many weak instruments. Of particular interest is the finding that, in unidentified and weakly identified structural models, partially restricted reduced form predictors have considerably smaller forecast mean square errors than unrestricted reduced forms. These results are related to the use of shrinkage methods in system-wide reduced form estimation.  相似文献   

We present a family of tests based on correlated random effects models which provides a synthesis and a generalization of recent work on homogeneity testing. In these models each subject has a particular random effect, but the random effects between subjects are correlated. We derive the general form of the score statistic for testing that the random effects have a variance equal to 0. We apply this result to both parametric and semi-parametric models. In both cases we show that under certain conditions the score statistic has an asymptotic normal distribution. We consider several applications of this theory, including overdispersion, heterogeneity between groups, spatial correlations and genetic linkage.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new modeling and inference framework for multivariate and anisotropic point processes. Building on recent innovations in multivariate spatial statistics, we propose a new family of multivariate anisotropic random fields, and from them a family of anisotropic point processes. We give conditions that make the proposed models valid. We also propose a Palm likelihood-based inference method for this type of point process, circumventing issues of likelihood tractability. Finally we illustrate the utility of the proposed modeling framework by analyzing spatial ecological observations of plants and trees in the Barro Colorado Island data.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider unbalanced random effects models under heteroscedastic variances. By using' the harmonic mean approach, it is shown that the problems are analogous to those from balanced random effects models under horaoscedastic variances. Thus, by using the harmonic mean approach, statistical inferences about variance components are derived by using procedures from balanced models under homoscedastic variances. Laguerre polynomial expansion is used to approximate the sampling distributions of relevant statistics.  相似文献   

This paper provides an integrated approach for estimating parametric models from endogenous stratified samples. We discuss several alternative ways of removing the bias of the moment indicators usually employed under random sampling for estimating the parameters of the structural model and the proportion of the strata in the population. Those alternatives give rise to a number of moment-based estimators that are appropriate for both cases where the marginal strata probabilities are known and unknown. The derivation of our estimators is very simple and intuitive and incorporates as particular cases most of the likelihood-based estimators previously suggested by other authors.  相似文献   

随机条件下工程项目投资决策常用准则有概率最大准则、期望准则、期望方差准则,这些决策准则简单,但是由于没有考虑投资者的效用函数,决策具有一定的缺陷。因而,在工程项目投资决策者中考虑投资者效用函数的随机优势准则,利用三类效用函数和三类随机占优决策准则,通过案例演示其在工程项目投资决策中的具体应用。  相似文献   

Recently exponential family based random effects models have received considerable attention. These models usually arise from an unobservable random process added to the independent exponential family models. An unobservable correlated process, however, would cause correlations among the exponential family based data. This paper, first, develops an asymptotically optimal test for testing the appropriateness of a fixed effects model for the exponential family based independent data versus a random effects model for the exponential family based independent or correlated data. The paper, then, provides a general framework on regression analysis for the exponential family based data generated under the random effects models.  相似文献   

This paper describes an approach for calculating sample size for population pharmacokinetic experiments that involve hypothesis testing based on multi‐group comparison detecting the difference in parameters between groups under mixed‐effects modelling. This approach extends what has been described for generalized linear models and nonlinear population pharmacokinetic models that involve only binary covariates to more complex nonlinear population pharmacokinetic models. The structural nonlinear model is linearized around the random effects to obtain the marginal model and the hypothesis testing involving model parameters is based on Wald's test. This approach provides an efficient and fast method for calculating sample size for hypothesis testing in population pharmacokinetic models. The approach can also handle different design problems such as unequal allocation of subjects to groups and unbalanced sampling times between and within groups. The results obtained following application to a one compartment intravenous bolus dose model that involved three different hypotheses under different scenarios showed good agreement between the power obtained from NONMEM simulations and nominal power. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The frailty approach is commonly used in reliability theory and survival analysis to model the dependence between lifetimes of individuals or components subject to common risk factors; according to this model the frailty (an unobservable random vector that describes environmental conditions) acts simultaneously on the hazard functions of the lifetimes. Some interesting conditions for stochastic comparisons between random vectors defined in accordance with these models have been described in the literature; in particular, comparisons between frailty models have been studied by assuming independence for the baseline survival functions and the corresponding environmental parameters. In this paper, a generalization of these models is developed, which assumes conditional dependence between the components of the random vector, and some conditions for stochastic comparisons are provided. Some examples of frailty models satisfying these conditions are also described.  相似文献   

Factor models, structural equation models (SEMs) and random-effect models share the common feature that they assume latent or unobserved random variables. Factor models and SEMs allow well developed procedures for a rich class of covariance models with many parameters, while random-effect models allow well developed procedures for non-normal models including heavy-tailed distributions for responses and random effects. In this paper, we show how these two developments can be combined to result in an extremely rich class of models, which can be beneficial to both areas. A new fitting procedures for binary factor models and a robust estimation approach for continuous factor models are proposed.  相似文献   

The paper provides a novel application of the probabilistic reduction (PR) approach to the analysis of multi-categorical outcomes. The PR approach, which systematically takes account of heterogeneity and functional form concerns, can improve the specification of binary regression models. However, its utility for systematically enriching the specification of and inference from models of multi-categorical outcomes has not been examined, while multinomial logistic regression models are commonly used for inference and, increasingly, prediction. Following a theoretical derivation of the PR-based multinomial logistic model (MLM), we compare functional specification and marginal effects from a traditional specification and a PR-based specification in a model of post-stroke hospital discharge disposition and find that the traditional MLM is misspecified. Results suggest that the impact on the reliability of substantive inferences from a misspecified model may be significant, even when model fit statistics do not suggest a strong lack of fit compared with a properly specified model using the PR approach. We identify situations under which a PR-based MLM specification can be advantageous to the applied researcher.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel framework for maximum likelihood (ML) estimation in skew-t factor analysis (STFA) models in the presence of missing values or nonresponses. As a robust extension of the ordinary factor analysis model, the STFA model assumes a restricted version of the multivariate skew-t distribution for the latent factors and the unobservable errors to accommodate non-normal features such as asymmetry and heavy tails or outliers. An EM-type algorithm is developed to carry out ML estimation and imputation of missing values under a missing at random mechanism. The practical utility of the proposed methodology is illustrated through real and synthetic data examples.  相似文献   

In the context of additive or multiplicative damage models, and under mild conditions, it is shown that the functional forms of suitably chosen regressions on a random variable X or/and its recorded part Y are characteristic of the distribution of X. The paper treats the cases where the recorded value is either an understatement or an overstatement of the true observation.  相似文献   

In this paper, a generalized partially linear model (GPLM) with missing covariates is studied and a Monte Carlo EM (MCEM) algorithm with penalized-spline (P-spline) technique is developed to estimate the regression coefficients and nonparametric function, respectively. As classical model selection procedures such as Akaike's information criterion become invalid for our considered models with incomplete data, some new model selection criterions for GPLMs with missing covariates are proposed under two different missingness mechanism, say, missing at random (MAR) and missing not at random (MNAR). The most attractive point of our method is that it is rather general and can be extended to various situations with missing observations based on EM algorithm, especially when no missing data involved, our new model selection criterions are reduced to classical AIC. Therefore, we can not only compare models with missing observations under MAR/MNAR settings, but also can compare missing data models with complete-data models simultaneously. Theoretical properties of the proposed estimator, including consistency of the model selection criterions are investigated. A simulation study and a real example are used to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Missing covariates data is a common issue in generalized linear models (GLMs). A model-based procedure arising from properly specifying joint models for both the partially observed covariates and the corresponding missing indicator variables represents a sound and flexible methodology, which lends itself to maximum likelihood estimation as the likelihood function is available in computable form. In this paper, a novel model-based methodology is proposed for the regression analysis of GLMs when the partially observed covariates are categorical. Pair-copula constructions are used as graphical tools in order to facilitate the specification of the high-dimensional probability distributions of the underlying missingness components. The model parameters are estimated by maximizing the weighted log-likelihood function by using an EM algorithm. In order to compare the performance of the proposed methodology with other well-established approaches, which include complete-cases and multiple imputation, several simulation experiments of Binomial, Poisson and Normal regressions are carried out under both missing at random and non-missing at random mechanisms scenarios. The methods are illustrated by modeling data from a stage III melanoma clinical trial. The results show that the methodology is rather robust and flexible, representing a competitive alternative to traditional techniques.  相似文献   

Piecewise-deterministic Markov processes form a general class of non diffusion stochastic models that involve both deterministic trajectories and random jumps at random times. In this paper, we state a new characterization of the jump rate of such a process with discrete transitions. We deduce from this result a non parametric technique for estimating this feature of interest. We state the uniform convergence in probability of the estimator. The methodology is illustrated on a numerical example.  相似文献   

Increasing-block prices are common in markets for water, cellular phone service, and retail electricity. This study estimates demand models under block prices and conducts a Monte Carlo experiment to test the small-sample bias of structural and instrumental variables (IV) estimators. We estimate the price and income elasticity of water demand under increasing-block prices using a structural discrete/continuous choice (DCC) model, as well as random effects and IV. Elasticity estimates are sensitive to the modeling framework. The Monte Carlo experiment suggests that IV and DCC models estimate both price and income elasticity with bias, with no clear best choice among estimators.  相似文献   

It is often assumed in statistics that the random variables under consideration come from a continuous distribution. However, real data is always given in a rounded (discretized) form. The rounding errors become serious when the sample size is large. In this paper, we consider the situation where the mesh of discretization tends to zero as the sample size tends to infinity, and give some sets of sufficient conditions under which the rounding errors can be asymptotically ignored, in the context of Z-estimation. It is theoretically proved that the mid-point discretization is preferable.  相似文献   

Structural vector autoregressive analysis for cointegrated variables   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Vector autoregressive (VAR) models are capable of capturing the dynamic structure of many time series variables. Impulse response functions are typically used to investigate the relationships between the variables included in such models. In this context the relevant impulses or innovations or shocks to be traced out in an impulse response analysis have to be specified by imposing appropriate identifying restrictions. Taking into account the cointegration structure of the variables offers interesting possibilities for imposing identifying restrictions. Therefore VAR models which explicitly take into account the cointegration structure of the variables, so-called vector error correction models, are considered. Specification, estimation and validation of reduced form vector error correction models is briefly outlined and imposing structural short- and long-run restrictions within these models is discussed. I thank an anonymous reader for comments on an earlier draft of this paper that helped me to improve the exposition.  相似文献   

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