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Taking into account recent developments in Germany, it seems to me that Lesbian Studies has its future within Queer Studies--and I am convinced, it can take a self-assured role; not contenting itself with a niche, but claiming its power to design queer from lesbian perspectives.  相似文献   

We develop a theoretical framework to examine how government organization affects its power and size. The framework abstracts from distortions that arise from the means of government finance and separates government power into two dimensions—pure coercive power and pure pricing power. A government can exert its coercive power to shift the demand for its services outward and grow too large. It can simultaneously exert its pricing power to restrict output along a given demand curve to earn rents. Consequently, neither size nor rents alone are reliable indicators of the extent to which government provision of services is nonoptimal.  相似文献   


How can women deal with unwanted sexual advances from male dating partners in ways that are effective and that, at least initially, take the men's feelings into account? In Study 1,354 under graduate men watched videotapes in which a woman either did or did not openly communicate early during a date that she did not want to do more than kiss. Open communication decreased men's ratings of how much she wanted petting and intercourse, how likely they would be to attempt these behaviors with her, and how “led on” they would feel if they attempted these behaviors and she refused. In Study 2, 424 undergraduate men were presented with 28 responses women could make to a man's sexual advances. They rated each on its effectiveness in getting them to stop their advances and its effect on the relationship. Women can use this information when responding to unwanted sexual advances, taking into account the relative importance of stopping the advance and maintaining the relationship.  相似文献   

The right to perfect health—something that in its fullest sense is unattainable—and the right to pursue it can distract us from achievable goals that take into account the inevitability of disability and death and the necessity of providing people with the capacities and rights that will enable each person to cope with their own imperfections.  相似文献   

This article looks at access to higher education in Germany. For a number of reasons, explained in this article, higher education is presently an elite system that privileges ethnic Germans while preventing Turkish-Germans from gaining sufficient access into academe. If Germany is to become a fully functioning multicultural democracy with equal rights for all it will have to revamp its higher education system so that Turkish-Germans can gain better access to such institutions and consequently feel included into the German social and political system.  相似文献   

宗教的世俗化与宗教所处的时代紧密相连,而它的神圣化与世俗化是对化解不开的矛盾。宗教的本质要求宗教神圣化,而其世俗化又不以人的意志为转移,并不可能完全世俗化,当宗教世俗化达到一定程度时,又会要求尊重其神圣性的一面。极端的宗教世俗化必然会导致极端的宗教神圣化,这就是现代伊斯兰原教旨主义产生的内在原因之一。  相似文献   

The article explores how the ideas of Hannah Arendt can further public relations’ understanding of organizational listening and its role in civil society. We draw on three major theoretical concepts from Arendt and scholars studying her work—plurality, interspaces, and lamp holders—and contextualize them within existing civil society research in public relations. Reading Arendt into organizational listening and civil society literature yields insights for how public relations contributes to the maintenance of structures and spaces for deliberation and civil society. Her theory points toward the concepts of bracketing and unbracketing as ways to enter civic spaces with an awareness of power and identity. As research on organizational listening has yet to fully identify how listening can contribute to supporting representative deliberation in polarized societies, this paper helps to theoretically position listening within civil society and provides initial suggestions as to how civic-minded listening can be incorporated into public relations practices aimed at building community.  相似文献   

The article explores the neglected subject of clothing and dementia. Addressing questions of the body, identity and selfhood, it argues – against the dominant understanding – that clothes continue to be significant in the lives and wellbeing of people with dementia. Drawing on new theorising that emphasises the embodied nature of selfhood, the article explores the role of clothing in the maintenance of identity; its nature as the ‘environment closest in’; its significance in social interaction; and its potential character as an agent of control and normativity. The article concludes that clothing and dress offer a potentially interesting field in which we can explore the nature of personhood in dementia, and in ways that offer insights into forms of response through which individuality and selfhood can be recognised, maintained and enhanced.  相似文献   

Active use of postmodern theory, with its lexicon of words like deconstruction, meaning, sign and code, can transform the social work classroom into an extraordinary intellectual center for critical thinking and clinical debate. Perhaps paradoxically, this new classroom also needs guidelines. Guidelines can be organized into a typology, and what is presented in this article is a typology to help social work educators and students clarify how to use postmodern devices. These devices allow for an especially intensive exploration of representations of culture and language, self and other, individual and community, power and marginalization. Developed as a series of tables, this typology contrasts three classroom models: the generic, the traditional and the postmodern view of key segments of the social work curriculum.  相似文献   

The environmental public interest litigation has rapidly developed in China in recent years, but there still exist some problems for its research. China can take it into consideration of property, object and plaintiff qualification. Meanwhile, in the process of further development of environmental public interest litigation,China can also further promote its development through wider qualification of plaintiff, the approach of filing actions and litigation costs borne mechanism.  相似文献   

This article argues that social movements can contribute to the development and integration of new narratives into the cultural stock by sponsoring new rhetorical frames and by sponsoring legislation, thus entering into policy debates. A case study of a new cultural narrative, dubbed “virgin chic,” shows the imprints of the American Right. Through analysis of the mobilizing efforts of right-wing think tanks, this article shows that the Right's development of the “family values” frame and its sponsorship of federal bills aimed at legislating morality resulted in “virgin chic.” Analysis of the origins and career of this narrative shows that it circulated widely (and continues to circulate, 20 years after its emergence in 1990), and that it successfully carries right-wing ideology into popular culture.  相似文献   

In order for social work education to contribute to improving practice, it needs to reflect the complexity and diversity of the demands for services in practice. An integrative curricular model can contribute to this. This paper examines the social work curriculum, its application to practice in a tripartite model, and issues coinciding with this approach. The framework includes an integration of the technocratic, conflict, and process models into the curriculum.  相似文献   


“Experience has taught me that the complexity of the fully grown personality can only be understood if we gain insight into the mind of the baby and follow up its development into later life.” Melanie Klein “Envy and Gratitude”, 1957.  相似文献   

This article seeks to demonstrate that, to function as a truly emancipatory phenomenon, disability culture must be relieved of the paradox that keeps it trapped in modernist assumptions that serve to reinforce its marginalised status. The paradox of disability culture may be stated as follows. How can we claim unity without falling into the same exclusionary practices that have served to create our divisive identifications in the first place? Conversely, how can we relinquish the practices of identification that are based on binary oppositions without losing the ability to claim identities at all? I argue that, by extricating it from its origins in essentialist assumptions, disability culture can be reinvigo rated as a truly emancipatory device, which is capable of devising positive identities which, rather than celebrating the 'disabled identity', rely on its dissolution.  相似文献   

Examining the role of labour inspection in the context of the revival of labour market regulation, the authors distinguish between the Latin model, where inspectors have authority to tailor enforcement to firms' exigencies, and the less flexible United States approach. The Latin model can reconcile regulation with economic flexibility and transform inspectors into the shock troops of a campaign for decent work. But its vulnerability to arbitrary behaviour on their part needs to be addressed through: management of organizational cultures; exposure and sys‐tematization of the tacit knowledge underpinning inspectors' judgements; and research into the relationship between labour standards and business practices.  相似文献   

美伊战争后,科威特经济发展的外部隐患被消除,科财政收入大幅增加,投资扩大,国内需求增加,市场消费旺盛;对外贸易增长,贸易顺差加大;外国投资活跃,资本流入增多。伊科是传统贸易伙伴,在地理、人文、资金等方面都具有开展贸易的得天独厚条件。中国企业可以科为跳板,与科企业进行广泛紧密合作,不失时机地进入伊市场。  相似文献   

Half a century after its crystallization, interactionism faces new challenges. While elements of this theoretical tradition have percolated into the broader field of sociology, some of its most radical promises have been ignored. This essay provides a blueprint for how to approach interactionism today: not as a historical remnant, but as a living tradition with much to offer contemporary scholarship. Yet to do so, we argue, interactionism must develop some of its core tenets, offering more explicit links both to the sociology of culture, and to other areas in sociology. Focusing on our own experiences and writings, we point to ways in which the careful study of interaction can provide a font of ideas for the broader sociological discipline. We address the significance of affordances, situational webs, group commitment, embeddedness, and disruption, and show how such reorientation can help us better analyze oppression and privilege.  相似文献   

The physician can play an important role in managing high-risk nursing home residents without restraints and working with interdisciplinary care teams in comprehensive fall evaluations. A reduction or elimination of physical restraints can be measured for a facility over time, and it represents a relevant quality indicator of physician and facility interactions during the process of care. We discuss how the physician's role fits into this quality of care equation for nursing homes and its implications for new clinical, research, and policy directions for long-term care.  相似文献   

This article will provide an examination of Gestalt psychotherapy and its application to adult cancer patients. Gestalt psychotherapy can be utilized as a psychosocial intervention targeted to meet the needs of oncology patients. The following article will examine Gestalt therapy theory and review basic principles to utilize in clinical practice. The authors will highlight the populations to which Gestalt has been applied, and additional case vignettes will demonstrate concrete ways to incorporate this theory into practice with oncology patients.  相似文献   

This article suggests that recognition of mental health issues in social work is a generic requirement. It considers the parameters of a mental health perspective in social work, examines the obstacles to its integration into practice, and outlines the contribution that social work training can make to the competence of individual workers. It recognises, however, the tension between individual and structural solutions, and locates mental health awareness within its organisational context.  相似文献   

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