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据国内相关媒体报道,国家层面的社会信用体系建设规划将在近期发布,由于此一规划涉及政务、商务、社会和司法等四大主要领域,牵涉各方面切身利益,从而引发了广泛猜测、关注和讨论。  相似文献   

"十四五"时期,社会信用体系建设需要从打基础、建框架、促应用向深化应用创新、彰显信用价值、融入发展战略转变.在数据基础方面,更加注重质的提高;在信用应用方面,更加注重拓展深化;在联合奖惩方面,更加注重精细规范;在平台框架模式方面,更加注重功能实现;在发展战略方面,更加注重主动对接;在认识基础方面,切实厘清信息应用的便捷性和安全性等几对重要关系.  相似文献   

现如今,电子商务物流在国民经济发展中扮演重要角色。然而,随着电子商务的不断普及,电子商务物流信用问题日渐显露。因此,如何建立一个有效的电子商务物流信用体系成为一个迫在眉睫的问题。本文主要研究目前电子商务物流信用机制的背景,针对目前的问题提供几点建议。  相似文献   

钟清泉 《现代妇女》2014,(5):265-265,268
本文从社会组织参与角度,阐述了社会组织参与公共服务质量改进的可能性、社会组织与政府提高公共服务质量的协同机制。在此基础上,分析协同机制的内涵和作用发挥。  相似文献   

上海社会组织的发展不仅需要创新模式,更需要突破传统体制机制的制约。上海需探索成立市级社会组织管理服务中心,建立社会组织管理服务的第三方评价制度;出台政府购买服务的指导目录,制定政府购买服务的办法,建立政府购买服务资金的增长机制;加大社会组织人才扶持力度,出台公益人才扶持政策,打造公益人才培训基地;制订免税扩围政策,如细化免税对象、扩大免税内容、简化免税审批流程;建立扶持社会组织发展的资金体系,如建立支持草根社会组织的扶持资金、支持企业设立公益基金、设立社会组织发展的公共资金专户;开展社会组织改革创新试点,建立国际社会组织集聚园区,开展服务于外来人口的社会组织综合创新试点,建立与国际对接的志愿者服务体系。  相似文献   

社会资本对青少年社会化的作用机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年正处于个人社会化的关键时期,他们即将完成基本社会化,并开始踏进青年时代,而且还将作为一名新成员进入到社会。青少年时期的社会化将影响他们的一生,甚至关系到他们未来的命运,然而这一阶段的社会化并不是一帆风顺的,在这个过程中存在着许多问题,这也成为众多研究者关注的焦点。时下,蓬勃发展的社会资本理论为我们提供了强有力的分析工具,它能帮助我们了解社会资本在青少年社会化中所发挥的功效,以便我们更好地分析和解决在这一过程中各种的问题。  相似文献   

苏芸芳 《现代妇女》2014,(9):131-132
国内外关于环境教育立法各有千秋,环境教育法律规范内容各有特点,都为河南省环境教育立法提供了一定的立法实践经验。河南省环境教育立法应结合河南省的文化及自然资源特征有针对性地进行。  相似文献   

后世博上海社会经济发展的瓶颈、动力和机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前上海社会经济发展遇到了许多瓶颈,具体可归纳为“四个难以为继”,即土地供应难以为继、环境承载能力难以为继、能源供应难以为继和国家众多优惠政策难以为继。随着上海城市发展国际化程度的提高,国际经济环境的动荡,上述因素将有可能进一步影响和制约上海社会经济的发展。课题组以2011年到2020年为时间周期,整合上海高校、研究机构的研究力量,立足于后世博上海社会经济发展瓶颈、动力和机制研究,为上海未来社会经济发展的重大战略决策提供参考。  相似文献   

要建立一个稳定、和谐的社会,必须要对当前的公共危机有个深刻的认识.同时对危机管理的预警机制有个客观地评价。文中通过对公共危机类型、特点,及目前危机管理工作中薄弱环节的分析基础上.就公共危机管理的预警机制的建设方向提出了几点认识。  相似文献   

Can we construct transnational or international public service advertising to counterbalance the proliferation of transnational commercial advertising? As an important first step in exploring the possibility of such an application of shared media public diplomacy among nations, this paper describes a complete survey of commercial and public service advertisements collected from the public spaces of subway systems in American and Chinese cities in 2010 – New York, Washington, DC, Shanghai and Beijing – to reveal the range of themes of commercial and public service ads in these spaces. The study reveals first that analogous commercial and public service ads are ubiquitous in the public spaces of both Chinese and American cities. Second, many of the themes that might appear in international or transnational public service ads are already being portrayed in ads created by local or national governments or NGOs, although these themes are portrayed in ads created by different sets of actors in China and in the US: government actors and a few international NGOs in Chinese cities, and governments, corporations and non-profit organizations in the case of American cities. Finally, the survey reveals that in all four cities there are many commercial advertisements that appeal to the identity of a transnational consumer, but that there are almost no public service ads that appeal to the identity of a transnational citizen: merely local or national ones who can solve such public problems as global warming, education, and health issues.  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of stereotyping from UK social work students' and educators' perspectives. It discusses findings from an exploration of inter-professional practice with two cohorts of final year social work students in a UK university. The authors adapted a questionnaire to initiate discussion about inter-professional working with BA and MA students participating in a specialist child and family social work module. This paper analyses students' responses to the questionnaire and explores wider issues relating to professional stereotyping and identity, discussing the usefulness of these concepts for social work education and collaborative practice. Results suggest that student social workers held both positive and negative assumptions about specific occupations/professions (such as medicine), and that these acted as a mirror or tool for reflecting back their own views of social work identity/ies. We argue that this pedagogic exercise in identifying stereotypical assumptions about ‘others’ may encourage the building of a positive sense of ‘own’ professional identity. We further suggest that students should be encouraged to construct a core social work identity that is dynamic and responsive to changing contexts.  相似文献   

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