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中国人口转变、人口红利与经济增长的实证   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
我国人口年龄结构的变动使得劳动负担逐渐下降,这对于储蓄水平的上升和劳动力投入效率的提高具有显著的促进作用;我国劳动负担比与经济增长呈现出明显的负相关,劳动负担比每下降1个百分点,经济增长将提高1.06个百分点,在过去的30年里劳动负担降低累计带来的经济增长占总增长的27.23%。通过计量检验证明人口年龄结构变动所产生的促进经济增长的人口红利是存在的。由此我们推断,由于未来的人口年龄结构变动趋向人口老龄化,劳动负担逐步上升,这将会对未来的经济增长造成制约。利用未来10~20年时间较轻的劳动负担的机遇期,我们应当建立良好的教育、人力资本投资、社会保障等方面的制度以及制定积极的人口政策,调整当前生育政策、适时执行宏观经济政策(劳动就业政策)来应对已发生的、正在进行的人口变动,使我国的经济继续保持强有力的增长态势。  相似文献   

人口老龄化是经济发展的必然趋势,而人口老龄化又会给经济发展带来一系列的问题,其中最直接的就是老年比重上升使老年福利支出增加,导致社会保障财政支出增加,从而影响到国民收入再分配和经济的可持续发展。本文从我国人口老龄化的现状和未来发展趋势出发,就其对社会保障财政支出的影响进行了分析,得出人口老龄化将会使负担系数上升、社会保障财政支出增加,并且在2030年以后会超过15%,最后提出了应对措施。  相似文献   

从抚养比变化看东北地区人口老龄化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口抚养比是反映社会经济负担的一项重要指标,抚养比的高低主要取决于人口年龄结构的变化,老年人口抚养比是反映地区人口老龄化程度的一项重要指标。东北地区的总抚养比在全国处于较低水平,而这种总抚养比较低的现状是少年儿童抚养比较低造成的,东北地区应避免被较低的抚养比误导,忽视低抚养比下老龄化程度的日益加深,要利用当前的人口机会窗口为未来的深度老龄化时期的到来做好准备。  相似文献   

本文从研究人口抚养比入手建立人口增长的差分方程组模型,据此推算人口总量和人口抚养比的变化趋势。结果表明:人口老龄化有一个极限,不会无限制地恶化下去。同时,我国生育率控制指标的最佳调节时机至少还要再等待20年.相当长的一段时期内仍须维持现行计划生育政策不变,稳定低生育率水平,积极应对人口老龄化。  相似文献   

The National Family Planning Working Conference convened on August 10-16, 1982 in Beijing, China. Among the 250 conferees were family planning representatives from various provinces, cities, autonomous regions, the People's Liberation Armt, representatives of partial progressive areas, counties, communes, the Central Committee, State Council, All China Women's Federation, All China Federation of Trade Unions, journalists and population theorists. Topics of discussion included the current situation of family planning work, how to implement the Central Committee's directive on improving family planning work, and the relationship between population law and population development by the year 2000. On August 18 Premier Zhao Ziyang told various representatives at a meeting that population control was a longterm national policy and emphasized its importance in long-range economic and social planning. The Vice-premier of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Wang Shoudao, implored the representatives to understand the directive's contents and said family planning would serve later generations. The Chairman of the National Family Planning Commission, Quian Xinzhong, reviewed the current population situation, noting the encouraging fact that the birth rate for the first 6 months of 1982 was higher than the first 6 months in 1981 by only 1/1000. In order to raise birth control work to a new level, he suggested the following steps: strengthen family planning propaganda; strenuously follow the policy of 1 child per family; obtain permission to have a 2nd child; oppose unplanned births; establish various birth control responsibility systems; and improve contraceptive research and techniques.  相似文献   

人口年龄结构是经过多年人口自然增长和迁移变动等综合作用而形成的客观状况,对未来人口发展的速度和趋势以及国家或地区经济社会整体发展产生重要影响。本文通过对1995~2014年数据的实证分析,发现20年来我国人口年龄结构呈现以下特征:少儿人口数量减少且比重呈持续下降趋势;劳动年龄人口数量稳步增长且比重呈稳定上升趋势;老年人口数量持续增长且比重呈上升趋势,老龄化进程加快。总体人口年龄结构呈现老年型,各地区人口老龄化程度存在差异。各地人口负担系数存在较大差异,人均GDP与总抚养比和少年儿童抚养比呈负相关,与老年人口抚养比呈正相关。经济发达省市区人口负担系数较小;城乡人口比例呈持续升高态势;城乡人口总抚养比和少儿抚养比呈下降趋势,城乡老年人口抚养比呈稳步升高态势;乡村人口抚养比高于城镇。  相似文献   

China's family planning program is implemented under the unified leadership of the Chinese government. The main responsibilities under this program are to set up and strengthen family planning offices at all levels, formulate relevent laws and regulations, work out programs, principles, and policies for population growth, carry out intensive publicity and education, speed up scientific and technological research on family planning, and mobilize all the people and related departments to support the work of family planning. Family planning in China is practised on a voluntary basis. Education on patriotism is conducted among the people to enable them to see that strict control of population growth and conscious practice of family planning according to policy have a crucial bearing on China's prosperity and well being. As shown in practice, China has not only succeeded in maintaining sustained and steady economic growth, but has also succeeded in drastically reducing the population birth rate, death rate, infant mortality rate, and in extending average life expectancy. This demonstrates the superiority of China's socialist system. To control the growth of the population is an extremely arduous task. However, as long as China keeps to a practical and effective policy, the goal of keeping the total population at around 1.2 billion by the end of the century can be attained.  相似文献   

吕燕 《西北人口》2011,32(1):53-58,63
现阶段是我国进入老龄化快速发展阶段初期,是应对人口老龄化问题的关键时期。要解决人口老龄化给中国社会经济带来的影响首要和最关键的是从战略上进行选择。面对老龄化社会最直接和最重要的问题就是养老问题。通过实证和理论研究发现社会养老服务供需矛盾是中国老龄化社会的主要矛盾,社会养老事业与产业协调发展是应对老龄化社会的战略选择。为老年特困群体提供的养老服务应该视为纯公共产品,应该由政府提供;对其它群体而言,养老服务应该是一种私人产品,但这种私人产品具有明显的消费正外部性。通过经济模型分析政府、市场和家庭(个人)在社会养老中的责任,所有获得收益的人都应该为他们在最优社会养老服务水平上获得的收益价值支付等量的成本。在社会养老服务业中政府应该正确定位,尽量减少直接干预,充分发挥市场作用。  相似文献   

韩国人口政策及其对中国农村人口政策的启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
姚兴云  付少平 《西北人口》2009,30(2):120-123,128
韩国的人口政策经历了由控制人口增长的计划生育政策到鼓励人口增长的新人口政策的转变,成功控制了人口的快速增长。缓解了人口与经济、社会资源、环境之间的矛盾,但也引起了人口老龄化、出生婴儿性别比失调等一系列社会问题。这些社会问题如今也正在中国农村上演。如能借鉴立法先行、大力发展社会福利事业、善于运用经济杠杆等经验,对维持中国农村人口的低出生率,抑制出生婴儿性别比例失调和人口老龄化的加剧具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

"Although the U.K.'s population is not predicted to grow very much in the future, the population structure is changing and there is a shift towards a much older age distribution. The characteristics of demographic aging in the U.K. include a marked reduction in fertility rates, increasing rates of life expectation at birth..., increasing dependency ratios and variations in mortality and social class in old age. The U.K.'s demographic context has important implications for aged care policy and planning. This paper documents the demographic trends, reviews recent major policy changes and their impact on care provision, and discusses some of the emerging implementation issues that challenge the potential of such policies to meet the needs of an aging population."  相似文献   

通过对1982-2010年间我国老年人口年龄别死亡概率的考察显示,近30年来我国老年人口的死亡概率随时间推移而不断降低,表明我国老年群体的健康状况和年龄内涵正在发生改变.与此同时,经济社会环境的变化和科学技术的发展极大地改变了老年人口的生活生产方式,也提供了更多的参与经济社会活动的能力与机会,从而使得后世代的老年人往往比前世代的老年人"更健康"、"更年轻",因此,有必要重新思考对老年人的传统定义.此外,中国老年人口死亡概率的变化也表现出明显的性别差异、地区差异以及与发达国家的差距,说明对中国来讲,要完成死亡模式的根本转化仍有很长的路要走.在充分认识这些差异性的基础上重新定义老年,将使得我们对老龄社会有一个全新的认识,也将有助于我们重构未来常态化老龄社会的公共政策体系.  相似文献   

This article briefly summarizes the proceedings of the International Conference on Population held in Mexico city in August, 1984. The Secretary General of the Conference, R.M. Salas stated the overriding objective of population policies to be stabilization of global population, and called for cntinuation and strengthening of global population programs. Many delegations gave particular emphasis to the strict respect for state sovereignty in the formulation and implementation of national population policies, and to the basic human right of all couples and individuals to have full freedom to decide the number and spacing of their children, as well as to have full access to information and means necessary to make their decision. The US view that a free economy has a direct and rapid effect on fertility decline was rejected because some delegations deemed it improper to mention only 1 economic system in an international document. A proposal from the Holy See on abortion met with compromise in the adoption of the statement that "abortion should not be, in any case, promoted as a method of family planning." The chariman of the 27 member Chinese delegation, Wang Wei, emphasized in his speech the need for each country to determine its own policy regarding population, and described some of China's achievements in population control. The Chinese delegation made its own contribution to the formulation of 88 recommendations by actively participating in discussions and group consultations and offering its constructive proposals for important items. China was elected as one of the Vice Chairmen of the Conference and served as a member country of the Credential Committee as well as a co-sponsor of the Declaration.  相似文献   

D Xu 《人口研究》1986,(1):6-9
A preliminary view of the population control policies of the People's Republic of China is the subject of this report. The report maintains that population control policies are closely linked to economic growth and indicates that criticism by the West of these policies is unfounded. According to an investigation of 1000 married women of child-bearing age carried out in 1981, 19.1% of them have 1 child, 21.4% of them have 2, 49.5% have 3 and only 9.9% of them have no children. This would seem to refute the West's idea of the "1 child only" policy as strict and clear-cut. The report maintains that economic growth and family planning are functions of one another. Although China has made marked progress in population control, its population problem is still far from being resolved as population growth is still relatively high compared to productivity. The marriageable population is extremely high and increase in population create a burden on education, employment, transportation, welfare, housing and medicine each year. The trend in rural areas (which make up 80% of China's population) to have larger families to produce more labor must be reversed in order to make population control objectives feasible. Thus, the need for China to continue its efforts to promote rural economy and family planning must continue. The needs for improvement in promotion and family planning education as well as for improved medical conditions are also evident.  相似文献   

人口年龄结构变动给中国出口比较优势动态演变带来了机遇。本文首先利用显示性比较优势指数、 Michaely 指数和净出口率指数衡量中国2000-2013年27个制造业行业的出口比较优势,发现现阶段中国出口比较优势仍然以劳动密集型商品为主,但出口比较优势开始向资本密集型商品转移。其次,分别利用三种人口老龄化和少子化指标对二者关系进行实证检验,发现无论是从生产还是消费角度来说,人口老龄化程度加剧提高了劳动密集型商品的相对价格,有利于资本密集型商品出口比较优势提升;如果只考虑出口,少儿人口比重下降对资本密集型商品的显示性比较优势有利,但对同时考虑进口和出口的 Michaely 指数和净出口率指数不利。此外,还发现外资流入和能源依赖度提高对行业RCA指数有利,全要素生产率和人力资本提高对Michaely 指数有利。  相似文献   

我国人口老龄化对经济社会的宏观和微观影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨雪  侯力 《人口学刊》2011,(4):46-53
2000年,我国步入人口老龄化社会。伴随着老龄化进程的加快,人口老龄化对我国经济社会发展造成一定的影响,其宏观影响主要涵盖以下几方面:减少劳动力有效供给,减缓劳动生产率速度提高,影响产业结构调整,带来储蓄率的下降、引起消费水平的变化和加重养老保障的负担等。其微观影响主要包括:改变企业劳动力的供给和成本,加重企业养老金支付负担,同时人口老龄化对老年人的基本生活产生一系列的影响。  相似文献   

论计划生育政策对实现福利适度人口的意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
我国人口问题十分严重,人口因素很难自发地与社会其他要素相适应,不利于社会经济的全面协调与可持续发展,对社会福利目标的实现构成了一定阻碍。我国计划生育政策的实施,解决了生育率与死亡率不对称性的矛盾,解决了物质资料再生产与人类自身再生产不平衡性的矛盾,解决了家庭生育计划与社会适度人口不一致性的矛盾,促进了人口因素与其他社会因素的协调与可持续性发展。  相似文献   

中国人口出生控制成效的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国 ①的计划生育工作起始于 2 0世纪 5 0年代。从 1 95 5年到 1 971年 ,中国推行的是一般性的家庭计划生育政策 ,从 1 971年至今 ,中国推行的是家庭计划生育与国家计划生育相结合的政策。如果不实行任何形式的计划生育政策 ,2 0 0 0年末中国人口将会达到 1 8 5 8亿 ,如果象印度那样只倡导自愿实行家庭计划生育 ,将会达到 1 5 3 2亿。过去 45年中 ,中国一共少生了 5 88亿人 ,其中由于实行国家计划生育政策少生了 2 6 2亿人 ,而一般性的家庭计划生育政策少生了 3 2 6亿人。计划生育为中国的社会经济发展做出了巨大的贡献  相似文献   

中国人口劳动参与率与未来劳动力供给分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
对未来劳动力供给进行准确预测判断将有利于我们未来就业政策、现实人口政策和社会保障政策的科学制定,也是对未来人口与经济形势准确判定的依据,是一项非常重要的工作。在充分考虑人口老龄化、劳动参与率年龄模式变动以及受教育水平提高影响的基础上,对未来劳动供给进行预测。预测结果显示,如果不考虑65岁及以上人口的就业,到2016年将达到从业人员的高峰7.58亿,其后持续减少,到2050年前后减少到6.4亿;如果考虑65岁及以上人口的就业,我国的就业高峰将出现在2022年前后,到2045年以后,劳动力供给将大规模减少。届时劳动供养人口将会大大增加,这必须引起当代人在规划人口发展时的重视。  相似文献   

Kleiman E 《Demography》1967,4(2):876-893
The dependency ratio is a measure of the effect which demographic factors exert on standards of living. It is usually defined either as the ratio of the young and the aged population to the working age population, or as the ratio of the population which does not participate in the labor force to that which does. But the consumption requirements of dependents may vary with their age. Therefore, variations in the real burden of maintaining a dependent population need not be positively associated with variations in its relative size; for example, when a decrease in the relative number of all dependents is accompanied by an increase in that of the aged.Furthermore, under the labor-force participation definition of dependency, inter-temperal and international variations are complicated because the population's average participation rate does not vary only with changes in its age distribution, but with changes in the social norms which regulate working habits.In this paper, adult-equivalence scales derived from family budget studies were used to make dependents of various ages comparable in terms of the maintenance burden they create. Similarly, constant labor-force participation rates were used to obtain estimates of the size of the population carrying this burden. When thus estimated, international differences in the dependency load are shown to be much smaller than is suggested by the normally used unweighted index.  相似文献   

人口转变是挑战中国经济持续增长的一个重要因素.在这个过程中,个人的生命周期和代际更替之间的相互叠加,通过劳动供给、储蓄和科技进步等渠道对长期经济增长施加影响.本文分析表明,人口转变使得中国从20世纪60年代中期开始享受人口红利,并一直持续到2015年前后.为了迎接人口老龄化冲击,中国需要通过扩大就业、加快人力资本积累和建立适合于中国国情的可持续的养老保障模式三条途径来充分挖掘未来潜在的人口红利,推动中国经济持续增长.  相似文献   

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