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This study investigates the roles of bank and trade credits in a supply chain with a capital‐constrained retailer facing demand uncertainty. We evaluate the retailer's optimal order quantity and the creditors' optimal credit limits and interest rates in two scenarios. In the single‐credit scenario, we find the retailer prefers trade credit, if the trade credit market is more competitive than the bank credit market; otherwise, the retailer's preference of a specific credit type depends on the risk levels that the retailer would divert trade credit and bank credit to other risky investments. In the dual‐credit scenario, if the bank credit market is more competitive than the trade credit market, the retailer first borrows bank credit prior to trade credit, but then switches to borrowing trade credit prior to bank credit as the retailer's internal capital declines. In contrast, if the trade credit market is more competitive, the retailer borrows only trade credit. We further analytically prove that the two credits are complementary if the retailer's internal capital is substantially low but become substitutable as the internal capital grows, and then empirically validate this prediction based on a panel of 674 firms in China over the period 2001–2007.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the economic effects on firms' policies of differences in law enforcement. We find that in judicial districts where trials are longer, bank financing is more costly and firms are smaller. However, we do not find any significant relation between law enforcement and firms' leverage ratio. We rationalize our results within a two‐ region dynamic general equilibrium model with asymmetric information and collateralized credit contracts. We find that a stronger enforcement of creditors' rights not only improves credit conditions (partial equilibrium effect), but also fosters individual capital accumulation (general equilibrium effect). In line with this theoretical prediction, we find a positive relation between individual savings and quality of legal enforcement. (JEL: E20, K40, G32)  相似文献   

There exist capital constraints in many distribution channels. We examine a channel consisting of one manufacturer and one retailer, where the retailer is capital constrained. The retailer may fund its business by borrowing credit either from a competitive bank market or from the manufacturer, provided the latter is willing to lend. When only one credit type (either bank or trade credit) is viable, we show that trade credit financing generally charges a higher wholesale price and thus becomes less attractive than bank credit financing for the retailer. When both bank and trade credits are viable, the unique equilibrium is trade credit financing if production cost is relatively low but is bank credit financing otherwise. We also study the case where both the retailer and the manufacturer are capital constrained and demonstrate that, to improve the overall supply chain efficiency, the bank should finance the manufacturer if production cost is low but finance the retailer otherwise. Our analysis further suggests that the equilibrium region of trade credit financing shrinks as demand variability or the retailer's internal capital level increases.  相似文献   

本文构建一个包含企业违约风险与银行信贷筛选的动态随机一般均衡模型,研究银行信贷筛选对货币政策宏观经济效应产生的影响。在参数校准的基础上,分析了货币政策冲击的长期效应与短期效应。研究结果显示:(1)无论是基于长期还是短期效应的角度,银行信贷筛选均显著抑制了扩张性货币政策对宏观经济产生的积极影响;(2)基于货币政策冲击的短期效应可以发现,银行信贷筛选降低了扩张性货币政策的实际效应,并且放大了货币政策对通胀的影响;(3)通过比较扩张性与紧缩性货币政策的脉冲响应可以发现,银行信贷筛选导致货币政策的宏观经济效应存在非对称性特征。福利分析的结果表明,相比无银行信贷筛选的情形而言,银行信贷筛选导致了整体社会福利的恶化。  相似文献   

This paper presents conditions for a resolution of the Grossman–Stiglitz paradox of informationally efficient markets. We display a market with asymmetric information where a privately revealing equilibrium obtains in a competitive framework and where incentives to acquire information are preserved as long as the correlation in traders’ valuations is not too large. The equilibrium is efficient, and the problems associated with fully revealing rational expectations equilibria are precluded without resorting necessarily to noise traders. The robustness of the results to general information structures is established and the effect of market power is examined in a large market approximation to the competitive economy. The model is applied to explain changes in bidding behavior in central bank liquidity auctions in the crisis period. (JEL: D82, D84, G14, E59)  相似文献   

由于企业集团的关联企业众多,股权结构复杂,导致银企信息更加不对称,银行对企业集团贷款资金的监管更加困难,企业集团也更有机会产生不按照贷款合约使用贷款资金的道德风险,从而增大了银行的信用风险.针对此问题,首先分析了企业集团代理人转移银行贷款资金的动机,以及企业集团子公司之间信用风险的传递过程;其次,基于代理人效用最大化原理,分析委托代理合约、代理人风险态度,以及代理人转移贷款资金的道德风险对企业集团子公司信用风险的影响;最后,建立了度量企业集团子公司信用风险的违约概率模型.研究表明,代理人的风险态度、委托代理合约的状态都会影响企业集团子公司的违约概率.  相似文献   

Price–volume agreements are commonly negotiated between drug manufacturers and third‐party payers for drugs. In one form a drug manufacturer pays a rebate to the payer on a portion of sales in excess of a specified threshold. We examine the optimal design of such an agreement under complete and asymmetric information about demand. We consider two types of uncertainty: information asymmetry, defined as the payer's uncertainty about mean demand; and market uncertainty, defined as both parties' uncertainty about true demand. We investigate the optimal contract design in the presence of asymmetric information. We find that an incentive compatible contract always exists; that the optimal price is decreasing in expected market size, while the rebate may be increasing or decreasing in expected market size; that the optimal contract for a manufacturer with the highest possible demand would include no rebate; and, in a special case, if the average reservation profit is non‐decreasing in expected market size, then the optimal contract includes no rebates for all manufacturers. Our analysis suggests that price–volume agreements with a rebate rate of 100% are not likely to be optimal if payers have the ability to negotiate prices as part of the agreement.  相似文献   

本文从中资银行和外资银行分别具有信息优势和融资成本优势的基本假设出发,建立了不对称信息下的银行信贷市场竞争模型,从贷款价格的角度来研究外资银行通过绿地投资和兼并收购两种方式进入对我国信贷市场的影响,且在并购方式中将并购对象按规模分为了本地大银行和小银行。结果表明,外资银行通过兼并收购本地大银行方式进入对贷款价格的降低效果不大,而通过兼并收购小银行方式进入能够全面降低本地银行的贷款价格,在处于竞争劣势地位的本地大银行的老客户市场通过绿地投资模式进入可以大幅度的降低贷款价格。  相似文献   

公司上市、关系贷款与中国银企关系的重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银行与企业签订的贷款合同可以是标准贷款合同 ,也可以是关系贷款合同。导致产生不同类型合同的原因与银行掌握的关于企业的信息有关 ,而这又涉及资产专用性问题。企业的信息显示越充分 ,银行的信息成本越低 ,银行与企业在签订贷款合同中的地位会有所改变 ,从而影响了银企关系的程度与方式。在我国 ,上市作为重要的信息显示机制可以有效改善信贷市场的资源配置。  相似文献   

The classical doctrine of the Lender of Last Resort (LOLR), elaborated by Bagehot (1873), asserts that the central bank should lend to “illiquid but solvent” banks under certain conditions. Several authors have argued that this view is now obsolete: in modern interbank markets, a solvent bank cannot be illiquid. This paper provides a possible theoretical foundation for rescuing Bagehot's view. Our theory does not rely on the multiplicity of equilibria that arises in classical models of bank runs. We built a model of banks' liquidity crises that possesses a unique Bayesian equilibrium. In this equilibrium, there is a positive probability that a solvent bank cannot find liquidity assistance in the market. We derive policy implications about banking regulation (solvency and liquidity ratios) and interventions of the Lender of Last Resort. Furthermore, we find that public (bailout) and private (bail‐in) involvement are complementary in implementing the incentive efficient solution and that Bagehot's Lender of Last Resort facility must work together with institutions providing prompt corrective action and orderly failure resolution. Finally, we derive similar implications for an International Lender of Last Resort (ILOLR). (JEL: G21, G28)  相似文献   

By using a unique and large data set on loan contracts between banks and microfirms, we find robust evidence that women in Italy pay more for credit than men, although we do not find any evidence that women borrowers are riskier than men. The male/female differential remains even after controlling for a large number of characteristics of the type of business, the borrower, and the structure of the credit market. The result is not driven by lack of credit history, nor by women using a different type of bank than men, since the same bank charges different rates to male and female borrowers.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore strategic decision making in new technology adoption by using economic analysis. We show how asymmetric information affects firms' decisions to adopt the technology. We do so in a two‐stage game‐theoretic model where the first‐stage investment results in the acquisition of a new technology that, in the second stage, may give the firm a competitive advantage in the product market. We compare two information structures under which two competing firms have asymmetric information about the future performance (i.e., postadoption costs) of the new technology. We find that equilibrium strategies under asymmetric information are quite different from those under symmetric information. Information asymmetry leads to different incentives and strategic behaviors in the technology adoption game. In contrast to conventional wisdom, our model shows that market uncertainty may actually induce firms to act more aggressively under certain conditions. We also show that having better information is not always a good thing. These results illustrate a key departure from established decision theory.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between ownership concentration and market value of European banks, and the role of the institutional environment in shaping this relationship. Using GMM dynamic estimator on a sample of European banks over a 13-year period (1993–2005) we find on average a negative effect of ownership concentration on bank value, measured by Tobin's Q. However, this effect varies across different institutional settings; while higher ownership concentration results in a lower bank value particularly in the countries belonging to German legal family, the impact of ownership concentration is positive in Scandinavia. We propose that, besides the legal protection of small investors, the differences in the impact of ownership concentration across the countries could be due to the identity of the predominant owners, i.e. financial institutions in Germany and trusts and foundations in Scandinavia. This in turn implies that restrictions of shareholdings in banks could alleviate governance problems in some countries, but lower bank valuation in others.  相似文献   

We empirically study the role of different family policies in affecting women's labor market behavior in the European Union. Women tend to assume more family duties than men and, consequently, often participate less in the labor market. Family policies aim to support families in general while a particular focus is on helping women to reconcile family duties with labor market participation. Their impact, however, is not clear, especially when it comes to different forms of labor market activity. We use a static and dynamic panel econometric framework examining the link between financial support for four types of family policies and labor force participation as well as (part‐time and full‐time) employment. The results suggest no stable significant impact of expenditures on family policies on overall labor force participation. However, higher spending on family allowance, cash benefits, and daycare benefits appears to promote part‐time employment, whereas only spending on parental leave schemes is a significant positive determinant of women's full‐time employment.  相似文献   

当前的贷款定价研究主要针对信用风险,对信用风险和市场风险的联合风险的研究较少。因此从信用风险与市场风险的联合风险角度进行贷款定价的研究,目前还是较新的课题。本文对此进行了探索性研究,构建了基于联合风险的贷款定价模型,并得到了有意义的研究结果:不同的项目贷款,若其市场风险与信用风险的关联程度不一,即使其它指标一致,银行也应对它们执行不同的贷款利率,这个结果对实践有很好的指导意义。  相似文献   

作为一种供应链融资模式,保兑仓是解决中小企业融资难问题的重要方案,其借助核心企业的信用,提升了中小企业的信用状况,使得中小企业更容易获得银行的资金支持。然而,随着市场状况的恶化,很多中小企业倒闭,核心企业承担大额银行贷款的连带赔偿责任。本文研究由单一的零售商(中小企业)和制造商(核心企业)组成的供应链中,考虑零售商的破产概率,由银行控制货权,供应商对剩余产品进行一定比例的回购,零售商以银行提供的承兑汇票作为结算工具进行融资的情况下,分析了零售商的最优订货量、供应商的最优回购率和银行的最优贷款利率的决策。并通过算例得出回购率的提高能鼓励零售商订货,提高供应链的利润。但是,回购率对银行利润的变动很大程度上受零售商破产概率影响。较高的回购率刺激信用良好的零售商提高订货量会增加银行的利润,对信用较差的零售商来说,订货量的提高会使银行遭受损失的可能性提高,期望利润反而降低。所以,银行在提供保兑仓融资时,不仅要关注中小企业和核心企业的信贷偿还能力,还要加强贷款资金的监管,关注保兑仓融资的风险。  相似文献   

An economy in which deposit‐taking banks of a Diamond and Dybvig style and a financial market coexist is modeled in a simple framework closely related to Diamond (1997). Solely depending on the fraction of naïve households who cannot efficiently invest directly in the corporate sector, two different types of financial systems emerge. With the fraction comparatively low, the evolving financial system can be interpreted as market‐oriented, whereas a high fraction brings about a bank‐dominated financial system. In market‐oriented systems, banks only provide naïve households with access to efficient investments; in bank‐dominated systems, banks' deposit contracts also offer some degree of liquidity insurance. Consequently, compared to market‐oriented financial systems, the household sector in bank‐dominated financial systems holds a larger portfolio fraction in deposits and a smaller part in direct investments. Analyzing the resilience of the different financial systems to various types of shocks shows that moderately bank‐dominated (or hybrid) financial systems are particularly fragile, because only in these systems do fire sales of assets by distressed banks cause a deterioration in asset prices that also precipitates other banks into crisis. (JEL: D52, E44, G10, G21)  相似文献   

This paper studies whether relationship lending mitigates the transmission of the Lehman default shock to the supply of credit in Italy. Exploiting the presence of multiple banking relationships, we control for banks' and firms' unobserved characteristics. Results show that the growth of credit itself is higher and its cost lower the shorter the distance between the bank and the firm, the longer the relationship, and the higher the share of credit held by the bank. Credit growth by relationship lenders is 4.6% higher than that by transactional lenders; the increase in the cost of credit is 50 basis points lower. The positive effect of relationship lending on credit supply increased during the crisis, compared to a pre‐crisis period. The beneficial effect of relationship lending is weaker if the relationship lender is more exposed to the financial crisis, especially when lending to weaker borrowers.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how the relationship between leaders' credit allocation behavior and subordinates' commitment to their leader is influenced by the fulfillment of subordinates' expectations (i.e., expecting one type of behavior and having that behavior occur). We predicted that subordinates would display less commitment to their leader when their leader took credit for the subordinates' work. However, based on expectancy violations and psychological contracts research, we also predicted that expectation fulfillment would moderate this relationship. In two experimental studies we found that the negative effects of leader credit taking on commitment to the leader were mitigated when the subordinate expected the leader to take credit. However, when subordinates expected to receive credit and did not, the negative impact of leader credit taking was enhanced. We discuss the implications of these results for both theory and practice.  相似文献   

考虑决策者是模糊厌恶的,利用实物期权方法,解析地给出了银行价值,企业价值和最优停贷水平。分析了模糊厌恶和基准波动率对最优贷款利率,最优停贷水平,企业价值和银行价值的影响。数值分析表明:模糊厌恶提高了贷款利率,降低了企业和银行价值。在基准波动率水平较小时,模糊厌恶推迟了停贷水平;在基准波动率较大时,模糊厌恶加速了停贷水平。此外,在模糊中性下,企业价值是基准波动率凸函数,银行价值是基准波动率凹函数。而在模糊厌恶下,企业价值和银行价值都随着基准波动率的增加而递减。本文从行为金融角度为中小企业"融资贵"提供了新的解释。  相似文献   

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