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We consider the problem of testing the hypothesis that the correlation coefficient is stable in a sequence of n observations of independent, bivariate normal random variables against the alternative that the correlation coefficient changes after an unknown point t(t < n). We propose an estimate of the changepoint t and report on power comparisons between the commonly used test for this problem and our proposed test. Some applications to finance are discussed.  相似文献   

A new generalized p-value method is proposed for testing the equality of coefficients of variation in k normal populations. Simulation studies show that the type I error probabilities are close to the nominal level. The proposed test is also compared with likelihood ratio test, modified Bennett's test and score test through Monte Carlo simulation, the results demonstrate that the generalized p-value method has satisfactory performance in terms of sizes and powers.  相似文献   

Large sample ANOVA test and likelihood ratio test have been Proposed to test for the equaiity of sevcrai iniraciass correlation coefiicients unier unequai family sizes based on several independent multinormal samples, it has been found on the basis of simulation study that the likelihood ratio test consistenily and reliably produced results superior to those of the large sample ANOVA test in terms of power for various combinations of intraclass correlatxon coefficient values.  相似文献   

In this paper, two measures of agreement among several sets of ranks, Kendall's concordance coefficient and top-down concordance coefficient, are reviewed. In order to illustrate the utility of these measures, two examples, in the fields of health and sports, are presented. A Monte Carlo simulation study was carried out to compare the performance of Kendall's and top-down concordance coefficients in detecting several types and magnitudes of agreements. The data generation scheme was developed in order to induce an agreement with different intensities among m (m>2) sets of ranks in non-directional and directional rank agreement scenarios. The performance of each coefficient was estimated by the proportion of rejected null hypotheses, assessed at 5% significance level, when testing whether the underlying population concordance coefficient is sufficiently greater than zero. For the directional rank agreement scenario, the top-down concordance coefficient allowed to achieve a percentage of significant concordances that was higher than the one achieved by Kendall's concordance coefficient. Mainly, when the degree of agreement was small, the results of the simulation study pointed to the advantage of using a weighted rank concordance, namely the top-down concordance coefficient, simultaneously with Kendall's concordance coefficient, enabling the detection of agreement (in a top-down sense) in situations not detected by Kendall's concordance coefficient.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is systematically to derive the general upper bound for the number of blocks having a given number of treatments common with a given block of certain incomplete block designs. The approach adopted here is based on the spectral decomposition of NN for the incidence matrix N of a design, where N' is the transpose of the matrix N. This approach will lead us to upper bounds for incomplete block designs, in particular for a large number of partially balanced incomplete block (PBIB) designs, which are not covered with the standard approach (Shah 1964, 1966), Kapadia (1966)) of using well known relations between blocks of the designs and their association schemes. Several results concerning block structure of block designs are also derived from the main theorem. Finally, further generalizations of the main theorem are discussed with some illustrations.  相似文献   

Abstract. A right‐censored version of a U ‐statistic with a kernel of degree m 1 is introduced by the principle of a mean preserving reweighting scheme which is also applicable when the dependence between failure times and the censoring variable is explainable through observable covariates. Its asymptotic normality and an expression of its standard error are obtained through a martingale argument. We study the performances of our U ‐statistic by simulation and compare them with theoretical results. A doubly robust version of this reweighted U ‐statistic is also introduced to gain efficiency under correct models while preserving consistency in the face of model mis‐specifications. Using a Kendall's kernel, we obtain a test statistic for testing homogeneity of failure times for multiple failure causes in a multiple decrement model. The performance of the proposed test is studied through simulations. Its usefulness is also illustrated by applying it to a real data set on graft‐versus‐host‐disease.  相似文献   

We study the problem of testing: H0 : μ ∈ P against H1 : μ ? P, based on a random sample of N observations from a p-dimensional normal distribution Np(μ, Σ) with Σ > 0 and P a closed convex positively homogeneous set. We develop the likelihood-ratio test (LRT) for this problem. We show that the union-intersection principle leads to a test equivalent to the LRT. It also gives a large class of tests which are shown to be admissible by Stein's theorem (1956). Finally, we give the α-level cutoff points for the LRT.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of variances of treatment groups influences the validity and power of significance tests of location in two distinct ways. First, if sample sizes are unequal, the Type I error rate and power are depressed if a larger variance is associated with a larger sample size, and elevated if a larger variance is associated with a smaller sample size. This well-established effect, which occurs in t and F tests, and to a lesser degree in nonparametric rank tests, results from unequal contributions of pooled estimates of error variance in the computation of test statistics. It is observed in samples from normal distributions, as well as non-normal distributions of various shapes. Second, transformation of scores from skewed distributions with unequal variances to ranks produces differences in the means of the ranks assigned to the respective groups, even if the means of the initial groups are equal, and a subsequent inflation of Type I error rates and power. This effect occurs for all sample sizes, equal and unequal. For the t test, the discrepancy diminishes, and for the Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test, it becomes larger, as sample size increases. The Welch separate-variance t test overcomes the first effect but not the second. Because of interaction of these separate effects, the validity and power of both parametric and nonparametric tests performed on samples of any size from unknown distributions with possibly unequal variances can be distorted in unpredictable ways.  相似文献   

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