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In this paper, a new test of the hypothesis that all the correlations between a set of variables are zero is proposed. It is based on the asymptotic behaviour of the largest of the observed correlation coefficients. Here “asymptotic” refers to the size of the correlation matrix considered. Simulations show that the critical levels, calculated using the asymptotic theory, are conservative but quite accurate, even for small correlation matrices.  相似文献   

Two characterizations of the uniform distribution on a suitable compact space are proved. These characterizations are applied to a number of particular examples of which the most interesting is the following: if X , Y and Z are independent n-vectors whose components are independent and identically distributed within a vector, then the pairwise independence of the product moment correlation coefficients between X , Y and Z implies that these vectors are normally distributed.  相似文献   

A method for inducing a desired rank correlation matrix on multivariate input vectors for simulation studies has recently been developed by Iman and Conover (1982). The primary intention of this procedure is to produce correlated input variables for use with computer models. Since this procedure is distribution free and allows the exact marginal distributions to remain intact it can be used with any marginal distributions for which it is reasonable to think in terms of correlation. In this paper we present a series of rank correlation plots based on this procedure when the marginal distributions are normal, lognormal, uniform and loguniform. These plots provide a convenient tool both for aiding the modeler in determining the degree of dependence among input variables (rather than guessing) and for communicating with the modeler the effect of different correlation assumptions. In addition this procedure can be used with sample multivariate data by sampling directly from the respective marginal empirical distribution functions.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the analysis of ordinal data through linear models for rank function measures.Primary attention is directed at pairwise Mann-Whitney statistics for which dimension reduction is managed by use of a Bradley-Terry log-linear structure.The nature of linear models for such quantities is contrasted with that for mean ranks (or ridits).Aspects of application are illustrated with an example for which results of other methods are also given.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new nonparametric test for detecting umbrella alternatives. It is designed to improve the power of Pan (1996 Pan , G. ( 1996 ). Distribution-free tests for umbrella alternatives . Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods 25 ( 12 ): 31853194 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar])'s test, which is based on the breakdown of umbrella alternatives into a union of simple-ordered alternatives. Distribution-free tests are proposed in the case where the peak of the umbrella is unknown. Some actual data examples and the results of a Monte Carlo power study are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper considers a class of summary measures of the dependence between a pair of failure time variables over a finite follow-up region. The class consists of measures that are weighted averages of local dependence measures, and includes the cross-ratio-measure and finite region version of Kendall's τ; recently proposed by the authors. Two new special cases are identified that can avoid the need to estimate the bivariate survivor function and that admit explicit variance estimators. Nonparametric estimators of such dependence measures are proposed and are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal with variances that can be consistently estimated. Properties of selected estimators are evaluated in a simulation study, and the method is illustrated through an analysis of Australian Twin Study data.  相似文献   

Copula structure analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary.  We extend the standard approach of correlation structure analysis for dimension reduction of high dimensional statistical data. The classical assumption of a linear model for the distribution of a random vector is replaced by the weaker assumption of a model for the copula. For elliptical copulas a correlation-like structure remains, but different margins and non-existence of moments are possible. After introducing the new concept and deriving some theoretical results we observe in a simulation study the performance of the estimators: the theoretical asymptotic behaviour of the statistics can be observed even for small sample sizes. Finally, we show our method at work for a financial data set and explain differences between our copula-based approach and the classical approach. Our new method yielear models also.  相似文献   

海量数据挖掘算法研究是当前数据挖掘研究领域的热点问题。以网络终端海量数据分布处理及软硬件资源共享为基础,以两变量线性关联效应测度学习算法设计为例,设计出基于超海量数据各终端数据分布处理的学习算法,并运用实验数据验证了该学习算法的有效性。该学习算法设计为海量数据云计算提供了应用思路。  相似文献   

A measure is the formal representation of the non-negative additive functions that abound in science. We review and develop the art of assigning Bayesian priors to measures. Where necessary, spatial correlation is delegated to correlating kernels imposed on otherwise uncorrelated priors. The latter must be infinitely divisible (ID) and hence described by the Lévy–Khinchin representation. Thus the fundamental object is the Lévy measure, the choice of which corresponds to different ID process priors. The general case of a Lévy measure comprising a mixture of assigned base measures leads to a prior process comprising a convolution of corresponding processes. Examples involving a single base measure are the gamma process, the Dirichlet process (for the normalized case) and the Poisson process. We also discuss processes that we call the supergamma and super-Dirichlet processes, which are double base measure generalizations of the gamma and Dirichlet processes. Examples of multiple and continuum base measures are also discussed. We conclude with numerical examples of density estimation.  相似文献   

Canonical correlation has been little used and little understood, even by otherwise sophisticated analysts. An alternative approach to canonical correlation, based on a general linear multivariate model, is presented. Properties of principal component analysis are used to help explain the method. Standard computational methods for full rank canonical correlation, techniques for canonical correlation on component scores, and canonical correlation with less than full rank are discussed. They are seen to be essentially equivalent when the model equation for canonical correlation on component scores is presented. The two approaches to less than full rank situations are equivalent in some senses, but quite different in usefulness, depending on the application. An example dataset is analyzed in detail to help demonstrate the conclusions.  相似文献   

Summary. Many biomedical studies involve the analysis of multiple events. The dependence between the times to these end points is often of scientific interest. We investigate a situation when one end point is subject to censoring by the other. The model assumptions of Day and co-workers and Fine and co-workers are extended to more general structures where the level of association may vary with time. Two types of estimating function are proposed. Asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are derived. Their finite sample performance is studied via simulations. The inference procedures are applied to two real data sets for illustration.  相似文献   

The Kruskal–Wallis test is a rank–based one way ANOVA. Its test statistic is shown here to be a quadratic form among the Mann–Whitney or Kendall tau concordance measures between pairs of treatments. But the full set of such concordance measures has more degrees of freedom than the Kruskal–Wallis test uses, and the independent surplus is attributable to circularity, or non–transitive effects. The meaning of circularity is well illustrated by Efron dice. The cases of k = 3, 4 treatments are analysed thoroughly in this paper, which also shows how the full sum of squares among all concordance measures can be decomposed into uncorrelated transitive and non–transitive circularity effects. A multiple comparisons procedure based on patterns of transitive orderings among treatments is implemented. The testing of circularities involves non–standard asymptotic distributions. The asymptotic theory is deferred, but Monte Carlo permutation tests are easy to implement.  相似文献   

Blest (2000, Aust. N. Z. J. Stat. 42 , 101–111) proposed a new measure of rank correlation that is sensitive to discrepancies in the small ranks. This paper investigates the efficiency properties of non‐parametric tests for independence based on Blest's correlation coefficient and its modifications. Pitman efficiency comparisons are made with analogous tests existing in the literature. Conditions for Pitman optimality of the Blest‐type tests are established.  相似文献   

Modern systems of official statistics require the estimation and publication of business statistics for disaggregated domains, for example, industry domains and geographical regions. Outlier robust methods have proven to be useful for small‐area estimation. Recently proposed outlier robust model‐based small‐area methods assume, however, uncorrelated random effects. Spatial dependencies, resulting from similar industry domains or geographic regions, often occur. In this paper, we propose an outlier robust small‐area methodology that allows for the presence of spatial correlation in the data. In particular, we present a robust predictive methodology that incorporates the potential spatial impact from other areas (domains) on the small area (domain) of interest. We further propose two parametric bootstrap methods for estimating the mean‐squared error. Simulations indicate that the proposed methodology may lead to efficiency gains. The paper concludes with an illustrative application by using business data for estimating average labour costs in Italian provinces.  相似文献   

Salama and Quade (1981) proposed a family of nonparametric tests based on a method of weighted within-block rankings, for testing the hypothesis of no treatment effects against a postulated ranking of the treatments in a complete randomized blocks layout.

These tests and others are compared with respect to asymptotic efficiency.  相似文献   

We propose a multivariate functional response low‐rank regression model with possible high‐dimensional functional responses and scalar covariates. By expanding the slope functions on a set of sieve bases, we reconstruct the basis coefficients as a matrix. To estimate these coefficients, we propose an efficient procedure using nuclear norm regularization. We also derive error bounds for our estimates and evaluate our method using simulations. We further apply our method to the Human Connectome Project neuroimaging data to predict cortical surface motor task‐evoked functional magnetic resonance imaging signals using various clinical covariates to illustrate the usefulness of our results.  相似文献   

The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) are effective statistical tools for evaluating the accuracy of diagnostic tests for binary‐class medical data. However, many real‐world biomedical problems involve more than two categories. The Volume Under the ROC Surface (VUS) and Hypervolume Under the ROC Manifold (HUM) measures are extensions for the AUC under three‐class and multiple‐class models. Inference methods for such measures have been proposed recently. We develop a method of constructing a linear combination of markers for which the VUS or HUM of the combined markers is maximized. Asymptotic validity of the estimator is justified by extending the results for maximum rank correlation estimation that are well known in econometrics. A bootstrap resampling method is then applied to estimate the sampling variability. Simulations and examples are provided to demonstrate our methods.  相似文献   

In many clinical studies more than one observer may be rating a characteristic measured on an ordinal scale. For example, a study may involve a group of physicians rating a feature seen on a pathology specimen or a computer tomography scan. In clinical studies of this kind, the weighted κ coefficient is a popular measure of agreement for ordinally scaled ratings. Our research stems from a study in which the severity of inflammatory skin disease was rated. The investigators wished to determine and evaluate the strength of agreement between a variable number of observers taking into account patient-specific (age and gender) as well as rater-specific (whether board certified in dermatology) characteristics. This suggested modelling κ as a function of these covariates. We propose the use of generalized estimating equations to estimate the weighted κ coefficient. This approach also accommodates unbalanced data which arise when some subjects are not judged by the same set of observers. Currently an estimate of overall κ for a simple unbalanced data set without covariates involving more than two observers is unavailable. In the inflammatory skin disease study none of the covariates were significantly associated with κ, thus enabling the calculation of an overall weighted κ for this unbalanced data set. In the second motivating example (multiple sclerosis), geographic location was significantly associated with κ. In addition we also compared the results of our method with current methods of testing for heterogeneity of weighted κ coefficients across strata (geographic location) that are available for balanced data sets.  相似文献   

This paper considers record values of residuals or prediction errors in a one-parameter autoregressive process and the statistic Z n = number of ε -repetitions of this record. When the parameter of the autoregression is unknown, the prediction errors, and therefore Z n , are unobservable. Here an observable analogue ̂ n of Z n is considered. It is proved that under special conditions the difference Z n − unobservable. Here an observable analogue ̂ n converges to zero in probability and therefore that unobservable. Here an observable analogue ̂ n has the same asymptotic behaviour as Z n .  相似文献   

Correlation studies are an important hypothesis‐generating and testing tool, and have a wide range of applications in many scientific fields. In ecological studies in particular, multiple environmental variables are often measured in an attempt to determine relationships between chemical, physical and biological factors. For example, one may wish to know whether and how soil properties correlate with plant physiology. Although correlation coefficients are widely used, their properties and limitations are often imperfectly understood. This is especially the case when one is interested in correlations between, say, trace element content in sediments and in marine organisms, where no one‐to‐one correspondence exists. We show that evaluating Pearson's correlation coefficient for either site‐specific means or composite samples results in biased estimates, and we propose an alternative estimator. We use simulation studies to demonstrate that our estimator generally has a much smaller bias and mean squared error. We further illustrate its use in a case study of the correlation between trace element content in sediments and in mussels in Lyttelton Harbour, New Zealand.  相似文献   

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