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A robust biplot     
This paper introduces a robust biplot which is related to multivariate M-estimates. The n × p data matrix is first considered as a sample of size n from some p-variate population, and robust M-estimates of the population location vector and scatter matrix are calculated. In the construction of the biplot, each row of the data matrix is assigned a weight determined in the preliminary robust estimation. In a robust biplot, one can plot the variables in order to represent characteristics of the robust variance-covariance matrix: the length of the vector representing a variable is proportional to its robust standard deviation, while the cosine of the angle between two variables is approximately equal to their robust correlation. The proposed biplot also permits a meaningful representation of the variables in a robust principal-component analysis. The discrepancies between least-squares and robust biplots are illustrated in an example.  相似文献   

Several methods have been suggested to calculate robust M- and G-M -estimators of the regression parameter β and of the error scale parameter σ in a linear model. This paper shows that, for some data sets well known in robust statistics, the nonlinear systems of equations for the simultaneous estimation of β, with an M-estimate with a redescending ψ-function, and σ, with the residual median absolute deviation (MAD), have many solutions. This multiplicity is not caused by the possible lack of uniqueness, for redescending ψ-functions, of the solutions of the system defining β with known σ; rather, the simultaneous estimation of β and σ together creates the problem. A way to avoid these multiple solutions is to proceed in two steps. First take σ as the median absolute deviation of the residuals for a uniquely defined robust M-estimate such as Huber's Proposal 2 or the L1-estimate. Then solve the nonlinear system for the M-estimate with σ equal to the value obtained at the first step to get the estimate of β. Analytical conditions for the uniqueness of M and G-M-estimates are also given.  相似文献   

Huber (1964) found the minimax-variance M-estimate of location under the assumption that the scale parameter is known; Li and Zamar (1991) extended this result to the case when the scale is unknown. We consider the robust estimation of the regression coefficients (β1,…,βp) when the scale and the intercept parameters are unknown. The minimax-variance estimates of (β1,…,βp) with respect to the trace of their asymptotic covariance matrix are derived. The maximum is taken over ?-contamination neighbourhoods of a central regression model with Gaussian errors (asymmetric contamination is allowed), and the minimum is taken over a large class of generalized M-estimates of regression of the Mallow type. The optimal choice of estimates for the nuisance parameters (scale and intercept) is also considered.  相似文献   

Approximate confidence intervals are given for the lognormal regression problem. The error in the nominal level can be reduced to O(n ?2), where n is the sample size. An alternative procedure is given which avoids the non-robust assumption of lognormality. This amounts to finding a confidence interval based on M-estimates for a general smooth function of both ? and F, where ? are the parameters of the general (possibly nonlinear) regression problem and F is the unknown distribution function of the residuals. The derived intervals are compared using theory, simulation and real data sets.  相似文献   

Linear functions of order statistics (“L-estimates”) of the form Tn =under jackknifing are investigated. This paper proves that with suitable conditions on the function J, the jackknifed version Tn of the L-estimate Tn has the same limit distribution as Tn. It is also shown that the jackknife estimate of the asymptotic variance of n1/2 is consistent. Furthermore, the Berry-Esséen rate associated with asymptotic normality, and a law of the iterated logarithm of a class of jackknife L-estimates, are characterized.  相似文献   

The spectral analysis of Gaussian linear time-series processes is usually based on uni-frequential tools because the spectral density functions of degree 2 and higher are identically zero and there is no polyspectrum in this case. In finite samples, such an approach does not allow the resolution of closely adjacent spectral lines, except by using autoregressive models of excessively high order in the method of maximum entropy. In this article, multi-frequential periodograms designed for the analysis of discrete and mixed spectra are defined and studied for their properties in finite samples. For a given vector of frequencies ω, the sum of squares of the corresponding trigonometric regression model fitted to a time series by unweighted least squares defines the multi-frequential periodogram statistic IM(ω). When ω is unknown, it follows from the properties of nonlinear models whose parameters separate (i.e., the frequencies and the cosine and sine coefficients here) that the least-squares estimator of frequencies is obtained by maximizing I M(ω). The first-order, second-order and distribution properties of I M(ω) are established theoretically in finite samples, and are compared with those of Schuster's uni-frequential periodogram statistic. In the multi-frequential periodogram analysis, the least-squares estimator of frequencies is proved to be theoretically unbiased in finite samples if the number of periodic components of the time series is correctly estimated. Here, this number is estimated at the end of a stepwise procedure based on pseudo-Flikelihood ratio tests. Simulations are used to compare the stepwise procedure involving I M(ω) with a stepwise procedure using Schuster's periodogram, to study an approximation of the asymptotic theory for the frequency estimators in finite samples in relation to the proximity and signal-to-noise ratio of the periodic components, and to assess the robustness of I M(ω) against autocorrelation in the analysis of mixed spectra. Overall, the results show an improvement of the new method over the classical approach when spectral lines are adjacent. Finally, three examples with real data illustrate specific aspects of the method, and extensions (i.e., unequally spaced observations, trend modeling, replicated time series, periodogram matrices) are outlined.  相似文献   

Asymptotic properties of M-estimators with complete data are investigated extensively. In the presence of missing data, however, the standard inference procedures for complete data cannot be applied directly. In this article, the inverse probability weighted method is applied to missing response problem to define M-estimators. The existence of M-estimators is established under very general regularity conditions. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the M-estimators are proved, respectively. An iterative algorithm is applied to calculating the M-estimators. It is shown that one step iteration suffices and the resulting one-step M-estimate has the same limit distribution as in the fully iterated M-estimators.  相似文献   

The strong consistency of the least-squares estimates in regression models is obtained when the errors are i.i.d. with absolute moment of order r, 0<r? 2. The assumptions presented for the random error sequence will permit us to obtain improvements of the conditions on the regressors in order to obtain the strong consistency of the least-squares estimates in linear and nonlinear regression models.  相似文献   

We explicitly compute the sojourn time distribution of an arbitrary customer in an M/M/1 processor sharing (PS) queue with permanent customers. We notably exhibit the orthogonal structure associated with this queuing system and we show how sieved Pollaczek polynomials and their associated orthogonality measure can be used to obtain an explicit representation for the complementary cumulative distribution function of the sojourn time of a customer. This explicit formula subsequently allows us to compute the two first moments of this random variable and to study the asymptotic behavior of its distribution. The most salient result is that the decay rate depends on the load of the system and the number K of permanent customers. When the load is above a certain threshold depending on K, the decay rate is identical to that of a regular M/M/1 PS queue.  相似文献   

The robust M-estimators for the partly linear model under stochastic adapted errors are considered. It is shown that the M-estimator of parameter is asymptotically normal and the M-estimator of the nonparametric function achieves the optimal rate of convergence for nonparametric regression. Some known results are improved and generalized. Some simulations and a real data example are conducted to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

A design d is called D-optimal if it maximizes det(M d ) and is called MS-optimal if it maximizes tr(M d ) and minimizes tr[(M d )2] among those which maximize tr(M d ), where M d stands for the information matrix produced from d under a given model. In this paper, we establish a lower bound for tr[(M d )2] with respect to a main effects model, where d is an s 1×s 2×···×s m levels asymmetric orthogonal array of strength at least 1. Nonisomorphic asymmetrical MS-optimal orthogonal arrays of strength 1 with N=6, 8 and 12 runs are also presented.  相似文献   

Gnot et al. (J Statist Plann Inference 30(1):223–236, 1992) have presented the formulae for computing Bayes invariant quadratic estimators of variance components in normal mixed linear models of the form where the matrices V i , 1 ≤ ik − 1, are symmetric and nonnegative definite and V k is an identity matrix. These formulae involve a basis of a quadratic subspace containing MV 1 M,...,MV k-1 M,M, where M is an orthogonal projector on the null space of X′. In the paper we discuss methods of construction of such a basis. We survey Malley’s algorithms for finding the smallest quadratic subspace including a given set of symmetric matrices of the same order and propose some modifications of these algorithms. We also consider a class of matrices sharing some of the symmetries common to MV 1 M,...,MV k-1 M,M. We show that the matrices from this class constitute a quadratic subspace and describe its explicit basis, which can be directly used for computing Bayes invariant quadratic estimators of variance components. This basis can be also used for improving the efficiency of Malley’s algorithms when applied to finding a basis of the smallest quadratic subspace containing the matrices MV 1 M,...,MV k-1 M,M. Finally, we present the results of a numerical experiment which confirm the potential usefulness of the proposed methods. Dedicated to the memory of Professor Stanisław Gnot.  相似文献   

The linear hypothesis test procedure is considered in the restricted linear modelsM r = {y, Xβ |Rβ = 0, σ 2V} andM r * = {y, Xβ |ARβ = 0, σ 2V}. Necessary and sufficient conditions are derived under which the statistic providing anF-test for the linear hypothesisH 0:Kβ=0 in the modelM r * (Mr) continues to be valid in the modelM r (M r * ); the results obtained cover the case whereM r * is replaced by the general Gauss-Markov modelM = {y, Xβ, σ 2V}.  相似文献   

A design d is called D-optimal if it maximizes det(M d ), and is called MS-optimal if it maximizes tr(M d ) and minimizes tr[(M d )2] among those which maximize tr(M d ), where M d stands for the information matrix produced from d under a given model. In this article, we establish a lower bound for tr[(M d )2] with respect to a main effects model, where d is an s-level symmetric orthogonal array of strength at least one. Non isomorphic two level MS-optimal orthogonal arrays of strength one with N = 10, 14, and 18 runs, non isomorphic three level MS-optimal orthogonal arrays of strength one with N = 6, 12, and 15 runs and non isomorphic four level MS-optimal orthogonal arrays of strength one with N = 12 runs are also presented.  相似文献   

The mean residual life of a non negative random variable X with a finite mean is defined by M(t) = E[X ? t|X > t] for t ? 0. A popular nonparametric model of aging is new better than used in expectation (NBUE), when M(t) ? M(0) for all t ? 0. The exponential distribution lies at the boundary. There is a large literature on testing exponentiality against NBUE alternatives. However, comparisons of tests have been made only for alternatives much stronger than NBUE. We show that a new Kolmogorov-Smirnov type test is much more powerful than its competitors in most cases.  相似文献   

Consider the canonical-form MANOVA setup with X: n × p = (+ E, Xi ni × p, i = 1, 2, 3, Mi: ni × p, i = 1, 2, n1 + n2 + n3) p, where E is a normally distributed error matrix with mean zero and dispersion In (> 0 (positive definite). Assume (in contrast with the usual case) that M1i is normal with mean zero and dispersion In1) and M22 is either fixed or random normal with mean zero and different dispersion matrix In2 (being unknown. It is also assumed that M1 E, and M2 (if random) are all independent. For testing H0) = 0 versus H1: (> 0, it is shown that when either n2 = 0 or M2 is fixed if n2 > 0, the trace test of Pillai (1955) is uniformly most powerful invariant (UMPI) if min(n1, p)= 1 and locally best invariant (LBI) if min(n1 p) > 1 underthe action of the full linear group Gl (p). When p > 1, the LBI test is also derived under a somewhat smaller group GT(p) of p × p lower triangular matrices with positive diagonal elements. However, such results do not hold if n2 > 0 and M2 is random. The null, nonnull, and optimality robustness of Pillai's trace test under Gl(p) for suitable deviations from normality is pointed out.  相似文献   


Regression models are usually used in forecasting (predicting) unknown values of the response variable y. This article considers the predictive performance of the almost unbiased Liu estimator compared to the ordinary least-squares estimator, principal component regression estimator, and Liu estimator. Finally, we present a numerical example to explain the theoretical results and we obtain a region where the almost unbiased Liu estimator is uniformly superior to the ordinary least-squares estimator, principal component regression estimator, and Liu estimator.  相似文献   

One of the basic parameters in survival analysis is the mean residual life M 0. For right censored observation, the usual empirical likelihood based log-likelihood ratio leads to a scaled c12{\chi_1^2} limit distribution and estimating the scaled parameter leads to lower coverage of the corresponding confidence interval. To solve the problem, we present a log-likelihood ratio l(M 0) by methods of Murphy and van der Vaart (Ann Stat 1471–1509, 1997). The limit distribution of l(M 0) is the standard c12{\chi_1^2} distribution. Based on the limit distribution of l(M 0), the corresponding confidence interval of M 0 is constructed. Since the proof of the limit distribution does not offer a computational method for the maximization of the log-likelihood ratio, an EM algorithm is proposed. Simulation studies support the theoretical result.  相似文献   

This article studies the asymptotic confidence limits for the steady-state availability, failure frequency, and mean time to failure of a repairable K-out-of-(M + S) system with M operating devices, S spares, and an imperfect service station that may be interrupted by a breakdown when it is repairing for the failed devices.  相似文献   

A sequence of independent random variables {Zn:n≥ 1} with unknown probability distributions is considered and the problem of estimating their expectations {Mn+1: n≥ 1} is examined. The estimation of Mn+1 is based on a finite set {zk:1≤kn}, each zk being an observed value of Zk, 1 ≤kn, and also based on the assumption that {Mn:n≥ 1} follows an unknown trend of a specified form.  相似文献   

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