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个人-组织价值观匹配研究:绩效和社会责任的优势效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
龙立荣  赵慧娟 《管理学报》2009,6(6):767-775
以399名企业员工为调查对象,采用我国文化背景下开发的组织价值观问卷,探讨了员工与组织的价值观匹配现状及效果,并尝试揭示具有优势效应的价值观要素.结果表明:目前我国企业与员工的价值观差距较大;价值观匹配对工作满意度、离职意愿有显著预测作用;价值观匹配影响我国员工的心理和行为时存在"绩效与社会责任的优势效应".  相似文献   

张光磊  陈汇  刘文兴 《管理评论》2018,(11):289-304
企业中多代群共处已成常态,不同代际之间因为价值观与行为方式的差异产生冲突最终导致效率下降的事件屡见不鲜。不同代际员工工作价值观差异引发的权力距离感知差异会导致一系列的工作行为和态度差异,进而影响员工工作绩效。本研究借鉴调节匹配理论,以三亚河西供电所为背景进行单案例研究,探索不同代际特征下领导-员工权力距离感知匹配性对员工绩效影响的理论框架,并尝试解释绩效差异出现的原因。研究结果表明,领导-员工权力距离感知匹配性对不同代际员工工作绩效的影响不同;相对老一代员工,领导-员工权力距离感知匹配性对新一代员工工作绩效的影响较弱。  相似文献   

员工创新是企业创新驱动的重要推动力和提升其核心竞争力的关键。当前中国组织情境中,存在着两种不同性质的员工创新行为:主动性员工创新行为和被动性员工创新行为,两者所产生的创新绩效存在巨大差异。然而,现有文献对被动性员工创新行为研究不足,理论研究已经无法适应实践的需要,因此,有必要将两种不同性质的员工创新行为放在一个框架下进行研究,以丰富创新行为的研究内涵。本文以新兴的领导发展取向——分布式领导为切入点,引入组织支持感作为中介变量,上下级关系和价值观匹配作为调节变量,构建了分布式领导对主动性-被动性员工创新行为的作用模型。为了验证该模型,以408名知识型员工为研究对象,通过多元回归分析的方法进行检验,研究结果发现:分布式领导对主动性员工创新行为具有正向影响,对被动性员工创新行为具有负向影响;组织支持感在分布式领导与主动性-被动性员工创新行为之间起中介作用;上下级关系和价值观匹配正向调节分布式领导与组织支持感之间的关系,并进一步验证了有调节的中介作用。同时,上下级关系和价值观匹配交互调节了分布式领导与组织支持感之间的关系。本文研究为解构中国创新管理实践中纷杂多样的创新行为提供了理论诠释,丰富了中国情境下的创新管理理论。  相似文献   

新生代员工正逐渐成为企业的主力军,其创新意识和行为直接影响着企业发展的前景与未来。本文基于中国文化和组织情境,从员工个体创新动机视角将新生代员工创新行为归为主动和被动,以306名新生代员工为研究对象,验证了分布式领导对新生代员工不同性质创新行为的作用机制。研究结果表明:分布式领导与新生代员工主动性创新行为呈正相关关系,与其被动性创新行为呈负相关关系;组织支持感在分布式领导与新生代员工主动性-被动性创新行为之间具有中介作用;上下级关系和价值观匹配正向调节分布式领导与新生代员工组织支持感之间的关系,并进一步检验了有调节的中介效应。此外,上下级关系和价值观匹配的交互项调节了分布式领导与新生代员工组织支持感之间的关系。本文研究为企业如何指导新生代员工进行有效的创新实践提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

情绪调节是员工按组织要求对情绪进行管理以便产生组织需要的行为和面部表情。情绪在服务接触过程中的重要性决定了情绪调节对组织有着极为重要的意义。员工通过情绪调节来增加顾客满意度以及协调和改善与顾客的关系,促进组织目标的实现,增强企业的竞争力。不同价值观的员工情绪调节方式是不一样的,本文对员工情绪调节方面的丈献做了深层次分析,为员工情绪调节方面的应用研究提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

随着"80后"逐渐成为社会生力军,传统的管理模式与方法,受到了前所未有的挑战——企业中雇主与员工的经济冲突日益演变为价值观的冲突、单边的劳资关系变成双向的职业选择、员工由忠实于企业变成忠实于自己的事业甚至更忠实于自己、由追求终身的饭碗变成追求职业发展的舞台。研究"80后"员工职业价值观已经成为企业有效变革企业文化内涵和管理方式,提高"80后"对企业的满意度和忠诚度,激发他们的工作积极性、主动性和创造性,与其建立起平等、尊重、双向依赖的合作伙伴关系,最终达到企业和员工的"双赢"的重要途径。本文试图通过把握"80后"群体的时代特征,根据问卷调查研究"80后"员工的职业价值观和工作满意度现状,分析员工个体统计特征和企业统计特征对其自身职业价值观、工作满意度的影响,以及员工职业价值观与工作满意度的相关关系,研究"80后"员工职业价值观的特点,为企业选择、管理"80后"员工提出一些建议,同时也为"80后"员工清楚了解自己的职业价值观提供一些参考意见。  相似文献   

目前,以"80后"为代表的青年员工逐渐成为各类组织的中坚力量。研究青年员工的价值观变化,尤其是工作价值观取向,有利于组织提升工作绩效,同时对青年员工的发展前途也有现实意义。  相似文献   

当今,由于人才在组织间的流动越发频繁,员工忠诚度成为组织人才队伍建设的重要考量因素。组织文化和价值观对员工忠诚度有重大影响。通过内化价值观、以组织文化促进员工职业发展以及岗位价值绩效考核等策略,可以有效提升员工的忠诚度,最终形成组织与员工的和谐共赢。  相似文献   

曾燕  娄霞 《经营管理者》2011,(15):185+173
随着员工心理契约的深入研究,许多研究者和企业已经发现两者存在密切的联系。企业组织文化与员工心理契约共同渊源于个体的价值观,这种价值观不仅影响员工个体的态度和行为,还深深渗透在企业的各个方面。员工心理契约与企业组织文化的契合和匹配,不仅能促进企业文化的良好构建和维护,更能稳定员工心理契约、增加员工对组织的忠诚度和组织承诺。  相似文献   

职业匹配一直是组织行为学和心理学研究的重要内容。当员工的个性与所作的工作相匹配时才能表现较高的绩效,从而带来较高的工作满意度;并且员工的价值观与企业的价值观一致时,更容易表现积极的工作态度和行为。本研究回顾人——组织匹配、人——工作匹配的相关文献,并试图探讨其与工作满意度的关系。  相似文献   

Although citizenship performance has been deemed important to organizational effectiveness, potential negative consequences related to including these behaviours in assessments of performance have received far less attention. Furthermore, although numerous researchers have demonstrated that performance ratings include task and citizenship performance, none have specifically examined the potential negative implications this has for performance ratings, employees, and organizations. This article conceptually explores the implications of including citizenship performance in formal ratings of performance. Specifically, the negative implications of including citizenship performance in the formal performance appraisal process are explored in terms of the consequences for the performance rating, including inaccurate appraisals; effects on employees, including reactions to the procedure; potential organizational outcomes, including performance and competitive advantage concerns; potential international and legal considerations.  相似文献   

The article discusses several hemispheres of human resource management based on a typical case review. The study presents the main problems of the case from both employees and organizations; the issued problems involve compensa- tions and benefits, restructuring, job design, and training. Based on the analysis of the ease, two alternative solutions state that the potential routes for the organizations to avoid serious negative results. The study intreduces a number of recommen- dations that can be used as a reference for other organizations to avoid similar risks.  相似文献   

Organizational learning capability has been considered an essential issue of an organization's effectiveness and potential to innovate and grow. Although its positive effects on organizations and employees are generally assumed, there is no empirical evidence of its positive association with employee attitudes such as job satisfaction. This paper aims to investigate the relationship between organizational learning capability and job satisfaction through the questionnaire responses of 157 employees from eight companies in the Spanish ceramic tile industry. Results suggest that organizational learning capability and job satisfaction are strongly linked.  相似文献   

Due to globalization, the professional lives of many people have an intercultural flavor. Focusing on expatriates, this article presents challenges of intercultural working scenarios and introduces the reader to means by which organizations can support their employees. In this regard, special attention is dedicated to a relatively new form of support: coaching.  相似文献   

Within organizations, employees continually confront situations that put them face to face with the decision of whether to speak up (i.e., voice) or remain silent when they have potentially useful information or ideas. In recent years, there has been a rapidly growing body of conceptual and empirical research focused on better understanding the motives underlying voice, individual, and situational factors that increase employee voice behavior, and the implications of voice and silence for employees, work groups, and organizations. Yet this literature has notable gaps and unresolved issues, and it is not entirely clear where future scholarship should be directed. This article, therefore, is an attempt to review and integrate the existing literature on employee voice and also to provide some direction for future research.  相似文献   

Human resources are an important determinant of operational performances as it is crucial for quality improvement. Research suggests that issues related to quality of work life of employees are often overlooked in low technology level organizations in the developing countries. This article aims to investigate the relationship between quality management (QM) practices and job satisfaction (JS) in relation with the Ethiopian manufacturing organizations. Data were collected using a structured survey questionnaire and face-to-face interviews of shop-floor workers. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was used to validate the survey instrument and structural equation modelling was used for the analysis. The findings provide evidence that top management commitment, participation of employees and continuous improvement are significantly and positively associated with JS. However, customer focus has insignificant relationship and surprisingly, teamwork showed unexpected negative relationship with JS. The study provides important insights into the true worth of QM implementation in which it enforces the belief that its practices are the decisive factor in enhancing workplace satisfaction of employees.  相似文献   

The integration of volunteers in organizations On the background of the current changes in the general work conditions, a professional volunteer management in organizations is necessary. The author demonstrates, that in organizations a professional staff with management competences is a precondition. The peculiarities in leading volunteers are explained. The focus of the article are suggestions to a personnel development, in order to instruct and to attend individual employees or larger organizational units for a successful cooperation with volunteers. A special training as well as coaching and organizational development are delineated.  相似文献   

Increasingly, European organizations are developing employee fitness programmes (EFPs) on the assumption that doing so will improve the health, well-being and work performance of employees. Although rigorous evaluation is not common practice among these organizations, this study represents an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of an EFP at the headquarters of the ING bank in Amsterdam. The study focused on possible changes in absenteeism, general well-being, self-confidence and perceived physical condition among EFP participants and non-participants over a 12-month period. Data were collected from 152 white-collar employees subdivided into four groups on the basis of participation or non-participation in the bank's EFP. The results indicated that taking part in an EFP could lead to a significant decrease in absenteeism amongst both regular and irregular participants. With respect to employee general well-being, scores on the factor 'worn out' did not differ significantly among the four groups. Differences between a non-exercising group and both EFP and non-EFP exercising groups' scores on the general well-being factor 'up-tight' approached significance. No significant differences in self-confidence between the groups were obtained, but significant differences in perceived physical fitness were apparent.  相似文献   

Helping behavior is a fundamental aspect of life in organizations, but subjective evaluations of giving and receiving help often diverge. What one employee believes is a generous act might seem insignificant to another. Such disparity in evaluations of helpful acts can negatively affect interpersonal cooperation among peer employees. In this article, I review research on the topic of subjective evaluation in social exchange, present a preliminary model of how members of organizations construct evaluations of help, and explain how these evaluations may shape their work experiences. I conclude by discussing the implications of this framework for research on employee exchange and outline some directions for future research.  相似文献   

Prior to the 1980s, managed care was virtually nonexistent as a force in health care. Presently, 64 percent of employees in America are covered by managed care plans, including health maintenance organizations (20 percent) and preferred provider organizations (44 percent). In contrast, only 29 percent of employees were enrolled in managed care plans in 1988 and only 47 percent in 1991. To date, the primary reason for this incredible growth in managed care has been economic-market pressure to reduce health care costs. For the foreseeable future, political pressures are likely to fuel this growth, as managed care is at the center of President Clinton's national health care plan. Although there are numerous legal issues surrounding managed care, this article focuses primarily on antitrust implications when forming managed care entities. In addition, the corporate practice of medicine doctrine, certain tax issues, and the fraud and abuse laws are discussed.  相似文献   

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