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Libertad Gonzlez 《LABOUR》2008,22(3):447-468
Abstract. This paper analyses the effect of a reform in the French single parents allowance on the labor supply of single mothers with very young children. The reform aimed at encouraging participation by allowing eligible single parents to accumulate welfare benefits and labor earnings for a limited period of time. The analysis shows that eligible single mothers were significantly more likely to work after the reform. During the same period, the employment rate of married mothers with young children did not experience a significant change, suggesting that at least part of the increase among single mothers was a consequence of the reform. 相似文献
在产品或服务的生产过程中,顾客参与行为越来越普遍.当前文献都希望用不同理论证明顾客参与对顾客满意有正面影响,而将中间过程视为黑箱.在服务营销顾客参与研究领域提出感知控制的概念,旨在探讨顾客参与、感知控制与顾客满意度三者之间的因果关系.依据文献建立观念性研究框架,运用路径分析研究变量间的关系,探讨顾客参与程度对感知控制和顾客满意关系的调节效应.结果发现顾客参与会正向影响顾客的感知控制,顾客参与程度也会调节感知控制与顾客满意的关系,最后提出了研究结果的理论和管理意义. 相似文献
Spain is one of the southern countries where the percentage of women working part-time is relatively low in comparison to other European countries, together with a low female activity rate. Some important obstacles to increasing female activity rates have already been removed, as younger cohorts of women show a more permanent attachment to the labour force than older women, meeting even high unemployment, which is especially acute for women and young people. Under the recent labour market reform, it is hoped that part-time contracts, which were first regulated in 1984, would be a way of facilitating flexibility and an incentive for employers to create jobs, as the experience of other countries has shown. The relative novelty of part-time work in Spain is the reason why this typically female employment regime has not been much explored in Spain yet, in spite of its important role in the reorganisation of the employment system. 相似文献
乡镇企业产权改革、所有制结构及职工参与问题研究 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
运用改制企业及其职工问卷调查资料 ,本文研究表明:(1)县以上政府出于财政目标的需要 ,鼓励并主导了乡镇企业产权制度的改革 ,改革具有自上而下推动的特征 ,而并非完全像过去主流观点所认为的那样 ,改革完全是自下而上推动的结论;(2)地方 (社区 )政府、改制企业的原经营者、企业职工及社区全体居民在改革后具体企业产权模式的选择上 ,具有明显的鹰—鸽博弈特征 ,地方社区政府、改制企业的原经营者之间的博弈结果是改革后具体企业产权模式的选择的主要的决定力量。乡镇政府和企业经理共同控制了乡镇企业的改制 ,普通职工只有被动的参与权;(3)乡镇政府和原企业经理均无选择股份合作制的动力;(4)企业职工对于是否持股并不十分积极、其能否持股取决于多种因素;(5)职工对改制企业在激励机制、决策机制、管理机制等方面的进步给予积极的肯定;(6)股权结构对企业生产率影响不明显 ,它表明所有权结构只是生产率提高的必要条件 ,而非充要条件 ,它也不是改革最终走向“经营者持大股"的逻辑原因;(7)企业改制、特别是经营者持大股企业对就业、企业长期投资产生了积极影响 ,改制推进了企业经营水平、市场竞争力的提高。 相似文献
社会福利最大化与消费者效用最大化的关系研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文首先给出了消费者追求效用最大化的优化模型,然后通过K -T条件将该模型与文 [1]的政府追求社会福利最大化的优化模型的解连接起来,证明了在国家宏观目标实现的同时消费者也实现了其微观目标,最后说明在一定条件下这一结果反之也成立。 相似文献
考虑到企业产品差异性、企业的私有化程度、外国资金的渗透等因素,研究了伯川德竞争情形下私有化程度、外资渗透与社会福利之间的关系以及私有化程度、外资渗透对混合双寡头市场的影响。首先建立混合双寡头的伯川德竞争模型,得出伯川德均衡解,然后在社会福利最大化下分产品为替代产品和互补产品两种情形分别得出了最优私有化程度的解,进而分析了外资渗透(或国内控股)对私有化程度与混合双寡头市场的影响。研究表明,生产替代性产品的企业进行价格竞争时,部分私有化企业为纯公共企业时社会福利达到最大,企业国内控股比例的增加将增大最优社会福利;生产互补性产品的企业在价格竞争下,实行国有企业公司制股份制改革时社会福利达到最大,并且国内控股比例的增加将降低最佳私有化程度,社会福利最大化下政府要鼓励产品多样化和减少国外资金的渗透。从整个社会和企业角度看,国有企业股份制改革策略为最佳策略。 相似文献
This article examines the implications of the potential entry of a copycat who produces and sells a copycat (i.e., imitation) product that competes with the incumbent product. By analyzing a two‐period dynamic noncooperative game between these two firms, we identify conditions under which the copycat can gain successful market entry. More importantly, we find that the potential entry of a copycat creates (implicit) pressure for the incumbent to lower its selling price; hence, it improves consumer welfare. Finally, we identify conditions under which the potential entry of a copycat can increase social welfare (i.e., consumer welfare and the profit of both firms). 相似文献
Marc K. Chan 《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2013,81(3):941-1001
A dynamic structural model of labor supply, welfare participation, and food stamp participation is estimated using the 1992, 1993, and 1996 panels of the Survey of Income and Program Participation. Details of various policies including welfare time limits, work requirements, and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) are incorporated formally in the budget constraint. Policy simulations reveal that the economy accounts for half of the increase in the labor supply of female heads of family between 1992 and 1999. A time limit results in a larger efficiency gain than a work requirement or a direct reduction in welfare benefits. A reform package can lead to both a reduction in the government expenditure and an improvement in utility. The EITC expansion results in a substantial efficiency gain among individuals with the lowest expected wage. These individuals are almost unaffected by the economic expansion, but their income and utility increase significantly under the reform package. 相似文献
Shoshana Grossbard 《LABOUR》2005,19(Z1):211-241
Abstract. This paper provides a rational choice model that simultaneously analyses women's decisions about welfare dependency, labor supply, and marriage. The model is based on the Demand and Supply (D&S) models of marriage inspired by Becker's theory of marriage. In addition to reproducing old insights about income effects and marriage market effects on welfare dependency, the model offers new insights regarding the effects on welfare dependency of sex ratios, divorce laws, cohort size, and traditional expectations about marriage and family. The model helps understand why welfare is more common among black women in the USA and offers a new interpretation for past trends in American women's welfare dependency: the big increase in welfare dependency in the late 1960s is interpreted as a baby‐boom phenomenon and recent reductions in welfare dependency are partially seen as the expression of young women's better marriage market opportunities. 相似文献
将共性技术研发模式划分为市场机制模式、学研参与模式与政府参与模式,借鉴Stackelberg主从博弈思想,构建共性技术供给企业A、商业开发企业B及政府间的博弈模型,对三种研发模式下研发企业各自的最优研发努力水平、最优研发预期收益及政府最优补贴、政策引导等问题进行了分析比较。研究表明:除政府参与模式严格优于学研参与模式之外,共性技术研发模式选择需厘清各研发模式占优的关键因素及影响机理;三种研发模式下政府、企业A、企业B预期收益及研发企业A、B的努力水平受到共性和个性因素的影响,共性技术研发协同度是重要的影响因素;政府应通过补贴和政策引导支持共性技术研发,就政府补贴分配比例而言,技术弹性较大时政府应分配给企业A较大补贴比例,利润分享系数较大时政府应分配给企业B较大的补贴比例。最后,从研发模式选择、促进研发主体参与及政府精准施策等方面提出促进共性技术研发的政策启示。 相似文献
党的十七大报告提出,要使党的工作和党的建设更加符合科学发展观的要求,为科学发展提供可靠的政治和组织保障,这是我们地方开展组织人才工作应遵循的总原则,党的十六大特别是十七大以来,我们在实践中不断研究探索落实科学发展观的组织保障机制和目标责任体系,着力提高各级领导班子和领导干部领导科学发展的能力. 相似文献
团队内社会网络质量、工作竞争对团队成员知识转移的影响研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本研究以团队为对象,考察了在正式的工作关系背景下,当团队成员间存在工作竞争时,团队内社会网络对知识转移的影响.研究认为,反映社会网络质量的网络信任会促进团队内知识转移,而网络认知信任和网络情感信任对团队内知识转移具有不同的作用,其中网络情感信任的影响要强于网络认知信任.工作竞争具有调节这种影响的作用,并且对网络认知信任和情感信任的调节程度会有所不同.研究对所提假设进行了实证检验,并对结果进行了进一步解释,旨在进一步剖析知识活动的规律,从而为企业有效的管理知识提供指导. 相似文献
S. L. Reiter 《Business and Society Review》2016,121(3):331-363
Business ethics scholars have proposed strategies for mitigating the ill effects brought on by a wealth maximization business strategy by urging managers to either embrace corporate social responsibility (CSR) or to manage according to stakeholder theory. In this article I argue that these strategies are often ineffective in bringing about the behavior they promote because it is antithetical to the nature and logic of capitalism. I examine the organizing principles of capitalism and the role it assigns to capitalists, and juxtapose these with the behavior prescribed by three normative frameworks: strategic management theory (SMT), the CSR initiative, and stakeholder theory. Unlike the behaviors prescribed by the CSR initiative and stakeholder management theory, the behavior prescribed by SMT is consistent with the role of capitalists as defined by the organizing principles of capitalism, and SMT's “rules” have instilled habits that have, in turn, been able to mold managers’ aspirations and purposes. CSR and stakeholder theory must not only combat the habits instilled by the entrenched SMT, they must also find some way of instilling habits that run contrary to those defined by the nature and logic of capitalism itself. 相似文献
Richard Blundell Monica Costa Dias Costas Meghir Jonathan Shaw 《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2016,84(5):1705-1753
We estimate a dynamic model of employment, human capital accumulation—including education, and savings for women in the United Kingdom, exploiting tax and benefit reforms, and use it to analyze the effects of welfare policy. We find substantial elasticities for labor supply and particularly for lone mothers. Returns to experience, which are important in determining the longer‐term effects of policy, increase with education, but experience mainly accumulates when in full‐time employment. Tax credits are welfare improving in the U.K., increase lone‐mother labor supply and marginally reduce educational attainment, but the employment effects do not extend beyond the period of eligibility. Marginal increases in tax credits improve welfare more than equally costly increases in income support or tax cuts. 相似文献
John W. Budd 《LABOUR》1993,7(3):19-33
There have been recent advances in the understanding of trade unions by modeling union objectives as maximizing a neoclassical utility function. While this literature is most relevant for autonomous and homogeneous local unions, there are also numerous large, heterogeneous trade unions in many countries. This paper illustrates that social choice theory presents a more realistic framework for explicitly modeling the aggregation of potentially diverse preferences within trade unions. 相似文献
Abstract. In this paper we evaluate a hypothetical tax and benefit reform to increase the working hours and to decrease welfare participation of single mothers in Sweden. We formulate and estimate simultaneously a structural static model of labor supply and welfare participation. The results suggest that labor supply among single mother households in Sweden is quite elastic, and that there is self‐selection into welfare. We also find that the proposed reform would generate welfare gains for virtually everyone in the sample, benefit low‐income households, and would at the same time generate a small revenue surplus. 相似文献
N. P. G. Boumans 《Work and stress》2013,27(1):17-26
Abstract A study was conducted to compare nurses' work satisfaction and feelings of health and stress in five different nursing departments: a cardiac care unit and a general surgical ward in a general hospital; and an admissions department, a short-stay department, and a long-stay department in a psychiatric hospital. One hundred nurses took part in the study: the instruments used were questionnaires and structured interviews. The main results showed that: (1) nurses in the cardiac care unit had the most positive satisfaction scores (2) nurses in the general surgical ward had the most positive scores on the health and stress variables (3) feelings of dissatisfaction and stress were most prominent in the short-stay department and, to a lesser extent, in the long-stay department. The findings are interpreted in terms of the different work situations and die implications for hospital management are discussed. Dr J. A. Landeweerd graduated in industrial and organizational psychology in 1968 (PhD in 1978). He has worked at Eindhoven University of Technology (Department of Industrial Engineering) and now holds a position as senior lecturer at Limburg University (Department of Health Sciences), where he is project-leader for a number of research projects on the relationships between work and health. Nicolle Boumans, MA, graduated in health sciences in 1985 (specialization: nursing science) and is now a research assistant. She is working on a PhD thesis concerned with the relationship between task characteristics of nurses and their reaction in terms of job satisfaction, health and stress. 相似文献
A study was conducted to compare nurses' work satisfaction and feelings of health and stress in five different nursing departments: a cardiac care unit and a general surgical ward in a general hospital; and an admissions department, a short-stay department, and a long-stay department in a psychiatric hospital. One hundred nurses took part in the study: the instruments used were questionnaires and structured interviews. The main results showed that:
(1) nurses in the cardiac care unit had the most positive satisfaction scores
(2) nurses in the general surgical ward had the most positive scores on the health and stress variables
(3) feelings of dissatisfaction and stress were most prominent in the short-stay department and, to a lesser extent, in the long-stay department.
The findings are interpreted in terms of the different work situations and die implications for hospital management are discussed.
Dr J. A. Landeweerd graduated in industrial and organizational psychology in 1968 (PhD in 1978). He has worked at Eindhoven University of Technology (Department of Industrial Engineering) and now holds a position as senior lecturer at Limburg University (Department of Health Sciences), where he is project-leader for a number of research projects on the relationships between work and health.
Nicolle Boumans, MA, graduated in health sciences in 1985 (specialization: nursing science) and is now a research assistant. She is working on a PhD thesis concerned with the relationship between task characteristics of nurses and their reaction in terms of job satisfaction, health and stress. 相似文献
(1) nurses in the cardiac care unit had the most positive satisfaction scores
(2) nurses in the general surgical ward had the most positive scores on the health and stress variables
(3) feelings of dissatisfaction and stress were most prominent in the short-stay department and, to a lesser extent, in the long-stay department.
The findings are interpreted in terms of the different work situations and die implications for hospital management are discussed.
Dr J. A. Landeweerd graduated in industrial and organizational psychology in 1968 (PhD in 1978). He has worked at Eindhoven University of Technology (Department of Industrial Engineering) and now holds a position as senior lecturer at Limburg University (Department of Health Sciences), where he is project-leader for a number of research projects on the relationships between work and health.
Nicolle Boumans, MA, graduated in health sciences in 1985 (specialization: nursing science) and is now a research assistant. She is working on a PhD thesis concerned with the relationship between task characteristics of nurses and their reaction in terms of job satisfaction, health and stress. 相似文献