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"十四五"时期,社会信用体系建设需要从打基础、建框架、促应用向深化应用创新、彰显信用价值、融入发展战略转变.在数据基础方面,更加注重质的提高;在信用应用方面,更加注重拓展深化;在联合奖惩方面,更加注重精细规范;在平台框架模式方面,更加注重功能实现;在发展战略方面,更加注重主动对接;在认识基础方面,切实厘清信息应用的便捷性和安全性等几对重要关系.  相似文献   

信用是市场经济运行的重要基础,现代市场经济在某种意义上就是信用经济。随着信用经济时代的到来,一系列信用危机初露端倪,由此而引发的种种社会问题、经济问题也日益严重,这些现象无不与信用制度的缺失相联系,尽快建立社会诚信体系,建立完善社会征信法律制度已成为解决社会信用危机的有效手段。  相似文献   

“每个有经济活动的人和企业都拥有了‘经济身份证’。现在,贷款或者是审请信用卡,银行都会查看申请人的信用档案,无信用的个人秘企业将处处‘碰壁’。”——长沙市信用征信系统已正式建成并试运行,长沙市650万人和5家企业已拥有自己的信用档案。以后,失信的个人和企业将在生活和工作中处处碰壁。  相似文献   

浙江积极探索信用赋能社会治理模式,在行政执法平台应用信用数据、建设企业环境信用评价管理系统、将政府信用评价纳入法治政府考核、以智治构建"信用+治理"融合体系等领域收获诸多经验.信用赋能社会治理需从前瞻性、创新性的角度,以区域为单位进行系统谋划,在管理、服务中寻找信用与区域建设的契合点,挖掘有实效、有价值的应用场景;重视信用激励和约束的双向作用,营造信用自律的良好氛围.  相似文献   

人无信不立,业无信不兴,社会无信不稳。党的十六届三中全会提出了建立社会主义市场经济信用体系以及信用监督和失信惩戒制度的要求,“要增强全社会的信用意识,政府、企事业单位和个人都要把诚实守信作为基本行为准则”。市场经济的交易原则是公平,基本守则是诚信。从本质上讲,市场经济就是诚信经济,因此,诚信就是竞争力。要建立,健全社会信用体系,在政府信用、企业信用和个人信用这三大主体信用中,政府信用是关键。  相似文献   

建立完善的社会信用体系,是改善中小企业融资环境、深化金融改革的前提。征信制度是社会信用体系的核心与关键环节.是市场经济成熟的重要标志。征信体系建设是中小企业融资的核心基础,完善征信体系建设也是优化社会信用环境、扩大金融服务覆盖面、解决中小企业融资难问题的有效手段。  相似文献   

企业信用指的是企业在经营活动中诚实守信、认真履行职责而取得的社会信用。企业信用成本指的是企业培育诚信和因为信用缺失而付出的代价的综合。对于企业而言,一方面要作好企业内部的管理和经营,另一方面要作好企业外部的经营活动,这两方面同样重要,不能偏废任何一方面。企业信用也同样分为内外部成本。企业内部信用成本人以“信”为本,同样,“诚实守信”也是企业得以立足的根本。企业要有凝聚力、创造力、竞争力,内部信用是至关重要的,是企业成败的关键。因为现在企业实行的是劳动合同制,经营者和员工之间建立了契约关系,大家能否信守合同…  相似文献   

如果今后个人的每一项信用行为都要通过个人征信查询,那么这个伴随终身的连接信用评价的号码(身份证号)就决定了一个人一生的社会地位,这个地位并不取决于你一时的财富,而是取决于你在现代信用社会的基本诚信和信用管理能力,这对于每一个人都是公平的。  相似文献   

全国还没有统一的社会信用体系建设法律法规,吉林省已着手研究制定相关法规规章。应该按照"联合征信、统一管理、资源共享"的原则,尽快建立统一的信用信息数据库和交换平台,加快制定地方性法规、政府规章和其他规范性文件。开展以促进信用建设为目的的各项活动,营造良好的社会信用环境。  相似文献   

孙宏亮  汪沅 《现代交际》2012,(9):111+110
信用制度是市场逻辑和资本逻辑的内在要求。我国社会主义市场经济初步建立,信用问题十分严重,影响了社会主义市场经济的良性运行和发展,破坏了社会的和谐。通过对马克思信用理论的研究完善信用制度,促进社会主义和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   

上海食品生产经营企业诚信体系建设,要在政府推进、企业实施、市场运作的基本架构下,进一步完善相关标准与法律,使食品生产经营企业的诚信体系建设有标准、有依据、有约束;要采取食品生产经营企业内部管理提升与外部征信体系建设同步推进的模式,一手抓整改建设,一手抓征信评估,以促进食品生产经营企业的诚信体系建设,提升企业的诚信水平;要进一步打通职能部门间的信息障碍,建设统一的信息共享平台,将食品生产经营企业诚信基本信息作为公共物品的形式,免费向社会公众开放;要充分发挥行业协会的行业约束、智力支持与评估认证的功能,使食品生产经营企业在诚信体系建设过程中,有依靠、有监督与反馈。  相似文献   

From the perspective of risk contagion, it is difficult to balance the benefits and costs of banking globalization. We use data on cross-border syndicated loans intended to build heterogeneous credit networks among banking sectors in various countries to explore the introduction of banking risks into the network. Via social network analysis (SNA), we find that the global credit network has phased characteristics, and it is a source of exposure to global banking risks. However, the more important network position, that is, the greater centrality, identified shows that the banking industry is more stable. To explain these findings, we present and estimate the banking risk contagion model and the suppression effect model of contagion. Evidence suggests that the international credit network is the channel of risk contagion, and the long-term loan network and nonfinancial borrower network have a stronger contagion effect. Exogenous banking supervision and network endogenous closeness centrality can inhibit risk contagion. From a policy perspective, these findings indicate the need to supervise high-risk cross-border loans and maintain independence in the international credit network.Data Availability StatementThe data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, [Heng Zhao, email: zhao0501@mail.dlut.edu.cn], upon reasonable request.  相似文献   

当前,小微企业难以从商业银行获得贷款支持,这严重制约了小微企业的发展。因此,通过研究构建小微企业信用融资系统,疏通小微企业与商业银行的对接渠道,解决小微企业融资难的问题;通过小微企业、贷款机构、政府园区、金融管理部门网络互联,共同打造信用融资公共平台,以解决小微企业融资难问题的具体实现路径。  相似文献   

This is the first study to follow a group of refugees (N = 647) for 10 years to identify how they acquired and used credit cards, a novel product to them. Acculturation to Canadian credit card use occurred; there was a dramatic increase in having cards (from 4% to 77%). The main reason initially for not having a card was knowledge barriers; later on, attitudinal, such as preferring to pay cash. Variables accounting for credit card use after 4 and 10 years were: being employed with higher income, having a checking account, being married, younger, and more fluent in English. Changing from not having to having a credit card was fostered by remaining (or becoming) married, employed, and good in English.  相似文献   

It is well established that acquiring financial skills during childhood is linked with better savings in adulthood. Little is known, however, about the relationship between parental teaching of money management early in life and children's financial outcomes in adulthood. This is particularly true for low- and moderate-income (LMI) households. Using data from Community Advantage Program survey data for 2,389 LMI homeowners, we find that adults who report receiving high levels of money-management teaching in childhood from their parents are associated with higher credit scores and lower credit card debt in adulthood. We also find that the level of parental financial teaching influences the relationship between children's later educational attainment and credit scores. These findings suggest implications for initiatives promoting financial capability for parents and children.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of billing disclosure changes mandated by the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act on consumers’ decisions about their monthly credit card debt repayments. The study uses data from a nationally representative monthly survey of households from June 2006 through December 2011. Estimates show that the CARD Act disclosures were effective in inducing households to increase the amounts of credit card debt paid off each month, with the strongest effects seen in the proportion of households who pay off balances in full each month. Among households who continue to carry credit card debt, there is minimal evidence of repayment behavior changes due to CARD. Results are robust to controlling for selection into credit card ownership and to a variety of time controls and subsample periods.  相似文献   

Changes are occurring in the provision of consumer credit, including the expansion of subprime and some fringe financial services (e.g., payday lending). We link two existing literatures on credit constraint and financial exclusion to assess the impact of these developments on the financial circumstances of low and modest-income consumers. We develop a model that identifies observable measures of credit constraint and financial exclusion and relate them to consumer characteristics and life cycle behaviour. We estimate this model using the two latest Surveys of Financial Security for 1999 and 2005, which provide consistent evidence of credit constraint and financial exclusion through time. We find modest overlap among our measures of financial exclusion, which include a zero balance/no account, credit card refusal, and using a pawnshop. Probit regression is used to investigate the factors influencing the incidence of financial exclusion. The results are similar for 1999 and 2005 and indicate rising incidence of financial exclusion as income and wealth fall, although the relationship is nonlinear such that incidence rises much faster at very low levels of income and wealth. Our analysis also suggests potentially important links between financial literacy, formal education, asset building, and financial exclusion and credit constraint. When we combine the samples, we find statistically significant evidence of growth in the incidence of each indicator of financial exclusion when other factors are held constant. Policy implications may include the strengthening of banking regulations that affect low-income Canadians and the promotion of universal financial literacy.  相似文献   

The researchers examined how financial stress was associated with absenteeism of credit counseling clients. Data were collected by a national non-profit credit counseling organization, from consumers who telephoned seeking assistance in debt management. The results indicate credit counseling clients’ financial stress affects their absenteeism at work. Clients with high levels of financial stress are more likely to experience higher levels of absenteeism; thus spending work hours handling personal finances, which decreases the time they are at work. The results suggest some insight into providing financial education and assistance for employees with financial strains as productivity loss might influence their pay.Appreciation is extended to the InCharge Institute of America and the InCharge Education Foundation for supporting this research. Dr. Kim served as an InCharge Scholar during this research effort.  相似文献   

China's social credit system is an unusually explicit case where technology is used by multiple actors to turn human behavior into a test object on behalf of the state's goal of modifying the larger social environment, making it an intriguing setting for thinking about the new sociology of testing. This article considers how China's search for a usable “credit” score to both allocate financial resources and explicitly measure a citizen's trustworthiness creates an emergent experimental system of governance similar to, yet not quite captured by, the kinds of experimental processes observed in literature on the platform as a form of market-based governance. As a site where “seeing like a state” and “seeing like a market” converge, the social credit system is a vantage point for observing the changing relationship between moral and economic domains in an era of digital platforms. The article highlights the experimental quality of the system and its emerging system of governance structured around reward and punishment and argues that strategic ambiguity, institutionalized through the affordances of digital platforms, is an important part of the design of this large-scale social experiment.  相似文献   

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